Суб’єктний інфінітивний зворот 

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Суб’єктний інфінітивний зворот


Іменник або займенник у називному відмінку + інфінітив

Місце звороту, його функція Перекладається Приклади
Іменник або займенник — перед присудком, інфінітив — після присудка; складений підмет   1) за допомогою присудка (відомо, ка­жуть) і підряд-ного речення зі сполучником що; 2)простим реченням. Не is known to be a good doctor. (Відомо, що він хороший лікар.) This man is said to have lived in Kyiv. (Кажуть, що цей чоловік жив у Києві.) She seems to know English well. (Вона, здається, добре знає англійську мову.)


Ex.7.Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Не is said to have made an interesting report at the conference. 2. Grippe is known to be a highly communicable and rapidly spreading disease. 3. The doctor is said to be there at the time of the accident. 4. She is believed to be the most skillful therapeutist in this hospital.


Ex.8.Find infinitive constructions and translate into Ukrainian:

1. Everybody knows him to be a skillful doctor. 2. He is known to be a skillful doctor. 3. The doctor is expected to come today. 4. We expect the doctor to come today. 5. She said them to have been discharged from the hospital. 6. They are said to have been discharged from the hospital.



Lesson 30.

Symptoms. Complaints

Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

Headache — головний біль;

to have a headache — мати головний біль;

to take a tablet for a headache — прийняти таблетку від …

Toothache — зубний біль;

to have a toothache — мати зубний біль;

to rinse a mouth — полоскати рот;

Stomachache — біль у шлунку;

to have a stomachache — мати 6iль y шлункy;

Earache — біль y вyci;

to have an earache — мати біль у вусі;

to put a warm compress on the ear — накласти теплий

компрес на вухо;

Heartache — серцевий біль;

to have a heartache — мати біль у серці;

to have a bad (weak) heart — мати хворе (слабке) серце;

to have a healthy heart — мати здорове серце;

to listen to the heart — слухати серце;

Sore throat — запалене горло;

to have a sore throat — мати запалене горло;

to gargle the throat — полоскати горло;

Cough — кашель;

to have a dry cough — мати сухий кашель;

to have a bad cough — мати сильний кашель;

Cold in the head — нежить;

to have a bad cold in the head — мати нежить;

to have a running nose — мати нежить;

Fever — лихоманка;

to be ill — хворіти;

to keep (stay) in bed -залишатися в ліжку;

to catch a cold — застудитися.


Ex.2. Match the words-combinations:

to have a sore throat полоскати рот

to gargle the throat нежить

to have a bad cough запалене горло

to rinse the mouth полоскати горло

cold in the head сильно кашляти


Ex.3. Fill in:

(rinse, gargle, splints, weak, tablet, compress)

1. This patient has a... heart. 2.... the throat. 3. Put the... on the broken arm. 4. Put a warm... on the ear. 5.... the mouth after meal. 6. Take a... when you have a headache.


Ex.4. Read and translate the text:

A Visit of a Doctor

One day mother fell ill. She had a running nose, a cough, a bad headache and a sore throat. Her temperature was very high. Father called in a doctor. In some hours the doctor came. He examined mother. The doctor felt her pulse, checked her blood pressure. It was 140 over 8O. That BP was normal for her. Then he listened to her heart and lungs, examined her throat. The doctor told mother that she had flu. So she had to stay in bed for some days. The doctor prescribed mother some medicine. She had to take them regularly. He gave mother a sick-list. In some days mother felt better.

Ex.5. Give the English equivalents:

захворіла; нежить; запалене горло; викликав лікаря; оглянув; виміряв тиск; вислухав серце та легені; оглянув горло; залишатися в ліжку декілька днів; прописав ліки; приймати регулярно; видав лікарняний; почувалася краще.

Ex.6. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

did not feel well; call in a doctor; to stay in bed; to take medicine; three times a day; to give a sick list; to gargle throat; to take temperature, to feel better

Ex.7. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What happened to mother one day? 2. What was her temperature? 3. How did the doctor examine mother? 4. What was her BP? 5. What diagnoses did the doctor make? 6. How often did mother have to take medicine?

Ex.8. Fill in these words:

(Gargled, lost appetite, prescribed, a cough, mustard plasters)

1.Pete had... and his mother put... on his back.

2.He... and became very weak.

3.The doctor... some medicine.

4.She... her throat 3 times a day.


Ex.9.Make up sentences:

I He/She You We Students Nurse saw heard watched noticed made let him her them you the girl us enter the hospital. leave the room. give injections. sing. take tablets approach the patient.  


