The language of advertising and its impact on the community. 

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The language of advertising and its impact on the community.

Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they are always coming in for criticism. But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about.

Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted. It is hardly possible not to read advertisements these days. We must not forget either that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pocket. Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not subsist without these sources of revenue. The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.

Another thing we must not forget is the small ads, which are in virtually every newspaper and magazine. What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community! Just about anything can be accomplished through these columns. No other item in a newspaper provides such entertaining reading or offers such a deep insight into human nature. It is the best advertisement for advertising there is!




Nowadays the position of the woman in the male-dominated world is gradually changing; women’s interests have become an issue: twenty years ago they weren’t even spoken Women are still heavily outnumbered by men. Even in Europe the work opportunities for women leave a lot to be desired Women’s Federation for World Peace i s a global organization, aims at fundamental solution to the threats of the families, stemming from the decline in moral standards, increasing drug abuse and all forms of indecent sexual behavior in the world around

Women always had to struggle for their rights. Some girls think that they have only four occupations open for them – nurse, secretary, teacher, or mother. This discrimination continues afterwards when women can’t receive the same education and can’t get a job she wants.

According to the International Organization lower wages for women are common in most countries, irrespective to the level of economic development.

Everywhere in the world women have found cultural prejudices as hard to change as political ones.

Another burning issue nowadays is women and career. No doubt, that woman has the same nature abilities for mental development as men have.



Voluntary work is a priceless asset.

Volunteering is any activity which involves spending time, unpaid, doing something which aims to help people, good causes, or to improve the environment.

Volunteering is a great way to use your skills to help others, and at the same time learn something new which may lead to a qualification.

As a volunteer you may get the chance to develop new skills. There are all sorts of reasons to volunteer, including: helping others, meeting new people, taking part in something which is important to you, gaining experience and improving your job prospects.

The benefit of being a volunteer is a sense of personal satisfaction from giving your time to help others. Volunteering is a way to improve your career prospects and put something back into society.

Volunteers visit housebound people as well in order to give the main curer a break And the only reward they got is the feeling that they’re bringing a little bit happiness into someone’s life.

Types of Voluntary Activities

. Teaching or coaching (24.4 %).

. Canvassing, campaigning, or fundraising (22.9 %).

. Collecting, making, serving, or delivering goods (22.2 %).

. Serving on a board, committee, or neighborhood association (16.3 %).

. Providing care or transportation (12.3 %).

. Consulting or administrative work (14.0 %).




Drugs – both legal and illegal – have accompanied humans since the beginning of civilization. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol – even they affect us so much that we find ourselves depending on a regular supply of them. People who are addicted to drugs can be of any age or walk of life. Their reasons for taking drugs are as varied as the environments in which they live. In some cases, addiction will be life-long; in others, it may be a temporary phase which can be broken out of.

In order to help people to get rid of their, lets say “bad habbits”, governments make different drug policies. And there is now a clear trend toward greater emphasis on education and treatment, rather than repression. Several states have adopted new policies focused more on treatment and prevention rather than interdiction and prosecution.



Speaking about the role of self-esteem in the upbringing of children I’d like to begin with the definition of this concept. Self-esteem is a feeling of being happy with your own character and abilities. But the role of self-esteem should not be overestimated especially when a character is being formed. That’s why particular attention should be paid to children who are very sensitive and easily absorb what they are taught, shown and explained. So the study of the level of self-esteem in different countries proved that it’s much thanks to persuasion and showing an example by the adults that most American kids are too self-assured and their self-esteem has no borders. After a standardized math test held in 6 countries the question about quality of American education was raised.. Everything must have its limits and self-esteem is not and exception. Reasonable attitude to it promotes reduction of many social ills such as drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and failure in school. The problem is that judging by the different intellectual tests kids feel exceedingly good about their bad academic performance. This is not the problem of one country or one nation but spreads on others as well. That’s why it should be reconsidered once again, especially in American society.



A question as old as newspapers themselves is whether they influence public opinion or merely pander to it. The question is an important one for editors and proprietors, and for those who study their motives and the effectiveness of their newspapers. The motives are not always clear.

In 1947 a Royal Commission examined the conduct and control of the British Press. It asked the man who owns the mass circulation of the Daily Express and Sunday Express, what his motives were for owning newspapers. He answered that they were to make propaganda. There could be no other motive for buying or launching newspapers, he said.

Fifteen years later a second Royal Commission on the Press heard evidence from a second Canadian Press baron (owned The Sunday Times, the Times). He owned them to male profits. A rich newspaper owner didn`t even care what message his papers peddled to the public but only what profits they made!

Popular daily and Sunday newspapers are so short, light and trivial that they are unlikely to influence any reader very much. Popular newspapers nowadays seem much more concerned with keeping their readers and making money than influencing them. Sunday newspapers, now concentrate far more on entertaining their readers. What they may do, more by their selection of news and topics than by the argument of their leading articles, is to influence not what people will think, but what people will think about.



Children and Tv is a real problem. Eight out of ten children are usually allowed to watch right up to «their bedtime». Only 11% of the interviewed mothers said they allowed their children under 10 watch anything they like. But implicit in the figures is governing a decision to switch off (27 per cent) or switch over (57 per cent) when parents considered a programme unsuitable. Yet 74% agrred or partly agreed that there was too much violence on tv. Interestingly that only 8 per cent thought sex on tv was more harmful. Parents don`t control what their children viewing.

Families don’t buy books, they prefer to watch moronic movies instead.And if a child lives in such a family that doesn’t share any human values it’s easy to guess in what way TV can influence him. As for the negative aspect, watching television over a long span seriously damages children’s ability to think clearly; moreover it robs youngsters of childhood. To some extent television is opening up all the society’s secrets and taboos, thus erasing and dividing line between childhood and adulthood.


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