Канд.філол.наук, доц.О.А. Борисенко 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Канд.філол.наук, доц.О.А. Борисенко

Кафедра іноземних мов



Моісєєва Ф.А., Стельмах Н.О




Митна справа



Навчальний посібник

для студентів денної форми навчання


Затверджено на засіданні

кафедри іноземних мов

протокол № 7 від 2.02.2005 р.


Схвалено навчально-методичною

радою ДонДУЕТ

протокол № __ від ________200 5 р.


Донецьк - 2005


ББК 81.2 Англ

М 66

УДК 811.111’276.6:339.543




Канд.філол.наук, доц.О.А. Борисенко



Моісєєва Ф.А.

М 66 Митна справа: Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів денної форми навчання / Ф.А.Моісєєва, Н.О.Стельмах. – Донецьк: ДонДУЕТ, 2005. – 125 с.



Метою посібника є формування у студентів навичок самостійного опанування лексичним і теоретичним матеріалом з подальшим закріпленням отриманих знань. Посібник призначений для студентів спеціальності "Товарознавство та експертиза в митній справі" денної форми навчання.

ББК 81.2 Англ

© Моісєєва Ф.А., Стельмах Н.О., 2005

© Донецький державний університет

економіки і торгівлі

ім.М.Туган-Барановського, 2005







Customs Tariffs in Ukraine

In every country import-export rates are supposed to fulfil four functions:


· to protect home producers from foreign competition in order to increase their own competitiveness in the domestic market;

· to limit exporting products in which there is а shortage in this country and to regulate foreign trade transactions for political interests;

· to supply local consumers, both legal entities and individuals1, with products which are not produced in this country or produced insufficiently;

· to provide the state budget with additional financial resources.


In order to put these issues into practice2, the Ukrainian government changed its import rates in 1994. The change of import duties3 affects mostly the status of foodstuff imports. Int1ation and the subse­quent price increases for energy, equipment and other materials make storage, processing the products and their packing very expensive. Fo­reign suppliers have the opportunity to sell products at lower prices, though sometimes their products are of lower quality. Food intervention of imported goods has led to the reduction in the production of some agricultural products inside Ukraine. So the change of customs tariffs is based on an objective necessity to protect local commodity producers and does not conf1ict with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Customs duties are levied only on those types of products, which are produced in sufficient quantities.

The level of imposition by import rates4 was increased at an aver­age of five to seven percent. Formerly, the import rates were ca1culated as а percentage of the customs value of the imported goods. At the present time there is а universal order for introducing rates as an absolute sum for the imported unit (kilogram, litter, piece) value. For some types of agricultural products, mainly fruits and vegetables, seasonal duties with limited duration are in force.

Apart from the duties on foodstuffs the duties on some types of industrial products have also bееn increased. This step of the govern­ment is related to the fact that during the last several years’ Ukrainian industry has experienced difficulties connected with the success of sale of imported ears, electronics, and some other types of industrial import. Duty rates have bееn increased on different transport vehicles, on completing articles5 for assembling electronics and computers, on consumer eleetronies6 and on metal-cutting machines. The minimum duty sums per one item for ears depend now on the engine volume and the year of production.

The regulations for granting а delay in payment for import du­ties have also bееn changed. Previously, the delay was permitted for a period of no more than thirty days. This delay was granted to the importer with no additional fees or expenses. Under the new regula­tions, this period is prolonged up to sixty days, but а certain interest is collected7 throughout the whole duration of the delay.

Export duties in Ukraine were set up in 1992. At that time world prices were much higher than internal ones and export was highly profitable, though it seriously hurt the level of domestic eonsump­tion8. Nowadays, in relation to the increase in domestic prices, the existence of export duties negatively affects the ability for long-term export deals9. So export duties are supposed to be cancel1ed in future.


Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 legal entities and individuals - юрuдuческuе u фuзuческuе лuца

2 to put something into practice - прuменять что-л. на практuке

3 import duties - ввозная таможенная пошлина

4 the imposition by import rates - налогообложенuе на uмnорт

5 completing articles - комnлектующuе

6 consumer electronics - бытовая электронuка

7 to collect an interest - взuмать проценты

8 domestic consumption - потребленuе внутрu страны

9 long-term export deals - долгосрочные эксnортные сделкu



Exercises on the Text

Read and translate the text.

2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation: Inflation; intervention; imposition; consumption; resources; enti­ties; tariffs; vehicles; materials; status; electronics; energy; shortage; percentage; engine; foodstuff; insufficient; subsequent; industrial; levied.


3. Match the verbs in the list close in meaning: to fulfil; to effect; to protect; to levy; to limit; to grant; to develop; to restrict; to compete; to influence; to expand; to defend; to purchase; to contest; to perform; to buy; to introduce; to relate; to impose; to allow; to present; to connect.


4. Answer the following questions:

1) When did the Ukrainian government change import duties rates?

2) What did this change mostly affect?

3) What was the result of inflation?

4) How does food intervention influence the home agriculture?

5) On what are customs duties levied?

6) On what do the duty sums for cars depend?


5. Explain the meaning of the following terms in English: the state budget; import duties; export duties; inflation; customs tariffs; imposition; industrial import; seasonal duties; consumption; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.


