Nb: когда говорят о желаниях, “want” означает реальное желание, “wish” – нереальное или трудно выполнимое желание, а “desire” – сильное желание. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Nb: когда говорят о желаниях, “want” означает реальное желание, “wish” – нереальное или трудно выполнимое желание, а “desire” – сильное желание.

NB: Когда говорят о желаниях, “want” означает реальное желание, “wish” – нереальное или трудно выполнимое желание, а “desire” – сильное желание.

“choose” = to pick out of several, to decide on (выбирать из нескольких вариантов), to prefer (предпочитать):

There is little to choose from.—Выбор невелик (мало из чего можно выбрать).

I choose to spend my holidays at home. – Я предпочитаю отдыхать дома.


“to pick ” = to select (отбирать), to distinguish (различать, выделять):

Can you pick a winning horse? – Ты можешь выбрать перспективную лошадь?

I pick his voice out of dozens. – Я узнаю его голос из десятков голосов.


“to elect” = to choose by vote (выбирать, отдавая свой голос за)

Mr. Green was elected president to the Academy. – Г-на Грина избрали президентом Академии.


“to obtain” = to get (книжный стиль):

Many people can obtain credit in Russia’s banks today. – Многие могут сегодня получить кредит в российских банках.


“to receive” = to be given or sent smth. (взять что-либо, быть адресатом чего-либо), to welcome smb. (приветствовать, принимать кого-либо):

He received a good education. – Он получил хорошее образование.

A new hotel is open to receive guests. – Новая гостиница открыта для приема постояльцев.


“to get” = to be given or sent smth. (разговорный стиль), to understand (понимать):

Did you get our fax? –Вы получали наш факс?

I can’t get you. –Я вас не понимаю.


“to accept” = to agree to smth. (соглашаться с, не возражать против), to take responsibility for smth. (принимать под свою ответственность):

He asked her to marry him and she accepted his proposal. – Он сделал ей предложение и она его приняла.

The bank does not accept all credit cards. –Банк не принимает все кредитные карты.


“to forget = not to keep in the memory, not to recall (не помнить, не припоминать), to neglect to do (забыть сделать), to put out of mind (намеренно выбросить из головы), to behave thoughtlessly or contrary to the interests of others (забываться):

I’ll never forget your kindness.—Я никогда не забуду вашу доброту.

I’ve forgotten where he lives. – Я не помню, где он живет.

Don’t forget to water the flowers. – Не забудьте полить цветы.

I forgot to post the letter. --Я забыл отправить письмо.

Let’s forget our disputes. –Давайте забудем наши разногласия.

You are forgetting yourself, young man. – Молодой человек, вы забываетесь.

They never forget themselves. – Они всегда держатся в рамках (не забываются).


“to leave ” = to go away from (уезжать, покидать), to forget to take or bring smth.(оставлять что-либо где-либо по рассеянности), to allow to remain in a certain condition (умышленно оставлять что-либо как есть):

It’s time for us to leave. – Нам пора отправляться.

Next Monday I’m leaving for Berlin on business. – В следующий понедельник я уезжаю в командировку в Берлин.

When did you leave school? –Когда вы окончили школу?

I had left the key in the office, that’s why I couldn’t unlock the door of my flat. – Я забыл ключ на работе, поэтому не мог отпереть свою квартиру.

The tickets were left behind. – Билеты где-то забыли.

Let’s leave it at that. – Давайте оставим это как есть.

Leave the window open. –Оставьте окно открытым.

NB: Несмотря на схожесть перевода этих двух глаголов на русский язык, они используются по-разному: «leave» - чаще применяется, когда речь идет о физических действиях, а «forget» - об умственных.


“to ride = to sit on a horse /a bicycle / the father’s shoulders (ездить верхом), to be carried in a bus / in a train or other public vehicle (ездить на автобусе, поезде и другом общественном транспорте):

We were riding in a bus when a thunderstorm broke out.

I’ve never ridden a donkey.


“to drive” = to operate a railway engine /a tram / a carriage / a car; to travel in a vehicle at one’s disposal (вести машину):

Shall we drive home or shall we walk?

Bill drove me to the station.


“to go “” = to move, to pass, to travel (ходить, ездить, вести, идти):

Shall we go by train or by boat?

This road goes to London.

30. Translate into Russian the above examples. Is there any difference between the three words?

NB: “to go” имеет наиболее общее значение «перемещаться», «to ride» и «to drive» -- более узкое и специфичное.

31. Choose one of the verbs and do exercise 4 on p.33.

32. Translate into English:

А) Каким транспортом вы едете?

Б) Вы умеете ездить верхом?

В) Вы покатаетесь на слоне и дельфине.

Г) Ехать в поезде комфортнее, чем в автомобиле.


“to say smth.” “to tell smb.”

“to say that…..” “to tell the way/ the time/ the truth

“…….”, said smb. to smb. a lie/ a joke


NB: Обратите внимание, в каких разных конструкциях используются эти глаголы, а переводятся на русский язык одинаково -- «сказать»:

The fax says nothing about the prices.

The manager said that the company was expanding.

Tell him to come tomorrow.

Can you tell the truth?

