Тема 6.3. Моя будущая профессия 

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Тема 6.3. Моя будущая профессия


Study the words and the word-combinations.

Lawyer — юрист, адвокат

Roman Law —римское право

Labour Law — трудовое право

Family Law — семейное право

Constitutional Law — конституционное право

Administrative Law — административное право

Civil Law — гражданское право

Criminal Law — уголовное право

investigator — следователь

judge — судья

defence counsels — защитник обвиняемого

Procurator — поверенный

law-governed — правовой

stealing — кража

murder — убийство

prevent — предотвращать, предупреждать

defendant — ответчик, обвиняемый

observance — соблюдение закона

appreciation — оценка, понимание

integrity — неприкосновенность

Proceeding — заседание

innocent — невиновный

guilty — виновный

sentence — приговор


I. Scan through the text.


I am a fourth year student of Baranovichi State University. I study at the Economics and Law Faculty. In a year I'll graduate from the University and become a professional lawyer. To become a good lawyer one must know much. So at the University we are taught various general and special subjects: Roman Law, Labour Law, Family Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, etc.

The profession of a lawyer is quite diversified. The graduates of our faculty can work as investigators, judges, defence counsels, legal consultants. I'd like to be a judge and to work at a People's Court. My friends will work at the Procurator's Office, Militia, Legal Aid Offices.

I think that now the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important in the law-governed state which we are creating now. Lawyers have to solve many problems that still exist in our society. The duty of lawyers is not only to punish people for various crimes: hooliganism, stealing, murder, traffic violation and so on but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society. They should help those people who committed an error to find the right road in their life. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organisations. All the citizens are equal before the law. Judges are elected for a term of 5 years. Not only professional lawyers but the representatives of the population hear all criminal and civil cases having equal authority. The defendants are guaranteed the right to defence.

In our country justice is exercised on the principles of equality of citizens before the law and the court, regardless of social position, property or official standing, nationality or race. The court's mission is not just to meter out punishment,but rather to educate people in the spirit of strict observance of all laws, of labour discipline, appreciation of their duty to the state and society, respect for the rights and integrity of fellow citizens and of the norms of behaviour.

Proceedings of all courts are open. All people before the court are presumed innocent, until the court, having observed all procedural guarantees, finds them guilty. Only then is the sentence pronounced. An appeal can be made against the ruling to a higher court, right up to the Supreme Court.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What subjects do you study at the Law Faculty?

2. The profession of a lawyer is quite diversified, isn't: it?

3. Where can one work after graduating from the Law Faculty?

4. What problems do lawyers have to solve?

5. What are lawyer's duties?

6. On what principles is justice exercised in our country?

7. What's the main court's mission?

8. What do you know about court proceeding?


III. Complete the sentences

1. At the University we are taught various general and special subjects….

2. The graduates of our faculty can work….

3. Lawyers have to solve…

4. The lawyers protect…

5. Justice is exercised on the principles of…

6. All people before the court are presumed innocent…

7. An appeal can be made against….

Тема 5.4. Спорт в Великобритании

Грамматическая тема: Времена группы Continuous

Study the words and the word-combinations.


competitive sports — соревновательные виды спорта

cricket — крикет

rugby — регби

soccer — футбол

character training — тренировка характера

a team — команда

table tennis — настольный теннис

lawn tennis — большой теннис

a championship — чемпионат

horse racing — конный спорт

a race track / a race course — ипподром

a fan — болельщик

an arbiter — арбитр

conquer — завоевать

an achievement — достижение

spread (spread, spread) — распространяться

cruel — жестокий

dangerous — опасный

ban — запрещать

a swear-word — ругательство

a rule — правило

an argument — аргумент, доказательство

demand — требовать

insist on — настаивать на …

a representative — представитель

a supporter — сторонник

demonstratively — демонстративно

an opponent — оппонент

a referee — рефери

a whistle — свист, свисток

a goal — гол, ворота

score a goal — забить гол

introduce — вводить, вносить, представлять

appear — появляться

major — основной, главный

aquatic sports — водные виды спорта

heavy athletics — тяжелая атлетика

field and track athletics — легкая атлетика

a winner — победитель

a loser — проигравший

an object — цель

a goal-keeper — вратарь

a full-back — защитник

a half-back — полузащитник

a forward — форвард

kick — ударять ногой

trip — подставить ногу

push — толкать

a free kick — свободный удар

an offence — нарушение правил

penalize — наказывать

a penalty area – штрафная площадка

a penalty kick — штрафной удар

an indirect free kick — удар из-за боковой

offside (out of play) — вне игры

a line — боковая линия

throw (threw, thrown) — бросать

a defender — защитник

a goal line — линия ворот

an attacker — атакующий

a corner kick — угловой удар

conduct the game — управлять игрой


I. Complete the sentences using the following words.


Unity, the loser, the Palace of Aquatic Sports, track-and-field athletics, a coach, the winner, football, a fan, referees.

