Ex. 6. Match the nouns and verbs as they are used in the article. 

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Ex. 6. Match the nouns and verbs as they are used in the article.

1. suffer a network

2. threaten b letter

3. open c attack

4. tear d hostage

5. dismantle e injury

6. behead f fire

Ex. 8. Render the newspaper article.

Ex. 9. Read the text below, use the following words to complete it.

  Security, terror, rescue, strike, bombings, responsibility, blast  

Subway and Bus Blasts in London Kill at Least 37

Bomb explosions tore through three subway trains and a red-painted double-decker bus in a coordinated (1) _________ attack during London's morning rush hour on Thursday, killing at least 37 people, wounding about 700 and leaving the city stunned and bloodied but oddly stoic. The entire subway network was closed as (2) ___________ workers went deep below ground to look for the dead and wounded. Police officers in yellow slickers sealed off streets, and bus services were halted.

There were several theories about the strategy and methodology of the (3) _________, including the possibility that the devices in the subway were set off by timers. A group describing itself as being affiliated with Al Qaeda took (4) __________ for the attacks on a Web site, but the police said they were unable to confirm the authenticity of the claim. The group, the Secret Orgnization of Al Qaeda in Europe, said the attacks had been undertaken to avenge British involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The attacks were the worst in British memory since World War II. Since the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, the police here have been rehearsing emergency procedures and seemed to be following pre-arranged measures, urging people to stay where they were, tune into television, radio or Web site and avoid central London. British officials have been forecasting a major terror (5) _______ on London, particularly since Britain sided with the United States in the war in Iraq.

The (6) _______ spread worries across Europe, particularly in those lands that are seen as allies of the United States - Spain until last year, Italy and others. Immediately after the attacks, the United States raised its terror alert level from elevated to high for mass transit systems, and European nations also increased mass transit (7) __________ precautions.


Ex. 10. Work in pairs or in small groups. Discuss the following issues:

1. Terrorism: political, religious and psychological roots.

2. Terrorism: conviction to faith or fight for oil and power?

3. Terrorism as par of nationalism and fundamentalism

4. Case studies: the Red Brigade in Italy, Irish extremists, Palestinian Shahids, Chechen militants, etc.


Unit 5. Global Issues

Key vocabulary

Give equivalents in your mothertongue to the following English words and phrases:

Acid rain

Aid package; to funnel development aid into

Burning of fossil fuels

calamity Syn.: disaster; on a calamitous scale

To chlorinate wells

Climate change

Destitute and disease-ridden region


Emergency response team

Emissions of greenhouse gases

To enforce the peace

Environmental sustainability

Global catastrophe

To impose quotas on emissions

Nuclear nonproliferation

Outbreaks of cholera

Pollute; pollution; pollutant

To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases

Relief agencies

To restore safe water supplies


Shortages of safe drinking water


Water-purification tablets; water chlorination program

Ex. 1. Speak on the following:

1. Independent sovereign states: the main actors in the international system.

2. The best methods of maintaining order: balance of power, diplomacy, and the formation of alliances.

3. The role of international institutions in the international system.


Ex. 2. Before reading the newspaper article below discuss in pairs what you think

It is about. Read the article and see if your ideas were correct.

A Tragedy in Asia Affects All Corners of a Closer World



PARIS, Dec. 28 - The tsunami that struck over the weekend spread a ring of destruction through nearly a dozen countries. Those are the places most directly affected, and on a calamitous scale. But the disaster has rippled far beyond South Asia, making it truly a tragedy felt across the globe.

Among the tens of thousands of people missing or dead, thousands are believed to have come from outside the region, including many who were spending their holidays at Thai, Malaysian and Indonesian beach resorts.

Reported deaths now cover at least 40 nationalities, reaching from South Africa to South Korea, with surprising concentrations of people still unaccounted for from European countries.

Those still missing include 1,500 from Sweden and 700 to 800 from Norway, 300 from New Zealand, more than 200 each from Denmark and the Czech Republic, 100 from Germany, 100 from Italy and 188 Israelis.

