Миколаївський будівельний коледж 

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Миколаївський будівельний коледж

Київського національного університету будівництва і архітектури

Заст. директора
з навчальної роботи

______ /Г.Г.Бондаренко/


Завдання № 1
на комплексну контрольну роботу

з дисципліни: «Іноземна (англійська) мова»

Task №1: Make up sentences from the following words according to the theme: “My family”. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. year, left,this, have,school, I.

2. surgeon, at,he,as,works,a,hospital,a.

3. our, breadmaker, family,a, he,in,is.

4. family, are,united,we,and,friendly,a.

5. nor, neither,old,he,young,is.

6. listens, stories,she,endless,always,to,my.

7. food,she,the,has,cook,to,family,for,whole,the.

Task №2: Open the brackets and put the verbs into the necessary Tense Form.

1. He remembered that he (to forget) to ring up his friends.

2. They already (to study) seven English tenses.

3. The Speaker (to spend) two weeks in Scotland two years ago.

4. A lady (to buy) a lovely fashionable dress every season.

5. He (to learn) English by his future visit to the USA.

6. She said that after spending all her money, she (to go) home.

7. I (to have a chat) with my friend a day after tomorrow.

8. Look! Kate (to copy) all her papers now!

9. Your mother (to return) from work tomorrow at 6 p. m?

10. Jessica was awfully busy last Thursday. She (to clean) her flat the whole day.


Test №3: Insert prepositions where necessary.

1. The pupil will stay in the library ___ five till seven.

2. He had finished his work and went ____ home.

3. He continued his work ______ dinner.

4. He can speak English ____ making any mistakes.

5. The garden is situated ___ the house.

6. The cat was lying ____ the bush.

7. A picture is hanging ___ the wall.

8. ____ the last three months he has made great progress in his studying.

9. She wrote a letter ___ her relatives a day before yesterday.

10. A baseball player went ____ the house to meet his friends.

List of prepositions: after, behind, during, from, on, outside, to, under, without.



Розглянуто та схвалено
на засіданні циклової комісії Розробили викладачі філологічних дисциплін _________Ю.М.Дем’яненко
(протокол № ___від «__»___ 2012р. _________Ю.П.Завірюха
Голова циклової комісії _________Т.В.Коновалова



Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді і спорту України

Миколаївський будівельний коледж

Київського національного університету будівництва і архітектури


Заст. директора
з навчальної роботи

_____/Г.Г.Бондаренко /



Завдання № 2
на комплексну контрольну роботу

з дисципліни: «Іноземна (англійська) мова»


Task №1: Insert the missing words according to the theme: “My flat. My House”.Translate into Ukrainian.

1. family, in, lives,a,flat,our,new.

2. conveniences,has,our, modern,flat,all

3. is,good,flat,the,good,in,layout,

4. modern – looking, a, quite, it’s, flat.

5. is,a,the, book-shelf,there,in, on,wall, the, cabinet.

6. it,themuch, in,take,doesn’t, space, room.

7. nice, from, hanging, a, the, chandelier, ceiling, is.


Task № 2:Open the brackets and put the verb into the necessary Tense form.

1.They said that tomorrow at this time they (to come) to see you.

2.Tom (not to shave) this morning because he didn’t have time.

3.She already (to smart) her new job.

4.She (to be) at home at eight o’clock tomorrow.

5.We (to have) lecture from history tomorrow at 9 o’clock.

6.The typist (to type) the article by five o’clock.

7.Jim (to take) his driving test now.

8.By the end of this year Mr. Faith (to work) for this company, for fifty years.

9.He (to write) a composition when I (to see) him.
10.My father (to like) to read newspaper and magazine in the evening.

Test №3: Insert prepositions where necessary.

1.The knife fell ___ the table.

2“Anna Karenina” was written ___ Russian writer Leo Tolstoi.

3We asked him to follow ____us.

4I shall speak to him ____ it tomorrow.

5He listened to me ___ interest.

6He ran ____ the hill.

7The barometer is going ___.

8I shall work from nine ____ three.

9The servant has returned ____ the table.

10.The lamp was hanging _____ the coffee-table.

List of prepositions: about, by, down, from, off, over, till, up, with.


