Which of the following adverbs has suffix “er” in the comparative degree? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Which of the following adverbs has suffix “er” in the comparative degree?

Which of the following adverbs has suffix “er” in the comparative degree?


What ____ awful weather we have today!


The exercise ____ by him yesterday.

#is done

Such interesting film ____ on this channel.

#is often shown

Like any top sportsmen she ___ to train very hard.


A boy ___ many poems while living in the country.


If I ___ you, I would do everything well.


What us the ___ news of today?


In English most children go __ school at the age of five.


When ___ you ___ home yesterday?

#Did … leave

These are the shoes ___ I bought during the sales.



If she worked hard, she ____ good marks.

#would get/have

If you don`t phone him, he ___ probably ___worried.

#will … be

I ___ into a better house if I get a job.

#will move

He is tired. He ____ hard all morning.

#has been working

When I arrived at the station, the train ____.

#had left

Have you ever ___ Helsinki? “Yes once in 1989y.

#been to

She ___ in this house for 25 years.

#has lived

”John! ____ wants you on the phone”.


He ____ live in London, but now he lives in the village.

#used to

She is the ____ student in the class.


While she was chopping onions, she accidently cut ____.


She is clever ___ to do exercise.


If it snows, we ___ make a snowman.


If I ___ on a diet, I`ll lose weight.


When I arrived at the party everyone ____.

#was dancing


Did you see the man ___ stole her bag?


Is she the person ____ gave you this record?


Please, give me the keys ____ are on the table.


My birthday is __ the 30th of July.


Paul`s car is ___ than Tom`s one.


This dress is the ___ in the shop.

#most expensive

Bob ____ the car at the moment.

#is washing

The sun ____ in the west.


It`s ___ colder today than yesterday.


It is warm ____.


Peter has lived here ____ 1998y.


Mother ____ dinner at the moment.

#is cooking

Lucy is as ____ as Sally


Harry went to France two years ____.


My hair is ____ than yours.


Look! She is _____ drop the vase.

#going to

Susan is ____ person I have ever met.

#the nicest

Have you done your homework ____?


Jim ____ in Scotland for 5 years.

#has lived

These are the ____ books.


Ian has two brothers. ____ of them are older than he.


____ I help you carry those heavy bags?


Ann has never ____ Rome.

#been to

I answered the door, but there was ____ there.

#no one

I was hungry so I made _____ a sandwich.


You ____ do the washing up. I’ve already done it.


If you hadn’t overslept, you ____ late for work.

#wouldn’t have been

She works in a bank, ____?

#doesn’t she

He fixed his bicycle all by _____.


How would you feel if you ___ your car?


That is ____ pen.


What is the woman ____ son is doctor.


That box is ____ heavy for him to carry.


This is the house ____ I grew up.


He asked if he ____ borrow the book.


It’s not warm ____ to go to the beach.


Are there ____ biscuits in the cupboard?


Tina ____ to take the dog for a walk every morning.


If I were you, I ____ to bed early.

#would go

You ____ feed the animals at the zoo.


You ___ tidy your room. It is a mess!


Father ____ us to come inside.


Sam lost the keys. He couldn’t find them ____.


I can’t buy this watch, ___ too expensive.

#it is

We arrived _____ England last week.


____ two hours to get there.

#It took me

Mother didn’t let the child ___ TV.


I am right, ____ I?


The film wasn’t worth _____.


I ____to the cinema for ages.

# haven’t been

I asked Ann if she ___ sports.


I’d prefer us ____ to the cinema.

#to go

I don’t agree _____ capital punishment.


Neither Josh ____ Sophie attended the event.


____ his lack of experience, Jake still got a job as a teacher.


Ann ___ me get up early this morning.


“Why are you so nervous?”, “I ___ on a roller coaster before and I am going tomorrow”

#have never been

I am really impressed with Wendy’s advertising campaign. ___ clever she is!


“___you enjoy the concert last night?”, “Yes, it was fantastic”.


“Do you have plans for Friday?”, “I ___ to the bookshop with Timur”.

#am going

Jim goes online and books his trips ___.


Sue really ___ her house painted.

#needs to have

Pam ___ as an interpreter since 2003.

