Acknowledging Receipt of Goods 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Acknowledging Receipt of Goods

Dear Sirs,

Today we have received the consignment of which you advised us on the 7th March. We have examined the goods and have found them to be in order.

In payment of your invoice we enclose cheque for £... on the District Bank Ltd. Manchester. Please send us your officialreceipt.

Yours faithfully,



Supplier Asks for Details of Invoice Paid

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your cheque in the amount of £...

Your payment arrived without a remittance advice. We do not know which invoice you are paying, and should appreciate it if you would give us the invoice number and date in order that we may credit your account properly.

Yours faithfully,


Seller Apologizes for Overcharge


We have received your letter of November 10 and regret very much the overcharge of $10.35 which you have called to our attention. The charge was incorrect and has now been cancelled.


A corrected bill for $312.55 is enclosed. Please accept our sincere apologies for this error.

Very truly yours,



Publisher of Textbooks Corrects Error in Invoice


Dear Mrs Robinson,


Thank you for your letter of February 15 regarding our invoice No. 4668.

Due to an error, you were billed incorrectly. The price of the textbook is $5.20 less 20 % discount.

We are canceling this invoice and you should receive a credit shortly. To rectify our error we are re-billing you at the correct price.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and we apologize for any inconvenience this mistake may have caused you.


Sincerely yours,


Supplier Calls Customer's Attention to Unearned Discount Taken


Thank you for your remittance in the amount of $320.58 in payment of our invoice of Feb. 16 for $328.80, on which you have taken a 2,5 % cash discount.

As our prices are cash prices, we cannot grant you any cash discount, and would therefore appreciate your sending us, at your convenience, a check for $8.22, the amount of the discount in question.

Very truly yours,


I. Translate letters from Russian into English:



Уведомление об оплате

Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваше уведомление о готовности товара к отгрузке от 3 марта.

Мы прилагаем вексель на предъявителя на сумму в? 837.00 в качестве оплаты Вашего счета.

Пожалуйста, вышлите Ваше официальное уведомление о получении платежа.

С уважением,




Уведомление о получении платежа

Уважаемые господа!

Спасибо за Ваше письмо от 7 марта.

Это наше официальное уведомление о получении Вашего векселя на предъявителя на сумму в? 837.00 в качестве оплаты нашего счета.

Надеемся, наше будущее сотрудничество будет таким же успешным.


Искренне Ваши,

II. Draft letters in English from the following particulars:


Фирма «А» во Франкфурте на Майне известила фирму «В» в Лондоне, что груз был получен ею в сохранности и полностью отвечает их требованиям. Она проинструктировала свой банк о перечислении суммы в £... на счет фирмы «В» в Lloyd’s Bank Ltd., Лондон.


Фирма «А» подтверждает получение от фирмы «В» заказанных товаров и благодарит её за быструю доставку. При проверке накладной было обнаружено, что произошла ошибка. Есть несоответствие между поставленными товарами и накладной.

Поскольку из-за этой ошибки у фирмы «А» возникли трудности в получении товаров с таможни, она просит выслать ей исправленную накладную.


III. Read, translate and act out the dialogue:

Discussing Terms of Payment

B. – Beresov, P. – Peterson

P.: We are to take up one more question.

B.: I suppose it may concern the terms of payment.

P.: That’s right. We would ask you to increase the advance payment to?500.

B.: A 10% advance payment is our usual practice.

P.: I’m afraid it is insufficient in this case taking into account our meeting you halfway in granting you earlier delivery dates.

B.: Let it be so.

P.: You are to open an irrevocable letter of credit with TLC bank.

B.: We shall open a letter of credit as soon as we receive a notification that the first consignment of goods is ready for shipment.

P.: The letter of credit is to be valid for 5 days.

B.: That goes without saying.

P.: Thank you. I must say that we are quite satisfied with the results of the deal.

B.: We are also very pleased to have negotiated with you.

IV. Read and translate the text:

No Funds

Indignantly a daughter said to her father when he returned home one evening: «Dad, why in the world did you tell me to put my money in such a bank? Why, it's absolutely on the rocks.»

«What,» said her father, «that's one of the strongest banks in the country. What do you mean by such a statement?»