Розглянуто та схвалено
на засіданні циклової комісії Розробили викладачі філологічних дисциплін _________Ю.М.Дем’яненко
(протокол № ___від «__»___ 2012р. _________Ю.П.Завірюха
Голова циклової комісії _________Т.В.Коновалова


Міністерство освіти і науки,молоді та спорту України

Миколаївський будівельний коледж

Київського національного університету будівництва і архітектури


Заступник директора

з навчальної роботи

______Г.Г. Бондаренко

«____»______ 20 _ р.



Завдання №3

на комплексну контрольну роботу

з дисципліни: «Іноземна (англійська) мова»

Task №1.Make up sentences from the following words and expressions according to the theme “Cinema”. Translate into Ukrainian.


Task № 2: Open the brackets and put the verb into the necessary tense form.

1. I just (to see) Jack returning from Kyiv.
2. Last Saturday she (to wash) the dishes from five till six.
3. Look! She (to clean) a very sick motley carpet at the moment.
4. By that time yesterday I (to iron) all my clothes.
5. He said that TV documentary (to begin) before I (to come) home.
6. Tomorrow I (not to sweep) the floor at 8 a.m.
7. She (not to read) my letter by six o`clock the next day.

8. Their mother (to use) an oven and a stove every day.
9. Her uncle (to repair) the wall unit in the future.

10. He (to come) home late the day before yesterday.

Task № 3: Insert prepositions where necessary.
1. A thermometer is used _____ measuring temperature.

1. He likes to play ______ his children.

2. I shall finish my work_____ five o’clock.

3. He traveled _____ the world.

4. I looked into the box, but there was nothing______.

5. They will arrive here ____ May.

6. I would like you to answer _____ my question.

7. Payment will be made_____ ten days.

8. He stooped______ the door.

9. I have not see him____ he returned to Kyiv.

List of proposition: at, before, for, in, inside, round, since, with, within.



Розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні циклової комісії філологічних дисциплін протокол № ___ від _____20__ р. Голова циклової комісії _________Т.В. Коновалова Розробили викладачі:   _____________Ю.М. Дем’яненко _____________Т.В. Коновалова _____________Ю.П. Завірюха

Міністерство освіти і науки,молоді та спорту України

Миколаївський будівельний коледж

Київського національного університету будівництва і архітектури


Заступник директора

з навчальної роботи

______Г.Г. Бондаренко

«____»______ 20 _ р.



Завдання №4

на комплексну контрольну роботу

з дисципліни: «Іноземна (англійська) мова»

Task №1.Make up sentences from the following words and expressions according to the theme “Shopping”. Translate into Ukrainian.
1. Have,my,a, will,friend,birthday.
2.went,Central,I,the,Department Store,to.
Task №2: Open the brackets and put the verbs into the necessary Tense form.

1. Fred Styler (to be) very upset yesterday.

2. This man (to work) at a machine-building plant.

3. I (to see) a lot of former classmates recently.

4. He said that he (to have) an English lesson at 10.00 a. m.

5. This time of the year deputies usually (to have a rest) in Florida.

6. Excuse me, I (to look for) the post-office. Is there one near you?

7. The whole family (to go) to bed when Tony returned home.

8. They (to issue) a low-priced edition next month.

9. The mayor hopes they (to build) this bridge by the end of the year.

10. The Students (to listen to) the radio yesterday when the bell rang.

Task № 3: Insert prepositions where necessary.

1.The Parliament is headed ____ the Chairman of Supreme Rada (Council) and is responsible for making laws.

2. It discusses and adopts the State Budget ____ the coming year.

3.The judicial power watches ____ the executive and legislative powers.

4.The Constitutional Court has the right to declare laws ____ the government unconstitutional.

5.____ three organs of power, the political system of Ukraine includes political parties.

6.Ukraine was given 3 years to bring the legislation in accordance ___ the European standards.

7.It must help Ukraine to advance ___ the road the European Community.

8.June 28, 1996, became a dramatic day and night ____ of Ukraine.

9.____ the intensive debates the Parliament adopted the Constitution of Ukraine.

10.According to the Constitution the President of Ukraine is the head ___ the state.

List of prepositions: after, along, besides, by, for, in, of, over, with.



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