Тема 8. 2. Выборы президента США. 

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Тема 8. 2. Выборы президента США.


І. Read and translate the text.

The USA. The President’s elections

The President of the United States is elected every four years to a four-year term of office, with no more than two full terms allowed. He must be a native-born citizen at least 35 years old. As is true with Senators and Representatives, the President is elected directly by the voters. In other words, the political party with the most Senators and Representatives does not choose the President. This means that the President can be from one party, and the majority of those in the House of Representatives or Senate from another.

Under the US Constitution a sitting President may be removed from office before his term expires only by an impeachment process that begins with the House of Representatives. If upon sufficient evidence, the House drafts a “bill of impeachment”, which must be approved by two-thirds of its membership, a trial in the Senate, with the Chief Justice of the United States, acting as the judge, and the Senators, as the jury, follows.

Inauguration is an official act of installing the President of the United States in office. It is also the occasion for extensive ceremonies. By 12 o’clock on January 20, the participants of the ceremony and guests take their places on a rostrum especially erected in front of the Capitol. The central point of the ceremony is the taking of an oath by the President and the delivery of his inaugural speech. The President’s Inauguration speech is regarded as a declaration of principles proclaimed by the new Administration. The ceremony ends in a military parade.

The residence of the President of the United States is the White House.


II. Answer the questions.

1. How many terms may the President of the United States serve?

2. The President is elected directly by the voters, isn’t he?

3. Who must approve a “bill of impeachment”?

4. What is inauguration?

5. What is the central point of the ceremony?

6. The ceremony ends in a military parade, doesn’t it?

7. What is the residence of the President of the United States?


III. Complete the sentences with the best answer (a, b or с).


1. The President of the United States is elected … to a four-year term of office.

a) every five years

b) every four years

c) every three years


2. Inauguration always takes place at noon ….

a) June 20

b) February 20

c) January 20


3. The President is elected directly by ….

a) the Senate

b) the voters

c) the Chief Justice


4. The participants of the ceremony and guests take their places on a rostrum especially erected in front of ….

a) the Capitol

b) the White House

c) University College


5. The President of the USA must be… at least 35 years old.

a) an Englishman

b) an Irish American

c) a native-born citizen


IV. Complete the following text by translating the words and expressions in brackets.


The President of the United States is chosen in a national election for a four-year (пребывание у власти), and may be (переизбран) for a second (срок). As head of the Executive Branch, the President must (выполнять) the government programmes (принятые) by Congress. If a President “vetoes” or refuses to sign a bill passed by the Congress, his (вето) may be (отменено) by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress. The President (назначает) federal (судьи), (послы) and hundreds of government (чиновники), and assigns duties to the elected Vice President. If a President dies, (уходит в отставку) or becomes permanently disabled, the Vice President (принимает на себя его обязанности) until the next election.



Тест 1.


Выберите правильный предлог.

1. Professor Presbury was certainly surrounded … every sign not only … comfort but … luxury.

a) with, of, of b) by, with, with c) of, of, of


2. My mother didn’t often write letters … her brother when she got married and left … another town.

a) to, for b) for, to c) for, on


3. They told … him to wait … them … the bridge.

a) -, -, on b) to, to, in c) -, for, at


4. How long was John working … his French last night?

a) at b) on c) with


5. Our train arrived … New York … six o’clock.

a) in, at b) to, on c) at, in


6. How do I get … the railway station?

a) on b) at c) to


7. Who is the girl … the red dress, sitting … the head of the table?

a) in, at b) with, in c) of, on


8. There was an accident … the crossroads … midnight last night.

a) in, in b) at, at c) on, in


9. … mistake I opened your parcel instead … my own.

a) In, - b) By, of c) On, in


10.We have lived … this street … five years.

a) on, in b) in, for c) at, by


11.It’s obvious that his taste in movies was very different …mine.

a) of b) with c) from


12.In spite … all troubles we had I finished that work.

a) on b) of c) with


13.The teacher was pleased … my composition.

a) with b) of c) from


14.Pick … this pen and put it … the table.

a) -, in b) up, on c) up, into


15.We subscribed … some newspapers and magazines.

a) on b) at c) to


16.I can’t believe you had agreed … his offer!

a) to b) with c) on


17.Why don’t you agree … your director?

a) to b) with c) at


18.Have you ever been … Glasgow?

a) in b) at c) to


19.I can’t understand why you are laughing … me all the time.

a) at b) on c) of


20.They insisted … my leaving.

a) in b) at c) on


Тест 2.


1. Выполните тест. Выберите правильный вариант.


1. I ran …my nephew, when I was at the seaside with my fiancée.

a) on b) in c) to d) across


2. Listen, I am … time. Please, be waiting for me.

a) on b) behind c) below d) before


3. You can’t keep the whole people … against their will.

a) off b) away c) down d) out


4. You’ll get … with him all right, he is a fine old man.

a) across b) through c) on d) off


5. Why don’t you go down with him and have a drink in the pub to see him…?

a) off b) out c) on d) up


6. She was so off-hand with him that he was afraid the whole project might be…

a) through b) out c) down d) off


7. I got up and looked … the ugliest girl in the row and sat down next to her.

a) for b) on c) off d) of


8. They were willing to take advantage of an accomplishment fact but wanted to shift on to someone else the responsibility of bringing it…

a) across b) about c) away d) through


9. “ Come …,” the constable said. Phil was interested, he was glad to be going.

a) across b) away c) down d) along


10.He tried to pass … her remark as a joke.

a) off b) through c) along d) out


11.The long and tedious journey, coupled with the hot weather, did us …

a) off b) up c) away d) on


12.In his own mind he had completely cut himself … from research.

a) away b) off c) down d) out


13.And if I’m wrong then I’ll never bring … the damned subject again.

a) on b) up c) down d) out


14.ABC stands … American Broadcasting Corporation.

a) on b) for c) with d) at


15.Fox’s expression said, “ You can’t hold … for ever, Tony. You were always weak in the long pull”.

a) on b) down c) out d) away


16.Some children were cutting … small pictures with scissors.

a) away b) out c) up d) over


17.Her lips moved. They made … the name of the street, but we couldn’t get any number.

a) on b) out c) down d) away


18.At first they were all … that, but thinking it over they had to agree that there wasn’t much sense in it.

a) for b) with c) on d) up


19.The draught from the window caught the flame of the candle. It flickered and went…

a) away b) through c) off d) out


20.”I shall leave you to yourself unless indeed I can assist you in any way – by clearing … any point on which you are not informed, for instance”.

a) up b) away c) on d) out


Тема 9. Политическая система Республики Беларусь

Цель: совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи.


- учить строить монологическое высказывание по теме,

- совершенствовать навыки чтения тестов страноведческого характера с общим и полным охватом содержания,

- совершенствование репродуктивных и рецептивных грамматических навыков,

- воспитание чувства патриотизма.

Учащийся должен знать:

- особенности политической системы Республики Беларусь,

- лексику темы «Политическая система РБ»,

- грамматический материал темы «Предлоги».

Учащийся должен уметь:

- владеть изучающим чтением,

- правильно выражать различные отношения существительных или его эквивалентов к другим словам в предложении, применяя соответствующие предлоги,

- продуцировать подготовленное высказывание по теме

«Политическая система РБ».




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