Many parents complain that teenagers don’t want to spend their free time with them. What do you think about this? 

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Many parents complain that teenagers don’t want to spend their free time with them. What do you think about this?

I think that it is not very easy to spend free time with parents. You see, planning how to spend week-ends is a difficult question for our family because everyone has a hobby of their own. For example, mother is a home sort. She likes watching TV and knitting. Father is always ready to go fishing. My favourite pastime is listening to music (playing computer games), but unfortunately I’m too pressed for time now and I can’t indulge in my hobby.



15. Let’s talk about customs and traditions of Belarus.

1) Let’s talk about customs and traditions of Belarus. What can you tell me about holidays popular in our country?

There are many interesting holidays and festivals in our country. The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. I think it’s the most popular holiday in Belarus. People put up decorations and give presents to their family and friends. We also celebrate such national holidays as Christmas, Women’s Day, Easter, Victory Day, and Independence Day.

My favourite holiday is New Year. Our family prepares for it beforehand. We decorate a beautiful New Year tree and cook a lot of tasty dishes. At night we watch TV, eat delicious food and have a lot of fun.


2) Do you find any of our national traditions interesting? Why (not)?

I think we have many interesting customs and traditions. One of them is a pagan celebration of “Kupalle” or Midsummer Day. The central part in Kupalle celebration is a fire, which symbolizes life. People light bonfires, jump over them, dance and sing songs. It’s a very spectacular holiday.

3) What questions about our traditions do you expect to hear from a British teenager?

4) What festivals in Belarus will you recommend your British friend to visit?

There are many interesting festivals which take place in Belarus: International Art Festival, International Film Festival, Medieval Culture Festival and others. First of all, I would advise my British friend to visit “Slavyansky Bazaar” in Vitebsk. It’s one of the most famous cultural festivals, which takes place every summer. Its programme includes numerous events such as concerts, music contests, interesting films and exhibitions.

I’d also recommend to visit medieval knights festivals held in Novogrudok, Nesvizh and Mir. There you can meet young people in medieval costumes and watch knights tournaments.

5) Do you think it is important to follow our ancestors’ traditions? Why?

I think it’s really important to follow our ancestors’ traditions. They are part of our culture and history. I’m sure it’s necessary to know our historic roots and national culture. Besides, it’s just interesting and good fun.

16. Let’s talk about customs and traditions of English-speaking countries.

1) Let’s talk about customs and traditions of Britain. What can you tell me about holidays popular in Britain?

There are many interesting holidays and festivals in Britain. Some of them are international like Christmas or New Year, but some are just British.

Christmas is a really important festival for British people. At Christmas people put up decorations and give presents to their friends and family. In the morning a lot of families go to church. They come back home and have a special Christmas dinner – roast turkey, roast potatoes and a traditional Christmas pudding.

Other holidays that people in the UK enjoy are Valentine’s Day, Pancake Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Halloween.

2) Do you find some British holidays and traditions special? Why (not)?

It’s true that some British holidays and traditions are very special. Pancake Day is celebrated in the UK before the start of Lent. The day got its name because people made pancakes. In many British towns there are pancake races. Runners carry a pancake in a frying pan and, as they run, they throw it into the air from the pan and catch it again.

3) What questions can you ask a British teenager about his/her favourite holidays?

4) What British festivals or celebrations would you advise your friend to visit?

I would advise my friend to visit a festival of ghosts and witches called Halloween. It takes place on the 31st of October. In the evening there are a lot of parties, people dress up as ghosts, witches, cats, bats – or anything scary. Houses are decorated with pumpkins. Some children go from home to home and ask “Trick or treat?” If people don’t give them sweets they may play a trick.

5) Nowadays more and more people are getting interested in customs and traditions of different countries. What do you think about it?

I think that learning about the customs and traditions of other countries is really important. They are part of people’s culture and history. So if you learn more about them you get to understand the people of that country better. Besides, it’s just interesting and good fun. Some traditions can be similar in different countries. For example, many people around the world celebrate Christmas, Easter, Pancake Day, Mother’s Day.

On the other hand, many traditions and holidays are different. New Year is celebrated at different times in different ways in India, China and the Western world. Different foods are eaten on different occasions. We should learn such things if we don’t want to find ourselves in an awkward situation. Besides, it’s just interesting and good fun.


17. Let’s talk about modern means of communication.

Let’s talk about modern means of communication. What are they?

Modern means of communication are, first of all, mobile phones and the internet. People can communicate on the internet using Skype, and chat-rooms. E-mails are quicker to write and send. Mobile phones let us contact others wherever they are. It’s difficult to imagine that just a century ago people lived without all modern devices.

Is there any gadget you can’t live without? Why (not)?

Nowadays we use a lot of gadgets. As a matter of fact, they make our life easier. Personally, I can’t live without my mobile. It helps me get in touch with my friends and parents at any time. It also has the Internet, a camera and lots of games, so it is useful for me in many ways.

What questions will you ask people who live without a mobile phone or a computer?

Is it hard to live without a mobile phone?

How do you contact your friends or relatives?


Give me a piece of advice on how to convince my parents of the necessity of a mobile phone for a teenager.

I think mobile phones are necessary for every teenager. They help parents contact their children at any time. Many phones have the internet, so students can find necessary information for their lessons. They also have a calculator, a calendar, GPS and so on.

It is impossible to imagine our modern world without the internet. What do you use the internet for?

Nowadays the Internet is the most popular means of communication. People use it for many purposes. First of all, you can get any information on the internet, find new films, games or music. Teenagers don’t watch TV any more as they can watch their favorite series or movies online.

Secondly, people use social networking sites to keep in touch with friends and relatives, especially if they live far away. Here you can not only write messages but also share your photos and videos. It’s really convenient.

On the other hand, the Internet has its disadvantages. Many people spend more time online than with real people, so they become addicted to the Internet. Unfortunately, it can lead to many problems.

On the whole, the Internet is a great thing but we should be careful when using it.



18. Let’s talk about a healthy way of life.

Let’s talk about healthy way of life. What can you do to become a healthier person?

The rules of healthy way of life are simple: you should get enough sleep, eat healthy food, get a little exercise every day, and have positive emotions. A lot of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport helps them to keep fit and healthy. Personally I go in for volleyball (football, tennis). Volleyball (football, tennis) and my daily exercise help me to keep fit.



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