The doctor tells you not to leave the hotel till full recovery.


“to mend = to remake, to restore to good condition (починить, восстановить, переделать):

Talking mends no holes (proverb).

I’d like to have my umbrella mended.


“to repair” = to restore smth. damaged or worn to good condition (починить, отремонтировать), to put right again (исправить):

Can you tell the time? – I’m afraid I can’t, my watch is being repaired.

How long will it take to repair a tyre puncture?

You have damaged the hotel furniture beyond repair.

It’s important to repair the error immediately.

35. Translate into Russian the above examples. What is the difference between the two verbs?

NB: Обычно «repair» используют, когда речь идет о серьезном ремонте непростого изделия или объекта, а «mend» -- о починке каких-то бытовых вещей.


Pay attention to the types of insurance available in tourism:

Accident insurance – страхование от несчастных случаев

Baggage insurance – страхование багажа

CDW insurance (collision damage waiver)—страхование от ДТП (соответствует части рисков по нашему КАСКО)

Fire insurance – страхование от пожара

Holiday / travel insurance – страхование отпусков / поездок

Third party liability insurance – страхование гражданской ответственности (соответствует нашему ОСАГО)

Life assurance – страхование жизни

Car theft insurance – страхование от угона автомобиля.

40. Read the grammar commentary below.


Вспомните, что в придаточных предложениях времени после союзов when, before, after, as soon as, till, until, while, since (начиная с) whenever (когда бы ни), once (как только) и др. нельзя употреблять глагол в будущем времени. Надо ставить глагол в настоящем времени (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect), а в случае согласования времен – в прошедшем времени (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect):

{ When the weather is fine we’ll play tennis.

{ Once you have learned to swim you willalways be able to do it.

{I will be gardening while Mary is cooking tomorrow morning.


Father said we would play tennis when the weather was fine. }

I was sure, once you had learned to swim you would always be able to do it.}

We agreed that I would be gardening while Mary was cooking the following } morning. }

Аналогичное правило действует и в придаточных условия. После союзов if, in case, suppose, unless вместо будущего времени употребляется настоящее:

{We won’t buy air tickets in high season unless there are cancellations.

{It will be cheaper to hire a car if you pay by credit card.


I knew from my bitter experience that we wouldn’t buy air tickets in high season } unless there were cancellations. }

The travel agent said it would be cheaper to hire a car if we paid by credit card. }


Hotel types.

Бизнес отель – commercial hotel

Гостиничный комплекс – packaged hotel

Конгресс отель – congress hotel

Курортный отель – resort hotel

Мотель – motel

Отель класса «люкс» -- luxury hotel

Отель-казино – casino hotel

Плавучий отель (флотель) – floating hotel

Сезонный отель – seasonal hotel

Отель для транзитных пассажиров – airport hotel

Туристская гостиница – tourist hotel.


Room types.

Актовый зал – conference room

Бизнес люкс – executive suite

Выставочный зал – exhibition room, showroom

Двухместный номер – double room (one large bed), twin-bedded room (2 beds)

Люкс – deluxe room

Люкс-апартамент – deluxe-suite

Одноместный номер – single room

Переговорная – meeting room, boardroom, syndicate room

Полулюкс – junior suite

Помещение для общественных мероприятий – function room

Семейный номер – family room

Смежные комнаты – interconnecting rooms

Танцевальный зал – ballroom

Трехместный номер – triple room

H o t e l F a c i l i t i e s.

автостоянка – car park BE / parking lot AE

баня – bath, Turkish bath (турецкая)

бар у бассейна – poolside bar

бассейн – swimming pool (indoor / outdoor / heated swimming pool)

беговая дорожка – jogging track

бизнес центр – business centre (fax machine, internet facilities, photocopier,

scanner, stenographer, word processor, voice mail)

бильярд – billiards (единств. число)

боулинг (площадка на воздухе для игры в шары) – bowling green

варьете – floor show

вестибюльный бар – lounge bar

возможности для занятия (водным) спортом – (water) sports facilities

возможности для отдыха – leisure facilities

возможности для (самостоятельного) питания – (self-) catering facilities

возможности для развлечений – recreational facilities

внутренний дворик –patio

гольф-площадка – golf course

горнолыжное снаряжение – downhill skiing gear

джакузи – jacuzzi

дискотека -- disco

домашний кинотеатр – in-house movies

закусочная – refreshment lounge, snack bar

игровая комната (для детей) – games room

игровая площадка (для детей) – playground

камердинера услуги – valet service

катание на лошадях – horseback-riding

каток – skating-rink

кафе – café

кегельбан – bowling alley, petanque

коктейль бар – cocktail lounge

кондиционер – air conditioning

косметический салон – beauty parlour

кофеварка / кипятильник – courtesy tray with tea or coffee-making facilities

кофейня – coffee shop

лежак (на пляже) – sun-bed, sun-lounger

лыжный спуск – ski run, ski slope

массажный кабинет –massage parlour

мини-бар – minibar

настольный теннис – table tennis

ночной клуб – nightclub

обменный пункт – exchange office

обслуживание в номере – room service

оздоровительный центр – fitness club, health club

парикмахерская – hairdresser’s, ladies’ hair salon (женская),

barber’s, gentlemen’s barber (мужская)

прачечная (стирка) – laundry service

прокат спортинвентаря – the hire of sports equipment

руф-бар – roof garden

сауна – sauna

сейф – safe deposit box

сквош корт – squash court

солярий – solarium

спортзал – gym (gymnasium)

спортплощадка – sports ground

спутниковая телефонная связь – IDD (International Direct Dialing)

театральная касса – box office

теннисный корт – tennis court

с отдельными удобствами в номере – with smth. en suite, with en-suite smth.

e.g. We can offer you a single room with a bathroom en suite.

