Завдання І. Виберіть правильний переклад присудка 

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Завдання І. Виберіть правильний переклад присудка

1. All over the world the demand for electricity is steadily increasing.

A. зріс

B. зростатиме

C. зростання

D. зростає

2. The experiments have shown that light travels with great speed in vacuum.

A. показують

B. покажуть

C. показали

D. показували

3. Next week he will explain us the difference between the metric and imperial systems.

A. поясняє

B. пояснить

C. пояснюватиме

D. пояснив

4. The Egyptians possessed formulas for the solution of simple geometrical problems.

A. володітимуть

B. володіли

C. володіють

D. заволодіють

5. The experiments were still being made in some laboratories when the new term began.

A. проводитимуть

B. провели

C. проводять

D. проводились

6. These digits will be easily multiplied with the help of a calculator.

A. перемножать

B. перемножують

C. перемножили

D. перемножували

7. After I had finished the inspection of the new engine I spoke to the engineer.

A. закінчу

B. закінчив

C. закінчував

D. закінчую

8. A new device for measuring pressure is being designed now.

A. проектували

B. проектуватимуть

C. проектують

D. спроектують

9. The invention of computers was spoken of at the last lecture.

A. говоритимуть

B. говорять

C. поговорять

D. говорили

10. Many books on computers’ organization and architecture have been translated from Russian into English this year.

A. перекладають

B. переклали

C. перекладуть

D. перекладали

11. I can’t go with you because tomorrow at 5 I will be translating an article on internal combustion engines.

A. перекладу

B. перекладаю

C. перекладатиму

D. перекладав.

Завдання ІІ. Виберіть правильне модальне дієслово або його еквівалент.

12. Nuclear energy (можна, можливо) be used to light and heat our homes.

A. must

B. may

C. is able

D. has to

13. A robot (зможе) simulate all the functions of human brains.

A. can

B. will be allowed to

C. will have to

D. will be able to

14. Every student (повинен) know that a digital computer performs reasonable operations.

A. have to

B. can

C. should

D. must

15. We (дозволили) attend the conference on cybernetics.

A. may

B. were permitted to

C. could

D. had to

16. Since nature doesn’t have these vital things, man (належить, слід) create them.

A. may

B. must

C. should

D. has to

17. Water (може) exist as a gas and as a solid.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. is to

18. We (повинні будемо) use a catalyst to accelerate the reaction.

A. must

B. will be allowed to

C. will have to

D. will be able to

19. The first electronic computer (міг) work very quickly.

A. can

B. could

C. should

D. may

Завдання ІІІ. Виберіть правильний переклад підкреслених слів.

20. When offered to take part in the meeting he refused.

A. пропонують

B. пропозиція

C. пропонуючи

D. коли запропонували

21. Compiling a problem requires great attention of a programmer.

A. складаючи

B. склавши

C. складання

D. щоб скласти

22. The current flowing in the circuit has a steady value.

A. щоб пройти

B. який йде

C. пройшовши

D. проходячи

23.Heat may be produced by heating coal, gas or any other fuel.

A. нагрівши

B. нагріваючи

C. нагріти

D. який нагріває

24.A group of cells connected together is called a battery.

A. з’єднаний

B. з’єднуючи

C. з’єднавши

D. яка з’єднує

25.The main function of the transformer is changing voltage in the circuit.

A. змінюючи

B. який змінюється

C. змінивши

D. змінювати

26. Having punched holes in a card the operator put it into the computer.

A. пробиваючи

B. пробивання

C. пробивши

D. який пробиває

27. Placed in a kettle over a fire ice will expand a little and melt.

A. розміщуючи

B. якщо розмістити

C. розмістивши

D. який розміщується

28.A barometer is an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.

A. вимірюючи

B. вимірювання

C. який вимірює

D. виміривши

29.Our professor likes inviting specialists to take part in his researches.

A. запрошувати

B. запрошення

C. коли його запрошують

D. який запрошує

30. Having been produced these parts were sent to various factories.

A. після виготовлення

B. виготовивши

C. після того як було виготовлено

D. виробляючи

31. Performing addition the computer must have two numbers to be added.

A. виконання

B. виконавши

C. який виконує

D. виконуючи


Завдання ІV. Виберіть англійський еквівалент українського речення.

32. Новий апарат повинен був контролювати усі зміни температури

A. All temperature changes were controlled by the new apparatus.

B. The new apparatus was to control all the temperature changes.

C. The new apparatus іs to control all the temperature changes.

D. The new apparatus controlling all temperature changes was used.

33. Щоб керувати новими гнучкими лініями робочі повинні пройти спеціальну підготовку

A. To operate new flexible lines is impossible without getting special training.

B. One must have special training to operate new flexible lines

C. To operate new flexible lines workers have to get special training.

D. Special training is required for workers to operate new flexible lines.

34. Можливо Марс буде одним з перших світів, яких досягне людина.

