Point out all the independent elements and say by what they are expressed. 

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Point out all the independent elements and say by what they are expressed.

1. Nicholas, unfortunately, had passed an unquiet night. (Cronin)

2.Nevertheless, despite this reasoning there remained in the Consul's breast that strange sense of jealousy. (Cronin)

3. How fortunate to have such a reliable couple in the house. Naturally, he counted on the Burtons as an official standby. (Cronin)

4. I am a human being, senor, and must take advantage of my opportunities. Frankly, I am accustomed to good wine. (Cronin)

5. He was surprised, evidently, to find Sally so much at home and bustling about like that. (Prichard)

6. She was quite unconcerned, as a matter of fact, about being left alone in the camp. (Prichard)

7. Perhaps her colonial upbringing had something to do with it. (Prichard)

8. It was still too early for his ride, but he did not go back to bed, he wasn't deeply worried, to be sure, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep. (Kahler)

Composite sentence

Point out the coordinate clauses (mark the elliptical ones) and comment on the way they are joined.

1. It was high summer, and, the hay harvest was almost over. (Lawrence) 2. All the rooms were brightly lighted, but there seemed to be complete silence in the house. (Murdoch) 3. One small group was playing cards, another sat about a table and drank, or, tiring of that, adjourned to a large room to dance to the music of the victrola. (Dreiser) 4. His eyes were blood­shot and heavy, his face a deadly white, and his body bent as if with age. (Dickens) 5. He only smiled, however, and there was comfort in his hearty rejoinder, for there seemed to be a whole sensible world behind it. (Priestley) 6. You'll either sail this boat correctly or you'll never go out with me again. (Dreiser) 7. Time passed, and she came to no conclusion, nor did any opportunities come her way for making a closer study of Mischa. (Murdoch) 8. She often enjoyed Annette's company, yet the child made her nervous. (Murdoch) 9. She ran through another set of rooms, breath­less, her feet scarcely touching the surface of the soft carpets; then a final doorway suddenly and unexpectedly let her out into the street. (Murdoch) 10. It was early afternoon, but very dark outside, and the lamps had already been turned on. (Murdoch) 11. A large number of expensive Christmas cards were arrayed on the piano; while upon the walls dark evergreens, tied into various clever swags of red and silver ribbon, further proclaimed the sea­son. (Murdoch) 12. Brangwen never smoked cigarettes, yet he took the one offered, fumbling painfully with thick fingers, blushing to the roots of his hair. (Lawrence)

Define the kinds of subordinate clauses (subject, object and predicative clauses).

1. Miss Casement stopped what she was doing and stared at Rainsborough. (Murdoch) 2. What you saw tonight was an ending. (Murdoch) 3. About what was to come she reflected not at all. (Murdoch) 4. It's odd how it hurts at these times not to be part of your proper family. (Murdoch) 5. The trouble with you, Martin, is that you are always looking for a master. (Murdoch) 6. Sud­denly realizing what had happened, she sprang to her feet. (Caldwelt) 7. "It looks as though spring will never come," she remarked. (Caldwelt) 8. I want you to sit here beside me and listen to what I have to say. (Caldwelt) 9. Who and what he was, Martin never learned. (London) 10. That I am hungry and you are aware of it are only ordinary phenomena, and there's no disgrace. 11. What he would do next he did not know. (London) 12. It was only, then that I realized; that she was travelling, too. (Mur­doch) 13. What I want is to be paid for what I do. (London) 14. I cannot help thinking there is something wrong about that closet". (Dickens) 15. And what is puzzling me is why they want me now. (London) 16. That was what I came to find out. (Lon­don) 17. What I want to know is when you're going to get mar­ried. (London) 18. Her fear was lest they should stay for tea. (Ch. Bronte)

Define the kinds of subordinate clauses (subject, object and predicative clauses). Translate into Ukrainian.