We need 3 doubles with en-suite facilities.

All our rooms are en suite.

фен – hair-dryer

химчистка – dry cleaning

цветочный магазин -- flower shop


S o c i a l E v e n t s.

ассамблея -- assembly

банкет – banquet

выставка-продажа – sales exhibition

вечер встречи (бывших выпускников, коллег и т.п.) – reunion

годовщина чего-либо – anniversary (marriage anniversary, death anniversary)

деловое совещание – business session

кинофестиваль – film festival

коллоквиум – workshop

конгресс – congress

мероприятие – event, social function

конференция – conference, convention

лекция – lecture

официальный прием – formal reception

презентация – presentation

свадьба – wedding party

семинар –seminar

симпозиум – symposium

съезд – convention

тренинг – training session

фуршет – cocktail party

«шашлыки» -- BBQ (barbeque party)




Holiday - Making

Normally people plan their holidays in advance. Holiday-making people, as a rule, prefer to stick to the same travel agency they have already used before and got their money's worth. On the one hand, they trust the travel agency they've got to know earlier, on the other, they expect to purchase a tour package at a reduced price as regular customers.

Suppose you are not an experienced holiday-maker. You are at a loss which travel agency to choose out of a large amount of agencies offering similar services.

You want an enjoyable holiday at some reasonable price, or at least you don't want to be trapped.

Here are some hints for you. Out of the travel agencies offering similar destinations and tours pick out 4 or 5. Their names should be familiar to you: their ads regularly appear in travellogues and in mass media. Compare the prices: they should be neither too high, nor too low. All the ad information should be clear to you: nothing should seem odd.

Call the travel agencies you have picked out, and if you lack some information or advice, don't hesitate to ask questions. Responding to the callers' queries is a part of travel agents' duty. If you are still not disappointed, make an appointment with the travel clerk at the agency office.

Efficient travel clerks will always help you to make a decision about where to go, what to see or where to stay in each area you plan to visit. Travel agents are sure to have the most comprehensive information at hand about the destinations they offer. There are usually lots of travellogues, brochures, folders, tourist's guides and maps available for customers.

You may either choose and obtain a ready-made tour package, or ask for a tailor-made tour package. Most of travel companies are able to arrange tailor-made tours according to their customers' requests.

Purchasing a tour you should pay in cash or by credit card. You will get a voucher for the services you have paid for, air tickets and other travel documents. Travel agents may offer you to pay for your travel insurance. Bear in mind that in high season the prices are up to 25 percent higher than in low season, party tours are cheaper than individual ones, children get discounts or even travel free.


Dialogue 1.

Read the following dialogue. Pay attention to the use of words and word combinations connected with the topic "Making travel arrangements".


Peter and Mary Almar decide to go to Athens by air. Mary goes to the travel agency to book the tickets.

Mary: Good afternoon. I'd like to book two return air tickets from Istanbul to Athens, please.

Travel agent: Certainly. When are you travelling?

Mary: We want to take the flight tomorrow afternoon and come back next Friday afternoon.

Travel agent: First class or economy class?

Mary: Economy class.

Travel agent: Two adults?

Mary: Yes.

Travel agent: And your name is...?

Mary: Almar. A-L-M-A-R.

Travel agent: Initials?

Mary: M.H.

Travel agent: And the other passengers?

Mary: P.J. Almar.

Travel agent: On the 11th and the 14th, did you say?

Mary: That's right. Do we have to change?

Travel agent: No, it's a direct flight. Here are your tickets, Mrs. Almar. These are for the outward journey-Istanbul to Athens on flight SN 862 at 17.50 on the 11* of July. And these are for the return journey-Athens to Istanbul on SN 863 at 15.10 on the 14th of July..Don't forget to be at the airport 45 minutes before the departure time.

Mary: Thank you. Do you accept credit cards?

Travel agent: Certainly. Thank you. That's TL 6796. Could you sign here Please? Thank you very much.

Mary: Thank you.


Read the dialogue. Pay attention to the use of words and word-combinations connected with the topic "Making travel arrangements".

Traveller: Do you sell rail tickets?

Travel agent: Yes,certainly.

Traveller: I need a return ticket from Leeds to Colchester. I'm going on Sunday and coming back next Friday.

Travel agent: That'll be a monthly return actually, which is slightly less expensive than the ordinary return. Colchester, js that via London?

Traveller: Yes.

Travel agent: It's 19.00 pounds as far as London and an extra 5.55 through to Colchester.

Traveller: That makes 24.55.

Travel agent: 24. 55, yes.