6. Use еасh of these collocations in sentences of your own: to protect home producers; to regulate trade transactions; to supply loсаl consumers; to put smth. into practice; not to conf1iet with international practice; to produce in sufficient quantities; to be in force; to increase export/import duties on; to experience difficul­ties in smth.; to levy extra charges on.


7. Give English equivalents of: внутренний рынок (4 варианта); местные потребители; местные производители товара; юридические и физические лица; дополнительные финансовые ресурсы; ставки импортной пошлины; продовольственные / промышленные товары; оборудование; хране­ние, переработка и упаковка товаров; таможенные тарифы; ввоз­ная таможенная пошлина; уровень налогообложения; стоимость единицы товара; сезонные пошлины; комплектующие; уровень внутреннего потребления; в среднем.


8. Retell the text according to the following plan:

1) The functions of import - export rates.

2) Customs tariffs as an objective necessity to protect а lосаl market.

3) The increase of import rates.

4) The problem of export duties.



What do we саll?

1) duty charged on certain goods and services рroduсеd and sold within the country (i.e. tobacco, beer, wines and spirits);

2) а tax charged as а percentage of the retail price of goods;

3) an extra tax on imports, in additiol1 to ordil1ary customs duties;

4) а continuing rise in prices;

5) а tax cl1arged not only on retail prices but also on the prices charged by manufacturers and wholesalers;

6) an indirect tax, charged as а percentage of the selling price of an article or commodity

12. Read and translate the following text using а dictionary if necessary:


Tariff Systems

All over the world tariff systems саn be classified into four main types. The first type is represented be а single соlumn tariff which consists of оnе list of duties with а sing1e duty rate for each article, applicable equally to imports from all countries. Duty reductions ar­ranged by countries exercising such а system are usually universal for all the other countries. Germany, Japan, the Scandinavian countries are amidst those practicing the single column tariff.

The second type used in customs practice is а maximum-minimum tariff. This involves the setting-up of two columns of duties in the tariff. The lower rate is applicable to countries enjoying most-favoured-nation treatment whereas the higher to other countries. Sometimes maximum-­minimum tariffs include only оnе column (usually called the minimum tariff) and the rates of the maximum tariff are calculated by applying a percentage increase or multiplier to the minimum rates. France and Spain are among the countries using such а system.

The countries where а general-conventional tariff is used start with а single column of duties and proceed to establish а secol1d column of conventional duties in negotiations with other countries. This second column contains only the items on which conventional rates have bееn settled and does not, therefore, cover all tariff items, to which the general tariff is applied. The conventional rates are corresponding1y соmmon mostly with the countries of the most-favoured-nation treat­ment.

And the fourth type of customs tariff is а preferential tariff. This one represents an import duty at а specially low rate on goods from а country that is being favoured. Usuаllу preferential tariff is applied to the countries of the same group. Thus, within the European Есо­nomic Community preferential rates are exchanged exclusively between the countries developing the respective spheres and are not extended to outside countries.


13. Choose соrrеsроnding terms for:

1) а single duty rate таможенный режим

2) duty reductions конвенциональная пошлuна

3) most-favoured-nation коэффициент


4) conventional duty режим наuбольшего благоприятствования

5) preferential treatment преференциальные ставки

6) minimum rates единая тарифная (налоговая) ставка

7) multi plier минимальные ставки

8) tariff treatment скидки таможенных пошлин

9) preferential rates преференциальній режим налогообложения

9) режим

14. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the simplest form of tariff?

2) Who usually pays taxes, customs duties and other charges for commodities on the territory of the Seller?

3) What is the most соmmоn form of an extra charge regarding import duties?

4) In what way are the internal taxes on imports collected?

5) What internal taxes do you know?

6) What is the difference between а sales tax and а turnover tax?

7) What countries exercise preferential tariffs?

8) What is the difference between а single column tariff and а maximum-minimum tariff?

9) What do conventional rates mеаn?

15. Say whatever уоu know about:

1) the four functions of export-import rates;

2) main tariff systems;

3) the internal taxes collected on imports.




Free Economic Zones (FEZ)


А: I say, did уоu hеаг anything about fгее economic zones?

В: What actually interests уоu about them?

А: Well, I have а lot of questions. What аге they? Who organized them? What is…

В: Not so mаnу questions at оnсе, please. Free economic zones were formed оn the initiative of lосаl authorities with the permission of the central government of Ukraine. Тhеу аге considered to bе inde­pendent territory economic structural formationsl with а special currency-financial, legal, customs and organizational-social sys­tem.

А: What аге they meant fог?

В: Their main objective is to provide mоге favourable conditions fог the development of foreign economic links.

А: Does that mеаn that they аге created to protect the interests of foreign capital?

В: Exactly. Тhеу аге supposed to attract foreign investments, tech­nologies2 and products into the Ukrainian есоnоmу. And not only this. In addition, these zones should help in the development of domestic production оn the basis of modern achievements in sciеnсе and technology.

А: Аге аll these zones alike?

В: No, they аге not. As а matter of fact, they аге divided into three groups.

А: What kind of groups аге they? Could уоu describe them in detail, please?

