TASK 2. Give your name and the following Ukrainian names in English according to the rules of transliteration 

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TASK 2. Give your name and the following Ukrainian names in English according to the rules of transliteration

Березний Іван Петрович; Гала Артем Валерійович; Зубко Лідія Володимирівна; Йовенко Тетяна Михайлівна; Рубаненко Віталій Валерійович; Рябушечко Владислав В’ячеславович; Марчишин Василь Михайлович; Шваб Андрій Валентинович; Шафрай Олег Миколайович


TASK 3. Make a thumbnail (an esquisse) of your business card in English

TASK 4. Fill in the application form

TASK 5. Write your CV in English

TASK 6. Write your Resume in English

TASK 7. A general import agent dealing with hardware goods wishes to handle an English firm’s plastic ware. Write a letter for the agent making an offer of services and quoting terms


TASK 1. Translate into Ukrainian

Business Culture in France

The French dress conservatively and invest in well-tailored clothing. Patterned fabrics and dark colors are most acceptable, but avoid bright colors. French businessmen do not loosen their ties or take off their jackets in the office. Women should also dress conservatively. Avoiding bright or gaudy colors is recommended. Women should also avoid any glitzy or overpowering objects, such as flashy jewelry.

French is the official language in France. If you do not speak French, it is very important that you apologize for your lack of knowledge. Most individuals in business speak English. The French have a great appreciation for the art of conversation. The French frequently interrupt each other, as the argument is a form of entertainment. The French often complain that North Americans lecture rather than converse. Be sensitive to the volume of your voice. Americans are known to offend everyone in a restaurant, meeting, or on the street with their loud voices and braying laughter.

The most important characteristics of French business behavior are its emphasis on courtesy, and a certain formality. Shaking hands upon greeting and parting is customary in France. The French handshake is brief, and is accompanied by a short span of eye contact. An aggressive handshake is considered impolite. The French handshake is a light grip and a single quick shake. Professional attire is expected. Generally, the French take great care to dress fashionably, whether they are wearing formal or casual attire, and they feel more at ease with visitors who show the same degree of attention to appearance.

Business can be conducted during any meal, but lunch is best. Today, many French executives put less emphasis on long, heavy business lunches for reasons of health and time. Nevertheless, informal business discussions in restaurants where everyone appreciates a good meal are one of the best ways to promote good working relations. Etiquette is important. Both hands remain above the table at all times. A man may rest his wrists, and a woman her forearms, on the table edge. Avoid drinking hard liquor before meals or smoking cigars between courses. The French believe this permeates the taste buds, compromising the taste of the meal.

The French have a great respect for privacy. Knock and wait before entering into a room. Additionally, do not “drop in” unannounced. Always give notice before your arrival. Gift giving is left to the foreigner’s discretion. Good gifts include books or music, as they demonstrate interest in intellectual pursuits.

Business hours in France are generally 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (banking hours 9:00 am -1:30 pm) Monday through Friday while stores are generally open 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday through Saturday. To ensure availability, advance appointments are recommended.


TASK 2. Give your name and the following Ukrainian names in English according to the rules of transliteration

Биба Христина Олексіївна; Довгальов Олег Михайлович; Козачок Наталія Миколаївна; Пригодська Богдана Анатоліївна; Свінтак Оксана Вікторівна; Кульчицький Вадим Володимирович; Перетятя Віталій Юрійович; Щевкун Людмила Володимирівна; Ходацький Дмитро Святославович


TASK 3. Make a thumbnail (an esquisse) of your business card in English

TASK 4. Fill in the application form

TASK 5. Write your CV in English

TASK 6. Write your Resume in English

TASK 7. Owing to rising costs in his country an export manufacturer finds he must raise his prices. Write a letter to a foreign agent asking the agent if he thinks the market will stand the proposed increases


TASK 1. Translate into Ukrainian

Business Culture in the United Kingdom

It is important to note that the Scots, Welsh, and Irish are not English, and are often offended when referred to as such. Additionally, citizens of the U.K. do not consider themselves European. The English are very proud of their heritage and history.

Gambling is very popular in Britain. The British buy more lottery tickets than any other people in the world. It has been estimated that 75 % of adults in Britain play the lottery at least once a week.