Traveller: Can I travel on any trains I like with that ticket?

Travel agent: Well. there's no restrictions apart from coming back; on Thursday you said. didn't you?

Traveller: No, Friday.

Travel agent: Friday..Oh, well, there are restrictions coming back on Friday. It depends what time you are going to come back -- in the morning or afternoon?

Traveller: Afternoon. I'll probably want to come back on either the 19.00 or the 19.40 from London.

Travel agent: The 19.40's OK.

Traveller: But not 19.00?

Travel agent: No.

Traveller: Would I have to pay extra on that one?

Travel agent: If you came back on the 19.00, they'd surcharge you up to the normal fare, which would be approximately... about 4 pounds extra to pay.

Traveller: Oh, well, I'll take the cheaper one then.

Travel agent: There're no restrictions going down, and the only conditions of this ticket are that if you travel... well, jf you travel on Sunday. you're OK 'cause it's available for return on or after the following day, Monday, so you're OK. Where you can't use it is if you were going down on Monday, for example, you couldn't return on Friday, you'd have to wait till Saturday.

Traveller: Well, I'll take the cheaper one then. the one at 24.55 pounds.

Travel agent: Monthly return to Colchester. One adult. 4.55 pounds. And you're travelling on...?

Traveller: Sunday.

Travel agent: Sunday the 19th?

Traveller: Yes.
Travel agent: That's your ticket. That one's for the outward journey, as it says there, Leeds to Colchester, and the copy is to bring you back.

Traveller: Thank you.

Travel agent: Thank you very much. And 45 pence change.

Traveller: Thank you.




Some may be fond of travelling. For me to travel is to go through a gradual state of nerve wrecking. Once my wife and I decided to take a holiday trip. So I went to an agency to book a cabin on a ship. While I was away my wife was supposed to be packing. To my astonishment it was only half done when I returned as my wife was in doubt whether to take a trunk or just a few suitcases to carry our things in. It was no use urging her to hurry or to be ready at a certain time because she was not the person to be hurried or ordered about. To try to speed her up was to make her excited and bad-tempered.

With only an hour to spare, the packing to do and the city to cross, I could not but be impatient, so I simply began to throw the things into the suitcases without folding them. The suitcase nearly burst, but I was willing to burst a dozen suitcases to catch the train. I knew my wife would have to iron everything again. But I thought it would teach her not to put things off to the last moment. Within 20 minutes or so we were ready to go. I immediately found a taxi which seemed almost too good to be true and requested the driver to hurry and get us to the station alive in time. How the taxi-driver managed to get us to the station alive is difficult to understand because he drove at breakneck speed through the heavy traffic of the city. We got to the station, though strange to relate, quite safety to find the train still there and with a few minutes to spare. Some acquaintances were waiting on the platform to see us off, but we hardly had time to say "hullo" to them. We were almost the last passengers to arrive. This was no time for me to be genteel. Up went the mountains of luggage; down sank my wife in a corner, and away went the train.

In the compartment we were not the only ones to want to put our luggage on the racks. Our fellow passengers wanted to put their as well, only to find there had been no room left to speak of. It was enough to make anyone angry. When they tried to dump their suitcases in the corridor, the conductor would not have them do it. They tried to convince him that it was nothing to make a fuss about but he replied that corridors were to walk through, not to store luggage in. In the end the conductor calmed down. But the people were just bursting to tell us a thing or two.

When we had to change stations to go aboard the ship, my wife wanted me to carry all the luggage. She didn't want to waste money on porters when she had a strong, muscular husband to do it for her. But I had no desire to take the risk of breaking my back and so I went on strike. In the end my wife gave in.

It took the porter three trips to transfer it all and when he had finished he had no breath left to speak of. And the beauty of it was that she had us drag all that luggage only to leave half of it unopened when we did get there.



to book a cabin on a ship to drive at breakneck speed

to go aboard the ship to get to the station

to arrive in/at to see somebody off

to take a holiday trip to change stations




South coast Holidays

Camping Many good sites, but crowded in July and August. Book in Advance at Tourist Information Centres

Cottages Self catering. Prices;$40-$200 per week. Book early through a travel agent. Family hotels- especially good for families with children.

Hotels Family hotels are especially good for families with children.
Prices: $4.00 - $8.00 Activities Riding/Fishing/Shooting/Golf/Boat hire

2. Med i terranean Caribbean Far East North Africa Canaries

Numerous fascinating cruises aboard luxury liners- from 14 nights to more than three months.

3. You Relax We'll Move the Scenery.

CTC Lines, the people who pioneered a new style of cruising at prices that everyone can afford, offer superb holiday cruises to the Mediterranean, the Canaries, the Black Sea, Scandinavia and many other colourful locations. Five one-class modern ships, most with cabins with shower or bath and a toilet, and excellent on-board entertainment and all facilities. Now a CTC cruise could cost less than your holiday last year.

CTC cruises start at only $265

Siberian adventure

"July 28 - August 11

Private group visiting Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Lake Baikal and Khabarovsk including 3 days travel on the Trans-Siberian Railway Inclusive cost $999


Seasonal and all year round tours. Departures from Gatwick, Heathrow, Manchester, Cardiff & Newcastle.