1. When we hear people speak about the queen of sports we know they mean ….

2. A basketball game is conducted by two ….

3. Boxers are always good friends no matter which of them is … or ….

4. … is the venue (place) where swimming meetings take place.

5. If track-and-field is the queen of sports then … is the king.

6. An enthusiastic supporter is called ….

7. The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings meaning ….

8. A person who trains players for games is called ….


II. Translate into Russian.


an oval-shaped ball, a team game, spectator sports, a football arbiter, an association football, a referee’s whistle, an international match, the Olympic championship, the European winners cup, to drive a ball into the goal, hand playing, an attacking team, ancient Greeks, the Roman Empire, the European Champions Cup, the International Football Federation, to play by both feet and hands, a head trick, sport achievements, common people, honest competitions.


III. Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents.


1. a goal line a) полузащитник
2. a penalty area b) соревновательные виды спорта
3. an indirect free kick c) угловой удар
4. to score a goal d) защитник
5. a full-back e) свободный удар из-за боковой линии
6. a half-back f) боковая линия
7. a corner kick g) забить гол
8. field-&-track athletics h) штрафная площадка
9. competitive sports i) линия ворот
10. a touch line j) легкая атлетика

IV. Read the text.

Sports in Great Britain

For Englishmen sport is a form of physical and mental recreation. They are also great fans of competitive sports. The game peculiarly associated with England is cricket, but football is the most popular game in this country.

Two kinds of football are played in England, Association football or “soccer” and Rugby football or “rugger”. The essential differences between Rugby and Association football are that in Rugby every player is allowed to carry the ball, which is oval-shaped and not round, and that each teams has 15 players.

Most schools in England take football seriously. It is believed that education is not only a matter of providing a good knowledge in the classroom: education also means character training. One of the best ways of training is playing team games, where the child has to learn to work with others for his team. Football is a good exercise for the body, it needs skill and quick brain.

In the last 50 years the popularity of tennis has increased enormously. People all over the world know Wimbledon as the center of lawn-tennis. Wimbledon is a part of Greater London. Championships begin there in June. The first lawn-tennis championship was held in Wimbledon in 1877.

Horse-racing is a very popular spectator sport in Great Britain. There are many race tracks in the country. Epsom is the world-known race-course. Fans from all over the country come to Epsom to watch race meetings.

The game itself is not new. There are many records that foot-and-ball games were known and played during many centuries before our era. In old Japan and China a game like football was very popular. There winners were awarded flowers or vases and losers … canned.

Two thousand years later in Greece a football-like game was popular among boys and girls. Beside players there was an arbiter. When ancient Romans conquered Greece, they learned and used different Greek achievements in engineering, arts and sports too. The foot-and-ball game called “haraslum” was played all over the Roman Empire, which occupied most of Europe including England.

Football in England was widely spread among peasants. The game was cruel and dangerous, that is why football was officially banned by King Edward II and several others. In one of Shakespeare’s plays we learn that “football” was used as a swear-word. In spite of royal orders football remained the game of English common people. Sometimes football matches lasted for several days!

The history of modern football began at the end of the 19th century. At that time the football rules allowed to play by both feet and hands. There were arguments between players. One side demanded that only feet should be used, while the other insisted on “feet-and-hands” rules.

The argument was so hot that when the representatives of several football clubs gathered in October 1863 in London, their opinions parted. The supporters of the “feet-and-hands” rules demonstratively left the meeting and their opponents formed their own “football Association”.

The football referees appeared only in 1878. They signaled with a bell which later was changed for a whistle. The first goal nets were first seen in 1891. In the same year the 11-metre penalty kick was also introduced. The numbers on the players’ shirts appeared only in 1939.

Football found its supporters not only in England. The first international match between the teams of England and Scotland was held in 1872.

The International Football Federation (FIFA) was formed in 1907 in Paris, France. Oddly enough, but England joined it only two years later, though English players had been the best in Europe then.

Football is now played everywhere in the world. Major international competitions are the World Cup, the Olympic championship, the European Cup-winners Cup, and the European Champions Cup.

The object of the game is to drive a leather ball into the goal. A football team has a goalkeeper, 3-4 full-backs, 2-4 half-backs, and 2-4 forwards. Nobody, except the goalkeeper, is allowed to play or even touch the ball with hands. A football match is played 90 minutes in two periods with a 10 minute interval.

The player should not kick, hack, trip or push the opponent who has the ball. All these tricks as well as hand playing are penalized by a free kick. If the offence happened in the penalty area, the 11m penalty kick is made. Smaller offences are penalized by an indirect free kick.