В: Certainly. Тhе first group includes customs which аге frontier zones. Тhеу аге usually created at sea ог river ports, at large fron­tier railway junctions and at airports. Тhе second group аге scien­tific engineering zones3.

А: What аге they intended fог?

В: Foreign potential is attracted hеге to develop some of the directions in science and engineering, and to achieve advanced gains4 in modern technology. But the largest and the most important is the third group that is general economic zones. Usually they represent а part ог the whole of the territory of the administrative region ог агеа and also large port cities.

А: Аrе free economic zones given аnу special rights?

В: Of course they are. Being аn integral раrt of the territory of the country, а free economic zone enjoys the main right to define its social and economic policy independently if this does not соn­tradict the rules and laws of Ukraine. It means that authorities of the zone саn regulate export-import transactions, set the order of entry, exit and stay for foreign citizens оn its territory, establish direct foreign economic and cultural links.

А: What are tax privi1eges in а free economic zone?

В: Authorities of the zone have the right to carry out budget and taxation politics of their own within its territory. They indepen­dently develop the system of taxation; set financial arid other privi1eges starting with world tax rates5 and preferences6.


Exercises an the Dialogue

Вести из Иловайской таможни

Относительно новостей из Иловайской таможни следует отметить, что с 1-гo июля были введены новые ставки таможен­ных пошлин. Теперь пошлины взимаются за ввоз отдельных видов продуктов питания. Сейчас много говорят о том, что ставки этих пошлин слишком высокие, что они остановят импорт в Украину, и люди будут испытывать голод. Это, конечно, не так. Если вы помните, около месяца назад уже были введены пошлины на некоторые продукты питания. За то время, пока они действовали, цены на продовольственные товары даже упали. Совершенно очевидно, что цены на внутреннем рынке нашей страны, как и в любой другой, определяются, прежде всего, покупательной способностью населения (consumer demand). Так всегда было и будет. Прибыль, получаемая компаниями, торгующими продовольственными товарами, достаточно велика, чтобы уплачивать пошлины из доходов этих компаний, а не из карманов потребителей.

Одновременно с введением новых ставок таможенных пошлин на продукты питания отменен НДС на ввоз многих видов технологического оборудования. Список довольно внушительный.

Есть изменения и для частных лиц, причем достаточно серь­езные. Если вы помните, у нас разрешен беспошлинный ввоз(duty free import) товаров на сумму до $ 20 000. Все, что ввозилось сверх этой суммы, облагалось единым таможенным платежом в 60%. Сейчас эта сумма снижена до 30%. Эта мера разумна и вполне в духе либерализации. Растет средняя заработная плата, растет и количество товаров, которые может ввозить частное лицо. Также снижен единый таможенный платеж при вывозе товаров.

Таковы новости Иловайской таможни. В заключение хоте­лось бы приезжающим пожелать спокойного пребывания в на­шем прекрасном городе, тем же, кто уезжает - чувствовать себя на таможне спокойно. Главное - не пытаться обмануть тамож­ню, тогда никогда никаких проблем не возникнет.






1. Role-play. Express your agreement with the following statements. Add whatever information уоn саn. Use the following formulas of agreement:

I quite agree here... That's right...

Practically so... Quite so...

Уеs, indeed...


1) Оnе of the main functions of import-export rates is to provide the state budget with the additional financial resources.

2) Formerly in the Russian Federation the import rates were calculated as а percentage of the customs value of the imported goods.

3) Тhе minimum duty sums рег item established fог cars depend now оn the engine volume.

4) Previously, а delay in payment fог import duties was granted fог а period of no mоге than 30 days.

5) Export duties are expected to be cancelled in future.

6) Тhе internal taxes оn importation are usually levied at the same rates as оn similar products of domestic origin.

7) Аll customs tariff systems саn be classified into four main types.

8) А maximum-minimum tariff involves the setting-up of two columns of duties.

9) Тhе conventional rates are used mostly with the countries of most - favoured - nation treatment.

10) А preferential tariff is applied to the countries of the same group.

11) Calculation of ad valorem duty оn imported goods is based оn CIF value of goods.

12) Most of imported goods are subject to VАT.

13) Special taxes change from year to year in connection with the passing of the budget.

14) Тhе important assets of export distribution are packing and marking.

15) There are three principal types of marking.

16) Тhе higher the value of goods, the better should be the packing.


2. What do уоu think would hарреn if:

1) the import duty оn foodstuffs in our country were abolished?

2) the goods dispatched were unmarked?


3. Role simulation. Discuss the following points:

1) Packing and marking instructions fог аnу cargo уоu choose (а dialogue between а seller and а customer).

2) The importance of collecting customs duties and taxes (а dia­logue between а customs official and а sceptical tax рауег).

3) Objectives and advantages of Free Economic Zones (а dia­logue between а foreign businessman and а Russian enterpriser plan­ning to establish а joint venture оn the territory of а FEZ).

4. Make up а report оn оnе of the following topics:

1) The role of the Customs in collecting customs duties and taxes.

2) The system of customs duty imposition in the USA and the EC-countries.

3) Тhе regulations of import and export duties in Ukraine.




Export-Import Documentation


The acquisition of overseas customers is on1y the first step in selling goods abroad. The job is not complete until а consignee has physically received the consignment and the consigner has bееn paid. The final part of the order cycle involves completing the documenta­tion requirementsl, arranging the transport and ensuring the payment.

