Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences 

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Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences



Diploma thesis is admitted for defense


Assist Prof. PhD Zhaparov M. K.

Head of Information Systems Department



Title of Thesis Work: Customer Relationship Management System

“LES crm”



Specialty 5B070300 – “Information Systems”


Student's name and surname: Les Miras


Academic supervisor: M.Sc Shalkarbayuly A.



Kaskelen 2016

Application Form


Suleyman Demirel University


Faculty: Engineering and Natural Sciences

Specialization: 5B070300 – “Information Systems”

Department: Information Systems



To complete Diploma thesis


Student: Les Miras

Title of Thesis: Customer Relationship Management System “LES crm”


Approved by the Academic Council of the University: protocol ### & DATE

Submission date: 05.04.2016


Sources for Diploma Thesis:



Laravel Application Development Cookbook

Laravel 4 Cookbook

Chuck Heintzelman - Laravel 5.1 Beauty

Easy Laravel 5

Easy E-Commerce Using Laravel and Stripe







Project consultation pointing to relevant chapters

Chapter Consultant Duration Signature
Consultation about Idea Shalkarbayulu.A 07.11.15 – 09.12.15  
Consultation about technologies Shalkarbayulu.A 10.12.15 – 02.02.16  
Introduction to diploma thesis Shalkarbayulu.A 03.03.16 – 10.04.16  
Final application Shalkarbayulu.A 11.04.16 – 25.05.16  

THESIS PREPARation schedule

Chapters or Topics Academic supervisor check date Notes
  Consultation about Idea 09.12.15  
  Consultation about Web applications 02.02.16  
  Introduction to diploma thesis 10.04.16  
  Final application 25.05.16  



Date of task issue:


Preliminary Presentation (Predefense):



The task is accepted for execution



Dean of Faculty ___________________ Assoc. Prof. PhD Guvercin S.



Head of Department ___________________ Assist. Prof. PhD Zhaparov M. K.





Academic Supervisor ___________________ M.Sd Shalkarbayuly A.





The topic of this thesis - «Customer Relationship Management System LES crm» - a subject area which is the automation of processes and speed up the daily work, storage and processing of information by the introduction of workflow "LES crm" system for a particular company. Specifically, in this thesis work was to follow the example of the company providing services in the information technology and had to take their internal workflow.

The aim of the diploma project is the development of web-based applications for the company, which will help to improve and simplify their workflow. In the course of development I studied various technologies and methods of creation of SaaS (software as a service) systems.

The structure provides an introduction, four chapters, conclusion and bibliography.

In the introduction, the relevance of identified themes, goals and objectives set out in the research paper. Finally, conclusions are drawn on the work and summed up.

The diploma paper contains 64 pages, 10 code syntaxes, 22 illustrations, 1 tables, 20 references.



Тема данной дипломной работы - «Customer Relationship Management System LES crm» - предметной областью которого является автоматизация процессов и ускорение ежедневных работ, а также хранение и обработка информации путем внедрение в рабочий процесс “LES crm” систему для определенной компании. Конкретно в этой дипломной работе был взять пример работы компании оказывающие услуги в информационных технологиях и был взять их внутренний рабочий процесс.

Цель дипломного проекта ­– разработка веб-приложения для компании, которая поможет улучшить и упростит их рабочий процесс. В ходе разработки были изучены различные технологии и методы создание SaaS (s oftware as a service) систем.

Работа состоит из введения, четырех глав, заключения и списка литератур.

Во введении определены актуальность темы, цели и задачи, поставленные в дипломной работе. В заключении сделаны выводы о проделанной работе и подведен итог.

Данная дипломная работа соддержит 64 листов, 10 синтаксисов кода, 22 изображений, 1 таблицы, и 20 ссылок.



Осы диплом жұмысы серіктіктің ішіне “LES crm” жүйесін енгізу арқылы, оның жұмыс үдерісін автоматтандыру және күнделікті жұмыстарды тездету, және ақпараттарды сақтау мен өңдеу. Дипломдық жұмыстың мақсаты – веб-бағдарламасын дайындау және енгізу.

