Student A: Multimedia systems are widely used in business for training employees, making sales presentations, and other business presentations. – Student B: Yes, this is true. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Student A: Multimedia systems are widely used in business for training employees, making sales presentations, and other business presentations. – Student B: Yes, this is true.

S. A: Interactive training software is a built-in computer’s feature. – S. B: No, that is false. It is distributed on CD-ROM or may be shared over a network.


1. Owners of low-cost multimedia PCs marketed for home uses need authoring software.

2. Film clips and animations are turning up in tutorials and training materials.

3. Network servers are usually powerful microcomputers that coordinate telecommunications and resource sharing in small local area networks, and Internet and intranet Web sites.

4. Most microcomputers are handheld computers.

5. High-performance multimedia authoring system includes only a high-resolution color graphics monitor and a high-performance microprocessor.


III. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions given below:

1. Multimedia applications are used by instructors for classrooms ….

2. Training stations can be set up in corporate training … or right at employee’s workstations.

3. A popular type of electronic book is … electronic texts.

4. Audio is sound that has been digitized and stored in some form for....

5. Sound … and video capture …are circuit boards that contain … signal processors.


boards presentations labs replay digital reference cards


IV. Answer the questions.

1. To what software does multimedia refer to?

2. What do multimedia PCs are designed for?

3. What is the fundamental component in many multimedia programs?

4. What are still graphic images?

6. What does animation refer to?

7. What is audio?

8. Do multimedia applications integrate video?

9. What are the basic hardware and software requirements of a multimedia computer system?

10. What is called multimedia-authoring system?

11. What can multimedia authoring system include?

V. Read and translate the text.


The pedagogical strength of multimedia is that it uses the natural information-

processing abilities that we already possess as humans. The old saying that "a picture is worth a thousand words" often understates the case especially with regard to moving images, as our eyes are highly adapted by evolution to detecting and interpreting movement.

For the student, one advantage of multimedia courseware over the text-based

variety is that the application looks better. If the courseware includes only a few

images at least it gives relief from screens of text and stimulates the eye, even if the

images have little pedagogical value. More often than not, the inclusion of non-

textual media into courseware adds pedagogical value to the application. In this respect, using the text only, even in a creative way, has obvious limitations as compared to the use of both text and pictures.

Multimedia requires high-end computer systems. Sound, images, animation, and

especially video, constitute large amounts of data, which slow down, or may not

even fit in a low-end computer. Unlike simple text files created in word processing,

multimedia packages require good quality computers. A major disadvantage of

writing multimedia courseware is that it may not be accessible to a large section of its

intended users if they do not have access to multimedia-capable machines. For this

reason, courseware developers should think very carefully about the type of

multimedia elements that need to be incorporated into applications and include only

those that have significant value.

Multimedia has other weaknesses too. While proponents of this new technology are very enthusiastic about its potential, they often leave the financial and technical

issues unattended. Development in multimedia are very high and the process

of developing effective multimedia takes time.

The critical question, then, is: How do we overcome some of the identified barriers and begin the process of multimedia implementation alongside the instructor,

textbook, and blackboard?

Let us look at some examples of what is called “innovative use”. Let us say a student wants to write a paper on computer architecture. Traditionally, the primary source for obtaining information would be the textbooks generally available in the library.

With access to interactive multimedia, the student would collect various textual

materials about the computer architecture from sources on a CD-ROM. With a multimedia approach, the student could also access Web sites on the Internet to get more information. The student could then add film clips on this topic

and blend them into a report. Then by adding titles and credits, the student now has a new and original way of communicating his/her own individual perspective.

Besides students use, teachers should find multimedia of great use in delivering their lessons.For example, a teacher of English language could use a multimedia CD to create a lecture on culture of English-speaking countries by using film clippings and audio tapes, also by incorporating other audio visual information with text to make the subject come alive. All this material are available now.

Similarly, a university professor might use a multimedia CD to prepare, to update information, or to teach to enliven and add insight to his /her teaching, thereby improving the quality of the course.

The uses of multimedia need not be seen as a tool for classrooms only. In an industry dealing with hazardous materials, workers need to be trained. It could be risky to provide hands on training. In this case, simulated learning can take the place of actual hands on training by using all the features of interactive multimedia. Training can thus take place individually at the learner' space and on his/her own time. Medical procedures, first-aid training and instruction of paramedics or even surgeons are made both simple and interesting through the use of multimedia. The doctor or paramedic can run through a complete procedure on video disc and analyze all the possible outcomes and can evaluate the possibilities before treatment of the patient.


List the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia in education.

Give the examples of multimedia software.


Computer Software


A computer is directed by a series of instructions called a computer program that tells the computer what to do. Computer programs are commonly referred to as software. Before they can be performed, the program instructions must be loaded from disk into the memory of the computer. Many instructions are used to direct a computer to perform a specific task. For example, some instructions allow data to be entered from a keyboard and stored in memory; some instructions allow data in memory to be used in calculations such as adding a series of numbers to obtain a total; some instructions compare two values stored in memory and direct the computer to perform alternative operations based on the results of the comparison; and some instructions direct the computer to print a report, display information on the screen, draw a color graph on a screen, or store data on a disk.

Most computer programs are written by people with specialized training. These people, called computer programmers, write the instructions necessary to direct the computer to process data into information using a computer programming language.

Computer software is the key to productive use of computers. With the correct software, a computer can become a valuable tool. Software can be divided into two types – system software and application software.

System software consists of programs that are related to controlling the actual operations of the computer equipment. An important part of the system software is a set of programs called the operating system. The instructions in the operating system tell the computer how to perform functions such as load, store, and execute a program and transfer data among the system devices and memory. Many different operating systems are available for computers. An important part of the system software is the user interface.

Before any application software is run, the operating system must be loaded from the hard disk into the memory of the computer and started. The operating system tells the computer how to perform functions such as processing program functions and transferring data between input and output devices and memory.

All software, including the operating system, is designed to communicate with you in a certain way. The way the software communicates with you is called the user interface. A user interface is the way you tell the software what to do and the way the computer displays information and processing options to you. One of the more common user interfaces is the graphical user interface (GUI). The graphical user interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey), combines text and graphics to make the software easier to use. Graphic user interfaces include several common features such as icons, windows, menus, and buttons.

Icons are small pictures that are used to represent processing options such as an application or program, or documents.

A window is a rectangular area of the screen that is used to present information. The term Windows, with a capital W, refers to Microsoft Windows, the most popular operating system and graphical user interface for personal computers.

Application software consists of programs that tell a computer how to produce information. Application software resides permanently in storage, such as on a hard disk. You load a program into a memory when you need to use it. When you think of the different ways that people use computers in their careers or in their personal lives, you are thinking of examples of application software.

Most computer users do not write their own programs. In some corporation, the information systems department develops custom software programs for unique company applications. Programs required for common business and personal applications can be purchased from software vendors or stores that sell computer products. Purchased programs often are referred to as application software packages, or simply software packages. Some of the more widely used personal computer software packages are word processing, electronic spreadsheet, presentation graphics, database, communications, and electronic mail software.




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їм за допомогою системних викликів (АРІ)

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