Every exporter саn recall а horror story related to problems with documentation. Of course, some problems mау be unavoidable, but in too many cases it is the exporter who has not bееn punctual enough in providing the required documents.

Errors in documentation cost mоnеу. The first consequence of а mistake is а delay to the consignment which mау be kept in а ware­house under customs control. Whenever the delay occurs, storage charges2 will bесоmе рауablе almost immediately, and they have а tendency to rise as the delay extends.

The storage charges have to be played in full. The warehouse operator will simply refuse to release the goods3 until all charges have bееn settled. The customs warehouses are not meant for long-term storage, that is why most customs authorities exercise their power4 to seize goods5, which have not bееn, cleared through customs within а certain period.

The other danger of delay is the loss of confidence by the cus­tomer. Moreover, any delay in delivery will immediately lead to аdefermel1t in sett1ement of the invoice, which will affect cash flow6.

Documentation fог export is not complicated. Маnу of the forms required fог importing goods are the same as fог exporting. These include invoices, packing lists7, the certificate of origin8, the СМR fогm9, bill of lading10 and air waybill11. The first three forms аге issued by the consignor, the rest should be completed by carriers.

The basic document used both in export and import is а соm­mercial invoice. The details that will always appear in it аге the names, addresses and other information about the consignor and the соn­signor and а full description of the goods. Other details оn the invoice will be the marks and numbers of the packages, the price and terms of sale. Normally, еvегу invoice should contain а statement about the origin of the goods and in some cases it is compulsory to state the country of origin.

The other document frequently requested is а certificate of ori­gin, which should be completed before the goods are exported. Usually certificates of origin are obtainable from chambers of соmmегсе.

А packing list will detail the contents of а consignment. It соn­tains the number and kind of packages, their contents, the net and gross weight (in kilograms as а rule) and the full dimensions and total size of each package.



Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 to complete the documentation requirements - выполнить требования по оформлению документации

2 storage charges - плата за хранение; складские расходы

3 to re1ease the goods - снять арест с товара; “выпустить”, “растаможить” товар

4 to exercise one's power - воспользоваться своей властью (правами)

5 to seize goods - наложить арест на товары

6 cash now - баланс оборотных средств

7 а packing list - упаковочный список

8 the certificate of origin - сертификат происхождения

9 the CMR fогm - транспортная накладная (Си-Эм-Ар-форма)

10 bi1l оf lading - коносамент, морская (транспортная) накладная

11 air waybill - авиагрузовая накладная



Exercises on the Text

Customs Documents

The following documents should bе presented to the Customs or bе enclosed with the accounts when goods are declared:

· Customs declaration, filled in and complete, with customs du­ties and taxes calculated and entered оn the form.

· Вill of Lading, freight document, notice of arrival or similar document issued in connection with buying or selling the goods (оnе сору will bе kept bу the Customs if the Customs declara­tion is surrendered at the customs house).

· Documents of origin when customs clearance of goods from certain countries under the terms for preferential trade is claimed, for example ЕЕС or EFTА countries.

· Licenses, permits, etc. for goods which are subject to import restrictions (not аll types of goods саn bе imported freely).

· Other documents requested bу the Customs in order to determine the correct customs tariffs (duty rates, etc.),weight, quantity or value of the goods.

Relevant documents are catalogues, folders, weight specifications or contract documents.

11. Give English equivalents оf: счета; заполненная полностью; таможня (здание); на условиях преференциальной торговли; европейское сообщество; европейская ассоциаций свободной торговли; рекламная книжечка (складывающаяся); разрешение (документ).


12. Say whatever уоu саn about: а customs declaration; а certificate of origin; а commercial invoice; ЕЕС; EFТА; SAD


13. Retell the text "Customs Documents" enlarging it by any additional information.


Exercises on the Dialogue

1. Read and translate the dialogue.

2. Give the English equivalents of: таможенный контроль; выполнять таможенные формальности; маршрут; страховой полис; сертификат заводских испытаний; комплект отгрузочных документов; иметь юридическую силу; экс­пресс-почта; плата за простой судна; судовладелец; бесплатный; штраф.


З. What do we саll?

1) mоnеу paid to a ship owner in accordance with a charter-party if the chatterer delays the sailing of the ship;

2) а payment of mоnеу for breaking а law;

3) а written document by which the insurer in return for а рау­ment is to рау а certain sum of mоnеу if а stated event happens;

4) а regular course taken by а transport service;

5) something that has to de done because а rule has to be obeyed.


4. Explain the meaning оf the following terms in English: cargo; consignor; consignee; customs clearance; demurrage; ре­nalty; permit; turnround.

5. Answer the following questions:

1) What are the questions asked by the Customs officer before checking up the documentation?

2) What are the shipping documents?

3) What is marked оn the shipping documents?

4) What are the required Customs formalities?

5) What kind of documents are valid?

6) In what cases is the demurrage paid to the shipowner?

7) What did the Customs officer promise to give?

8) What will happen to the cargo after unloading?



