Множина вказівних займенників 

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Множина вказівних займенників

this (цей) — these (ці) that (той) — those (ті)

Ex. 7. Переробіть речення, вживаючи вказівні займенники у мно­жині:

Зразок: This is a book.— These are books.

1. This is a table. 2. That is a chair. 3. This is a copy-book. 4. That is a text-book. 5. This is a box. 6. That is a bag. 7. This is a small room. 8. That is a big hall.



WHAT + дієслово — що? WHAT + іменник — який? WHAT KIND OF — який? (про якість)


Ex. 8. Прочитайте і перекладіть речення:

What is this? (What’s this?) — It is a pen (This is a pen).

What is that? (What’s that?) — It is a pencil (That is a pencil). What book is this? — It’s an English textbook.

What kind of book is it? — It’s a good book.

What’s that? — It's a newspaper (That is a newspaper).

What newspaper is that? — It’s “News from Ukraine”.

What kind of newspaper is that? — It’s a new newspaper.



У реченнях:    
стверджувальних some There are some books here.
питальних any Are there any books here?
заперечних no There are no (not any) books here.


Ex. 9. Трансформуйте стверджувальні речення в питальні і запе­речні:

1. There are some English books on the table. 2. There are some newspapers on the shelf. 3. There was a book on this table. 4. There are some mistakes in this translation. 5. There is some milk in the bottle. 6. You have got some interesting books. 7. There is a large reading-room here. 8. You have got some time to help us. 9. Some buses are in the street. 10. A new cinema is near our house.




Many (багато) books (friends)   Much (багато) work (time)  
Few (мало) Little (мало)
A lot of = many, much (багато)

Ex. 10. Перекладіть речення українською мовою:

1. They translate very many articles into English. 2. This library has few English books. 3. The teacher gave us much homework. 4. We have little work to do. 5. Have you many or few friends? 6. How much time did you spend on this translation? 7. He spends too little time on this kind of work. 8. The teacher asked us very few questions. 9. He usually has a lot of free time. 10. We saw a lot of people there. 11. We work much every day. 12. He reads much (a lot) but his sister reads very little. 13. Do you read much? 14. He reads a lot of books and newspapers. 15. He has a few friends. 16. I've got a little time.


Ex.11. Доповніть речення одним із займенників, які стоять у дужках:

1. (Many, much) students were present at this lecture. 2. Do you read (many, much)? 3. He reads very (little, few) 4. There are (little, few) English books in this library. They asked this professor (many, much) questions. 6. She spends (many, much) time on this kind of work. 7. He had so (little, few) time for his rest. 8. She had (little, few) pens too.


1 — one; 1-й — the first 11 — eleven — the eleventh
2 — two; 2-й — the second 12 — twelve — the twelfth
3- three; 3-й — the third 13 — thirteen — the thirteenth
4 — four; 4-й — the fourth 16 — sixteen — the sixteenth
5 — five — the fifth 18 — eighteen — the eighteenth
6- six — the sixth 20 — twenty — the twentieth
7 — seven — the seventh 21 — twenty one — the twenty first
8 — eight — the eighth 22 — twenty two — the twenty second
9 — nine — the ninth 100 — a hundred — the hundredth
10 — ten — the tenth 1000 — a thousand — the thousandth

Ex. 12. Прочитайте числівники:

а) 2, 12, 20; 3, 13, 30; 4, 14, 40; 5, 15, 50; 6, 16, 60; 7, 17, 70; 8, 18, 80; 9, 19, 90;

б) 23, 37, 45, 53, 68, 77, 89, 94, 100, 105, 125, 248, 472, 562, 748, 892, 974, 1245, 4567, 6748, 92 794, 563 249;

в) 1-й, 2-й, 3-й, 4-й, 5-й, 8-й, 10-й, 11-й, 12-й, 15-й, 18-й, 20-й, 21-й, 22-й, 23-й, 25-й, 27-й, 29-й, 30-й.


Ex. 13.Прочитайте дати:

in 907, in 1805, in 1917, in 1935, in 1945, in 1992, in 2009.

Ex. 14. Answer the questions:

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Are you a student of the Medical College? 4. What year student are you? 5. Are you glad that you entered this College? 6. Is your family big or small? 7. Where do you live? 8. What is your father? 9. What is your mother’s profession? 10. How old is your sister? 11. What is your brother’s hobby? 12. Where do your grandparents live? 13. Is your family friendly? 14. Do you love your family very much?

Ex. 15. Щоб дізнатися про прізвище та ім’я людини або її рідних, вживайте рекомендовані запитання:


What is your name? My name is Nick.
  My father’s name is Peter.
  My mother’s name is Ann.
  My brother’s name is Igor.

Ex. 16. Якщо ви хочете дізнатися про вік вашого співрозмовника або його родичів, вживайте рекомендовані запитання і відповіді.

How old are you? I am 17 years old
is your father? My father is  
your brother? He is  
his wife? His wife is  


Ex. 17. Щоб дізнатися про професію людини або чим вона займає­ться, можна вжити рекомендовані запитання:

What are you? I am a student.
is your father? My father is a worker.
your brother?   My brother a pupil.