Reductions for children. Group discounts.


25th July p 11th August 15 days from $289 Group 1: Moscow-Riga-Moscow Group 2: Moscow-St.Petersburg-Moscow Group 3: Moscow-Odessa-Moscow Group 4: 15 days from $360 Moscow-Tashkent-Moscow.

7. Intourist Moscow Limited: Russian business trips

Dialogue 1.


Mrs. Kelly: Careful, James! There's a bend and a level crossing. Look for the gates!

James: All right, mother. I'm going very slowly. Only forty miles an hour. I can stop in fifty yards, or less than that.

Mrs. Kelly: Forty miles an hour isn't slow! Here's the bend. Do be careful!

James: We're down to twenty miles an hour now.

Mrs. Kelly: The gates are closed, you see. Here's the train. Isn't it a long one?

Mr. Kelly: The man's coming. He's going to open the gates. Get ready to go, James.

(Five minutes later)

Mrs Kelly: Careful, James! There's the sign for a crossroads.
James: All right, mother. I've seen it.

Mr Kelly: James is a very good driver, dear. Motoring isn't dangerous if the driver is careful.

Mrs Kelly: Oh, I know James is a careful driver. Look! There's a large van coming along the other road

James: I've seen it, mother. Don't worry!



"Would you like to drive?"

Мог was startled. It was nearly fifteen years since he had driven a car, and he had never possessed one of his own.

"I haven't driven for a long time," he said, "and I don't know whether I could now. Anyway, I haven't got a driving licence."

"That doesn't matter," said Miss Carter, "no one will know — and we're not in a real road anyway. Would you like to?"

"I might harm your beautiful car," said Мог. But that he would like to, he would like to very much indeed, drive the Riley. Before he could say any more, Miss Carter skipped out of the car and they changed places. She seemed very elated and watched Мог with delight as he looked doubtfully at the dashboard. He could remember nothing.

"How do I start it?" he asked.

"There's the ignition, it's switched on, there's the starter, there's the gear lever. You remember how the gears go? There's the clutch, the foot-brake, the accelerator. The hand-brake's in front here." Miss Carter was perched sideways in her seat with the gleeful air of a little boy who sees his father about to make a mess of things.

Мог felt large and awkward. He fiddled a little with the gears.

He began to remember. He started the engine. Then gingerly he put the car into first gear and released the clutch. With a jolt the Riley leapt forward. Мог immediately put his foot on the brake and the engine stalled. Miss Carter rocked with laughter. She had drawn her feet up and clutched her skirt about her ankles.

"Damn!" said Мог. Не tried again and was more successful. The Riley glided very slowly forward and Мог navigated her round a turning in the path. A tree brushed the roof. Almost silently they sailed through the thickest part of the wood. Miss Carter was grave now, she was looking ahead. As he felt the big car purring quietly along under his control Мог felt like a king. He experienced a deep and intense joy. His body relaxed. He was continuous with the car, with the slowly moving woodland, with the thick green carpet of the unrolling bridle path. They drove for a minute without speaking.

(Iris Murdoch)



Mary Almar is going to hire a car so that she and her husband can go on a trip to Delphi. She is at the Self-Drive car Rental Company.


Mary: Good afternoon.

Assistant: Good afternoon, madam.

I want to hire a car tomorrow. Do you have any available?
Assistant: We have a Fiat 124.

How much would that cost?

Assistant: It's $12 a day plus 12 cents a kilometre.

And that includes insurance, presumably.

Assistant: Yes, insurance is included.

But I have to pay extra for the petrol, don't I?

Assistant: Yes, you buy your own petrol, but we check the car and put some oil in before you start.

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Assistant: Yes, we require a deposit of 20$.

And do you accept American Express?

Assistant: Yes, that'll be all right. And we need to see your driving licence.

Right. Can I see the car, please?
Assistant: Certainly, madam. This way, please.


Read, memorize and practice the dialogue.

Mechanic: Can I help you?

Motorist: Yes, there's something wrong with my car.

What's the matter with it?

Motorist: Well, it won't go very fast and the engine makes a coughing noise all the time.


Mechanic: You've probably got dirt in the carburettor. I'll have a look at it for you.

Motorist: You can look at it now, can't you?

Mechanic: Yes, in a few minutes.
Motorist: Can I wait here, please?

Mechanic: Yes, take a seat.
Motorist: Thank you.




1. Client pays for all petrol used.

2. Cars are to be returned to renting station.

3. State or local taxes are not included.

4. Driver must have a valid Driving Licence. Minimum age – 21 years. For drivers under 25 years of age, please, refer to insurance section.

5. Rates are subject to change without notice.

6. Insurance - Public Liability, Property Damage, $250,00 Deductible Collision, Fire and Theft is included, provided Rental Terms are not violated. Drivers under 25 years of age must pay an additional $2,50 per day for insurance coverage providing $500,00 Deductible Collision protection.

7. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) can be purchased by drivers 25 and over, relieving them of the responsibility of the first $250,00 damage. CDW is available at $2,00 per day.



Assistant: Good morning.

Customer: Good morning. I'm thinking of hiring a car next week. I want a medium-size saloon car. Do you have any cars available then, please?