There is an important offside rule in football. A player is offside (out of play) if at the moment when his team-mates play the ball there is only one member of the opposing team before him.

When the ball crosses the side or touch line, it is thrown back by the player opposing those who sent it out. If it crosses the goal line from the attacking team’s players, the defenders take the indirect free kick… If it was the defender who sent the ball over his own goal line, then attackers take a corner kick from which the goal can be scored.

Three referees conduct the game: one in the field and his two assistants at the opposing touch lines.



V. Answer these questions.

- What kinds of ancient football have you learnt?

- When did football in its modern form appear?

- When was the International Football Federation formed?

- What are the major international football competitions?

- What is the object of the football game?

- Who is allowed to play with hands?

- When is a penalty kick given?

- What is an “offside” rule?

- How many referees conduct the game?

VI. Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own.


To go in for, to feel fit, to be good at, to go on a hike, to be a fan, to be a prize winner, track-and-field events, Merited Master of Sport.


VII. Mark the statements below as “True” or “False”.


1. In rugby not each player is allowed to carry the ball.

2. People all over the world know Wimbledon as the center of table-tennis.

3. Fans from all over Great Britain come to Epsom to watch horse-race meetings.

4. Foot-and-ball games were played during many centuries before our era.

5. “Footballer” was used as a swear-word at Shakespeare’s time.

6. The International Football Federation (FIFA) was founded in 1907 in London.

7. In football everybody including a goalkeeper is allowed to touch the ball with hands.

8. A football match is played 90 minutes in two periods with a 10 minute interval.

9. The 11 meter penalty kick is made when the offence happens in any area of a football-pitch.

10. A football game is conducted by three referees: one in the field and his two assistants at the opposite touch lines.



VIII. Choose the appropriate Russian equivalents to the following English phrases and sentences.


1. … the popularity of tennis has increased enormously.

a) …популярность тенниса значительно выросла.

b) …популярность тенниса выросла в значительной степени.

c) …популяризировать теннис стало проще.


2. The game itself is not new.

a) Игра в себе не нова.

b) Сама по себе игра не нова.

c) Играть с собой не новость.


3. Football in England was widely spread among peasants.

a) Футбол в Англии распространялся среди крестьян.

b) Футбол в Англии был широко распространен среди крестьян.

c) Футбол в Англии распространяли крестьяне.


4. Sometimes football matches lasted for several days.

a) Иногда футбольные матчи были последними за несколько дней.

b) Иногда футбольные матчи длились несколько дней.

c) Время от времени футбольные матчи продолжались несколько дней.


5. … their opinions parted.

a) … их мнения расстались.

b) … их мнения разошлись.

c) … их мнения приняли участие в работе.


6. Football found its supporters not only in England.

a) Футбол нашел себе опору не только в Англии.

b) Футбол нашел себе последователей не только в Англии.

c) Футбол нашли его последователи не только в Англии.


7. The numbers on the players’ shirts appeared only in 1939.

a) Число игровых маек появилось только в 1939 году.

b) Число маек игроков появилось только в 1939 году.

c) Цифры на майках игроков появились только в 1939 году.


8. … the attackers take a corner kick.

a) …атакующие берут угол для удара.

b) …атакующие берут угловой удар.

c) …атакующие наносят угловой удар.



IX. Write questions for these answers.


1. Sport is a form of physical and mental recreation. (What …?)

2. Two kinds of football are played in England. (How many …?)

3. Most schools in England take football seriously. (Where …?)

4. Lawn-tennis championships begin in Wimbledon in June. (When …?)

5. In spite of royal orders football remained the game of English common people. (disjunctive)

6. The history of modern football began in the 19th century. (alternative)

7. The object of the game is to drive a leather ball into the goal (What?)

8. The goal can be scored from a corner kick. (disjunctive)

9. Football found its supporters not only in England (General)

10. Major international competitions are the World Cup and Olympic Championship. (What other …)



X. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below.


Stadium, events(2), changing room, center, pitch, spectators, courts, equipment, boxing, scoreboard, pool


There is a big new sports ___ near my home. There is a football ___, tennis and basketball ___, a swimming ___, a sport hall with two ___ rings and even a skating-rink. There is also a separate athletics ___ where 20000 ___ can watch the track ___ on the track and the field ___, such as jumping and throwing, in the grass center. The athletes get ready in modern ___ and the officials time and measure the events with modern ___. A huge electronic ___ shows the results.



XI. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B or C best fits each space.


I am not really (1) ____ sport, but I love skiing. I took it (2) ____ while I was living abroad. It was my friends who (3) ____ me into doing it; they were all keen skiers. They just kept (4) ____ at me until I agreed to (5) ____ it a go. I had not expected to enjoy it so much – I absolutely loved it from the (6) ____ go. The sense of speed is exhilarating, and of course there is the wonderful scenery. I admit I was (7) ____ stiff the first time, but pretty soon I just wanted to carry (8) ____ skiing all day.