Waving a check in the air, his daughter replied, «Look at this. It's my check for $25.00 and it was returned today by the bank and marked “No Funds”.»


VII. Credit Letters


Credit Inquiries

When a new customer asks for credit, the supplier must first find out whether the customer is creditworthy. To this end, he sends credit inquiries (or: status inquiries) to possible sources of information.

The most important credit information sources are:

1. the customer (he may be asked to furnish information about himself, for example, by filling in a credit application form, or by submitting a copy of his latest balance sheet),

2. the customer's trade references (other suppliers whom the customer has given as references),

3. the customer's bank references (the banks named by the customer),

4. other firms known to have done business with the customer,

5. inquiry agencies (US: commercial or mercantile agencies).

It should be noted that banks give information only to other banks. Therefore, a supplier seeking information from his customer's bank can secure this information only through his own bank.

This chapter is chiefly concerned with inquiries addressed to trade references. When such inquiries are made, the inquirer should always be aware of the fact that he is asking a favour. Credit inquiries are often accompanied by a stamped and self-addressed envelope or, if they are sent abroad, by an addressed envelope and an Inter­national Reply Coupon.

Many letters of inquiry do not mention the name of the person or firm about whom the inquiry is made; the name is placed on a separate sheet of paper which is attached to the letter. This is done to ensure confidential treatment of the matter.

The inquirer must, of course, assure the firm he is writing to that the information given will be treated confidentially and without responsibility on the latter's part.

Credit inquiries often close with an offer to reciprocate favours. Many businessmen feel, however, that this goes without saying.

Letters requesting credit information, and the envelopes, in which they are sent, are marked Confidential, Strictly Confidential, or Private and Confidential.


Credit Information

Business firms are under no obligation whatsoever to answer credit inquiries. Usually, however, they are quite willing to cooperate, knowing that they, too, have to ask similar favours from time to time.

In replies to credit inquiries, the name of the person or firm about whom information is given is often omitted; instead, reference is made to the firm in question, the firm mentioned in your letter, the firm about which you inquire, etc.