Yes, we do.

Customer: What kinds of cars are they?

The cars we have are Ford Escorts or Renault 5.
Customer: How much would that cost for a week?

For a whole week?

Customer: Yes.

Well, the cost of the hire will be 74.50 pounds. It includes your insurance, which is third-party insurance and damage to the vehicle.
Customer: Uh-huh.

We also do a personal accident insurance, which is 12,40 pounds per week, so the total cost including personal accident insurance is 86,90 pounds for the week.

Customer: And do I have to pay something for the mileage?

Assistant: No, it's unlimited mileage.

Customer: Unlimited mileage. But I pay for my own petrol, don't I?

Assistant: Oh, yes. We need a 10 pound petrol deposit, and we fill the tank up before you set off; and then when you get back, we fill it up again and deduct the cost of that from your deposit.

Customer: Uh-huh. And I have to pay for oil as well, don't I?

Assistant: No, the car is all checked and oil put in before it goes out.
Customer: And the deposit is 10 pounds.

No, that's for the petrol. The deposit for the hire is 45 pounds.

Customer: 45 pounds. And do you accept credit cards?

Assistant: Well, not all credit cards.

Customer: Well, which ones?

American Express, Barclaycard, Access,
Customer: Good. And you need to see my driving licence, presumably.

Assistant: Yes.

Customer: Is there anything else I need?

No, just the licence.

Customer: I see. Right. Oh, yes, about returning the car. Can I leave it somewhere else?

No. no, we don't allow cars to be left anywhere else.
Customer: I see. Well, could I have a Renault 5 for next Monday for a week then, please?


Assistant: Yes. What name is it?

Customer: Fisher.

Assistant: And the address?

Customer: Oh. Well, I'm staying at the Royal Hotel in Baker Street.

Assistant: What's your home address?

Customer: 51 Barker Road, Hong Kong.

Assistant: Well, if you'd like to pay the deposit now, then you can pick the car up any time after eight o'clock on Monday.

Customer: Fine.



Day 16 London Heathrow

Morning arrival.






Far a little much slightly


For example, “This car's a bit more expensive. Now I feel a great deal more confident.”

3. When you want to say that one situation depends on another,
you can use "the" and a comparative followed by "the" and another comparative.

“The larger and more luxurious the hotel is, the greater the variety of jobs it offers.”

When you want to say that something increases or decreases, you can use two comparatives linked by "and".

“It's getting harder and harder to get a job. Cars are becoming more and more expensive.”

4. You use "as... as..." to compare people or things that are similar in some way: as + adjective + as + a noun group or a clause. You're as bad as your sister. Let us examine it as carefully as we can. You can make a negative comparison using "not so... as...". He is not so old as I thought.

5. When you want to say that one thing is very similar to something else, you can use "the same as":
I said the same as always. She looked the same as she did yesterday.
You can use some adverbs in front of "the same (as)" -

almost just much roughly
exactly more or less nearly virtually


For example, “You two look almost the same. He did exactly the same as John did.”

6. You can also compare things or people by using a link verb such as "be", "feel", "look", or "seem"
and a phrase beginning with "like"; you can use some adverbs in front of "like ":

a bit exactly least more quite somewhat
a little just less most rather very

It was like a dream. He still feels like a child. She looks just like a baby.

7. You can also use "less" and "least" to make comparisons with the opposite meaning to "more" and "most":

They were less fortunate than us. He was the least skilled of the workers.

8. Remember some idiomatic expressions with comparative constructions:

As blind as a bat Like a dream

As quite as a mouse He has eyes like a hawk

As hard as iron He drinks like a fish.

As dry as a bone He eats like a horse.

As mad as a hatter I slept like a log

As quick as a flash He behaved like a bull in a china shop.

As white as snow

As dead as a doornail

Bathrobe аренда автомобиля

Business trolley арендатор

Car hire бесплатный

Catering врач по вызову

chauffeur-driven car валет (мелкий ремонт и химчистка)

Complimentary газеты

Concessionaire закусочная

Cot кроватка детская

Fax-machine мероприятие

Gambling нотариус

Gentlemen’s barber общепит

Notary сейф

Security staff спектр услуг

Slippers тенденция

Toiletries услуги горничной

Trend факс

Hour hall porters халат.

Hour room service

Valet parking

Valet service


Special terms:

Full board or enpension - it is a room and all meals included. Half-board or demi-pension - includes the room plus breakfast and one other meal (lunch or dinner).

Bed and breakfast (B&B) or continental plan - it is the rate that includes the room and breakfast (the breakfast itself may be "English" or "continental").

European plan - it is the rate for a room alone, with no meals included at all.

Text. Special Services and Hotel Facilities

Nowadays large, modern hotels contain not only guest rooms, but many other facilities as well. They usually contain restaurants and cocktail lounges, shops and recreational facilities for social functions, conventions and conferences - ballrooms, auditoriums, meeting rooms of different sizes, exhibit areas and so forth.

Not so long ago, convention facilities were ordinarily found only in large cities or in intensively developed resort areas like Miami Beach. Nowadays they are more often included in resort hotels so that the people who attend conventions there can combine business with pleasure.

