Tyumen Fuel-Energetic Complex 

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Tyumen Fuel-Energetic Complex

1. The specifics of economical reformation and reorientation being carried out nowadays in
Russia called upon the necessity of educating new specialists in economics such as managers.
A new social demand having been put forward by the society, new professions have appeared such
as social managers, managers in the spheres of international economy, fuel-energetic complex,
international tourism, marketing, commerce, finance. Information technologies need to be inte­-
grated into the entire production process from initial designs through marketing to final sales and
supporting services such as maintenance. To do this requires managers and workers to have levels
of education and skill that they have never had to have in the past. Tyumen Slate University sup­-
plies all the branches of Tyumen fuel-energetic complex with highly educated professionals, these
specialities to be received at the Management faculty.

2. Nowadays there appears many new joint enterprises and Industries, which will prove to offer a reliable and profitable investment. The main principle of such ventures is based on mutual profit and adherence to Russian legislation in any joint activity. Many Russian and foreign companies realise the far-reaching prospects of Tyumen region and are trying to gain a foot hold in the local market and industry. So far foreign investors have displayed most interest in oil and gas, but are now turning their attention to other branches of the economy, American and German business people are especially active. At least l00 companies have been registered and there is room for more.

3. Tyumen region is rich in natural resources: so far488 oil and gas deposits have been discovered, including 323 oil deposits. There are 88 geologically distinct oil and gas-hearing areas in Western Siberia, 56 fully or partly lie in Tyumen region. Business in Tyumen region attracts more and more participants. Some of the formal state-monopolistic enterprises have been commercialised and some stock ventures have been newly formed, «Surgutneftegas», «Urengoigasprom», «Noyabrskneftegaz», to be mentioned as the most powerful among them. They need new highly economical and ecologically sound know-how for well drilling and repair, and stepping up output; know-how for developing deposits in priority zones; mutually advantageous investments in construction, the develop­ment of deposits, upgrading of production technologies, sо they are open for international co-operation.



4. If new technology creates competitive advantage, the advantage will require managers and work-force skilled from lop In hot torn. When the graduates of Tyumen Stale University go to work to the North of our region, they will have to deal with new oil-production technologies at our oil-and-gas extracting enterprises. «Surgutneftegas» — an open-ended joint stock company – is one of them. Remaining the leader in daily output of the Russian oil industry and pressing ahead with production rates despite the deepening economic crisis, it produced 894.6 million tons of oil for the country's economy. On attracting more and more foreign investors by its prospective oil-production industry, «Surgutneftegas» is ready for implementation of new oil-production technol­ogies into their corporative work.

5. «Noyabrskneftegas» is a joint stock company, having also gained world fame for introduc­ing new oil production technologies in its work. And up to 40% of the resources are located in inaccessible areas and are practically unextractable with modern means. Since 1981 there was introduced over 50 oil production technologies, inclu­ding; progressive secondary production; the construction and introduction of immersion hydraulic piston pumps, new types of equipment for gas lifting; the use of water from the Senoman stratum instead of fresh water for in­creased oil yield; water gas thermal attack on layers. This guaranteed Noyabrskneftegas 15% of production and helped to raise the quantity production index by 10-13%.

6. «Urengoigasprom» is a production association. It aims to introduce progressive know-how into gas and condensate production and conversion to ensure maximum hydrocarbon extraction. Having been recognised as the largest supplier of hy­drocarbons in the world, it ensures high standards of environmental protection, health protection and security for the personnel and local population. Its specialists designed the ejector know-how of putting to use low-pressure gases, which accompany gas condensate production and conver­sion. Huge deposits of oil, natural gas and condensing gas in Tyumen Region will meet Russia's demands for several decades, if stock-enterprises of West Siberian Fuel-energetic complex go on developing in close co-operation with scientific centres, higher educational establishments and international investors.

2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) при­-
частных оборотов.

1. A new social demand having been put forward by the society, new professions have
appeared such as social managers, managers in the spheres of international economy, fuel-energetic complex, international tourism, marketing, commerce, finance.