1.A for Binto Cabout
2.Aup B on C down
3.A spoke B told C talked
4.A across B on C over
5.Agive B put C have
6.A word B minute C time
7.A frightened B scared C terrified
8.Aon Bin C through


Времена группы CONTINUOUS

to be (am, are, is, was, were, shall be, will be) + Participle I



  Present Past Future
Affirmative I am speaking     We You are speaking They   He She is speaking It I was speaking     We You were speaking They   He She was speaking It I shall speaking We   You They He will be speaking She It
Negative I am not speaking     We are not You (aren’t) They speaking   He is not She (isn’t) It speaking I was not (wasn’t) speaking   We were not You (weren’t) They speaking   He was not She (wasn’t) It speaking I shall not (shan’t) We be speaking   You They will not He (won’t) She be speaking
Interrogative Am I speaking   we Are you speaking? they   he Are she speaking? it Was I speaking   we Were you speaking? they   he Was she speaking? it Shall I be speaking? we   you hey Will he be speaking? she it  


Продолженные времена (Continuous Tenses) обозначают действие и процессе его развития в определенный момент в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем.

Некоторые глаголы не могут выражать действие или состояние как процесс, совершающийся в определенный момент, и, следовательно, употребляться во временах группы Continuous. К ним относятся: to love — любить, to want — хотеть, to like — нравиться, to hate — ненавидеть, to wish, to desire — желать, to see — видеть, to hear — слышать, to feel — чувствовать, to notice — замечать, to know — знать, to understand — понимать, to consist — состоять, to belong — принадлежать, to recognize — узнавать, to be — быть и др.


С временами группы Continuous обычно употребляются следующие указатели времени:

1. Present Continuous: now, right now, just now, at the moment, today, this week (month, season), these days, tonight (this evening).

2. Past Continuous: at that time, all day (night) long, at six o’clock, the whole evening (morning, afternoon), from seven to nine.

3. Future Continuous: at this time tomorrow (next week, next month), at 10 o’clock on Friday.





Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.


1. Are you reading or writing now? 2. Are you making progress in your English? 8. Is your friend listening is you now? 4. Is itsnowing now? 5. Where are you going to spend yourwinter holidays? 6. What were the students doing in the laboratory so late yesterday? 7. Were you having a rest when I rang youup? 8. Was she wearing black at the party? 9. At what time were your friends waiting for you at the station? 10. Where was he hurrying at 8 o’clock in the morning? 11. What were the students translating when the teacher came? 12. Whom were you speaking with when I came up to you? 13. Will the students be having a meeting after the lectures? 14. What will you be doing after the meeting? 15, Will you be taking any examination this month?


Exercise 2. Put the verb in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Continuous Tense.


1. He (to take) a bath now. 2. I (not to laugh) at you. 3. He (to come) here next week. 4. If I (to sleep) when he comes, please, wake me up. 5. What journal you (to read) when I came to the library? 6. The whole family (to have) dinner when the telephone rang. 7. Where he (to go) when the rain started? 8. She (to sing) over the radio at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 9. They will not go on excursion with us. They (to have) a lecture at 2 o’clock. 10. What you (to do) from 2 till 3 o’clock tomorrow? 11. The children (to play) when we return home. 12. Look! It is getting dark. It (to rain) in a minute.


Exercise 3. Form questions with the question words given.


1. The expedition is returning next week. (When) 2. We are doing grammar exercises now. (What) 3. The mother is teaching her little son to read. (Who) 4. I am reading a book on modern art. (What) 5. They were still arguing when I entered the room. (Who) 6. Our group was staying in Vitebsk for some days. (For how long) 7. We were talking and he was listening to the radio. (What) 8. They will be moving to a new flat this month. (When) 9. We shall be listening to Petrov at the concert. (When) 10. He is coming tomorrow. (When)


Exercise 4. Translate into English.


1. Что вы обсуждаете? — Мы обсуждаем план будущей экскурсии. 2. Вы идете в кино с нами? 3. О чем вы сейчас думаете? 4. Автобус уже отправлялся, когда я подошел к остановке. 5. Что он делал, когда вы зашли к нему? 6. Идет дождь, и мы не можем поехать за город. 7. Вчера в 10 часов наша группа сдавала экзамен но философии. 8. Мы будем переводить этот текст, когда ты вернешься. 9.Не опаздывай! Я буду ждать тебя возле кинотеатра. 10. Весь сентябрь студенты будут работать в колхозе. 11. Какую делегацию вы будете встречать завтра?



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