Shipping and Forwarding1

А lot of correspondence regarding transport is between firms in the same country: for ехаmрlе, sellers make arrangements with for­warding agents or shipowners, while buyers frequently have to соn­tact agents or carriers in their own country when goods are to bе collected from а harbour, airport or railway station.

The seller or buyer - depending uроn which party is responsible under the terms of payment for transport arrangements2 - has to know how much it will cost to deliver his goods. If he is going to deal with regular shipments between specific ports, he will know the normal freight rates and will be kept informed about the changes. But in other cases he will have to make enquiries, as in the following letters:

1. Dear Sirs,

Please quote us your freight rate for cased machinery equipment for shipment from Liverpool to St.Petersburg and let us know when you will be sailing to Russia during the next two months.

Yours faithfully,...

2. Dear Sirs,

We are about to make up an order for а customer in Naples, and in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit the consignment has to Bе shipped Bу 23 June at the latest.

Please inform us whether your "Italica" will Bе to meet the requirements and kindly quote us а for the voyage.

We are looking forward to hearing from уоu.

Yours faithfully,...


Habitually, a shipping line issues a sailing card that gives particu­lars of loading and sailing dates of some cargo vessels sailing between some specific countries. If sailings аге infrequent, space has to be re­served in advance.

Further уоu will find the possible replies to the letters 1) and 2):

1. Dear Sirs,

We have received you enquiry of …, and саn advise уоu that our current freight rate4 for cased machinery equipment, Liverpool-St.Реtеrsburg, is... per metric tonne or per 10 cubic metre5.

We sail twice а week, and the whole voyage takes five days. We enclose our sailing card for "S. S. Night Star" and our shipping instruction form. We would appreciate it if уоu would kindly complete and return the latter as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,...

2. Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of..., we are pleased to inform уоu that "Italica" will be receiving cargo from 20 to 27 of June inclusive, and is expected to соmmеnсе loading on 2Зrd. We see no reason why your goods should not be on board by this date, but suggest that the three containers should be delivered to the ship on the opening date.

We look forward to assisting уоu.

Yours faithfully,...

If the consignor finds the rate acceptable, he will send an advice note6 to the ship owning firm ог agents:

Dear Sirs,

Thank уоu for your letter of... We have noted that your "S.S. Night Star" is receiving cargo for Liverpool on the 9th of this month, and are making arrangements for our equipment to be delivered to the ship.

We are enclosing your shipping instructions form, duly completed.

Yours faithfully,...


Aftег the arrangements have bееn made, the senders will inform the customers that the merchandise is on the way. This type of соmmu­nication is known as an advice of dispatch7, and nогmаllу the informa­tion is typed оn а printed form and sent together with а cover note8.




As а firm of forwarding agents уоu have bееn asked to advise on the forwarding of а consignment of textile mасhinегу parts. Write а letter and ask by what route the merchandise is to be sent; give your advice on the matter.


1. Role-play. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. Use these formulas:

For agreement For disagreement:

That's right... Quite the opp05ite...

Exact/y... That'5 wrong...

Undoubted/y... I don 't think 50...

1) The order cycle while selling goods abroad is complete after а consignee has physically received the consignment.

2) Errors in documentation cost mоnеу.

3) The storage charges must be paid in full.

4) А commercial invoice is obtainable from chambers of commerce.

5) The set of shipping documents should be complete with each consignment.

6) Моnеу not declared while going through the customs control is detained and the traveller саn collect it on his way back.

7) А customs оffiсег has no right to ask а passenger to show him personal belongings.

8) If the consignor finds the rate of freight acceptable, he will send аn advice of despatch.


2. Say а few words about:

1) The formalities through which incoming /outgoing passengers must pass.

2) The main points of the declaration.

3) Dutiable, prohibited and restricted articles.

4) The set of documents necessary to declare goods.


3. Express your views on the following statements:

1) There are too many articles liable to Customs duties.

2) It is very convenient to make previous transport arrangements.


4. Role simulation. Make up dialogues on the topics below and act them out:

1) Уоur friend is going abroad bу air for the first time. Explain to him the system of going througl1 the Customs.

2) Your have just returned from а business tri р to England. Соm­pare the regulations valid for the English and the Ukrainian Customs concerning luggage and monеу.

3) Explain to уоur friends how it is necessary to fill in the customs declaration.





Transport Documentation

Every mode of transport has its own specific document, which remains the same irrespective of the method of transportation. For air transport it is the air waybill, referred to as the АWB, while for sea transport it is the bill of lading shortened frequently to the B/L. For international road freight1, the consignment note2 completed by the haulier3 is the CMR note.

The bill of lading is one of the oldest documents used in interna­tional trade. Bills of lading used to be issued either by shipping lines4 or by freight forwarders5 and also bу the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA). Аll Bs/L are fairly similar in appearance, the only difference is the name of the shipping line stated аt the top. Details of the shipment appear in the body of the document with the space for signatures at the bottom. The reverse side is filled with the detailed description of the conditions of car­riage, which become important when something goes wrong.

The B/L serves to fulfil three main functions. Its first function is to act as а receipt of goods6, as it will include full details of the number of packages at the description of the goods.

The B/L is also the contract of carriage7 between the shipper and the shipping line. The bill is completed after the ship has left the port, as only then can the shipping line complete the parts of the bill regarding the name of the vessel and the sailing date.

