Read and translate the dialoge; dramatize it. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read and translate the dialoge; dramatize it.


(Pete and Ann are meeting at a bus stop)

Pete: Hello, Ann! Where are you going?

Ann: Hi, glad to see you. I’m going to the University.

Pete: But it’s late! Why are you going there?

Ann: Kate is waiting for me. I’m going to help her with her English.

Pete: What were you doing at that time yesterday? I telephoned you but nobody answered.

Ann: I was preparing for the seminar in our University library.

Pete: What were you reading?

Ann: A book about great naturalists.

Pete: Who are they?

Ann: They are Stephen Halles, a well-known physiologist, I.V. Michurin, a great Russian biologist who worked at new varieties of fruit, V.I. Vernadsky, the founder of biogeochemistry and others.

Pete: Here is your bus coming. See you later!

Ann: Good-bye!



I. Give English equivalents to the following words and word- combinations:

аспірант, дослідна діяльність, міжнародні відносини, готувати фахівців, агрономічний факультет, факультет агрохімії та ґрунтознавства, факультет менеджменту та економіки, факультет захисту рослин, брати участь, лісівництво, дендрологічний парк, художня самодіяльність, місце відпочинку, іноземні студенти, актова зала, сільське господарство України.


II. Match the words in the box with the definitions below:

a) emperor c) plot e) support g) farm i) library
b) decree d) modern f) department h) garden j) book


1. ________ one of the most important sources of knowledge.

2. _________ assistance, help.

3. _________ a title of a monarch and also a person who has the title, the Head of the empire.

4. _________ a private agricultural enterprise on own or rented plot.

5. _________ up-to-date, contemporary.

6. _________ a plot planted with trees, bushes, flowers and grass.

7. _________ an educational, scientific and administrative subdivision in a higher educational establishment.

8. _________ a collection of books to keep them for public use.

9. _________ an official direction, instruction which must be followed strictly.

10. _________ a part of earth area intended for agriculture.

Ш. Define the part of speech of the following words and translate them:

universe – universal – university;

to found – foundation – founder;

to educate – educated – education – educational –educator;

science – scientific – scientist – scientifically;

to produce – producer – production – productive – productivity;

special – specialist – speciality – specialization – specialize;

book – booked – booking – booklet;

use – user – useful – useless - usefully.


Make your own sentences with these words.

IV. Cross out the words that don`t belong to these groups:

1) emperor, ruler, tsar, president, bird, king, queen, earl, princess, sea, hetman, duke, prince;

2) library, reading-room, sky, book, journal, dictionary, hand, magazine, newspaper, reader, librarian, catalogue, text-book, booket, article;

3) beautiful, wonderful, fine, big, marvellous, nice, fascinating, charming, wide, splendid, pleasant, exciting;

4) park, forest, mountain, horse, wood, birch, oak, pine, chestnut, maple, fir-tree, lake.

V. Put the verbs in Present Continuous and Present Indefinite.

  I (to read) now. I (to read) every day.
  He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night.
  We (to drink) tea now. We (to drink) tea every morning.
  They (to go) to university now. They (to go) to university every morning.
  I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the daytime.
  You (to work) in the library now? You (to work) in the library every day?
  He (to play) now? He (to play) in the afternoon?
  What you (to do) now? What you (to do) every morning?
  What you (to read) now? What you (to read) after dinner?
  What your friends (to write) now? What your friends (to write) in the evening?

VI. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous:

1. She (to type) a book now.

2. Don’t make any noise. He (to sleep).

3. My sister (to try) the dress on.

4. We (to have) our lunch in the cafeteria at the moment.

5. They (to build) a new supermarket in our district.

6. She (to speak) to her teacher now.

7. The shop assistante (to help) them to choose a toy.

8. Where (to go) you to? – I (to go) to the University.

9. What he (to do)? – He (to translate) an article now.

10. They (to have) their English lessons now. They (to read, to translate) the text.

11. They (to discuss) this problem now.

12. I (to learn) a grammar rule now.

13. He (to read) a newspaper in the reading room at the moment.

14. She (to write) a new plan now.

15. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the doctor’s now.

