Тема 12 Классификация преступлений 

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Тема 12 Классификация преступлений

Цель: совершенствование профессиональных умений в данной сфере.



- развивать речь учащихся,

- учить строить высказывания на данную тему,

- обучать монологической речи,

- пополнять профессиональные знания путем изучения литературы по данной тематике.


Учащийся должен знать:

- лексические единицы и словарные клише темы «Классификация преступлений»,

- полную фактическую информацию, содержащуюся в текстах и упражнениях,

- правила употребления и перевода различных форм герундия.


Учащийся должен уметь:

- анализировать иноязычный текст, аргументировано излагать свои мысли,

- выполнять задания к прочитанным текстам,

- вести общение профессионального характера на тему «Классификация преступлений».


Тема 12.1. Виды преступлений.

Грамматическая тема: Герундий.


Study the words and word-combinations


offense – правонарушение

murder – убийство

battery – избиение

rape – изнасилование

robbery – грабёж

extortion – вымогательство

kidnapping – похищение (людей)

theft – воровство, кража

embezzlement – растрата

false pretenses – мошеннический обман

forgery – подделка, подлог

burglary – кража со взломом

arson – поджог

rioting – нарушение общественного порядка

treason – измена, предательство

drug deals – распространение наркотиков

felony – фелония (категория тяжких преступлений)

misdemeanor–мисдиминор (категория менее опасных преступлений, граничащих с административными правонарушениями)

forfeiture – конфискация

charge – обвинение

distinction – различение

suspect – подозреваемый

permissible – допустимый

punishment - наказание


I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to answer the questions that follow.


Classification of Crimes

The definition of a “crime” has always been a matter of difficulty and no really satisfactory definition of a “crime” has been yet evolved. You may say that “crime” is a violation of the public rights and duties, which is punishable by the State. But a distinction must be drawn between branches of law which are crimes and those which are merely illegal without being criminal.

Besides, there are some acts, which are crimes in our country but not in another. However, there are quite a lot of agreements among states as to which acts are criminal.

Crime has three major parts: crime against person; crime against property; and crime against the public order.

A crime against person always involves force and threat of force against the body of another (murder, battery, rape, robbery, extortion, kidnapping, etc.).

Crimes against property are distinguished by an absence of force against a person and a loss of property is the key (theft, embezzlement, false pretenses, forgery, burglary, arson, etc.).

Crimes against the public order include rioting, treason, and most of the “victimless” crimes (prostitution, sale of pornography, drug deals). Violence to person or loss of property may or may not be presented. What is present, is behavior seen harmful to the integrity of community to such an extent as to call for criminal punishment. Sometimes we see these as “moral crimes”.

Most legal systems find it necessary to divide crimes into categories for various purposes connected with the procedure of the courts – determining, for instance, which kind of court may deal with which kind of offense. The common law originally divide crimes into two categories – felonies (the grave crimes, generally punishable with death, which resulted in forfeiture of the perpetrator’s land and goods) and misdemeanours (for which the common law provided fines and imprisonment). There were many differences in the procedure of the courts according to whether the charge was felony or misdemeanour, and other matters that depend on the distinction included the power of the police to arrest a suspect on suspicion that he had committed an offense, since to arrest a suspect was generally permissible in felony, but not in misdemeanor.

No one knows why crime occurs. Since the 18th century various scientific theories have been advanced to explain crime. But since the mid- 20th century, the notion that crime can be explained by any single theory has fallen into disfavour among investigators. They explain it so-called multiple factor, which includes biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political reasons.


1. What is a “crime”?

2. What does crime against person involve?

3. Are crimes against property distinguished by an absence of force against a person?

4. What do crimes against the public order include?

5. What categories did the common law originally divide crimes into?

6. What were felonies resulted in?

7. What crimes were generally punishable with fines or imprisonment?

8. What are there reasons for committing crimes?


II Agree or disagree with the following statements.


1. The definition of a “crime” has always been a matter of difficulty.

2. There are no agreements among states as to which acts are criminal.

3. Crime has three major parts: crime against person, against property and against the public order.

4. Any kind of court may deal with any kind of offense.

5. Felonies are generally punishable with imprisonment.

6. Misdemeanours are generally punishable with death.

7. To arrest a suspect was generally permissible in misdemeanor, but not in felony.

8. Everybody knows why crime occurs.


III Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.


Тяжкие преступления, тюремное заключение, конфискация, обвинение, подозреваемое лицо, мошеннический обман, избиение, преступление против личности, преступление против собственности, распространение наркотиков, «моральное преступление», предательство, уголовное наказание.


IV Complete the following statements.

1. You may say that crime is…

2. There are some acts, which are crimes in our country, but…

3. Crime has three major parts…

4. The common law originally divided crimes into…

5. Felonies are…

6. Misdemeanours are…

7. To arrest a suspect on suspicion was permissible in… but not in…

8. Since the 18th century various scientific theories…


Тема 12.2. Правонарушители.

Грамматическая тема: Герундий


Study the words and the word-combinations.


pickpocket – карманный вор

burglar – вор-взломщик

murderer – убийца

kidnapper – лицо, похитившее человека с целью выкупа

traitor – предатель

accomplice – сообщник

drug dealer – торговец наркотиками

spy – шпион

terrorist – террорист

assassin – убийца (по найму или политическим мотивам)

hooligan – хулиган

stowaway – безбилетный пассажир

thief – вор

hijacker – воздушный пират

forger – фальшивомонетчик

smuggler – контрабандист

arsonist – поджигатель

shoplifter – магазинный вор

mugger – уличный грабитель

offender – правонарушитель

vandal – вандал

gangster – гангстер

deserter – дезертир

bigamist – двоеженец


I. Choose the correct words to complete the following statements.


1. … sets fire to property illegally.

2. … steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer.

3. … is someone who attacks people and robs them in a public place.

4. … is anyone who breaks the law.

5. … deliberately causes damage to property.

6. … breaks into houses or other buildings to steal.

7. … kills someone.

8. … takes away people by force and demands money for their return.

9. …steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places.

10. … helps a criminal in a criminal act.

11. … buys and sells drugs illegally.

12. … gets secret information from another country.

13. … uses violence for political reasons.

14. … murders for political reasons or a reward.

15. … causes damage or disturbance in public places.

16. … hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey.

17. … is one who steals.

18. … takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change course.

19. … makes counterfeit (false) money or signature.

20. … is someone who steals money or property by force from people or places.

21. … brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax.

22. … betray his country to another state.

23. … is a member of a criminal group.

24. … is a soldier who runs away from the army.

25. … marries illegally, being married already.


II Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.


Тяжкое убийство; поджог; кража; убийца; лицо, похитившее человека с целью выкупа; двоеженец; торговец наркотиками; правонарушитель; вандал; поджигатель; вор-взломщик; террорист; магазинный вор; уличный грабитель; вор; контрабандист; сообщник; карманный вор; шпион; убийца по найму; воздушный пират; безбилетный пассажир; фальшивомонетчик; грабитель; предатель; дезертир.


III Scan through the text. Study the words before reading.


female – женский

male – мужской

outnumber – превосходить численно

increase – увеличивать

criminal justice – уголовное судопроизводство

adolescence – подростковый возраст

likely – вероятный

teenage – находящийся в возрасте от 12 до 19

subject – подлежащий

aging – старение

juvenile delinquent – несовершеннолетний преступник

social origin – социальное происхождение



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