A. Mars will probably be reached by men first.

B. Men will be the first to reach Mars.

C. The first world to be reached by men will be Mars.

D. Mars will probably be one of the first worlds to be reached by men.

35. Покращити точність радіолокатора значило розширити його корисність.

A. Scientists expanded the usefulness of the radar by improving its accuracy.

B. To improve the accuracy of radar meant to expand its usefulness.

C. It is necessary to improve the accuracy of radar to expand its usefulness.

D. To improve the radar accuracy meant much for the scientists.

36. Інженера попрохали спроектувати цей прилад.

A. The engineer asked to design this device.

B. This devise was designed by the engineer because we had asked him.

C. The engineer was asked to design this devise.

D. To design this device you should consult the engineer.

Завдання V. Вкажіть в якому реченні при перекладі вживається:

37. сполучник „так як”:

A. The electrons move with varying velocities, their velocity depending on the temperature and nature of the material.

B. Our laboratory being supplied with different instruments, the students can do their practical work there.

C. Having been tested the new apparatus was recommended for work in all the laboratories.

D. While being examined, the machine could continue its work.

38. сполучник „при чому”:

A. The part cooling during this process, the worker has to reheat it.

B. Although it was not late, we decided to stop working.

C. Water exists as ice at low temperatures, with the temperature depending upon pressure.

D. In spite of being experienced the worker made some parts with defects.

39. слова „ Очікують, що”:

A. We expect that the results of the test will be very interesting.

B. He said that they had been waiting for the results of the test for 2 hours.

C. The future is expected to bring a great many of new applications for semiconductors.

D. They expected conference to take place in May.

40. підрядне додаткове реченням зі сполучником „що ”:

A. They can suppose what alloy they will obtain after the experiment.

B. You should know what to do if the metal hardens quickly.

C. We have recently learned what robots can do.

D. We know the cybernetics to be an important branch of modern technology.

II. Тест з читання текстів

Завдання 1.

Інструкція: Прочитайте текст без словника. Виберіть правильний варіант завершення поданих нижче речень відповідно до змісту прочитаного тексту. На окремому бланку для відповідей позначте правильний варіант відповіді. Приклад (0) зроблений для вас.

William Henry Perkin

0. William Perkin was born in East End of London. His father was a successful carpenter. His mother, Sarah, was of Scottish descent but moved to East London as a child.

1. In 1853, at the age of 15, Perkin entered the Royal College of Chemistry in London, where he began his studies under the illustrious August Wilhelm von Hofmann. During the Easter break in 1856, when Hofmann had returned for a visit to his native Germany, Perkin tried some further experiments in his crude laboratory in his apartment on the top floor of his home in Cable Street in East London. It was here that he made his great discovery, that aniline could be partly transformed into a crude mixture that when extracted with alcohol gave an intense purple (пурпуровий) colour.

2.They satisfied themselves that they might be able to scale up (розширити) the discovery and commercialize it as a dye, which they called mauveine. Their initial experiments indicated that it dyed silk in a way that was stable against washing andlight. They sent some samples to a dye works in Perth, Scotland, and received a very promising reply from the general manager of the company, Robert Pullar. The colour purple, which had been used since ancient times as a mark of aristocracy and prestige, was especially expensive, it came from the certain molluscs. The process to produce it was variable and complicated, so Perkin and his brother understood that they were onto a possible substitute that could be made into a commercial success.

3. Perkin could not have chosen a better time or place for his discovery. England was the cradle of the Industrial Revolution, largely driven by advances in the production of textiles, the science of chemistry had advanced to the point that it could have a major impact on industrial processes and coal tar, the major source of his raw material was being produced in abundance as a waste product of the production of coal gas and coke.

4. Inventing the dye was one thing, raising the capital, manufacturing it in quantity cheaply, adapting it to cotton, getting acceptance from commercial dyers, and creating demand for it in the public was something else. Perkin was active in all of these areas. In a whirlwind of activity, he got his father to put up the capital, his brothers to partner in the creation of a factory, he invented a mordant for cotton, became a one man technical service operation, and publicized it in the market place.

5. The true significance of Perkin's work was in snowing that science and
common everyday business and consumerism could co-exist. Even at the age of
18, he demonstrated chemistry could be extremely lucrative, for many scientists at that time were concerned solely with academia. After Perkin's discovery, innumerable new aniline dyes appeared (some discovered by Perkin himself), and the factories required to produce them were constructed all across Europe, launching what amounted to an international trade war in fabrics and dyes.