Terms and phrases

a. Opening Phrases Фразы для начала письма
Your name has been given us as a reference by Messrs. Black & Co. Ваша фирма была нам дана в качестве рекомендателя на господ Black & Co.
The firm whose name appears on the enclosed slip (The firm mentioned on the enclosed slip of paper) has placed a first order in the amount of … Фирма, чье имя указано в прилагаемом бланке (фирма, упомянутая в прилагаемом бланке), разместила первый заказ на сумму...
Mr. Smith is seeking an account with us with a credit limit of … Мистер Смит надеется открыть у нас счет с кредитным лимитом …
Messrs. Baker & Sons wish to enter into business relations with us. Господа Baker & Sons желают установить деловые отношения с нами.
As this firm is unknown to us … Так как эта фирма нам неизвестна …
As we have not done business (have not had any dealings) with this firm so far … Так как мы не занимались бизнесом (не имели никаких деловых отношений) с этой фирмой до сих пор …
b. Information Requested Запрашиваемая информация
We shall appreciate (We should be grateful to you for) any information you can give us about the firm in question. Мы будем рады любой информации (Мы будем благодарны Вам за любую информацию), которую Вы можете предоставить нам о данной фирме.
We should be glad if you would give us some dеtails (particulars) regarding (concerning) … Мы будем рады, если Вы сможете предоставить нам некоторые подробности относительно …
… financial standing / financial status … финансового положения / финансового статуса
… credit standing / credit status … кредитного положения / кредитного статуса
… ability to meet financial obligations … возможности выполнить финансовые обязательства
… turnover … оборота
… business conduct / manner of dealing … способа ведения дел
… business methods … деловых методов
… reliability … надежности
Do you think it would be reasonable (justifiable, in order, a fair risk) to allow them a credit of about …? По Вашему мнению, было бы благоразумно (оправданно, правильно, оправданным риском) выдать им кредит в размере …
To what figure do you think we could safely go? По Вашему мнению, какую сумму мы могли бы предоставить им без риска?
Any other information you could supply would be appreciated. Мы будем рады любой информации, которую Вы могли бы предоставить.
c. Promising Confidential Treatment and Offering to Reciprocate Favours Обещание конфиденциального обращения и предложение взаимных услуг
Your reply will be treated as strictly confidential (in strict confidence, in absolute confidence). Ваш ответ будет рассмотрен строго конфиденциально.
You can rely on our treating your information with the utmost discretion (with the strictest discretion). Вы можете рассчитывать на то, что мы будем обращаться с Вашей информацией с предельной осторожностью.
We shall be glad to reciprocate this favour at any time. Мы будем рады ответить взаимностью на Вашу услугу в любое время.
If we can be of assistance to you in a similar case (If we can render you a similar service), please let us know. Если мы можем быть полезны Вам в похожей ситуации (Если мы можем оказать подобную услугу), пожалуйста, обращайтесь к нам.
d. Favourable Information Благоприятная информация
The firm about which you inquire (The firm mentioned in your inquiry) has an excellent reputation. Фирма, которой Вы интересуетесь (Фирма, упомянутая в Вашем запросе), имеет превосходную репутацию.
They are old-established traders who enjoy unquestionable confidence. Это давно основанная торговая компания, которая пользуется неоспоримым доверием.
They have considerable resources (considerable funds, a considerable amount of capital) at their disposal. У них в распоряжении есть существенные ресурсы (значительные фонды, значительная сумма).
They have always met their obligations promptly. Они всегда выполняют свои обязательства немедленно.
They have always been punctual in paying their bills. Они всегда были пунктуальны при оплате счетов.
They usually take advantage of cash discounts. Обычно они пользуются преимуществом оплаты наличными со скидкой.
They have been regular customers of ours for the past five years. Они были нашими постоянными покупателями последние пять лет.
We think (believe) that you will not be taking any risk in granting them a credit up to… Мы думаем (полагаем), что Вы не подвергнетесь риску, предоставив им кредит в размере …
e. Unfavourable Information Неблагоприятная информация
In reply to your letter of …we regret to inform you (we are sorry to inform you) that we do not consider it advisable to grant any credit to the firm in question. Отвечая на Ваше письмо от… (дата), мы с сожалением информируем Вас (мы с сожалением сообщаем вам), что мы считаем нежелательным (неблагоразумным) предоставление кредита данной фирме.
We have learned from reliable sources (We have it on good authority), that they are having financial difficulties. Мы узнали из надежных источников (Мы хорошо осведомлены о том), что они имеют финансовые трудности.
They are reported to be in a precarious financial position. Нам сообщили, что их финансовое положение ненадежно (сомнительно).
Owing to the failure of one of their customers they have suffered (sustained) considerable losses. Из-за банкротства одного из их клиентов, они понесли (претерпели) значительные убытки.
It seems (It appears) that the firm is insufficiently provided with capital (is undercapitalized). Кажется, что фирма недостаточно обеспечена капиталом.
During the past six months they have been slow in paying their debts (there have been repeated delays in payment). В течение последних 6 месяцев они задерживали выплату своих долгов (повторялись задержки в платежах).
f. Requesting Confidential Treatment Просьбы о конфиденциальном обращении
May we ask that you treat this information as confidential? Мы просим, чтобы Вы отнеслись к этой информации как к конфиденциальной.
This information is for your own use only and given without responsibility. Эта информация предназначена исключительно для Вашего пользования и предоставляется без каких-либо обязательств.


Specimen letters

Credit Inquiry

Private and Confidential


Dear Sirs,


We have been referred to you by the firm mentioned on the enclosed slip and should be glad if you would give us as detailed information as possible regarding their financial status and business reputation. In particular, we should like to know whether, in your opinion, a credit to the extent of approx. £3,000 could be safely granted.

We thank you for your courtesy and assure you that your information will be treated confidentially. For your convenience we enclose a stamped and addressed envelope.

Yours faithfully,




Credit Inquiry





February 3, 20…

John Miles Tractor Company

619 Stonegate Road

Peoria, Ill. 61601

Re: Cooper Construction Company

Springfield, Illinois


We understand that you are familiar with the affairs of the above company, from which we have just received a large order.