I He/She We You Nurses want(s) wanted like(s) should like would like her them you me students to become a doctor. to work in the hospital. to speak English. to give injections. to give tablets to patients


I Patients He/She We You Students Teachers expect (s) expected him the nurse me you us students patient to give injection. to help them. to arrive on Monday. to win the match. to answer the questions.


I He/She We You They considered believed thought knew supposed him you us them me to be brave. to be an honest man. to be lazy. to be a dentist. to be a good student.



СПР №16

Ex.9. Read the words and translate the text:

ache біль

attack напад, приступ

auscultation вислуховування, аускультація

bed rest ліжковий режим

blood count гемограма, аналіз (картина, формула) крові,

BSR. — blood sedimentation rate див. ESR

breathlessness задишка

cerebrospinal fluid спинномозкова рідина

complaint скарга

constipation — запор

cough кашель

cramp судома, корчі, спазм

EEG — electro­encephalogram ЕЕГ (електроенцефалограма)

ESR — erythrocyte sedimentation rate ШОЕ

establish a diagnosis визначати діагноз

feces кал, випорожнення, фекалії

febrile фебрильний

moderately ~ помірно ф.

slightly ~ незначно ф.

fever лихоманка, continued ~ л. тривала

findings результати, дані

giddiness запаморочення

lumbar поперековий

puncture люмбальна(поперекова) пункція

malaise нездужання

palpation обмацування, пальпація

past history анамнез

percussion вистукування, перкусія

to proceed переходити

pus гній

purulent гнійний

rash висипка, висипання

to rely on sth. покладатися на щось

to refer to hospital скеровувати в лікарню

sign ознака, симптом

sore throat біль у горлі

specific gravity питома вага

speculum дзеркало

sputum мокротиння, харкотиння

stool кал, випорожнення, фекалії

surgery хірургія, операція, кабінет

sweat піт

to swell пухнути, набрякати

swelling пухлина, новоутворення, новотвір

tender чутливий, болючий

tenderness чутливість, болючість

tumour пухлина

urine сеча

Medical Examination at the GP's Surgery

Patients in need of medical treatment usually go to see their family doctor in his consulting room or surgery. As a rule, they have to wait in the waiting room.

In order to make the patient's diagnosis, the GP must first learn about the common symptom and the patient's chief complaint. He will want to know if the patient is running a temperature, and if so, he will take it.

Apart from attacks of fever, the most common symptoms include: sweating, general body ache, headache, muscle or joint ache, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation and breathlessness. The patient may also complain of sore throat, cough, weakness, tremor and pain.

On examination (O/E in clinical notes), the doctor may find rash, swelling, distention or tumour. The objective findings called signs also include the results of laboratory examinations of the blood, sputum, urine and stools and possibly the cerebrospinal fluid.

The blood sedimentation rate (BSR or ESR -erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and blood count, simple or differential, are important guides for the establishment of a reliable diagnosis. So is the examination of the sputum for bacilli of tuberculosis, pneumococci, staphylococci, pus or blood.

The urine is analyzed for the presence or exact proportion of albumin, sugar, acetone, blood, bilirubin as well as for colour, specific gravity and total quantity per 24 hours. The stools have to be examined for consistency and colour and again for the presence of blood, parasites and fat.

In order to obtain a clear clinical picture, the doctor may want to have the patient X-rayed, or to have him undergo an ECG (electrocardiographic) or EEG (electroencephalographic) investigation. He may want to have his gastric juices analyzed, bronchoscopy, proctoscopy, cystoscopy etc. performed.

In his surgery, the GP uses the four classical methods of:

inspection — to ascertain visible signs of the patient's condition;

palpation — to feel tumour, swelling, distention, the presence of tenderness etc;

percussion — by tapping the chest or other parts of the body and listening

auscultation — to hear chest sounds, irregularity of heart beat, peristaltic sounds in the abdominal cavity etc.

In examining the patient, the doctor proceeds, as a rule, from the top of the head down the neck, to the chest and abdomen, and finally to the extremities.

This — together with the patient's past history and family history — helps to establish a reliable diagnosis and to determine the kind of treatment. Then, the GP writes out a prescription, to recommend bed rest or hospitalization or to refer him to a specialist.