0. William Perkin was born in …

A) Great Britain

B) France

C) Italy

41. Perkin discovered the dye which was called …

A) violet

B) golden

C) mauveline

42. The colour purple was especially …

A) cheap

B) expensive

C) the most purchased

43. Perkin invented a mordant for …

A) wool

B) silk

C) cotton

44. England had a great advances in the production of …

A) wines

B) textiles

C) papers

45. Perkin’s work showed that science and common everyday business and consumerism could...

A) cooperate

B) cowork

C) coexist

Завдання 2.

Інструкція. Визначте правильність / неправильність поданого твердження відповідно змісту прочитаного тексту. Виберіть Т (твердження правильне) та F (твердження неправильне). Напишіть ваші відповіді на бланку.

Приклад (0) зроблено для вас.

0. Perkin was born in East End of London.

46. In 1853 Perkin entered the Royal College of Chemistry in London.

47. Mauvline dyed silk and it was stable against washing and light.

48. The colour purple came from the certain plants.

49. The colour purple was used as a mark of aristocracy and prestige.

50. Perkin didn’t discover aniline.

Завдання 3.

Інструкція: За списком заголовків, поданих нижче (A - H), підберіть назву до кожної частини тексту. Два заголовки є зайвими. Напишіть відповіді на бланку. Приклад (0) зроблений для вас.


0. A)Perkin’s biography.

51. B) The true significance of Perkin’s work.

52. C) England – a cradle of Industrial Revolution.

53. D) Perkin’s invention.

54. E) Hofmann’s discovery.

55. F) Perkin’s activity and study.

56. G) The importance of mauveine.

57. H) The process of dyeing.

Завдання 4.

Інструкція: Прочитайте текст. Доповніть речення у тексті словами, які підходять за змістом із поданих варіантів. Напишіть ваші відповіді на бланку. Приклад (0) зроблений для вас.


Printing processes

To produce a white (0) __ A _________ on a ground colour the following method is used. Firstly, the fabric is dyed allover with a ground shade say brown then it is printed not with a colour (1)_________ but with a paste containing chemicals capable of (2)___________ the brown colour to a white. Such a paste is called a (3)___________ paste and the method of printing is known as discharge printing. When the brown fabric is printed with the discharge paste this does not usually (4)_______ in the cold but only acts when the fabric is dried and passes for a few minutes through a chamber heated and the air within maintained moist by means of (5)__________. The discharge paste then destroys the brown ground shade to give a white pattern in the printed parts.

This discharge method can be elaborated still further. There will be some dyes which are not destroyed by the (6)___________ in the discharge paste and after the (7)___________ and subsequent steaming it will be a coloured pattern instead of a white
pattern on a brown ground which will be produced. These white and coloured
discharge processes lend themselves to the production of a wide range of patterns
on coloured grounds.

There is an alternative method known as resist printing.

0. A) pattern

58. B) steam

59. C)discharge

60. D) chemicals

61. E) printing

62. F) paste

63. G) bleaching

64. H) act

Завдання 5.

Інструкція: Прочитайте текст. Виберіть запитання з кількох запропонованих (A-F), які відповідають змісту тексту. Два запитання є зайвими, і не співпадають зі змістом тексту. Напишіть ваші відповіді на бланку. Приклад (0) зроблений для вас.


Dyes can be divided into three classes based on their method of application. Fiber reactive dyes react with functional groups in the fibers. This class includes acid, basic, reactive, direct and mordant dyes. Reactive dyes are anionic dyes that form covalent bonds with the hydroxyl groups in the cellulose. Acid dyes contain sulfonic groups. These dyes are rarely used in cotton dyeing, but are commonly used on nylon and wool. They attach to organic fibers under acidic conditions. Direct dyes are often used in cotton dyeing. They are applied to the yarn under neutral conditions. Mordant dyes are acid dyes which are reacted with a metal salt prior to dyeing. The second class of dyes needs chemical reaction before application. Vat dyes are soluble in their reduced form. They are made insoluble by oxidation after they are applied to organic fibers. Sulfur dyes are also made insoluble through oxidation. The third dye class are special dyes such as disperse, solvent, and natural dyes and pigments.

0. A) Where do reactive dyes react with functional groups?

65. B) How can dyes be divided?

66. C) Why are acid dyes rarely used in wool dyeing?

67. D) What dyes are often used in cotton dyeing?

68. E) What dyes are made insoluble by oxidation?

69. F) Why are sulfur dyes made insoluble through purification?

Використана література

1. И. С. Богацкий. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Киев: «Лотос», 2005.

2. С. І. Буданов. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. Харків, 2006.

3. Л. Кулиш. Английский язык для общения. Киев: Астарта, 2000.

4. В. Ратушная. Английский язык для делового общения. Рига, 2008.

5. M. F. Khachaturova. English for business contacts. Английский язык для деловых контактов. Киев: «Аконит», 2000.

6. Методические указания для обучения студентов экономических специальностей деловому общению на английском языке. Херсон, 2000.



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