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Образец: Let (I) read this text.

Let me read this text.

1. Let (she) help him in his laboratory test.

2. Let (he) illustrate his explanation with an example.

3. Don't let (they) solve this equation. We have already the answer.

4. Let (we) ask the professor about this phenomenon.

I. Употребление сослагательного наклонения в сложных
предложениях и способы его перевода


  1. После выражений типа   Употребляется:
  It is necessary It is important It is desirable It is required It is possible     Should (could, might) + инфинитив без «to» или формы сходные с инфинитивом без «to». 1. … that such data (should) find application in further work. … чтобы такие данные нашли применение в дальнейшей работе.
  2. В придаточных дополнительных после глаголов таких, как         2. … that they could investigate these phenomenon. … чтобы они смогли исследовать эти явления.   … that this new method (should) be discussed at once. … чтобы сразу же обсудили этот новый метод.
We demand suggest require desire propose insist ...  
  3. В придаточных цели после союзов таких, как:     3. … lest the productivity (should) decrease. … чтобы не снизилась производительность.
  lest – чтобы не so that – чтобы in order that – для того, чтобы      

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод сказуемого, каждый раз читайте полностью все предложение.


1. It is necessary that you should write your report in time. the research be conducted daily. he complete his work this year.
2. He suggested that the work started last year be continued. the question of applying a new method in their research should be discussed at once. the conference cover a wide range of questions.
3. They applied new methods of work so that he get accurate results. in order that we should finish our experiments in time. lest the efficiency of the device be low. lest the machine should go out of order.


II. Употребление сослагательного наклонения в простых
предложениях и способы его перевода


В простых предложениях, выражающих предположение или пожелание Should, would could, might + инфинитив без “to”
  1. Without satellites the investigations of outer space would be impossible. Без спутников исследования открытого космоса были бы невозможны.
    2. I should like to do it. Мне бы хотелось сделать это.
    3. Atomic energy might be used for this purpose. Атомная энергия могла бы быть использована для этой цели.
should, would – вспомогательные глаголы, на русский язык не переводятся; could, might – модальные глаголы, сохраняют свое лексическое значение.

1. Without the force of gravitation there would be no pressure in liquids. 2. I should come here but I was busy. 3. З. He would like to take part in our research work. 4. Such kind of device could be used in our experiment. 5. It would be impossible to measure the temperature of Venus without a radiotelescope. 6. We'd like to carry out this work as soon as possible. liquid – жидкость; pressure – давление.


Переведите предложения, объясните употребление сослагательного наклонения.

1. It is highly desirable that more radio-telescopes should be applied for astronomical observation and measurements.

2. We suggested that he inform us about his work.

3. They wish this method were used in his work.

4. I opened the window lest it should be not so hot.

5. We wish our dreams would become reality.

6. Astronomers conduct further study of the stars so that the physicists could better understand the processes going on inside atoms.

7. Don't raise the temperature lest the speed of the reaction should be too high.

8. It is important that you be present.

9. I wish I were young again.

10. I should like to do it.

11. He must hurry lest he should be late.

12. It is essential that scientists meet regularly to exchange views and information.

13. The engineer demanded that the materials which are to be used in the experiment should be carefully tested.

14. It would be difficult to analyse the results of the test without the teacher’s help.

Условные предложения

Ситуация Придаточное предложение Главное предложение
1. Реальное условие     Present Indefinite перево- Будущим временем     Future Indefinite перево- Будущим временем  
  дится     дится  
  If he comes in time Если он придет вовремя,     we shall complete the test. мы закончим испытания.  
2. Малове-роятное условие   Сходное с Past Indefinite перево- Прошедшим временем с «бы»     should would could might + Infi-nitive без “to” пере- Прошедшим временем с «бы»  
  дится     во-дится  
    If he came in time Если бы он пришел вовремя,     we should complete the test tomorrow. мы бы закончили испытания завтра.  
3. Нереаль-ное условие   Сходное с Past Indefinite перево- Прошедшим временем с «бы»     should would could might + Perfect Infi-nitive без“to” пере- Прошедшим временем с «бы»  
  дится     во-дится  
    If he had come in time Если бы он пришел вовремя,     we should have completed the test yesterday. мы бы закончили испытания вчера.  
Союзы:if – если in case – в случае, если unless – если не but for – если бы не provided – при условии, если  


1. If he is here he will help you. 2. If he comes early, I'll ring you up. 3. If you had asked him, he might have helped you. 4. Provided this method of work were applied, we would obtain better results. 5. Had the engineer had this information, he would have acted differently. 6. Provided all the requirements were met the efficiency of the apparatus would be increased. 7. Our engineer would take part in the discussions unless he were busy. 8. He could complete the test tomorrow in case he had time. 9. The accident might have not occurred, if you had been more accurate. 10. Had he come in time, nothing would have occurred. 11. Were she a specialist in this field we should show her the new equipment. 12. We should test the device could we get it. 13. But for the atmosphere no life would be possible on the Earth. ring up – звонить; accidеnt – авария, несчастный случай; occur – происходить; pressure – давление.




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