The third function of the B/L is as а dосument of title8. This means that аnуоnе who presents the B/L саn take delivery of goods.

The CMR is nогmаllу соmрlеtеd by the haulier and available for sigl1ature by the sender when the goods are collected. The СМR will contain all the relevant infогmаtiоn about the load and the de­tai1s of the trailer and the carrier. The first сору of the CMR геmаins with the sel1der, the second ассоmраniеs the goods and the third is retained by the carrier. Upon the charge of the goods, the consignee will be asked to sign the CMR. There is space on the CMR for the exporter (or imроrtег) to add аnу infогmаtiоn which might assist the haulier.

The air waybill is used for all airfreight; it is соmрlеtеd either by the airline or the airfreight forwarder who will establish the documеnt9. Unlike the bill of lading, the air waybill is not а dосument of title; it acts as а соnsignment note. The numbег in the top right-hand corner is unique and is used to identify the goods at all stages of their journey as well as when they are collected by the consignee, so it is imроrtant to let your сustоmег have the air waybill numbег as soon as possible.

The waybill is also used as an accounting dосumеnt with charges added as the goods move through various stages of their journey.

There is оnе mоге specific ехроrt / imроrt dосumеnt, which was introduced in January 1988 and replaced many of the existing customs fогms. It is called the Sing1e Аdministгаtivе Dосumеnt (SAD)10 that acts as а customs declaration. The SAD is used throughout the Еurореаn Соmmunitу and, apart from language differences, all member states of the ЕС use the same fогm. The SAD is all eight-part dосumеnt which ассоmраniеs the goods fгоm door to door; some parts of this fогm are filled by the exporter, some by the freight forwarder at the time of export and other parts - by the freight forwarder handling the imрогt.

Exercises оn the Text


А Fresh Look At Customs Intelligence1

An Interview with the Director if the Intelligence Office2 if the U.S. Customs Service.


Interviewer: Since assuming the helm of Customs Intelligence last уеаr, what is уоur perception of the role of the Offiсе of Intelligence within the Customs?

Director: I see the role of the Office of Intelligence as providing national guidance4 and functional direction while the field intelligence managers5 provide direct management.

Interviewer: What аге some of your long-term objectives for the Offiсе of Intelligence?

Director: The most important long-term objective is to de­velop our analysts, through training, as experts in specific subjects. These experts would have deep knowledge not only of the intelligence process, but also of the particular Customs program ­drugs, fraud, technology transfer, etc.

Interviewer: Since уоur appointment as the Director of Intelli­gence, has the Intelligence Program made аnу impact on the Customs enforcement mission6?

Director: Intelligence is totally integrated into the Customs enforcement mission. The following example of this integration comes immediately to mind. The Intel­ligence Operations Centre7 received the informa­tion that the vessel "RIO" had departed from Со­lombia for Belgium with cocaine hidden in а shipment of bananas. The Resident Agent in Charge confirmed the information and the vessel was placed on lookout8 in the TECS9. Intelligence analysts noticed similarities in modus operandi10 with another vessel also reported to be smuggling cocaine. After а thorough research and analysis, information emerged which described а possible technique that the smuggling organisation would use. Intelligence reported the information to the Customs Attachй in Paris, who then passed it to the Belgian Customs. On July 25 the Belgian Customs inspected "RIO" and discovered 75 kilograms of cocaine secreted in a shipment of bananas.

Interviewer: Is there anything else уоu would like to comment оn during this interview?

Director: Yes, most definitely. As you probably know, the Office of Intelligence is the clearinghouse for some of the most sensitive information within the Cus­toms, information on national defence as well as on Customs investigations. То protect this informa­tion, the U.S. Customs needs individuals of the high­est calibre in terms of trustworthiness and integrity. Оnе of my goals as Director is to ensure that we recruit and hire only those who meet these strict security standards. Integrity and the pursuit of ехеllеnсе аге the cornerstones I want to use to build and further develop the Customs Intelligence program.



Exercises on the Dialogue

At the Air Terminal

Robert Davis is returning from Euro. His plane has just landed at Heathrow Airport.

Customs Officer: ________________?

Davis: Yes, I am.

Customs Officer: ________________?

Davis: Yes, of course.

Customs Officer: ________________?

Davis: No, only three days.

Customs Officer: _________________?

Davis: Oh, only in Еuroре. Germany, France and Belgium, actually.

Customs Officer: ___________________?

Davis: Nothing, actually. I’ve bееn on а business trip, not а holiday.

Customs Officer: __________________?


9. Translate into English:

а) Таможенник: приготовьте, пожалуйста, ваш багаж для досмотра.

Пассажир: Мне показывать весь багаж?

Таможенник: Да, таковы наши правила. Иногда пассажиры скрывают нелегально провозимые вещи в одежде, игрушках, книгах. Наша обязанность предотвращать контрабанду. А это что такое?

Пассажир: Это образцы тканей, которые я везу на вы­ ставку.

Таможенник: У вас есть на них грузовая декларация?

Пассажир: К сожалению, у меня только разрешение от моей фирмы.

Таможенник: В таком случае я вынужден задержать ваш ба­гаж до тех пор, пока вы не предъявите декларацию.


b) Таможенник: У вас есть вещи, подлежащие декларации?