The disaster's reach is an unsettling reminder that globalization has brought the world closer together in unexpected ways so that people now share the pain as well as profit from far-flung places. Even for people who have never left home, otherwise abstract calamities in distant lands now frequently have a familiar face.

Only a hundred Europeans have been confirmed dead so far, leaving anxious relatives and friends to await word from distant lands where often-sketchycommunications were either overloaded or knocked out altogether after the devastation struck.

There is little way to know for now whether many of those missing have been killed or are merely cutoff. Meanwhile, stories of desperate searches and unlikely reunions have begun to trickle in from abroad.

Vacationing children who lost their families in the disaster are slowly being identified.

Winter-fleeing visitors from across Europe and northern Asia book rooms in the region's beachside hotels for the high season in December and January. Many of the best resorts operate at total occupancy during the year-end holidays.

Premiums paid for proximity to the sea meant that some of the region's wealthiest tourists were the most vulnerable.

At the Sofitel Magic Lagoon resort in Khao Lak, one of the worst-hit areas on the Andaman Sea coast, the three-story bungalows closest to the water were entirely gutted.

The resort's French operator, Accor, said Tuesday that 35 bodies had been recovered from the ruins and that more than 200 of the hotel's 415 guests were still missing. A hotel spokesman said that the hotel did not know the nationalities of the dead or missing, but that more than two thirds of the guests were German.

The Thai deputy interior minister, Sutham Sangprathum, said Tuesday that more than 700 foreign tourists had been identified among the dead in southern Thailand.

The French Foreign Ministry confirmed the deaths of 10 citizens and reported 18 missing and presumed dead because they were seen being swept away. Britain listed 18 deaths and the United States 11.

The dead included relatives of the well known and the unknown.

The British actor Richard Attenborough lost two members of his immediate family in Thailand, including a 14-year-old granddaughter, who was found dead, and her mother, Mr. Attenborough's daughter, who is missing. The mother-in-law of Mr. Attenborough's daughter is also missing, according to a statement released by a family friend.

The former German chancellor Helmut Kohl was evacuated Tuesday by helicopter from a hotel in Sri Lanka.

The fashion photographer Simon Atlee was swept away in the Thai resort of Phuket while his companion, Petra Nemcova, a Czech model who appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue last year, survived after clinging to a tree.

(Source: New York Times, 2004)

Ex. 3. Read the article and answer the following questions:

1. Why does the author say that the disaster was "a tragedy felt across the globe"?

2. What country suffered the most victims?

3. Why did the wealthiest tourists become the most vulnerable?

4. What makes the identification and number of victims difficult for stating?

5. Could such kind of calamities be prevented?

6. What are the consequencies of the tsunami for the countries struck by it?


Ex. 4. Read the article and explain the following phrases:

People now share the pain as well as profit from far-flung places, globalization has brought the world closer together, people now share the pain as well as profit from far-flung places, relatives and friends to await word from distant lands, abstract calamities in distant lands now frequently have a familiar face, resorts operate at total occupancy.

Ex. 5. Find words in the article which have the opposite meaning to the words below:

Found (para 3); happy, pleasant, nerveless (para 5); awaited (para 5); probable (para 7); delayed (para 16)

Ex. 6. Find words in the article which correspond to the following defintions:

1. causing great harm or damage (para 1)

2. to move or to make sth move in very small waves (para 1)

3. the state of being near sb/sth in distance or time (para 10)

4. weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally (para 10)

5. to destroy the inside or contents of a building or room (para 11)

6. next to or very close to a particular place or time (para 16)

Ex. 7. Replace the words in italics with a verb from A and a particle from B in the correct way:

A cut knock trickle sweep unaccounted B away for in off out

a Ourteam was made to dismiss in the first part of the competition.

b Atleast 300 civilians are not found after the bombing raids.

c News is starting to spread slowly and gradually.

d Hefelt relaxed since he got rid of any doubts.

e The army was prevented from communicating with its base.



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