Requirements for data provision 

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Requirements for data provision


Local Information ACSEE SS shall consist of the following sets of data:


· from the primary database, multifunction counters and accounting devices;

· data file that contains copies of the primary database;

· routine switching table (TOP) connections;

· reference data;

· manual input dataset;

· an array of data processed information on elementary and group accounting points (further - MOD);

· unified array of events;

· reporting forms;

· logs and system diagnostics.


Primary database multifunction counters must contain stored values ​​of active and reactive power (reception, return at 4 quadrants separately for each phase) in the 00 hours estimated time; graphics (profile), load power, current, voltage, power factor, frequency above parameters separately for phase and an array of events.

A copy of the primary database must include basic information obtained from the meters by automatically reading data from the primary database without any changes and additions. A method of organizing data in a copy of the primary database must be the same for different types of meters. Data Retention in PBB copies at the local level should be at least 100 days.

Standard-reference information should include the data required for the functioning of the ACSEE.

Information should include a manual input account information (counters). This information must be stored in separate arrays of logic to a depth of not less than 3 billing periods. Accounting information for logical and virtual channels, which is entered manually, it must have an appropriate label of quality.

An array of processed information should include specific regulations of the range of credentials (both in composition and in the time factor), on individual and / or group of metering points.

In an array of events to be stored all the information about the events that are associated with external changes in foreign (disappearance and the resumption of power, lack of communication between the system components, unauthorized access, etc.) and internal (errors in the components of the system, data corruption, etc.) environment.

In the minutes of work should be introduced and stored information on the diagnostic systems and operations that are performed by software automatically or with the participation of personnel.

Primary database counters substations should be a source of information for the database server ACSEE.

ACSEE database server is a data source for user workstations ACSEE.

To encode the information used in the ACSEE SS should apply classifications and dispatcher names, which are used in the NEC "Ukrenergo ".

ACSEE to control the accuracy of the accounting system of electricity compiled monthly balance at the substations of Southern Electric Networks should provide a definition of (settlement) of the actual unbalance.

All components of the balance of power, with the exception of energy losses in transformers of power shall be determined by measuring the settlement meters and technical accounting counters.



Requirements for linguistic support


The user interface of the system, as the language of user interaction with the software and hardware of the system, should provide an easy and convenient user dialogue with ACSEE.

Description of the user interface of the system (in all modes of operation) should be adjusted to the operator instruction, and (if necessary) in the other operational documents ACSEE.



Software Requirements


Software LAN ACSEE must comply with current ND and consist of general and specialized software.

Total software license must be in its composition should include: server operating systems, workstations, relational database server storing information; communications software; remote administration tools; software packages for data processing and other software that implements modern information technology.

Special (applied) on the local ACSEE SS should be sufficient to perform all the functions and processes of collection, processing and transmission of data to meet the requirements of existing ND and requirements that are presented in this document.

Program data collection, processing and transmission of data should include tools for creating reports of their work and their further analysis.

Welcomes the use of the latest versions of these operating systems.

Local ACSEE software should allow remote administration of the full functions of administrator.



The requirements for information exchange between the system components


The components of the local substation are ACSEE:


· Multifunctional counters of electric power, which are included in the measurement of SS sublayer ACSEE;

· communications equipment;

· Server data, automate user workstations that are part sublayer processing and reporting.


Information communication with local ACSEE measuring sublayer includes the reading of information via the media server with all primary database multifunction counters, which are part of ACSEE, and adjust hours counters.


The process of reading the information from the counters at the local level should be:


· be carried out according to the rules, which is set in the configuration of the system and the user query;

· exclude any changes or errors in reading, transmission and recording of primary data;

· have an indication of the results of the reading and control of completeness of the information;

· provide the minimum reading time required by parallel operation of multiple counters, and through the use of effective programs that implement standard protocols;

· logged.


Information interaction with AWP communication server must be performed using a LAN with or without the use of the Internet (WEB) -technology.



The requirements for the structure of the collection, processing and transmission of data to ACSEE.


The structure of compulsory processes ACSEE SS to be executed software and hardware tools automatically or with the participation of personnel substation must enter:


· measurement of the electrical network via measuring transformers, multi-function counters. As a result of the action of this process is to be formed primary database;

· automatic reading of data from the primary database and the formation of copies primary database;

· maintaining regulatory supplemental information, the result of which must be relevant to the information at any time. The process is performed mainly manually by service personnel with special service programs;

· manual input of information, the result of which should be: Table of operational switching in the electrical network and replacement of meters and manual entry of the data array - credentials of accession which are not equipped with an automated means of gathering information, or these remedies do not work;

· entering the exact time, which should provide ACSEE SS exact time stamp;

· control and adjustment of the timer counters;

· Creating screens, input information for which should serve as any information that is in the server ACSEE, and the result - in the form of screen forms, tables, lists and charts.



The requirements regarding the presentation of data


means of data should provide ACSEE SS:


· creation on their base AWP for different categories of workers with the delimitation of access rights;

· connection to AWP reflection as a means of information and interfaces, utilities - management credentials, master data management, manual input of information, control data read from the counters, etc.;

· creation and updating of the structure and format reports using the report generator, which does not require programming;

· creating, reviewing, printing and storing reports;

· review saved reports;

· reation and updating of the structure and format tables, lists, intended for forming screens;

· forming, reflection and, if necessary, print, or storage on magnetic or optical media screens;

· creating a graphic reflection and analysis with the help of periodic data.


The main source of data for the system ACSEE are digital devices of electricity metering, plug-in to the system upper level protocol ModbusRTU.



Hardware requirements


Technical means ACSEE SS should be sufficient to perform all functions of the system with the appropriate characteristics, highlighted in these specifications.

As the technical means should be used ACSEE SS uniform technical means of mass production. If necessary, allowed to use separate hardware unit production.

Each of the hardware ACSEE SS should allow its replacement by means of the same functionality without structural changes in the regulatory or other technical means ACSEE SS (except specially stipulated in the operational documentation to ACSEE).

The hardware must include equipment to connect to the server and AWP LAN.




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