Жобаның құрылымы келесі: кіріспе, 4 тарау, қортынды, қысқарту тізімі, әдебиет тізімі, үстеме. Кіріспеде тақырыптың өзектілігі, мақсаты, қойылған міндеттері келтірген. Қортындысында жұмыстың тұжырымы шығарылған, істің нәтижесі келтірілген.

Дипломдық жұмыста 64 бет, 22 сурет, 10 программалық код, 1 кесте, 20 сілтеме бар.




1.1. Problem background

1.2. Idea and description of the application

1.3. Project goals and objectives

1.4. Analog’s review

Technical review of using software

2.1. Back-end

2.1.1. PHP programming language

2.1.2. Laravel Framework MVC Composer Artisan CLI

2.1.3. MySQL Database Management System

2.2. Front-end

2.2.1. HTML & CSS

2.2.2. Bootstrap Framework

2.2.3. JQuery

Development of application

3.1. Database architecture

3.2. Design of the application

3.2.1. Material Design

3.2.2. User interface

3.2.3. Responsive Design

3.3. Pages and modules

Implementation of the project

4.1. Hosting/Server configurations




A 10-20 years ago, most of people used papers to storing and analyzing information. But once internet and IT technologies were invented everything changed. Everyone started to work with the help of internet technologies and online services that help to collect and analyze big data.

Today, technologies reach into almost every area of our lives and become integral part of our daily living. One of such areas is applying the new technologies in business. Some IT technologies in business are used for automatization process. For this purpose, sometimes integrating web technologies in business processes, help users to work quickly and conveniently with necessary information.

In the company where I am working workflow was not perfect. Half of information was stored in online storage, half of them was stored in paper based on the cupboard. It is not comfortable for analyzing and working with them. Even to find a single document was difficult, which is stored in the other documents. Projects and tasks was without any statuses, and it was difficult to look which project or task is current. It is only several problems. So I decided to implement into our workflow process a system which will solve these problems. My decision was to develop CRM system.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company's interaction with current and future customers. The customer relationship management approach to analyse data about customers' history with a company, in order to better improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on retaining customers. Also CRM can help to organize company`s workflow by introducing new features for productive work.

CRM system is a piece of technology used to organise, automate and synchronise all of the customer facing areas within your company: from marketing to sales to customer service to technical support.

It gives you the time to develop other areas of your business, whilst giving you the reassurance that you’re not letting your existing clients down or responding to new enquiries in an efficient manner. Benefits of such systems:

· It’s a place to store all of your company’s information and documents in one place, that’s easy to update and share with the whole team.

· Every member of your team will be able to see the exact point when your business last communicated with a client, and what the nature of that communication was.

· CRMs can give you instant metrics on various aspects of your business automatically. Metrics are critical to your business growth and success.

· You will be able to see the complete history of your company’s interaction with a projects, clients or with tasks.

· CRM will also can be integrated with your calendars and diaries, relating important events or tasks with the relevant client. You'll never be able to keep track of every task you need to do and event you need to attend without a good system. A CRM will help you not only keep track of every task and every event but also relate them to the appropriate client or project.

· Organizing all your information into one system gives you that big picture. A CRM integrates emails and tasks and calendars and so much more in one easily maintained and managed place. Access your information from anywhere in the world and from any internet-accessible device. You'll learn things about your business you never knew before. By being organized and storing things in a central location you'll bring all the pieces together. The key is business organization.

In my system, I include company workflow process like clients, employees, projects and tasks. And I called I “LES crm”.



In this chapter covers problem background, projects goals and objectives, idea and description, also overview analogs of my system in the market.


Problem background

Problem of company where I am working workflow was not organized. We have needed system which can help organize some work processes to get more productive results. It was necessary, because we lost a lot of times to think and to implement our projects, tasks, and about our clients which are demanded their products in the shortest time. Sometimes we lost some information about clients or projects, or sometimes we forgot project tasks. With these problems we were unable to deliver projects for our customers in time. So that some of clients was unhappy with the services provided by our company.



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