Another trend in the hotel industry is the construction of the self-contained resort complex. Recreational facilities are another feature of many hotels and motels. A swimming pool is the most common of these, particularly in warmer climates and in resort areas. A swimming pool in front of the building is a form of advertisement for motel in places such as Florida, California, Egypt, Turkey and other resorts. Other recreational facilities include tennis courts and golf courses at resort hotels. Many resorts are designed for winter sports such as skiing and ice skating; others provide horseback riding and other outdoor activities.

Casinos, wherever they are legal, are another feature of some hotels. In Las Vegas, Nevada, the hotels feed, house and entertain guests, but the real profits come from the casinos. In Puerto Rico and other places, gambling usually acts as an additional, rather than principal, attraction for hotels.

A few hotels, most of them in resort areas or large cities, include nightclubs as a part of their operation. Sometimes the nightclub is rented out to a concessionaire, but in other hotels it is the responsibility of the food and beverage department or of a special staff. A nightclub offers entertainment, such as dancing, a singer, a band, or a floor show, in addition to food and drink. The engagement of a well-known entertainer obviously gives the hotel an excellent promotional opportunity. The hotels in the gambling resort of Las Vegas, Nevada, for example, publicize not only the entertainers in their nightclubs, but also the huge salaries that they receive, perhaps on the theory that the higher the fee, the better the entertainer.

All of these recreational facilities require the employment of additional personnel. Necessary swimming-pool maintenance is often contracted out. Golf courses must be carefully tended by a special staff of groundskeepers. Horses require stables and grooming. Many resort hotels hire professional athletes to give lessons to the guests in tennis, golf and skiing. Other employees include riding instructors and guides for hikers and campers. Lifeguards are often necessary at swimming pools and beaches.

Catering, providing food and drink for transients, has always gone together with accommodations. Food services are a feature of hotels. The typical modern "packaged hotel" includes a restaurant, a coffee shop for quicker and less expensive meals, and a bar or cocktail lounge. Many larger hotels have several restaurants, often featuring different kinds of foods, as well as different prices. Hotels also normally provide "room service" - food and drink that are brought to the guest's room. In addition, catering service provided in the hotel's recreational areas. The poolside bar and snack bar, for quick food, are normal parts of the service at a resort hotel. So, restaurants, bars and nightclubs outside the hotels are a standard feature of the resort scene. They provide not only catering, but also some kind of entertainment for the tourist who is bored with the limits of hotel life.

Large urban hotels also provide special services for businessmen. A commercial hotel, for example, can provide a stenographer to take dictation and do typing for the travelling businessman. Some luxury hotels also give the guests access to copying, internet, modem points, facsimile machines, computers with printer, scanner, word processor and other machines. Many large hotels also have a notary public on the staff to verify the signatures on documents.

The list of special services offered by hotels is long. These services differ according to the location and the clientele of the hotel; luxury hotels offer the greatest range of services. This is, in fact, what makes them luxury hotels.



AE American Express EP European plan: no meals
AC Access CP Continental Plan: continental breakfast only or as indicated.
BC Barclaycard MAP Modified American plan: American breakfast and dinner
CB Carte Blanche DP Half board: Continental breakfast and either table d'hote lunch or dinner
DC Diners Club AP American Plan: American breakfast, lunch and dinner
DS Discover FP Full board: Continental breakfast, table d'hote, lunch and dinner
EC Eurocard   Other abbreviations:
ER En Route PRPN Per room per night
JC JCB International PPPN Per person per night
MC Mastercard BB Buffet Breakfast
VS Visa    





1. The three families below are going to Amsterdam on a weekend break:


Mr. and Mrs. Mills are a young couple on their honeymoon. They would like somewhere quiet and romantic, with a good restaurant. They would prefer a room with a bathroom rather than a shower.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon are an elderly couple who want somewhere as central and as cheap as possible.

Mr.and Mrs.Henderson are a couple in their middle-thirties, with a son aged 11 and a daughter aged 12. They have friends in Amsterdam so they won't often be eating in the hotel. Mr.Henderson likes to go jogging in the morning. Their children want a hotel where there will be other young people.



1. Phonetic Drill - Transcribe and pronounce correctly:

Exchange, session, workshop, seminar, exhibit, required, extensive, auditorium, banquet, adjacent, storage, profitable, restaurant, pleasure! routine, negotiations, coordinate, requirement, maintenance, luncheon, syndicate room, venue, transmit.

2. Find English equivalents in the text and use them in the
sentences of your own:

(1) проводится с целью обмена информацией (2) выставочная площадь (3) примыкающие помещения (4) выгодный, доходный (5) хорошая наполняемость отеля (6) группа устроителей (7) персонал (8) вести переговоры (9) сниженные цены на проживание (10) самая низкая цена за обслуживание (11) установка экспонатов (12) дополнительная рабочая сила

3. Agree or disagree with the following statements.
Give your reasons.

USE for disagreement: Use for agreement:

- that's not quite right... -- that’s right

- Oh, no, quite on the contrary... -- exactly

- It says in the text... -- I fully agree

1. Conventions require extensive facilities, such as a large hall or auditorium, several rooms for meetings of smaller groups, and an exhibit area.