#has been working

By the time I got to the meeting, Chris ___.

#had already left

This performance is not ___ as last night’s.

#so good

The Camden Rocks Festival will ___ place on 1st June.


The British film ___ is worth around 1 billion pound.


RuperGrint ___ on screen for the first time in Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone.


Batman was also ___ as the Dark Knight in the 2008 film.


The street performers attracted a large ___ of people.


The outdoor concert hall is open all year ___, weather permitting.


“Have you participated in Earth Hour ___?”, “No. This is my first time”


The Siberian Tiger is under threat ___ to hunting and habitat loss.


“What do you hate about living in the city?”, “I thing that air pollution is by far the ____ problems”.


John can’t tell the difference ___ African and Indian elephants.


Barry’s been working at the homeless shelter ___ 2011.


“What job do you do?”, “I run an organic food shop ___ myself”.


“What was the best part of the holiday?”, “We were ___ to swim with the dolphins”.


“Shall we help out at the homeless shelter this evening?”, “OK, the beach clean-up will have finished ___?”.

#by then

#by the time ХЗ

#until then

The ___ we rise awareness, the sooner people will switch to Solar power.


The asked a celebrity ___ in the documentary.

#to start

David is definitely the funniest ___ all his family.


“What ___ to your car?”, “I wrecked it in accident”.


Nicole ___ work for the ambulance service, but she doesn’t anymore.

#used to

Samantha ___ to America once before.

#has been

“Hurry up, the train to Bristol ___ at 6.30!”, “OK, I am coming!”.


It stacked to the snow while we ___ to school.

#were walking

___ I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.

#By the time

The fire alarm ___ for 10 minutes now.

#has been ringing

“What are you doing tonight?”, “I ___ TV with my friends”.

#am watching

Huge clouds appeared overhead and the sky ___ dark.


It had been raining ___ for the last four days.



This shop __ terrible! What’s in it?


I __ my family so much because they are always there for me.


Eric is __ artistic student in the class.

#the least

These jeans __ you more than those trousers.


Kirsty goes to the gym twice __ week.


The baby __ for the past two hours.

#has been sleeping

She usually __ to school in the morning.


These days, Jason __ how to drive.

#is learning

The film stars __ 7 p.m., so don’t be late!


Tom seems to be getting __ at tennis.

#better and better

Many __ very friendly and polite.

#is usually

David really annoys me because he’s __ using my laptop.


When people are rude to me, it __ my feelings.


It is important to __ for the future.


John’s __ language is French.


Sues has a __ relationship with her daughter.


Sometimes I __ if I should get a past time job.


The sun __ as we hiked up the mountain.


Have you __ travelled to Africa?


Mike is the __ hardworking employee in the company.


No one is as __ asSucy at singing.


__ kind and considerate they are!


They employed her __ her excellent qualifications.

#because of

Have you seen the folder I __ on your desk this morning?


Your sister __ much taller since I last saw her.

#has grown

I hope I __ promoted soon.

#will get

As soon as I __ home, I’ll call you.


His wallet is similar __ mine.


She hasn’t called us __ she left.


Martin is worried that he will __ his job if he is late again.


My parents worked __ when I was growing up; life wasn’t easy then.


Please have a seat; the doctor will be with you in a __.


They told me that __ could apply for the job; there were no special requirements.


It’s normal to feel nervous the first time you sing in front of __.

#an audience

Marisa wondered __ her brother wouldn’t swim in the pool.


You __ feel embarrassed if you have a phobia; many people have one.


I think that worms are __ than flies.


I’m not afraid of snakes, but I’m not __ them.

#used to touch екеуи бирдей

#used to touch

I remember __ salt to the soup, but I’m not sure if I added pepper.


If Max had cooked dinner, we __ takeaway.

#wouldn’t have ordered


Choose the correct option:... Astana is one of … biggest cities in … Kazakhstan.


Insert a necessary pretext in a sentence:we were waiting … her till the end … the party.


Choose derivative of the word "cheer":


Choose the correct option of a degree of comparison:your new house isn't … I thought.

#so far as

Choose an uncountable noun.


Add a sentence. Mathematics … important for those students studying Physics.