Ex. 18. Answer the questions:

1. What is your name? What is your father’s (mother’s, sister’s, brother’s) name?

2. How old are you? How old is your father (mother, sister, brother)?

3. Where do you live? Where does your family live?

4. Where do you study? Where does your sister (brother) study?

5. What is your father (mother, sister, brother)?

6. What is your hobby?



Ex. 19. Підготуйте бесіди з теми:

1. My Family. About myself.

a) your name; age; nationality; profession; address; married or single; b) your father's name; his age; nationality; profession; c) your mother's name; her age; nationality; profession; d) about your sisters and other relatives.



Ex. 1. Read and memorize the words:

native — рідний cathedral — собор

ancient — стародавній the Rampart — Вал

region — область record — згадка

chronicle — літопис principality — князівство

Our Savior — Спаський caves — печери

enterprises — підприємства the WW II — друга світова війна

Ex. 2. Match the word-combinations:


native town iсторичні пам’ятки
in the north of Ukraine cтapoдавнє мicтo
on the right bank вперше згаданий
an ancient town рідне місто    
first mentioned нa півночі України
historical monuments нa npавомy бepeзi

Ex. 3. Read and translate the text:


My Native Town

I live in Chernihiv. It is administrative, economic and cultural centre of the region. It is situated on the right bank of the river Desna. The population of the city is 300 thousand, its area is 72 square kilometers.

Chernihiv is a very ancient town. It has formed in the 7th century, and in 907 was first mentioned in the chronicles. Chernihiv was the capital of a great principality. There are many architectural monuments of that time in our city. They are the Cathedral of Our Savior, the Caves of St. Anthony, the Cathedral of Sts. Boris and Hlib, the Trinity Cathedral, the Church of St. Paraskeva.

During the WWII Chernihiv was greatly damaged. Many buildings and industrial enterprises were ruined.

Now Chernihiv is a big industrial center of Ukraine. The main branches of industry are light, food and chemical.

There are two universities, many institutes, colleges, 35 schools, in our city. There are three theatres, many museums and libraries in Chernihiv.

Chernihiv is very green with its parks and gardens. The Desna river is very fine. The favourite place of Chernihivites is the ancient rampart. We are proud of our city and we love it very much.

Ex. 4. Give the English equivalents for:

мicтo; poзташований нa півночi; нa пpaвомy березі piчки; icторичні пам’ятки; Baл; Cпacький coбop; cyчacнe мicтo; легка тa xapчовa npoмисловість; декілька музеїв.

Ex. 5. Fill in: It is the administrative, economic and cultural … of the region.2.The city is situated in the... of Ukraine. 3. The... of Chernihiv is about 300,000 people. 4. Its history goes back to the... of Old Russ. 5. There are many... monuments in the town. 6. Today Chernihiv is a... city, a big centre of the light and food industries. 7. It has... theatres, some museums, stadiums. 8. Chernihiv is... the greenest cities of Ukraine.

Ex. 6. Answer the questions:

1. Where do you live?

2. When was Chernihiv formed?

3. What is the population of our city?

4. Where is Chernihiv situated?

5. What architectural monuments do you know?

6. What are the main branches of industry?

7. How many theatres are in Chernihiv?

8. Is Chernihiv very green?

9. What is your favourite place in Chernihiv?

10. Do you like our city?

Ex. 7. Read the text and retell it.


Зворот there is (there are) вживається в значенні знаходиться, є, але може не перекладатися.

Порядок слів у стверджувальному реченні

Де? Зворот Що? Хто? Де?
(Може починати­ся з обставини) In this room There is There are   there are   a book many students   many students. on the table. in this room.  

Ex. 8. Порівняйте речення:


There is a telephone in this room. У цій кімнаті є телефон.
The telephone is in this room. Телефон (є) у цій кімнаті.


Ex. 9. Перекладіть речення українською мовою:

1. There is a blackboard on the wall. 2. The blackboard is on the wall. 3. There are many textbooks on the table. 4. Ten textbooks are on the shelf. 5. There are many children in ihe park. 6. These children are in the park. 7. On this table there is a dictionary. 8. The dictionary is on the table.


Форми звороту there is (there are) у часах групи Indefinite

Present (теперішній) Past (минулий) Future(майбутній)
there is there are there was there were there will be there will be

Ex.10. Поставте речення в минулому (Past Indefinite) і майбутньому (Future Indefinite) часах:

Зразок: There is (є) a big hospital in the village.

There was (була) a big hospital in the village.

There will be (буде) a big hospital in the village.

I. There is a nice park near the Institute. 2. There are fifteen students in our group. 3. There is a meeting in that hall. 4. There are many people there. 5. There is a dictionary on the shelf. 6. There are very many English books in this library. 7. In this street there is a school.



Речення з неозначеним підметом one перекладаються україн­ською мовою як безособове речення.

One can see — можна бачити, one can find — можна знайти


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