The Late, Late Flight to London 

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The Late, Late Flight to London

Passengers (0) travelling (travelling/going/waiting/wanting) on a flight from Washington to London were in (1)_______ (for/at/on/with) a very long wait. They had (2)_________ (still/already/however/yet) been waiting 8 uncomfortable hours for takeoff, only to be (3) __________ (said/told/mentioned/announced) that the flight was (4) ________ (late/retarded/delayed/behind) even further. The cabin crew advised passengers to take pillows and blankets from the overhead lockers in (5) _________ (case/order/time/turn) to sleep inside the airport terminal. Many passengers (6) __________ (mislaid/wasted/missed/lost) their tempers and fights broke (7) _________ (up/off/out/down). People shouted and (8) _________ (asked/applied/demanded/took) information. A member of the staff panicked and called airport security guards. A (9) _________ (few/number/couple/little) lucky passengers were put on alternative flights, (10)___________ (although/even/in spite/despite) about 100 others spent the next day in the airport. Many people missed connecting flights and (11) _________ (should/would/could/had) be delayed for several days. First-class passengers were (12) __________ (still/many/more/much) fortunate. They were put (13)_________ (up/off/out/about) in luxury hotels and provided with food and drink. Other passengers had to be content with vouchers for Burger King, as the airline staff were not able to find hotels with (14) _________ (much/enough/too/a lot) free rooms to accommodate them. One woman carried a silver horseshoe for (15)___________ (fortune/chance/luck/probability). As she said, “It didn’t work this time!”



  rainforest – dense forest found in tropical areas of heavy rainfall. The trees are broad-leaved and evergreen, and the vegetation tends to grow in three layers (undergrowth, intermediate trees and shrubs, and very tall trees, which form a canopy) Also called: selva тропический лес, влажные джунгли тропічний ліс, вологі джунглі
  glacier – a slowly moving mass of ice originating from an accumulation of snow. It can either spread out from a central mass (continental glacier) or descend from a high valley (alpine glacier) глетчер, ледник глетчер, льодовик
  to be similar to sth быть подобным чему-либо бути подібним
  to be famous for sth быть известным чем-либо бути відомим
  variety/diversity– the quality or condition of being diversified or various   разнообразие, многообразие різноманітність
  scenery – the natural features of a landscape   вид, пейзаж; ландшафт вид, пейзаж, ландшафт
  rainfall– precipitation in the form of raindrops осадки, количество осадков опади, кількість опадів
  magnificent– splendid or impressive in appearance великолепный, величественный; производящий впечатление, внушительный, пышный (о растительности) чудовий, величний
  fjord – (esp on the coast of Norway) a long narrow inlet of the sea between high steep cliffs formed by glacial action фьорд фіорд
  guided tour экскурсия екскурсія
  bungee-jumping – a sport in which a participant jumps from a high bridge, building, etc., secured only by a rubber cord attached to the ankles   прыжок с помощью эластичного троса (с моста, скалы) стрибок за допомогою еластичного троса (з мосту, скелі)
  rafting рафтинг (вид активного отдыха и экстремальный вид спорта) рафтінг
  backpacking –travelling about or go hiking with a backpack пеший туризм піший туризм
  concept –an idea, esp an abstract idea понятие, идея поняття, ідея
  trend –general tendency or direction тенденция, направление тенденція, напрям
  adventurous holidays активный отдых активний відпочинок
  to lead active life вести активный образ жизни вести активний образ життя
  to feel the benefits of чувствовать выгоду, пользу от відчувати користь від
  tend to be –to have a general disposition (to do something); be inclined тяготеть, иметь склонность, иметь тенденцию тяжіти, мати тенденцію
  terrain –ground or a piece of ground, esp with reference to its physical character местность, территория, район місцевість, територія, район
  average age средний возраст середній вік
  adventure sports экстремальные виды спорта екстремальні види спорту
  event –anything that takes place or happens, esp something important; happening; incident событие подія
  race –contest of speed, as in running, swimming, driving, riding, etc состязание в беге или в скорости; гонка, гонки; скачки; бега змагання, перегони
  competitor –a person, group, team, firm, etc., that vies or competes; rival соперник суперник