Choose a necessary auxiliary verb. Who advised you to choose this profession? My father ….


In the form of Past Continuous Active the verb is used:

#were standing

Translate in the Past Perfect: The family … to their supper by 7 o'clock yesterday.

#… had finished

Which of the following adverbs has suffix “er” in the comparative degree?


What ____ awful weather we have today!


The exercise ____ by him yesterday.

#is done

Such interesting film ____ on this channel.

#is often shown

Like any top sportsmen she ___ to train very hard.


A boy ___ many poems while living in the country.


If I ___ you, I would do everything well.


What us the ___ news of today?


In English most children go __ school at the age of five.


When ___ you ___ home yesterday?

#Did … leave

These are the shoes ___ I bought during the sales.



If she worked hard, she ____ good marks.

#would get/have

If you don`t phone him, he ___ probably ___worried.

#will … be

I ___ into a better house if I get a job.

#will move

He is tired. He ____ hard all morning.

#has been working

When I arrived at the station, the train ____.

#had left

Have you ever ___ Helsinki? “Yes once in 1989y.

#been to

She ___ in this house for 25 years.

#has lived

”John! ____ wants you on the phone”.


He ____ live in London, but now he lives in the village.

#used to

She is the ____ student in the class.


While she was chopping onions, she accidently cut ____.


She is clever ___ to do exercise.


If it snows, we ___ make a snowman.


If I ___ on a diet, I`ll lose weight.


When I arrived at the party everyone ____.

#was dancing


Did you see the man ___ stole her bag?


Is she the person ____ gave you this record?


Please, give me the keys ____ are on the table.


My birthday is __ the 30th of July.


Paul`s car is ___ than Tom`s one.


This dress is the ___ in the shop.

#most expensive

Bob ____ the car at the moment.

#is washing

The sun ____ in the west.


It`s ___ colder today than yesterday.


It is warm ____.


Peter has lived here ____ 1998y.


Mother ____ dinner at the moment.

#is cooking

Lucy is as ____ as Sally


Harry went to France two years ____.


My hair is ____ than yours.


Look! She is _____ drop the vase.

#going to

Susan is ____ person I have ever met.

#the nicest

Have you done your homework ____?


Jim ____ in Scotland for 5 years.

#has lived

These are the ____ books.


Ian has two brothers. ____ of them are older than he.


____ I help you carry those heavy bags?


Ann has never ____ Rome.

#been to

I answered the door, but there was ____ there.

#no one

I was hungry so I made _____ a sandwich.


You ____ do the washing up. I’ve already done it.


If you hadn’t overslept, you ____ late for work.

#wouldn’t have been

She works in a bank, ____?

#doesn’t she

He fixed his bicycle all by _____.


How would you feel if you ___ your car?


That is ____ pen.


What is the woman ____ son is doctor.


That box is ____ heavy for him to carry.


This is the house ____ I grew up.


He asked if he ____ borrow the book.


It’s not warm ____ to go to the beach.


Are there ____ biscuits in the cupboard?


Tina ____ to take the dog for a walk every morning.


If I were you, I ____ to bed early.

#would go

You ____ feed the animals at the zoo.


You ___ tidy your room. It is a mess!


Father ____ us to come inside.


Sam lost the keys. He couldn’t find them ____.


I can’t buy this watch, ___ too expensive.

#it is

We arrived _____ England last week.


____ two hours to get there.

#It took me

Mother didn’t let the child ___ TV.


I am right, ____ I?


The film wasn’t worth _____.


I ____to the cinema for ages.

# haven’t been

I asked Ann if she ___ sports.


I’d prefer us ____ to the cinema.

#to go

I don’t agree _____ capital punishment.


Neither Josh ____ Sophie attended the event.


____ his lack of experience, Jake still got a job as a teacher.


Ann ___ me get up early this morning.


“Why are you so nervous?”, “I ___ on a roller coaster before and I am going tomorrow”

#have never been

I am really impressed with Wendy’s advertising campaign. ___ clever she is!


“___you enjoy the concert last night?”, “Yes, it was fantastic”.


“Do you have plans for Friday?”, “I ___ to the bookshop with Timur”.

#am going

Jim goes online and books his trips ___.