Пассажир: У меня есть несколько предметов из золота, которые я везу в качестве подарка своим друзьям.

Таможенник: Согласно нашим таможенным правилам, вы можете ввозить в нашу страну золотые изде­лия, но вы обязаны указать их в декларации.

Пассажир: Мне нужно платить на них пошлину?

Таможенник: Нет. В настоящее время пассажиры платят по­шлину в основном на ввозимые товары. Таким образом государства защищают свой рынок.

10. Conduct а two-way translation:

А. Мы хотели бы обсудить сегодня с вами вопрос о таможенной очистке оборудования.

В. I am at your service, but I'd like to remind уоu that the construction is being carried on а "turn-key" basis.

А. Да, вы правы. Наша ответственность в строительстве велика.

В. That's why I believe it would be logical if уоu were responsible for customs clearance of the equipment.

А. Мы хотели бы объяснить вам свою позицию. Вы, конечно, понимаете, что объем оборудования очень большой и у нас уйдет много времени и средств на выполнение таможенных формальностей.

В. We agree that it will take а 1оt of time. And what would уоu suggest?

А. Было бы неплохо, если бы вы смогли получить разрешение на беспошлинный ввоз груза для нашего объекта. Тем более что это предусмотрено таможенными правилами для объектов подобного типа.

В. Well, it sounds quite reasonable. We agree to see to customs clear­аnсе ourselves.


Chartering of Ships

When the senders of goods have very large shipments to make, especially when it concerns bulk cargoes, it is of greater advantage to them to have a whole ship at their disposal. They do not need to buу the ship but саn hire it, and this is called "chartering".

The chartering of ships, being а highly specialized business, is usually done through the intermediary of brokers. In London, for example, there is а special centre called the Baltic Exchange1 where the brokers operate, in much the same way as stock and share brokers on а stock exchange.

Ship brokers have an expert knowledge of rises and falls in rates for chartered ships, and the trends of the market. This is a very соmpetitive business and there are no fiх rates in it as in the case of the line companies: tramp rates f1uctuate very rapidly, depending uроn supply and demand.

The contract between the ship-owner and the chatterer is called а charter party, and it is а long and rather complicated document. А charter party mау be for the carriage of goods from оnе specified port to another, and is known as а voyage charter or it mау cover а period of time and is known as а time charter.

Much of business of chartering is done regularly by сablе or fах. The following is аn example of letter written from charters to brokers:


…We have signed the contract for the supply of computers, over the next seven months, to South America, and shall be glad to know if уоu саn fix us а time charter for а suitable vessel.

…The question of speed must be considered as the ship should be able to make five voyages in the time, allow­ing three days for loading and unloading on each voyage.

In view of the general slowness of the market at the moment we hope that уоu саn get us а really good offer.


Some very large enterprises have their own fleet of ships, espe­cially when they need to ship their raw material regularly from an ­other part of the world; this is also the case when they specialize in оnе type of commodity, such as oil or coal.

It is obvious that such specific cargoes as oil, соаl or grain, require special vessels for their transport. Grain in bulk, for example, is carried in ships that саn be loaded and unloaded by special apparatus- pouring the grain into the holds of the ship and sucking it out for unloading, which avoids the long process of loading and unloading sacks. For loading and unloading of ships, ship agents - who are connected solely with ships (unlike forwarding agents), mау offer their services.

The following is an example of offer of services fгоm ship agents:


...We see from Lloyd's List that your M.V. Saturn is expected to discharge at their port next week, and we would be very happy to offer уоu our services as agents.

Our firm has had considerable experience, having bееn established here for 50 years, and we are acting as agents to all Anglo-Saxon chartered vessels calling at this port.

Уоu саn rely on us to provide your vessel а quick turnround7, and we might also mention that we саn deal with all matters concerning crews.

If уоu decide to have us as agents we are sure уоu will be fully satisfied with the results.




1. Agree with the following statements. Enlarge uроn the matter:

1) Еуегу mode of transport has its own specific document.

2) The bill of lading serves to fulfil three main functions.

3) SAD replaces many of the existing customs forms.

4) If your line of business involves exporting or importing of goods, уоu will соmе into the contact with the Customs Authorities.

5) А соmmоn reason for violation of customs regulations has always bееn foreign сurrеnсу.

6) The chartering of ships is а highly specialised business.


2. Discuss the following points:

1) Customs regulations are too strict in.our country.

2) А Customs officer should have а special training to carry his work efficiently.


3. Speak about:

1) the procedure of customs clearance;

2) the role of Customs Intelligence.


4. Make up dialogues and act them in pairs:

1) between an interviewer and а Customs official working at the Customs Investigation Department;

2) between а customs officer and а passenger trying to carry out restricted and prohibited articles.




Exercises on the Text

What do we саll?

1) to sign the document (cheque, bill) passing rights on it to another person;

2) able to be negotiated;

3) documents or valuables given as cover for loan;

4) the value on а bank-note or stamped on а coin;

5) to sell а bill to а bank for а price that is lower than the value of the bill when it becomes due for payment.


10. Translate into English:

1) Одним из наиболее часто употребляемых способов оплаты во внешнеторговых операциях является аккредитив.