1. Read the text. Does it come from:

1. A guidebook?

2. A holiday brochure?

3. A newspaper article?

Turkish Coast

Sport enthusiast week

An action-packed week of watersports, mountain-biking, and hiking. You'll have the chance to go scuba-diving, paragliding or white-water rafting. This is an energetic holiday, for which you need to be fit and healthy. Southern Turkey is ideal for sports. It has everything you'll need: coast, canyons, rivers, and mountains. This amazing week starts with a whole day mountain-biking, which includes descending from a nearby mountain plateau. You can spend the next three days in the water. We go diving on the first day (it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert), followed by a breathtaking day canyoning in the stunning Kibris Canyon and a day sea-kayaking to an underwater city. Next, we move on to Kaya for a day's hike along this beautiful stretch of coastline, with the chance to go paragliding. The climax of the trip is a thrilling white-water rafting expedition on the Dalaman river.

Winter itinerary

In winter, the temperatures are warm on the coast, but a few kilometres inland you can try cross-country skiing and snowboarding (depending on snow) instead of mountain-biking. We also include a day's climbing on the sea cliffs instead of white-water rafting.

Accommodation and food

Seven nights' in hotels included, as well as all breakfasts and four lunches.

Dates and prices

Trips run from Sunday to Sunday throughout the year. The winter itinerary runs from November to April. Prices for the week are from £499 to £599 depending on dates. Price includes flights, accommodation, equipment, internal transport, and some meals (see above).

Insurance £25
Deposit £35
Single supplement £70


2. Find these adjectives (1-10) in the text. Which ones describe:

a. The people

b. The sports

c. The places

d.The holiday

1. action-packed 6. amazing

2. energetic 7. breathtaking

3. fit 8. stunning

4. healthy 9. beautiful

5. ideal 10. thrilling


Reading 2

1. Read the text:

Tourism in Antarctica

There are no indigenous people in Antarctica. The population varies from fewer than 1,000 in winter to almost 20,000 in summer: 5.000 scientists from 27 of the countries belonging to the Antarctic Treaty, plus 14,000 tourists.

The nearest land mass is South America, which is approximately 1,000 kilometers from the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula.

The surface area of Antarctica is 36 million square kilometers.

Antarctica currently has no economic activity apart from offshore fishing and tourism, and these are run by other nations.

Tourism in Antarctica is mainly by around twenty vessels carrying 45 to 280 passengers each.

Most trips take about ten days to three weeks from port to port.

Antarctic visits are mainly concentrated at ice-free coastal zones over the Antarctic summer, the five-month period from November to March. In high summer there will be more than twenty hours of daylight per day.