2. Remaining the leader in daily output of the Russian oil industry and pressing ahead
with production rates despite the deepening economic crisis, it produced 894.6 million
tons of oil For the country's economy.

3. Having been recognised as the largest supplier of hydrocarbons in the world, it ensures high standards of environmental protection, health protection and security for the personnel and local population.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите нa русский язык следующие предложения.
Помните, что объектный, именительный и абсолютный инфинитивный обороты со-­
ответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1. Tyumen State University supplies all the branches of Tyumen fuel-energetic complex
with highly educated professionals, those specialties to be received at the management faculty.

2. Nowadays there appears many new joint enterprises and industries, which will prove to
offer a reliable and profitable investment.

3. Some of the formal slate-monopolistic enterprises have been commercialised and some
stock-ventures have been newly formed. «Surgutneftegas», «Urengoigasprom»,
«Noyabrskneftegaz» to be mentioned as the most powerful among them.

4. It aims to introduce progressive know-how into gas and condensate production and conversion to ensure maximum hydrocarbon extraction.

4. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие сложные пред-­
ложения. Обратите внимание на перевод обстоятельственных предложений усло-­
вия и времени.

1. If new technology creates competitive advantage, that advantage will require managers
and work-force skilled from top to bottom.

2. When the graduates of Tyumen State University go to work to the North of our region,
they will have to deal with new oil-production technologies at our oil-and-gas extracting

3. Huge deposits of oil, natural gas and condensing gas in Tyumen Region will meet
Russia's demands for several decades, if slock-enterprises of West Siberian fuel-energetic
complex go on developing in close co-operation with scientific centres, higher educational
establishments and international investors.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие герундий.
Обратите внимание на функцию герундия в предложении.

1. On attracting more and more foreign investors by its prospective oil-production industry,
«Surgutneftegas» is ready for implementation of new oil-production technologies into
their corporative work.

2. «Noyabrskneftegas» is a joint stock company, having also gained world fame for
introducing new oil production technologies in its work.

3. Since 1981 there was introduced over 50 oil production technologies, including:
progressive secondary production; the construction and introduction of immersion
hydraulic piston pumps, new types of equipment for gas lifting etc.

4. In close co-operation with scientific centres, its specialists designed the ejector know-
how of putting to use low-pressure gases, which accompany gas condensate.


I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст.

Words and Expressions

promotion стимулирование (продаж, спроса, товара)

constraints ограничения

domestic отечественный, внутри страны

personal selling индивидуальная продажа

marketing mix ассортимент маркетинговых услуг

public relation связи с общественностью

billboards афиши, рекламные проспекты

brand торговая марка, сорт товара

persuasive messagies убеждающие сообщения

subsidiaries филиалы, подразделения

expenditures расходы, трата, потребление

media availability доступность средств массовой информации

discretionary income дискреционный доход (на свое усмотрение)

per capita income доход на душу населения

International Advertising

1. Marketing includes the whole collection of activities the firm performs in relating to its market, advertising to be seen as the most visible of the promotional marketing functions. Promo­tion may be defined as the communication by the firm with its various audiences, with a view to informing and influencing them in order to achieve curtain goals. Differing in means of communi-

cation, audience, and company goals in different countries, international promotion has the fol­lowing major elements: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, the marketing mix, and blic relations. Advertising is the paid communication of company messages through impersonal:dia, these messages to be classified as audio (radio advertising), visual (billboards or rmign-ics) or audio-visual (in television or cinema advertising).

2. Advertising is used to achieve various marketing goals of the firm, including paving the way for
salesmen, gainingdistribution forthe firm's products, sales of the firm's products, improving brand image
and increasing brand recognition, and so on. There are two sets of constraints on international advertising
program of a company: one posed by the internal situation of the company, and the other by the internatio-
nal environment of the company. When the international marketer deals with foreign buyers, he will
have to take into consideration such constraints as: language difference, government controls, media
availiability, economic differences, local distributors, tastes and attitudes, agency availability.