Sue really ___ her house painted.

#needs to have

Pam ___ as an interpreter since 2003.

#has been working

By the time I got to the meeting, Chris ___.

#had already left

This performance is not ___ as last night’s.

#so good

The Camden Rocks Festival will ___ place on 1st June.


The British film ___ is worth around 1 billion pound.


RuperGrint ___ on screen for the first time in Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone.


Batman was also ___ as the Dark Knight in the 2008 film.


The street performers attracted a large ___ of people.


The outdoor concert hall is open all year ___, weather permitting.


“Have you participated in Earth Hour ___?”, “No. This is my first time”


The Siberian Tiger is under threat ___ to hunting and habitat loss.


“What do you hate about living in the city?”, “I thing that air pollution is by far the ____ problems”.


John can’t tell the difference ___ African and Indian elephants.


Barry’s been working at the homeless shelter ___ 2011.


“What job do you do?”, “I run an organic food shop ___ myself”.


“What was the best part of the holiday?”, “We were ___ to swim with the dolphins”.


“Shall we help out at the homeless shelter this evening?”, “OK, the beach clean-up will have finished ___?”.

#by then

#by the time ХЗ

#until then

The ___ we rise awareness, the sooner people will switch to Solar power.


The asked a celebrity ___ in the documentary.

#to start

David is definitely the funniest ___ all his family.


“What ___ to your car?”, “I wrecked it in accident”.


Nicole ___ work for the ambulance service, but she doesn’t anymore.

#used to

Samantha ___ to America once before.

#has been

“Hurry up, the train to Bristol ___ at 6.30!”, “OK, I am coming!”.


It stacked to the snow while we ___ to school.

#were walking

___ I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.

#By the time

The fire alarm ___ for 10 minutes now.

#has been ringing

“What are you doing tonight?”, “I ___ TV with my friends”.

#am watching

Huge clouds appeared overhead and the sky ___ dark.


It had been raining ___ for the last four days.



This shop __ terrible! What’s in it?


I __ my family so much because they are always there for me.


Eric is __ artistic student in the class.

#the least

These jeans __ you more than those trousers.


Kirsty goes to the gym twice __ week.


The baby __ for the past two hours.

#has been sleeping

She usually __ to school in the morning.


These days, Jason __ how to drive.

#is learning

The film stars __ 7 p.m., so don’t be late!


Tom seems to be getting __ at tennis.

#better and better

Many __ very friendly and polite.

#is usually

David really annoys me because he’s __ using my laptop.


When people are rude to me, it __ my feelings.


It is important to __ for the future.


John’s __ language is French.


Sues has a __ relationship with her daughter.


Sometimes I __ if I should get a past time job.


The sun __ as we hiked up the mountain.


Have you __ travelled to Africa?


Mike is the __ hardworking employee in the company.


No one is as __ asSucy at singing.


__ kind and considerate they are!


They employed her __ her excellent qualifications.

#because of

Have you seen the folder I __ on your desk this morning?


Your sister __ much taller since I last saw her.

#has grown

I hope I __ promoted soon.

#will get

As soon as I __ home, I’ll call you.


His wallet is similar __ mine.


She hasn’t called us __ she left.


Martin is worried that he will __ his job if he is late again.


My parents worked __ when I was growing up; life wasn’t easy then.


Please have a seat; the doctor will be with you in a __.


They told me that __ could apply for the job; there were no special requirements.


It’s normal to feel nervous the first time you sing in front of __.

#an audience

Marisa wondered __ her brother wouldn’t swim in the pool.


You __ feel embarrassed if you have a phobia; many people have one.


I think that worms are __ than flies.


I’m not afraid of snakes, but I’m not __ them.

#used to touch екеуи бирдей

#used to touch

I remember __ salt to the soup, but I’m not sure if I added pepper.


If Max had cooked dinner, we __ takeaway.

#wouldn’t have ordered


Choose the correct option:... Astana is one of … biggest cities in … Kazakhstan.


Insert a necessary pretext in a sentence:we were waiting … her till the end … the party.


Choose derivative of the word "cheer":


Choose the correct option of a degree of comparison:your new house isn't … I thought.

#so far as


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