Business attire rules are somewhat relaxed in England, but conservative dress is still very important for both men and women. Dark suits, usually black, blue, or gray, are quite acceptable. Men’s shirts should not have pockets; if they do, the pockets should always be kept empty. Additionally, men should wear solid or patterned ties, while avoiding striped ties. Men wear laced shoes, not loafers. Businesswomen are not as limited to colors and styles as men are, though it is still important to maintain a conservative image.

Decision-making is slower in England than in the United States; therefore it is unwise to rush the English into making a decision. Always be punctual in England. Arriving a few minutes early for safety is acceptable. A simple handshake is the standard greeting (for both men and women) for business occasions and for visiting a home. Personal space is important in England, and one should maintain a wide physical space when conversing. Furthermore, it is considered inappropriate to touch others in public. Privacy is very important to the English. Therefore asking personal questions or intensely staring at another person should be avoided. Eye contact is seldom kept during British conversations. To signal that something is to be kept confidential or secret, tap your nose. If a man has been knighted, he is addressed as “Sir and his first name” example: Sir John. If writing a letter, the envelope is addressed “Sir First name and Last name” example: Sir John Roberts.

A business lunch will often be conducted in a pub and will consist of a light meal and perhaps a pint of ale. When dining out, it is not considered polite to toast those who are older than yourself. When socializing after work hours, do not bring up the subject of work. Gifts are generally not part of doing business in England. Loud talking should be avoided.

“American and Britain are two nations divided by a common language” George Bernard was once quoted as saying. In England, English is the official language, but it should be noted that Queen’s English and American English are very different. Often ordinary vocabulary can differ between the two countries.


TASK 2. Give your name and the following Ukrainian names in English according to the rules of transliteration

Будько Сергій Васильович; Дідик Костянтин Володимирович; Ґудзь Інга Олегівна; Кетлінська Ольга В’ячеславівна; Окрошко Валерій Вікторович; Старинський Юрій Ярославович; Косач Олексій Миколайович; Яковенко Маріанна Анатоліївна; Улицький Антон В’ячеславович


TASK 3. Make a thumbnail (an esquisse) of your business card in English

TASK 4. Fill in the application form

TASK 5. Write your CV in English

TASK 6. Write your Resume in English

TASK 7. An import agent thinks his foreign suppliers fixed prices too high for the market, and competitors are winning customers from him. Write to his suppliers making suggestions for reduced prices


TASK 1. Translate into Ukrainian

Business Culture in Spain

The Spanish lifestyle is more relaxed than many other nations. For example, many businesses are closed between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. for a siesta, allowing families to get together for a meal. The family is the most important thing to people in Spain.

The Spanish dress more formal than many other Europeans. In Spain, it is important to project good taste in apparel. Business attire includes well-made, conservative suits and ties. Avoid flashy colors, as it is not popular to stand out. Shorts are not usually worn in public. If you pull down on your eyelid in Spain, you are insinuating to “be alert” or that “I am alert”. In Spain, crossing you fingers has several good meanings, usually things such as “protection” or “good luck”. This is a nice gesture to be friendly.

Time is very relaxed. It is wise for foreigners to be punctual, but Spaniards do not put a great emphasis on time themselves. The Spaniards often consider deadlines an objective that will be met if possible, but do not become overly concerned if the deadline is not achieved.

Much like Mexico, business in Spain is often obtained as a result of personal relationships. While the relationship building process takes time, it is imperative to gain such relationships if you are to be effective in Spain. Also, you must be very selective when choosing your Spanish representative, as it is extremely difficult to change to another person.

Be prepared for chaotic business negotiations. Often numerous people will be speaking simultaneously. Negotiations are usually an extremely long and arduous task, so do not be in a rush to close a deal in Spain. During business negotiations, rules and systems are only used as a last resort to solving a problem. During business meetings, doors are usually kept shut. Men who are close friends will often exchange a hug. Women who are close friends usually meet and part with a small hug and a kiss on each cheek.

A large portion of your communication will take place over lunches and dinners. They are an extremely important part of business life in Spain and are usually associated with establishing business relationships in Spain, so be prepared for your business associate(s) to join you at any or all of your daily meals. When attending a business dinner, be prepared to stay up late. Most restaurants do not open until after nine o’clock, and often do not get active until around eleven! Dinner is usually served after 9:00 p.m., so you may want to take full advantage of the siesta and get in a nap. In Spain business colleagues often dine together, but different ranks within a company do not mix.

Business cards should be two-sided, one side having English and the other side containing Spanish. When presenting your business card, place the card with the Spanish side facing your Spanish colleague.



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