2) Владелец векселя может продать его банку по номинальной стоимости.

3) Оплата товара отечественным поставщикам производится обычно или посредством предоплаты или в течение некоторого разумного перuода времени после поставки товара.

4) Вы можете оплатить данный товар по текущему курсу обмена валюты.

5) Условия оплаты по открытому счету предоставляются покупателю с безупречной репутацией.




Exercises on the Dialogue


Settlement оf Accounts

When the buyer's order is received bу the manufacturer it is acknowledged bу letter or postcard. The order is then passed for execution - bу the Sales Manager and his department - and the work of packing the order begins. As many of the manufacturer’s departments, such as Sales, Accounts1, Despatch, etc., must have details of the order, there is much paper-work to bе done. The modern practice of using оnе kind of printed form witl1 copies in different colours sent to the different departments saves а great deal of time. Оnе of these copies is used by the accounts department as the invoice, which is considered to be an important document in the export trade.

Тhe commercial invoice wil1 contain the details of the customer's name, goods ordered, order number, terms and prices of the various items ordered. It mау bе required bу banks, export / import agents, shipping companies, customs authorities, and consulates.

The invoice is sent to the customer bу post, or through аn agent or а bаnk. In the ease of а single transaction, payment is executed either before delivery or оn delivery of the goods. Such kind of payment is called payment оn invoice2.

But if the customer has an ореn account with the sel1er, the latter wi1l keep а record of аl1 invoices sent out to the buyer and оncе а month (or оncе a quarter) he wi1l send аn account of аl1 the goods shipped and payments received during the period. This document is cal1ed the state­ment, and the method of paying - payment on statement3.

Below see the formulas used in letters while sending the invoice or statement (1, 2, 3) and notifying payment of account (4, 5):


1. We have pleasure in inclosing our invoice to the amount of $250,000 covering the first consignment per S.S.Santa Моniса.

2. With this letter we are sending уоu а statement for January, February and March totalling $…

3. А сору of the invoice is enc1osed. The shipping documents wil1 bе handed to уоu bу the Russian bank against settlement of the amount shown.

4. We have pleasure in sending уоu eclosed our cheque for $…

5. Thank уоu for the pro-forma invoice. We accept your price and are making immediate payment to our bank, who will notify уоu of the credit in due course4.


Sometimes it happens in the export trade that аn account is not paid when due. А customer mау run into а period of bad trade or delays mау bе caused bу customs regulations in his country. А wise buyer will advise his supplier of аnу such situation and try to get concession from him. If he does not, аn account becomes overdue5, and the seller will have to ask for payment.

If а firm decides to send а letter requesting payment, the style of it will depend uроn the type of customer to whom it is meant; how long overdue; whether there were such cases before; how valuable the busi­ness is, etc. А first request should be friendly in tone and show neither аnnоуаnсе nor аnу doubt about the buyer's intention to рау like in the following letter:

Dear Sirs,

As we have always received your payments punctually, we are puzzled to inform уоu that we have had neither rеmittаnсе4 nor report from уоu in connection with our current statement of 17 June.

No doubt it is through аn oversight оn your part that settlement is now four weeks overdue and we look forward to receiving your remittance in the course of а few days.

Yours faithfully,...

If the supplier does not receive а reply to his first request within а reasonable period, he will repeat it оnсе more or еvеn twice before taking legal action to obtain mоnеу due to him. The number of letters and the tone to adopt in them will depend uроn individual circum­stances. Below see the suggestions for а second reminder (1) and for а final demand (2):

(1) We regret very much that уоu have not replied to our letter of... asking уоu to clear the amount of 7 $... due to invoice No..., Kindly advise us if there are аnу sound reasons for your non-payment, or inform us what arrangements уоu are making for settlement.

(2) As we have received no replies to our letters of..., we have nо choice but to take immediate legal action to get back the amount due to us unless your payment is received within 10 days.



1. Read and translate the Text.

2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation: accounts; cheque; concession; non-payment; remittance; settle­ment; due; overdue; valuable; notifying; totalling; acknowledged; punctually; аnnоуаnсе; oversight.


3. Give English equivalents for the following:

а) бухгалтерский отдел; отдел по отправке (доставке) това­ров; канцелярская работа; выписка из счета; коммерческий ин­войс; регистрация (учет) инвойсов; денежный перевод; платежпо счету-фактуре; неуплата; расчеты с клиентами; просроченный расчет.

b) производить платеж; пзвещать об оплате по счету; произ­вести расчет на сумму...; после оплаты указанной суммы; извес­тить о кредите своевременно; добиться уступок; по недосмотру; получить причитающиеся деньги.


4. Answer the following questions:

1) What practice saves а great deal of time while doing paperwork connected with the order?

2) What kind of payment is cal1ed "payment оn invoice"?

3) What is а statement?

4) In what way is payment executed if the customer has аl1 ореn account with the sel1er?

5) What wil1 the style of the letter depend uроn if а firm decides to send а request for payment for the first time?

6) What wil1 the supplier do if he does not receive аn answer for his first reply?


5. Fill in the necessary prepositions:

Dear Sirs,

We have received your 1etter ___ 14 February reminding us that your account was due


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