2. There are seldom more than a thousand people at a convention.

3. Conventions today are almost always held in a few large cities that are transportation centers.

4. Convention is a great deal of trouble for a hotel because it usually does not bring in an adequate return of income.

5. Hotels often give lower room rates to people attending conventions.

6. It is necessary for the convention department to inform the other departments of the hotel about its activities.

7. Only hotels that can accommodate conventions are also equipped to attract banquet business.



Официальные языки Конференции (обеспечивается синхронный перевод): английский, немецкий, французский, русский.
Научная программа конференции:

· теория психотерапии

· методы психотерапии

· образование в психотерапии

· личность психотерапевта

· законодательство в области психотерапии

· психотерапия и политика

Основные формы работы на конференции:

· секционные заседания

· пленарные заседания

· тренинги

· презентации

· лекции

Культурная программа

В дни конгресса, если Вы пожелаете, будут проведены экскурсии по Москве, в Кремль, Грановитую и Оружейную палаты, Алмазный фонд, музей искусств им. А.С. Пушкина, Третьяковскую галерею, посещение

спектаклей Большого театра. После завершения конференции 5-7 июля специальная туристическая программа: «Золотое кольцо России» (путешествие по древним российским городам) и поездка в русскую Венецию - город Санкт-Петербург. В это время года Россия встретит Вас теплом и солнечной погодой.


Дополнительная информация:

При необходимости может быть обеспечен перевод на языки, не являющиеся языками конференции в индивидуальном порядке.

Доклады участников конференции будут опубликованы. Желающие предоставить свои доклады к опубликованию на русском языке могут подавать их в Оргкомитет конференции в электронной форме. Объем текста доклада не должен превышать 4300 знаков (4 машинописных листа).




Greta Mueller is trying to arrange a conference for Tonini International. She is with the sales manager of the Plaza Hotel in Monte Carlo.

Greta Mueller: Yes. As I said on the telephone, we're planning a three day conference in April next year for about 150 people. Now, we'll need one large room for the main conference and three smaller rooms for round table discussion for around 40 delegates each.

Sales Manager: I see. Well, the ballroom is big enough to hold 200 theatre-style. We do have a number of rooms next door to the ballroom, but they're probably a little too small for 40 people.

Greta Mueller: Hmm... But presumably you do have some other meeting rooms?

Sales Manager: Yes, we do. We can certainly accommodate elsewhere in the hotel.

Greta Mueller: Fine... What about equipment?

Sales Manager: We can supply most things - video recorder, overhead projector, cordless microphones...

Greta Mueller: What about back projection and Autocue?

Sales Manager: Hmm... No, I'm afraid not.

Greta Mueller: And support services - secretaries, interpreters, photographers?

Sales Manager: We can arrange full support services through an outside contractor.

Greta Mueller: Good. Will it be possible to get detailed room plans?

Sales Manager: Certainly. Our conference pack has all that sort of information, as well as a full list of our menus and room rate.




1. Read the passage in which the Yorkshire and Humberside tourist Board promote conferences in the region. Then summarize the extract by writing notes under the headings below:



· Best time of year:

· Types of venue on offer:

· Other attractions:

· Getting there:

We'll Welcome You in Style!

The location of your conference can play an important role in its success and failure.

The Yorkshire and Humberside region is an all-year-round location for conferences, business meetings and seminars of any size and any duration. It is an area which can truly claim "It's all here!"

The conference organizer can choose from a superb range of venues and accommodation, from peaceful country-house settings to large, but never impersonal, luxury hotels; from purpose-built conference centres with the most modern facilities and equipment, to highly individualized locations.

Wherever you go, you will find a warm Yorkshire welcome, a concern for the comfort of your delegates, and a personal commitment to ensuring the success of your conference.

Away from the conference floor, delegates and their partners can relax and enjoy the many attractions that Yorkshire and Humberside has to offer.

Serviced by a network of major motorways, a high-speed British rail link, two airports and a major ferry port, it is easier than you think to bring your conference to Yorkshire and Humberside. A conference that really will be a "BREATH OF FRESH AIR".


2. Work in pairs, one as the conference organizer for Moriarti International,
the other as the conference manager of the Twin Spires Hotel.

Conference organizer, Moriarti International.

You are trying to arrange a conference for Moriarti International. Study the company's requirements, then find out about the conference facilities at the Twin Spires Hotel.


1 meeting room for 200 PAX theatre-style 5 days 2 video recorders 3 cordless microphones 1 stage for main room
1 meeting room for 40 PAX classroom-style 3 days screen, overhead projector  
2 rooms for board meetings (I5 each) 2 days   2 secretaries


Capacities ballroom Churchill room Chaplin room Keaton room
Board room        
Price per day £700 £300 £250 £220


Equipment: We can supply stages, lecterns, overhead projector, 35 mm slide projectors, video recorders

Support services: Full support services, including photographers and interpreters, are available


Conference Manager, Twin Spires - Study the table showing conference rooms and facilities at the Twin Spires Hotel. Try to persuade the conference organizer from Moriarti International to hold his company's conference in your hotel.


Special terms:


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