Will you kindly give us your opinion of the company's financial responsibility, credit standing, and general management. If you are granting accommodations, we should like to know the extent of the accommodation, the amount at present owing you and, if on a secured basis, the nature of the security.

Your reply will be appreciated, and we assure you that any information you may give us will be held in strict confidence. Should the occasion present itself, we shall be very glad to reciprocate the favor.

Yours very truly,

C.F. Cummings

Credit Department



Favourable Information

Private and Confidential


Dear Sirs,


Messrs. Johnson & Co., about whom you inquire in your letter of 17th March, have done business with us for the past two years. Orders have been comparatively small and payments regular, with a short delay in one case. Our representative reports that the firm is sound and reliable. A credit of £400 would appear to be in order.

This information is given in confidence and without responsibility on our part.

Yours faithfully,


Unfavourable Information

Private and Confidential




We regret to state, in response to your letter of May 28, that our experience with the firm in question has not been satisfactory.

During the ten months they have had an account with us, we have repeatedly had difficulties in collecting bills. It seems that their financial position is not very strong.

Under these circumstances we would advise you to proceed with caution and, if possible, to do business on cash terms only.

This information is given without any obligation on our part, and we trust that it will be held strictly confidential.

Very truly yours,



I. Translate letters from Russian into English:

Запрос о кредитоспособности


Уважаемая г-жа Суон!

Фирма, упомянутая в прилагаемом бланке, разместила у нас первый заказ на сумму?7,500. Мы будем рады, если вы сможете предоставить нам некоторые подробности относительно финансового положения данной фирмы.

Вы можете рассчитывать на то, что мы будем обращаться с вашей информацией строго конфиденциально.

Для удобства прилагаем конверт для ответа.

Искренне Ваш,




Ответы на запросы о кредитоспособности


Благоприятная информация

Уважаемый г-н Мюррей!


Фирма, которой вы интересуетесь, имеет превосходную репутацию. Они были нашими постоянными покупателями последние шесть лет. В течение всего времени нашего сотрудничества они всегда выполняли свои обязательства своевременно.


Искренне Ваш,


Неблагоприятная информация

Уважаемый г-н Мюррей!


Отвечая на ваше письмо от 23 мая, мы с сожалением информируем Вас, что фирма, о которой идет речь, имеет некоторые финансовые трудности. Они являются нашими постоянными заказчиками с 2004 года. Из-за банкротства одного из их клиентов, они понесли значительные убытки и в течение последних 6 месяцев они несколько раз задерживали оплату наших счетов.

Мы просим, чтобы вы отнеслись к этой информации как к конфиденциальной.

Искренне Ваш,


II. Draft letters in English from the following particulars:


Фирма «А» в Манчестере обращается к фирме «В» в Ганновере с просьбой о предоставлении ей информации о фирме «С», которая хочет установить с ней деловые отношения и разместить большой заказ. Фирме «А» известно, что фирма «В» долгое время сотрудничала с фирмой «С» и может сказать, всегда ли она была пунктуальна при оплате счетов. Фирма «А» заранее благодарит фирму «В» за информацию и будет рада ответить взаимностью на её услугу в любое время.


Фирма «В» в Ганновере на запрос фирмы «А» в Манчестере о репутации фирмы «С» сообщает, что упомянутая фирма основана давно и пользуется неоспоримым доверием. Фирма «С» была постоянным покупателем фирмы «В» последние пять лет и всегда выполняла свои обязательства немедленно. Эта информация предназначена исключительно для пользования фирмой «А» и предоставляется без каких-либо обязательств.


III. Read, translate and act out the dialogue:

Wrong Delivery

B. – Buyer, S. – Seller

B.: There seems to be a mistake with the shipment.

S.: Oh, sorry to hear that. What exactly is the problem?

B.: Well, we placed an order for ten sensors, model number TZ20, but instead we have received twenty TZ10 sensors. I’m afraid this delay is going to cause us problems.

S.: Yes, I can understand. We will of course send the correct models as soon as possible.

B.: Sorry, but I need something more specific so I can tell our customers. Can you manage delivery by Friday? That would be our absolute deadline.

S.: Yes, of course. I can confirm that you will receive the sensors first thing Friday in the morning.

IV. Read and translate the text:


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