1. What was certain; was that I-could not now sleep again.

2. And let me say to you in the profoundest and most faithful seriousness that what you saw tonight will have no sequel.

3. I understand all that, but what I want to know is whether or not you have lost faith in me?

4. He could recall with startling clarity what previous­ly had been dim and evasive recollections of childhood incidents, early schooling and young manhood.

5. It's been my experience that as a rule the personality of a human being presents as much of a complexity as the medical history of a chronic invalid.

6. He felt as if the ocean separated him from his past care, and welcomed the new era of life which, was dawning for him.

7. It was noticeable to all that even his usual sullen smile had disappeared.

8. That I had no business with two women on my hands already, to go falling in love with a third troubled me comparatively little.

9. I only write down what seems to me to be the truth.

10. Believe me, believe us, it is what is best for you.

11. Pleasantly excited by what she was doing, she momentarily expected somebody to stop her and remind her that she had forgotten to buy the evening paper and had failed to take the bus home at the usual time.

12. I dislike what you call his trade.

Relative clauses

15. Insert who, whom, that, which, as.

1. One oil lamp was lit in the bow, and the girl ___ Mr. Tench had spotted from the bank began to sing gently a melancholy, sentimental and contended song about a rose had been stained with true love's blood. (Greene) 2. None of us ___were there will ever forget that day. (Greene) 3. I don't believe all ___ they write in these books. (Greene) 4. The great protective, cover under ___the Germans had operated was torn from them. (Heym) 5. I call her probably the very worst woman ___ ever lived in the world... (Dickens) 6. I saved such of the equipment ___ could not be rep­ laced, and I saved the personnel... (Heym) 7. Pettinger was pleased that Prince. Yasha, ___ was a cool observer and a military man... estimated the situation exactly as he, himself, did. (Heym) 8. There was a feeling in the air and a look on faces ___ he did hot like. (Galsworthy) 9. All ___ I can remember is that you 'gave a beautiful performance. (Thornton)

Define the nature of adverbial clauses. Translate.

1. He too had moved and was now standing where she had been a moment before. (Priestley) 2. Once they reached the open country the car leapt forward like a mad thing. (Murdoch) 3. Alban's eyes glittered as he looked at the buses and policemen trying to direct the confusion. (Maugham) 4. He watched until the final wisp of smoke had disappeared. (Caldwell) 5. Even after Glenn had nodded urgently to her, she continued to look as if she did not know whether to run away from him or to walk back down the corridor to where he stood. (Caldwell) 6. And he followed her out of the door, whatever his feelings might be. (Lawrence) 7. I came away the first moment I could. (Galsworthy) 8. If anything particular occurs, you can write to me at the post-office. (Dickens) 9. A cat with a mouse between her paws who feigns boredom is ready to jump the second the mouse makes a dash for freedom. 10. Gladys leaned forward and then turned her head, so that she could look Penderel almost squarely in the face.


17. Define the kinds of clauses introduced by that.

1. His smile was so easy, so friendly, that Laura recovered. (Mansfield) 2. It was just luck that he didn't catch the boat. (Greene) 3. It infuriated him to think that there were still people in the state who believed in a loving and merciful God. (Greene) 4. The impression he gathered was that he would be able to make his own terms. (Galsworthy) 5. In the front-hall, under a large pic­ture of fat, cheery old monks fishing by the riverside* there was a thick, dark horse-whip, that had belonged to Mr. Spears' father/ (Mansfield) 6. At first she used to read to me, but it was such a dismal performance that I could not bear to hear her. (Harraden) 7. I remember' the landscape was buried deep in snow, and that we had very little fuel. (Aldington) 8. In fact, Mrs. Spears' callers made the remark that you never would have known that there was a child in the house. (Mansfield) 9.' I believe 'that all we claim is that we try to say what appears to be the truth, and that we are not afraid either to contradict ourselves or to retract an error. (Aldington) 10. The box that the fur came out of was on the bed. (Mansfield)



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