Stone-mason of the Ramesseum 

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Stone-mason of the Ramesseum

Pap. Leopold II, 3,9[3910]

1562 -

x tmw nb m pr-nsw


The one whe seals everything in the palace

Funerary cones of the high priest of Amun, Mery[3911]


1563 -

x tmw xtm t nb(t) m Ipt-swt

Seal-bearer of every seal in Karnak

Tomb of the second priest of Amun, Simut, now is lost[3912]


1564 -

x tmw xtmw t nb(w)t m pr Imn

Seal-bearer of every seal in Amun’s temple

Theban tomb of overseer of the granary of Amun, Ineni, no. 81[3913]


1565 -

x tmw xtm t Spssw m pr nsw

Seal-bearer of the seal of wealth [3914] in the palace

Theban tomb of overseer of the treasury, Djehuty, no. 11[3915]


1566 - var. ;

xtm ty bity

Royal seal-bearer

Tomb of Ahmose-pen-Nekhbt at el-Kab[3916]; Stela of Kares, now in Cairo[3917]; Sinai 172, Sinai 176[3918]; Theban tomb of the second priest of Amun, puyemre, no. 39[3919]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Kenamun, no. 93[3920]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[3921]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Peh-su-kher, no. 88[3922]; Theban tomb of the butler, Mentiywy no.172[3923]; Stela of Dua-er-neheh, from Thebes[3924]; Theban tomb of the commander of the troops, Amenmose, no. 42[3925]; Theban tomb of the first royal herald, Ra-mose, no. 94[3926]; Stela of the viceroy of Nubia, User-satet, from western Amarah; Niche of User-satet at Qasr Ibrim[3927]; Statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, from Karnak, Cairo 42127[3928]; Statue of Amenhotep, son of Hapu, from Karnak, now in Cairo[3929]; Statuette of the standard bearer, Kamose, BM. no. 1210[3930]; Statue of a the second priest of Amun, Cairo 1107; Theban tomb of the vizier Ramose, no. 55[3931]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Mery, no. 95[3932]; Theban tomb no. 62[3933]; A pyramidion in Leiden, K1[3934]; Theban tomb of the first herald, Dwawy-neheh, no. 125[3935]; Statue of Puyemre, Cairo 910[3936]; Statue of Sen-nefer, now in BM.[3937]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Amen-em-hab, no. 85[3938]; Theban tomb of the high priest of amun, Men-kheper-sneb, no. 86[3939]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thinis, Min, no. 109[3940]; Theban tomb of the governor of the southern lands, Nehi[3941]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the palace, Nefer-sekheru, no. 107[3942]; Theban tomb of the steward, Amun-mose[3943]; Stela of the overseer of the treasury, Benermerut, Louvre C. 273[3944]; Kneeling statue of the vizier, Hori, from Deir el-Medina[3945]; Stela of the vicerory, Amenhotep, in the Ashmolean Museum[3946]; Tomb of the high priest, Mery-re at el-Amarna[3947]; Tomb of Ahmes, at el-Amarna[3948]; Theban tomb of Ramesses, no. 55[3949]; Side of Box, Berlin 13239[3950]; Rock stela of the viceroy, Turi, from Island of Uronarti[3951]; Statue of Men-kheper-re-senb, Cairo 547[3952]; Chapel of Min-nakht, at West Silsileh[3953]; Theban tomb of the second priest of Amun, Amenhotep, no. 75[3954]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Amen-em-opet. No. 29[3955]; Stela of User-satet, from Wady Halfa, BM. no. 623623[3956]; Lower part of a statue of User-satet, from Deir el-Medineh[3957]; A niche of User-satet, at Kasr Ibrim[3958]; Theban tomb of the third priest of Amun, Ka-em-hereb-sen, no. 98[3959]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Thenuna, no. 76[3960]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-hotep, no. 63[3961]; Stela of the fan-bearer, Thuna, Stockholm no. 124[3962]; Statue of the royal high steward, Mery-re[3963]; Stela of the viceroy, Amenhotep, now in the Ashmolean Museum[3964]; Statue of the royal high steward in Memphis, Amen-em-hotep, from Memphis[3965]; Alter of the royal high steward in Memphis, Amen-hotep, from Memphis[3966]; Statue of the vizier, Amen-hotep, from Bubastis, Cairo 590[3967]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the palace, Nefer-sekheru, no. 107[3968]; Statue of the second priest of Amun, Anen, now in Turin[3969]; stela of the vizier, Dhehuty-mose, Florence no. 2565[3970]; Ushabti of the vizier, Ptah-mose, from Abydos[3971]; Stela of the royal high steward, Ruru, Louvre C. 92[3972]; Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[3973]; Statue of Paser, from Pi-Ramsess[3974], Louvre E. 25980[3975]; Squatting statue of the viceroy, Heqa-nakht, from Quban, Cairo 35674[3976]; Statue-base of the viceroy, Setau, from el-Kab, Cairo 885[3977]; Statue of Suti, Copenhagen, Glyptothek Ny Carlsberg, AEIN 584[3978]; Statue of Suti, from Deir el-Shelwit[3979]; Three panels from Memphite tomb, Cairo 4873-4-5[3980]; Tomb relief of Ptah-mose, Leiden K. 16[3981]; Fragments from tomb-chapel of the high steward of the Ramesseum, Her-em-hab, Saqqara[3982]; Stela of the overseer of the army scribes, Sety, Turin 172[3983]; Cube-statue of the high priest of Amun, Wen-nefer, Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg, AEIN 662[3984]; Tomb of the high priest of Onuris, An-her-mose, at Nagaa el-Mesheikh[3985]; Stela of Thauna, Cairo 34023[3986].






1567 - var. ;




Pap. Leyd. 348, vs. 10,8[3987]; Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XIX rt. 7:11[3988]


1568 -

Xakw n nsw

Royal barber

Statue of the royal barber, Si-Bastet, now in Cairo[3989]


1569 - ; ; ;


Sailor, marine

Stela of the standard bearer Khet-ef, Louvre C. 95[3990]; Rock of stela of Anena, Kanais[3991]; Pap. Harris I, 28, 5[3992]; Pap. Anast. VIII, rt. 1, 2[3993]


1570 -



Pap. Anast. IV, 1a,1[3994]


1571 - var.
Xry Hbt [3995]


Statue of the butler, Min-mose from Medamud[3996]; Stela of Nebwau, from Abydos, Cairo 34018[3997]; Theban tomb of the master of secrets of Amun’s estate, Kynebu, no. 113[3998]; Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[3999]; Kneeling statue of Iuny[4000]; Theban tomb-chapel of the scribe of the tomb, Amen-em-opet, no. 215[4001]; Stela of the chief of the royal builders, Paser, BM. 165[4002]; Tomb-chapel of son of Say, Saqqara[4003]


1572 -

Xry Hbt wr

Chief lector-priest

Papyrus St. Peterberg I, 1[4004]; Papyrus St. Peterberg II, 1[4005]


Xry Hbt n Imn


Lector-priest of Amun

Theban tomb of the chief goldsmiths of Amun, Nakht-Thuty, no. 189[4006]

1574 -


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