16. Look at the sky! The clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to shine), it (to get) warmer.


VII. Use Present Indefinite or Present Continuous in the following sentences:

1. Mr. reeds often (to go) on business trips.

2. Don’t make a noise! She is (to do) her hometask.

3. He usually (to go) home after classes.

4. What they (to discuss) now? – They (to discuss) a new play.

5. What you (to do) here? – I (to wait) for my friend.

6. Listen! Somebody (to knock) at the door.

7. Where is Pete? – He (to have) his English lesson. He usually (to have) it at this time.

8. They are busy now. They (to discuss) an important problem now.

9. Let’s go for a walk, it (not to rain).

10. The man who (to speak) is my brother.

11. They often (to visit) their relatives.

12. Listen! The telephone (to ring).

13. Look! The sun (to shine) brightly in the sky.

14. He usually (to discuss) his plans with his wife.

15. In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends.

16. On Sunday we sometimes (to go) to the cinema or to a disco club.

VIII. Ask the questions to the underlined words:

1. He is waiting for his friend now. (3)

2. They are translatinga text now. (2)

3. My sisteris working in the library. (2)

4. The students of my group are having a test now. (2)

5. He is preparing for his exams at the moment. (2)

6. She is trying a new skirt on. (2)

7. I am speakingto the manager at the moment. (2)

8. She is looking for a job now. (2)

9. Mr. Smith is standing at the entrance of the theatre. (2)

10. His father is watching TV at the moment. (2)

IX. Translate into English:

1. На кого ви чекаєте? – Я чекаю на свого товариша. Ми збираємося разом готуватися до іспиту.

2. У мого брата зараз урок хімії. Він розв’язує задачу в цей момент.

3. Що ти шукаєш в цьому магазині? – Я вибираю подарунок для своєї доньки.

4. Студенти факультету лісівництва зараз висаджують молоді дерева в дендрологічному парку.

5. Йде сильний дощ зараз. Одягни плащ і візьми парасольку!

6. Подивись! Двоє іноземних студентів працюють в бібліотеці. Вони готуються до тесту з української мови..

7. Бачиш? Сонечко знов світить на небі!

8. Поквапся! Автобус вже прибуває, ми можемо запізнитися.

9. Про що ти думаєш зараз? – Я думаю про сесію, яка вже буде незабаром.

10. Зараз сьома година ранку. Мама готує сніданок, а діти ще сплять.

11. Де Борис зараз? Я його шукаю. – Він обідає.


X. Ask the questions to the underlined words:

1. Carol was wearing a beautiful dress at the party yesterday. (2)

2. She was watchingTV when I rang her up. (2)

3. When Tom arrived wewere having dinner. (2)

4. This time last year Iwas livingin London. (3)

5. He was sitting in the park and reading a newspaper. (3)

6. When I entered the room Ann was writing a letter. (2)

7. He was repairing a computerat 8 o’clock yesterday. (3)

XI. Use Past Continuous or Past Indefinite in the following sentences:

1. We (to drive) too fast and didn’t see the traffic lights.

2. George fell off the ladder while he (to paint) the walls.

3. He (to watch) TV when I phoned him.

4. I (to see) Ann at the party. She was wearing a beautiful dress.

5. When I (to work) in the garden I hurt my leg.

6. They (to play) tennis at 9 a.m. yesterday.

7. I was drawing pictures for my son when he (to come).

8. When I (to walk) in the park yesterday I saw a little dog lying

under a tree.

9. She (to choose) an umbrella too long but she didn’t buy any.

10. When I (to enter) the room my son was sleeping.

11. At 5 p.m. yesterday it (to rain).

XII. Answer the questions to the text” Our University”:

1. What is the name of the Russian Emperor who founded Kharkiv National Agrarian University?

2. When was the University founded?

3. What country was our University founded in?

4. Who headed the University at its most productive period?

5. What outstanding scientists is our University famous for?

6. Why does the University take an active part in international relations?

7. What departments are there at our University?

8. Where do the best University lecturers often go to get educational experience?

9. How many books, journals and text-books does the library fund comprise?

10. What is held in the University assembly hall?

11. What can you say about the dendrological park of our University?


Lesson 5


Text: Farm work.

Grammar: Adjective and Adverb. The Degrees of Comparison.




plant (v) саджати
fertilize (v) удобрювати
fertilizer (n) добриво
manure (n) гній, добриво
soil (n) ґрунт
meanwhile (adv) тим часом
plow (v) орати
seed (n) насіння
provide (v) забезпечувати
crop (n) с.-г. культура, врожай
insect (n) комаха
pest (n) шкідник
disease (n) хвороба
harmful (adj) шкідливий
harvest (v), (n) збирати врожай, врожай
store (v) зберігати
barn (n) комора
sign (n) знак, ознака
care (n) турбота


Word combinations


to give birth народжувати
to raise animals вирощувати худобу
to chop wood рубати дрова




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