Ex.10. Answer the questions:

1. Where do patients in need of medical treatment usually go?

2. What must the GP learn about?

3. What are the most common symptoms of a disease?

4. What can the doctor find on examination?

5. What are important guides for the establishment of a reliable diagnosis?

6. Why may the doctor want to have the patient X-rayed?

7. How does the doctor usually proceed in examining the patient?

8. What helps to establish a reliable diagnosis?

9. What can the GP recommend?

10. Which method deals with chest sounds?

11. What methods of examination do you know?


Lesson 31.

First aid

Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

first aid — перша допомога;

to save — рятувати;

injured — потерпілий;

accident — нещасний випадок;

calm — спокійний;

act — діяти;


Read and translate the texts:

First Aid

Everybody must know how to give the first aid. The first aid saves many lives. The first aid is the help which you give to an injured person. You must know different methods of helping in accidents. When you give the first aid you must be calm and act without panic.

Ex.2. Say it in English:

перша допомога; надати першу допомогу; рятувати життя; бути спокійним; діяти спокійно


Ex.3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What saves many lives? 2. What is the first aid? 3. What must you know? 4. How must you act?

bruise — забій, синець; bruised place — забите місце;

swollen — припухлий; relieve the pain -полегшити біль;


When you fall on your knee you get a bruise on it. The bruised place looks red and swollen at first. If there is scratch on your knee put iodine on it. If your knee hurts you very much, take some cloth, wet it in cold water and put in c the bruise. It will relieve the pain. If the fall or the blow was very heavy, you must consult doctor.


scarlet — яскраво червоний;

blood transfusion — переливання крові;

wound — рана;

bleeding — кровотеча;

fasten — перев'язати

pad — м'яка прокладка;

gauze — марля;


When the blood flows from an artery it is scarlet. When the blood flows from a vein it is dark red.

Stop the bleeding as soon as possible. The simple method is to put clean cloth or a pad of sterile gauze over the wound and fasten it tightly.

If the bleeding is from an arm or leg raise the limb. If a person has nosebleed after a heavy blow you must put a cold compress on the nose. The person must breathe through his mouth. In severe cases doctors make blood transfusion.

Ex.4. Answer the questions:

1. What colour is the blood when it flows from an artery?

2. What colour is the blood when it flows from a vein? 3. How must we fasten the wound? 4. What must you do if the bleeding is from an arm, a leg, or a nose?


Ex.5. Give the English equivalents:

кров тече з артерії; зупинити кровотечу; накласти чисту тканину; туго перев'язати; носова кровотеча; накласти компрес на...; у важких випадках; переливання крові.


Ex.6. Read and retell:

Yesterday when I was sitting in the room and doing my homework I heard my grandmother's voice: "Ann, help me." My granny was in the kitchen. I immediately ran there and saw that my grandma's hand was bleeding. She told me that while washing a cup she broke it and cut her hand near the thumb. I saw dark blood and understood that the old woman cut her vein. I told her to raise her hand. Then I took a clean cloth and fastened it tightly over the cutting. As the cutting was deep, my granny had to go to the policlinic to a sur­geon1 for medical aid.

sur­geon хірург


Ex.7.Read and memorize the words:

1.fainting n обморок

2.cause n причина; v визивати

3.emotion n душевне хвилювання

4.fright n переляк

5.joy n радість

6.want of food голод

7.fatigue n втома

8.lose consciousness втрачати свідомість

9.brain n мізок

11.to feel dizzy відчувати запаморочення 12.weak а слабий 13.to fall unconscious v втратити свідомість; а без свідомості 14.shallow а поверховій 15.slow а повільний 16.to lay v (laid) положить 17.flat adv плоско 18.to loose v зд. ослабить, растебнути 19.to cover v покривати 20.to sprinkle v бризкати

10. sweat n піт, іспарина


The cause2 of fainting may be very different: strong emo­tion3 (fright or joy5), want of food,6 fatigue1 or pain.

In fainting the person loses consciousness.8 Blood doesn't get to the brain.9 The face of a person before fainting gets very pale and sweat10 appears on his forehead. He feels dizzy11 and weak.12 The person falls unconscious.13 His breath­ing is shallow. His pulse is weak and slow.15



If you help a person who lost his consciousness:

1. Lay16 the person flat11 on his back.

2. Raise his feet a little.

3. Loose18 his dress.

4. Cover19 him warmly and open the window.

5. Sprinkle20 cold water on his face.

6. Give the person to breathe in ammonia water (нашатирний спирт).


Ex.8. Translate into Ukrainian:

the cause of fainting; want of food; the face gets pale; sweat appears; he feels dizzy; he falls unconscious; shallow breathing; weak pulse; slow pulse

Ex.9. Be ready to speak about the first aid.