2. Discuss these questions in groups:

1. What do you know about Antarctica – its population, its size and location, the number of tourists who visit?

2. What type of transport do tourists use to visit Antarctica?

3. What activities can tourists do?



  drag lift тросовый подъёмник тросовий підйомник
  chairlift – a series of chairs suspended from a power-driven cable for conveying people, esp skiers, up a mountain кресельный подъёмник підйомник-крісло
  cable car – a cabin suspended from and moved by an overhead cable in a mountain area фуникулёр фунікулер
  binding крепление кріплення
  poles лыжные палки лижні палки
  goggles –protecting glasses защитные очки захисні окуляри
  helmet –a piece of protective or defensive armour for the head worn by soldiers, policemen, firemen, divers, etc каска, шлем каска, шолом
  gloves перчатки рукавиці
  ski pass пропуск перепустка
  ski instructor инструктор по лыжному спорту інструктор з лижного спорту
  chairlift attendant работник кресельного подъёмника робітник крісельного підйомника
  ski hire shop assistant продавец магазина лыжного снаряжения продавець магазину лижного оснащення
  go left идти налево йти наліво
  go right идти направо йти направо
  go straight идти прямо йти прямо
  go upstairs идти наверх йти вгору
  go downstairs идти вниз йти униз
  condominium – an apartment building in which each apartment is individually wholly owned and the common areas are jointly owned квартира в доме-совладении; приватизированная квартира приватизована квартира
  piste – a trail, slope, or course for skiing лыжня лижня
  demonstration – explanation to show how to use or do something демонстрация демонстрація
  exhibition – public display of products or works of art выставка виставка
  show– entertainment at a theatre or on television шоу шоу
  arts and crafts – products made by hand декоративное искусство декоративне мистецтво
  competition – event in which people try to be the best at something соревнование змагання
  quiz– game of questions to find out who knows the most викторина вікторина
  live band – musical group that are playing in public группа, играющая живую музыку група, що грає живу музику


For questions 1 – 15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space:

Extreme Skiing

Most people would rather take up a sport that involves (0) __ little__ or no risk and would certainly not choose a sport (1) ________ extreme skiing, which is (2)________ of the most dangerous in the world. Extreme skiing is (3) ________ for those who (4) _________ for adventure. Invented by the French, (5) ________ is the sport which attracts brave skiers (6) _________ would rather ski down a 60-degree slope and tackle hair- raising jumps (7) _________experience the relaxing pleasures of conventional skiing. The ultimate goal of most extreme skiers is to win the World Extreme Ski Championship, (8) ________ skiers have tackle the most challenging terrain and can only survey the course (9) __________ the bottom of the mountain. One successful competitor said that he was glad that he had had a good look at the course beforehand, as a full could (10) __________ been fatal. Anouther, who was not (11) __________lucky, explained that she could have waited (12) _________ the conditions were better, but then the danger would have been eliminated.

(13) ________ people who enjoy putting their lives at risk are drawn to extreme skiing, their families would rather they hadn’t chosen (14) _________ a dangerous sport. There must be (15) __________ more worrying than seeing someone you love fling themselves off a cliff face.


  ecotourism – environmentally-friendly tourism   экотуризм екотуризм
  rubbish – things that have been thrown away   мусор сміття
  expedition – long journey to a dangerous place экспедиция експедиція
  conservationist – person who tries to protect the environment специалист по охране окружающей среды спеціаліст з охорони навколишнього середовища
  resort – place where people often go for holidays курорт курорт
  ecosystem– how all plants and animals relate to each other экосистема екосистема
  environment– the conditions that plants and animals five in окружающая среда навколишнє середовище
  jungle – thick tropical forest with a lot of vegetation джунгли джунглі
  natural habitat – place where a particular species of animals normally live естественная среда обитания природне середовище проживання
  nature reserve – place where plants and animals are protected природный заповедник природний заповідник
  endangered species – animals, birds, plants in danger of disappearing from the world вид, находящийся под угрозой исчезновения вид, що знаходиться під загрозою зникнення
  local inhabitants– people who live in a particular area местное население місцеве населення
  community project – activities that help all the people living in one place общественная программа суспільна програма
  traditions – ideas, beliefs and ways of doing things традиции традиції
  solution to the problem решение проблемы вирішення проблеми
  damage – injury or harm impairing the function or condition of a person or thing ущерб, урон, вред шкода, збиток  
  donation – 1) the act of giving, esp. to a charity 2) a contribution дар, подарок, подношение; денежное пожертвование грошове пожертвування
  body language – the nonverbal imparting of information by means of conscious or subconscious bodily gestures, posture, etc невербальные средства коммуникации, включающие жесты, позы и др. невербальные знаки невербальні засоби комунікації
  etiquette – the customs or rules governing behaviour regarded as correct or acceptable in social or official life этикет етикет
  temple – a building or place dedicated to the worship of a deity or deities храм, церковь храм, церква

Reading 1


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