Kilometre walk. Banyoles (pla de l'estany), first fortnight of march. 

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Kilometre walk. Banyoles (pla de l'estany), first fortnight of march.

The Centre Excursionista de Banyoles has organised this event since 1963. During its first two years the distance was set at 80 km., which proved to be excessive for the majority of the participants; therefore, in 1965, the distance was cut in half. After several euphoric years, which culminated in the participation of 9,000 hikers in 1980, the number of persons entering each year has stabilised around 2,000, with no distinction in terms of age or sex. The sole object of the event is to enjoy walking: as there is no competition involved, nobody is in a hurry. People often take breaks to recover their strength and to survey the beautiful scenery along the way.


RALLY CATALUNYA-COSTA BRAVA. Girona-Costa Brava (Gironès, Selva, Alt Empordà, BaixEmpordà), march.

Automobile races have become popular events. The most important rally of all is the Rally Catalunya-Costa Brava which has grown to the point that it is now included in the World Championship circuit. It has a considerable number of participants and attracts large crowds, which, far from sitting comfortably in one place, walk hundreds of yards to find the best view. The long wait in these improvised campgrounds is rewarded by the fleeting - albeit noisy - appearance of the vehicles, emblems of the speed which has become a sign of the times.






Cadaqués (Alt Empordà), second fortnight of April.

All festivals have their meals in the open air known as àpats, but some acquire their own character and become festivals in and of themselves like the Cuina de sesdones (Women's Fare), a compendium of local gastronomy prepared by the housewives of Cadaqués with local produce.



Besalú (Garrotxa), Palm Friday.

The procession of Besalú, which dates back to the 18th century, alternates images with live biblical figures. Jesus and the Apostles, converted into a chorus, sing a unique hymn from the 19th century in the town square.


Verges (BaixEmpordà), Maundy Thursday.

The procession of Verges has two parts. The first recalls the Passion of Christ with archaic verses. The second, parading through the town's streets, has a surprising element: five skeletons who interpret the Dance of Death.


Girona (Gironès), Good Friday.

The procession of Girona starts at the Cathedral and winds through the city's old quarter preceded by manaies who faithfully reproduce the Roman militia of imperial times. The climax is the singing of the Creed at the steps of the Cathedral.



SantHilariSacalm (Selva), Good Friday.

The Living ViaCrucis at SantHilariSacalm dates at least back to 1731, and has its roots in an Easter Game played in the Middle Ages in commemoration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.



Cornellà de Terri (Pla de l'Estany), Easter Monday.

This dance takes place around May. The Cuckold, the main character around whom six couples dance, dons two twisted horns and makes his entry in the square on a cart decorated with branches.





Ripoll (Ripollès), first fortnight of May.

Each year in Ripoll the most important time in a shepherd's life is relived in a folkloric hue: shearing time, the period in which the wool of goats and sheep is gathered. Shepherds and shepherds' apprentices shear the flocks in full view of the public and, with the first wool, make a mattress for a double bed. Hence the connection with the Casamenta Pagès, the old-fashioned wedding held, whenever possible, with a real bride and groom. Relatives and unmarried townsmen fetch the bride-to-be at her home and accompany her through the streets on horseback to the church, where the groom awaits her arrival. The wedding ceremony takes place and, afterwards, the wedding banquet is held in the main square.




Girona (Gironès), second fortnight of May.

This show organised in Girona by the Friends of the Flowers Association goes beyond a simple eye-catching exhibition; set in some of the city's great monuments where stone and flowers mutually complement each other, reinforced by combinations of light and water and the addition of paintings, sculptures and music. What began modestly thirty years ago has become a popular event and a prodigious show of sensitivity.





Cassà de la Selva (Gironès), first fortnight of June.

Cassà de la Selva is the Catalonian town with the highest number of cobla (band playing typical Catalan instruments) musicians per capita, and the AssociacióAmics de la Sardana brings them all together on the Night of the Musicians of Cassà.





Blanes (Selva), second fortnight of July.

Blanes has achieved international prestige with its fireworks contest, which is deemed among the most important of its kind in the entire world and is held over three nights during the Santa Anna festival. Over five hundred kilograms of fireworks are catapulted skyward in the summer's best show of light and colour. The Costa Brava International Fireworks Contest and Vila de Blanes Trophy bring together the most renowned rival pyrotechnics firms. The jury determines the winner taking into account colour, rhythm, originality, noise, the play with the design of forms and crowd approval. Visitors throng the seaside resort to watch the rockets as they are shot into the firmament.



Cadaqués and other towns (Alt Empordà), summer.

The Llaguts (catboats), typical Catalonian sailboats, had disappeared from the coast. But now, happily recovered, they sail once again with their crews of six seamen. Cadaqués also organises a Lateen Sail Encounter in which these boats, which are equally typical and extinct, reappear and prance about showing off their ancient riggings.



Palamós (BaixEmpordà), july.

Lloret de Mar (Selva), July 24th.

In many coastal towns maritime processions are held to celebrate the festival of Our Lady of Carmen. The fishing boats accompany the image of the patron saint in a commemorative crossing. In Lloret, on Santa Cristina's Day, the townspeople embark on a sea voyage to their hermitage. Once there, Mass is celebrated, followed by a hearty stew. In the afternoon, the procession makes its return trip, culminating with a regatta on the last leg of the voyage. Upon reaching the beach at Lloret, the tune Toquen a córrer (Hurry up) is heard amidst encouraging cries of s'amorra, s'amorra! (they're here!) by the spectators every time a boat makes its landing on the beach.



Calella de Palafrugell (BaixEmpordà), July

The origin of the Havanera is linked with the melodic airs of the Creole music of the West Indies, brought to Catalonia by 19th century sailors who covered the Route of the Antilles. Sailors and fishermen, accompanied by an accordion or a guitar, sang them spontaneously after a good meal, while they downed their rations of flambée rum. Later, public exhibitions abounded, with professional and amateur singers alike. In 1967, the Amics de Calella de Palafrugellorganised the first Cantada (<<Singing of Havaneres>>), making this town the unofficial capital of this form of song. The popularity of the festival attracts over ten thousand visitors every year, who invade the coves and fill boats to hear the melodies accompanied by the popular rum called Cremats.



Lloret de Mar (Selva), July 24th and 26th.

The Dance of the Lloret Festival is called the Dance of the Almorratxes owing to the Arabian vases used during the dance. The dancers, four couples, are garbed in contemporary dress, the men in dark suits and the women in long white dresses.





Puigcerdà (Cerdanya), third Sunday in August.

During the latter part of the 19th century, the Barcelona bourgeoisie took to vacationing in chalets near the Puigcerdà Lake and gathered at the casino, which was the hub of social life. In this context the Lake Festival arose in 1886, initially an elitist gathering which gradually gained popular appeal. The main attraction is the cavalcade headed by an old woman representing the women of the Cerdanya region.




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