Ex.10. Read the words and skim the text:

shock п шок

dangerous а небезпечний

loss п втрата

rapid ['rapid] а прискорений

to keep him quiet зд. не турбувати його


Shock is very dangerous.2 Loss3 of blood can cause shock. Severe pain or strong emotion can cause shock too.

The face of a person in shock is usually pale and the skin is cold. Breathing is rapid* and shallow. The pulse is rapid.

If you help a person who is in shock:

1. Lay him flat on his back.

2. Raise his feet a little.

3. Cover him with blankets to keep him warm.

4. Give him a warm drink.

5. Keep him quiet5


Ex.11. Give the English equivalents:

Дуже опарний; втрата крові; визвати шок; шкіра холод­на; прискорене дихання; положить на спину; підняти но­ги; накрити ковдрою; тепле питне

Ex.12. Fill in:

(pale, rapid, to keep warm, flat, back);

1. When a person is in shock his face is....

2. The pulse and breathing of a person in shock are....

3. If you help a person in shock lay him... on his....

4. It is important... a person in shock.


Ex.13. Read and memorize the words:

1.poisoning відправлення

2. to empty опорожняти

3. stomach шлунок

4. poison n отрута

5. asphyxia асфіксія

6. prompt а невідкладний



The first aid for poisoning is to empty2 the stomach.3 Do it as soon as possible. Give much water to drink — 4-8 glasses.

Some poisons cause shock, others — asphyxia.5 In every case the patient needs prompt6 medical care.


Ex.14. Translate into Ukrainian:

Перша допомога при...; очистить шлунок; в кожному випадку; пацієнти потребують швидкої медичної допомоги.

Ex.15.Use infinitive constructions:

He is so busy that he can’t answer your call.

He is too busy to answer your call.

1. She is so weak that she can’t go out.

2. They will be so busy that they will not meet you at the station.

3. The weather is so hot that we will not leave the house.

4. The water is so cold that I don’t want swim in the river.

5. She had very little money and she couldn’t buy that book.

6. The rule is so difficult that students don’t understand it.


Ex.16.Translate into Ukrainian:

Active Infinitive and Passive Infinitive.

1. I am glad to meet him.

2. He was glad to be met at the station.

3. She is sorry to tell you about it.

4. She didn't want to be told about it.

5. The child doesn't like to be examined by a doctor.

6. He wanted to be invited to this conference.

7. We hope to be sent to the conference.

8. Nobody wants to be laughed at.

СПР №17

Ex.17. Read the words and translate the text:

bite — укус; animal — тварина; rabies virus — вірус сказу; immediately — негайно; life threatening — загрожуючий життю; bubonic plaque — бубонна чума; flea — блоха; transmission — передача; mosquito — комар; commonplace — розповсюджений; victim — жертва; target — ціль; wildlife — дикі звірі; mammals — ссавці; bat — кажан; foaming — піна; wound — рана; scratching — подряпина; venomous — отруйний; snake — змія; treatment — лікування; tetanus toxoid — вакцина правця



A bite is a wound received from the mouth (and in particular, the teeth) of an animal. A person bitten by an animal potentially carrying parvovirus or rabies virus should consult a medical doctor immediately. An animal bite victim may also incur serious bacterial infections of the bone called osteomyelitis which can become life threatening if untreated.


Flea bites are responsible for the transmission of bubonic plague.

Mosquito bites are responsible for the transmission of dengue fever and malaria.

Bites from dogs are commonplace, with children the most common victims and the face the most common target. About 4.7 million dog bites are reported annually in the United States. Other companion animals, including cats and parrots, may bite humans.

Wildlife may sometimes bite humans. The bites of various mammals such as bats, rabbits, wolves, etc. may transmit rabies, which is almost always fatal if left untreated. Signs of rabies include foaming at the mouth, self-mutilation, growling, jerky behavior, and red eyes.



Signs and symptoms

Bite wounds raise a number of medical concerns for the physician including:

Generalized tissue damage due to tearing and scratching.

Serious hemorrhage if major blood vessels are pierced.

Infection by bacteria or other pathogens, including rabies.

Introduction of venom into the wound by venomous animals such as some snakes.

Introduction of other irritants into the wound, causing inflammation and itching.


Bite wounds are washed, ideally with povidone-iodine soap and water. The injury is then loosely bandaged, but is not sutured due to risk of infection.

Antibiotics prophylaxis is recommended for dog and cat bites.

Tetanus toxoid is indicated for virtually any bite that punctures the epidermis and tetanus immune globulin is indicated in patients with more than 10 years since prior vaccination.

