Перелік питань з дисциплін, які виносяться на комплексний фаховий іспит з англійської мови 

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Перелік питань з дисциплін, які виносяться на комплексний фаховий іспит з англійської мови


«Практика усного мовлення»

1. How would your life be different if you had $10.000, $100.000, $1000.000. What would be the very first thing you would buy.


2. Imagine, that your British friend asked you to tell him about the cases when you had parties because of some occasions. What were they like? How did they make you feel? What is the most important ingredient for a successful party?


3. Your e-mail interlocutor asked you about the importance of happiness for your health and what is the firs thing you think, when you hear the word ―happiness‖. What would you answer?


4. You have a good friend at the university where you are studying, but he has some problems with his studying. Persuade him/her not to drop out of university.


5. Imagine, that yesterday your mother was retelling you about her last visit to Kiev. Explain, what objects, from your point of view, are associated with traveling. What advantages and disadvantages could be associated with different kinds of traveling.


6. You take part in an international conference, which runs under the title ―An active and passive way of life, hat is better?‖ You are the representative of an active way of life. Persuade your opponent of the importance of competition in all spheres of our life.


7. Two years ago your brother got married, and moved to the USA, where his wife is from. Of course, they needed a place where to live. Tell about the difficulties they faced trying to build a home in a remote location.


8. Imagine, that during the conversation with your group mates, you should represent the ways of entertaining you like best and convince everybody that they are much more better that all the others.


9. At the seminar, you were asked to express you point of view concerning the following point: ―What kind of person would be most suitable for the profession of a teacher. Give reasons for your answers.


10. You’ve read the article, where the main idea had to do with men taking care of housework and the children while women are the main bread-winners. What advantages and disadvantages can you think of it?


11. Imagine, that your friend has failed his/her driving test. Persuade him/her to take it again as soon as possible. If he or she gets upset, apologize and get down.


12. Your neighbor has been playing loud music every night for a week. Complain.


13. Imagine, that you are explaining your grandmother a great effect of a new technology on our lives, but on the other hand exemplify some new technological items which have made our lives more difficult.


14. You are famous fantast writer, imagine what will the world be like in 2050?


15. In order to help your relative to make up his mind concerning his future profession, explain the difficulties you faced with your career choice.


16. Imagine, that at the office where you work you were asked by the colleague, which of the following qualities are the most important for a leader: charisma, organisational skills, ambition, ability to cope with change. Suggest the qualities of your own.


17. You are a famous sport journalist. Your last article is devoted to such points as: ―The social value of international sporting events and the influence of politics on sport‖


18. Repeat the information you’ve got from your uncle, who I a doctor, about the importance of a healthy eating, and about the best ways of losing weight and keeping fit.


19. Give advice to a friend, who has a fear of flying.


20. Explain to your British friend, what are art galleries/museums like in your country. What would you change about them?


21. Imagine, that you were asked on the street by the journalist, whether you prefer to learn about the news from TV, radio or newspaper? Why? Explain, which of these forms of media do you think has the greatest influence on us.

22. Describe the house of your dream. Tell where it is located and what modern conveniences it has.

23. Give some reasons why it is necessary to go in for some sports.

24. What do you think are the most important characteristics for a real friend and friendship?

25. Are you a sort of person who designs your future? What are your plans for future?


26. If you were the Minister of Education and Science, what would you do for the Secondary and Higher Education in Ukraine?


27.You are showing your friend a family album. Speak about your parents and about the atmosphere in your family.


28. You feel that your younger brother or sister is friends with a bad group of teens. Explain him what problems these friendship can lead to.


29. Your friend wants to get married. You think he or she is rather young. Tell him/her what you think about early marriages.


30. Express your idea of what you think about it.


Describe a typical day of your student’s life. Are you happy with it? Is there anything you would like to change in it? What is the most vivid memory of your present student year?


“ Практика писемного мовлення”


1. You are a member of a consumer association which regularly holds meetings to discuss the rights of shoppers. The association recently received a reply to an enquiry about the policies of a well-known chain store. The association not agree with these policies and you have offered to write a letter to the chain store outlining your objectives.


2. An old friend of yours, who now lives in a different area, has recently got back in touch with you. You friend is considering moving back to you area, but is not sure if he or she would be able to settle in after so many years. Write him/her a letter to convince, that there won’t be any problems.


3. You recently passed an examination after a great deal of hard work and were horrified to see the following report in a national newspaper, where the editor was retelling that the students nowadays are not willing to study at all. You have now decided to write to the editor of the newspaper expressing your views and detailing what you had to do in order to achieve your success.


4. You work for a tourist office and have been asked to write an article for a brochure which is being produced. Your article should give details about the main tourist attractions in your area. In your article you should mention what kind of people these places of interest would appeal to and any other information you think would be useful for visitors.


5. You college magazine has asked students to submit articles entitled ―How to build up your own self-confidence―. Your article should include useful advice for fellow students. You may illustrate you article with examples from your own experience.


6. You college magazine has asked students to submit an article for new students. In your article you should point out two or three things students should expect from college life and give suggestions as to the best ways of dealing with them.