3. International advertising having been defined, language differences need special attention.
Construction of the Tower of Babel stopped when the workers could no longer communicate with
each other. The manager of international advertising will feel that he is in a similar situation when

he faces the diversity of languages in world markets. The international advertiser does not have to know all the languages of all markets, but the firm's advertising must communicate in these languages. There is no communication unless a message has been received and understood. To achieve this understanding, the international advertiser needs local help in each market. After ensuring technical accuracy or perfect translation, persuasive messages must speak the «language of the heart». The local help available to the firm is of two kinds: national personnel in countries where it has subsidiaries, and the advertising agency located in the market.

4. In either case, the company gets the benefit of employees in whose native language the
company wants to advertise. In a sense, the language problem in foreign markets is beyond the
capabilities of the international advertiser; it can be solved only with the help of local expertise.
One constraint on the international advertiser is the different role advertising plays in each coun-
try. In some nations advertising is very prominent, about half of the entire world's advertising ex-
penditures having been in the United States. The roleof advertising varies roughly with the level of
economic development. If richer countries have better media availability and more discretionary
income, poorer nations will have more illiteracy which can be enticed by advertisers.

5. The main trend today in both industrialised and developing countries is increasing govern-
ment regulation of advertising. Government regulation can affect the product, the media, the mes-
sage and the advertising budget. For example, cigarette advertising is banned in some or all media
in Canada, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Sweden, Russia etc. Some media are not available for
commercial use, as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden had no commercial TV or radio. In 1981,
Indonesia abruptly cancelled advertising on TV after earlier restricting the amount of advertising
in newspapers. Advertising messages can be restricted in a variety of ways. Mexico and France
regulate the languages that can be used in ads. The United Kingdom made attack on the arlvertis-
ing budgets of Unilever and Procter and Gamble.

6. In different markets the advertising competition may be pure national or an international
one. The approach of the international company will provoke different kinds of reactions. In some
countries, the international company causes national competitors to follow its course of action.
For example, Procter and Gamble's entry into Western European countries caused national com-
petitors to increase their advertising. In another case, British American Tobacco's (BAT) entry
intо the Dutch market led to a strong defensive advertising attack by a local Dutch firm. The adver-
tising battle finally ended up in the Dutch courts where BAT won a judgement.

2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Об pamume внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных оборотов.

1.Differing in means of communication, audience, and company goals in different countries, international promotion has the following major elements: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, the marketing mix, and public relations.

2. International advertising having been defined, language differences need special

3. In some nations advertising is very prominent, about ha If of the entire world's advertising
expenditures having been in the United States.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
Помните, что объектный, именительный и абсолютный инфинитивный обороты со­-
ответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1.Marketing includes the whole collection of activities the firm performs in relating to its
market, advertising to be seen as the most visible of the promotional marketing functions.

2.Advertisingis the paid communication of company messages through impersonal media,
these messages to be classified as audio (radio advertising), visual (billboards or magazines)
or audio-visual (in television or cinema advertising).

3.To achieve this understanding, the international advertiser needs local help in each market.

4.For example, Procter and Gamble's entry into Western European countries caused
national competitors to increase their advertising.

4. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие сложные пред­-
ложения. Обратите внимание на перевод обстоятельственных предложений усло­-
вия и времени.

1. When the international marketer deals with foreign buyers, he will have to take into
consideration such constraints as: language difference, government controls, media
availability, economic differences, local distributors, tastes and attitudes, agency availability.

2. The manager of international advertising will feel that he is in a similar situation when
he faces the diversity of languages in world markets.

3. If richer countries have better media availability and more discretionary income, poorer
nations will have more illiteracy which can be enticed by advertisers.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие герундий.
Обратите внимание на функцию герундия в предложении.

1. Advertisingis used to achieve various marketing goals of the firm, including paving the
way for salesmen, gaining distribution for the firm's products, sales of the firm's products,
improving brand image and increasing brand recognition, and so on.

2. After ensuring technical accuracy or perfect translation, persuasive messages must
speak the «language of the heart».

3. The main trend today in both industrialised and developing countries is increasing
government regulation of advertising.

4. In 1981, Indonesia abruptly cancelled advertising on TV after earlier restricting the
amount of advertising in newspapers.




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