Ex.18. Make up a plan of the text.

Lesson 32. Medicines

Ex.1.Read and memorize the words:

1. Powder — порошок

to take a powder for...

a sweet (bitter) powder

2. tablet — таблетка

to take a tablet three times a day

a half tablet

these tablets have no side effects

3. pill — пігулка

to take the pill after (during, before) meal

to take some milk after the pill

4. ointment — мазь

to put the ointment on...

5. suppository — лікувальна свічка

to keep the suppositories in cool place

6. globule — кулька

to wash the hands before the use of the globules

7. ampule — ампула

to keep the ampules in a dark place

to give injections

8. solution — розчин

to read the doctor's instruction before giving the solution

9. mixture — мікстура

to shake the bottle with the mixture before use

10. infusion — настій

to take an infusion

11. decoction — відвар

to give a decoction four times a a day before meal

12. drops — краплі

to keep the drops in a dark place

to wash the pipette before (af­ter) use to drop five drops

13. tincture — настойка

to take twenty drops of the tincture

14. tablespoonful — столова ложка

to take a tablespoonful of...

15. teaspoonful — чайна ложка

to take a teaspoonful on an empty stomach

16. prescription — рецепт

to give a prescription

to prescribe medicine (treatment)


Ex.2. Give the English equivalents:

1. Візьміть ампули з вітаміном В.

2. Приміть 2 сто­лових ложки теплого відвару.

3. Збовтайте мікстуру пе­ред у вживанням.

4. Приміть ці краплі з молоком.

5. Дайте рецепт, будь ласка.

6. Випишіть ліки від головного болю.

7. Зберігайте свічки и розчини в темному і холодному місці.

8. Не приймайте ці порошки на голод­ний шлунок..

Ex.3. Read the words and translate the text:

1. at the chemist's — в аптеці

2. patent — а патентований

3.ampule n ампула

4.glucose n глюкоза

5.camphor n камфара

6.pill n пілюля

7. cough mixture — мікстура від кашлю

8. nasal drops краплі для носу

9. cod liver oil — риб’ячий жир

10.ointment n мазь

11.sleeping draught снодійне

12.laxative n проносне

13.sedative n заспокійливе

14.adhesive plaster липкий пластир (лейкопластир)

15.hot-water bottle n грілка

16.medicine dropper піпетка



When you are ill you consult a doctor. He prescribes you the treatment and writes out a prescription.

At the chemist's you can get patent2 medicines of all kinds: ampules3 of glucose4' and camphor5 for injections, dif­ferent pills,6 tablets and powders, cough mixtures,7 heart drops, nasal drops,8 vitamins, cod liver oil,9 ointments,10 sleeping draughts,11 laxatives,12 sedatives,13 bandages, adhe­sive plasters,14 mustard plasters, bottles of iodine.

You can also buy hot-water bottles,15 medicine droppers,16 ice-bags, sponges, tooth-brushes and tooth-pastes, soap and many other useful things.


Ex.4. Fill in the words:

(mustard plaster, injections, vitamins; cod liver oil, heart

1. He often uses.......

2. She gave her daughter..........

3. I take these... two times a day.

4. She puts... every evening.

Ex.5. Give the English equivalents:

Приймайте ці порошки після їжі; поставте гірчичники на спину; ви повинні мати дома бинт, йод, лейкопластир, сердечні каплі; дайте мене грілку.

Ex.6.Translate into English using

Active Infinitive or Passive Infinitive.

1. Я хотів, щоб мене проінформували про їx прибуття

(to inform — інформувати).

2. Вона не хоче, щоб її відправили в село на літні канікули

(to send — відправляти).

3. Biн наполягає, щоб йому сказали всю правду

(to insist — наполягати).

4. Ми хочемо запросити його на зустріч

(to invite — запрошувати).

5. Він сподівається, що йому допоможуть

(to hope -сподіватись).

6. Я думаю надіслати йому листа, як тільки приїду з Києва.

7. Вони раді, що їм надіслали запрошення

(invitation — запрошення).

8. Я не маю права втручатись в це (to intrude — втручатись).

9. Він не любить, коли його провідують в той час, коли він

хворіє (to visit — провідувати).

10. Вона не любить, коли їй заважають під час роботи

(to disturb — заважати).

11. Я хотів показати їм дорогу до станції

(to show — показувати).

12. Вона рада, що їй дають відпустку у серпні.

13. Діти були щасливі, що їм дозволили піти на річку

(to allow дозволяти).


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