7. You work for an ecological group and the secretary has asked you to write a proposal containing suggestions for increasing public awareness of the facilities and services offered.


8. An international magazine is preparing an article on charities and has asked it’s readers to contact them with information about their own area. Write a report in which you give details about two or three of the main charities that can be found where you live,


9. A major international publisher is planning a book called ―Our changing world‖ in which they intend to feature major changes which are taking place in different countries. You have decided to send an entry about significant aspect of life which is in the process of changing.


10. A publishing company is planning a book entitled, ―The 22nd century‖ featuring short pieces of writing from people in different countries of the world. Write an entry for the book, describing the ways in which you think life in your country will change in the coming 100 years.


11. A youth magazine regularly features articles written by readers. You have decided to submit an article for a forthcoming special edition entitled ―The best of friends‖ In you article you should describe what quality you look for in a friend. You can, is you wish, mention examples of people you know.


12. A magazine for students of English has asked its readers to send in articles about an interesting or unusual experience they have had while they were with other family members. In you article, you should

describe the experience in details and say how it would have been different if it had happened when you were alone or with friends.


13. A magazine for English students is planning a feature entitled ―Personalities of the world‖ Readers have been asked to send articles about one famous person who they think is suitable. Write your article describing the person and saying what it is that makes them a great personality.


14. Your college magazine has been running a regular column discussing the importance of relationships among students. The magazine has now asked for contributions from students who wish to give their own opinion. Express your point of view.


15. A magazine for students of English is planning a feature on friendship, and readers have been asked to send in articles describing the relationship that they have with one of their friends. You have decided to write the an article. Describe your friendship saying what is about the person that you like.


16. You are a secretary of your college debating society and your instructor has asked you to compile the report of the college principal on the main social issues that you have covered this term. Write you report clearly stating the subjects you have covered.


17. As a member of your local Neighborhood Watch scheme, you have been asked to submit a proposal to the local police outlined what you feel individuals could do in order to reduce their chances of becoming victims of crime.


18. A television production company is planning to make a series of programmes on social conditions in different countries of the world. Your English class has been taking part in a project on social issues and your teacher has now asked you to write e report based on your country.


19. Imagine, that you were at the seminar on major social problems in your country. Now the organizers have asked you to prepare a proposal, based n what you learned at the seminar, suggesting ways in which some of these problems could be addressed.


20. A position has become vacant in the head office of the company where you work. Applicants are asked to send in their CV, accompanied by a letter stating why they are interested in the job. The job is similar to what you are already doing but it involves more responsibility and is to be considered a promotion. You feel you are capable of doing the job and you are ready for a new challenge. Write a letter of application, saying why you feel you should be considered for the job.


21. You are planning a week’s business trip to England. You asked a friend who lives there to


recommend somewhere to stay that includes health and fitness facilities. Read the letter and the advertisement your friend sent you together with the notes you have made. Then using all the information provided, write: a letter to the hotel, making enquiries based on your notes: an appropriate note to your friend.


22. You work for the local newspaper and you have to write the article about the hospital in your area.


23. Some foreign lectures are due to visit your university for a series of seminars but know very little about the area. You are the president of the student’s union and have been asked to write an information sheet to be sent to the visitors in advance of their arrival. You should include details about the university, the area and the activities that are available to them during their stay.


24. You work in a travel agency specialising in school trips abroad and have been asked to write a brochure to attract more customers. It should include a description of the types of holidays on offer, the activities arranged for the students and how the students can benefit form these trips. You should also include any other information which you think might be relevant.


25. You work in the Ministry of education and have been asked to write an information sheet on the university education system in you country for a delegation of foreign politicians. It should include a basic


description of the present system, plans for future changes and how the students are assessed. You should also include any other information which you think might be relevant.


26. A leading consumer magazine is planning to run a feature entitled ―The best of the year‖. Readers have been asked to send in their reviews of one of the following: a TV commercial, a poster campaign, a product they have bought, a restaurant.


27. You are the local secretary of an Arts and Culture Society. The General secretary is planning to apply to the government for funds and has asked you to write a report on the facilities available in your area and to say what you think is lacking. Your report should include the following points: What theatre, opera

facilities, exist in your area, where musical performances take place, how easy/difficult it is to see exhibitions.


28. A new shopping centre is going to be built near your home town. Before it is built, the architect responsible for designing the centre would like to know how local residents feel it should be used. As secretary of your residents’ committee, you have been asked to write a proposal, suggesting the kinds of shops, etc, that could be located there. Write your proposal for the architect.


29. A British publisher is planning a book aimed at teenagers entitled ―Spend! Spend! Spend!‖ and wants to include your country. You have been asked to write an entry for the book., in which you describe what young people in your country spend money on. The areas the book plans to cover include: going out, fashion, money management, debt, finding bargains, daily expenses. Write your entry for the book.


30. The college that you attend is producing a leaflet welcoming new students. You have been asked to write the text for the leaflet, in which you give students information about the following: places to eat, where to get the best bargains, advise on keeping to a budget. Write your text for the leaflet.



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