Advantages and disadvantages of being “right-handed”, “left-handed” and ambidextrous. 

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Advantages and disadvantages of being “right-handed”, “left-handed” and ambidextrous.

Устные темы к экзамену

1. Your daily routine

2. Compare the careers of two people: one is successful, the other - less successful

3. Speak on advantages and disadvantages of being right-, left-handed, ambidextrous.

4. Your work experience or applying for job

5. Describe the place you travelling to / in your country/ foreign one

6. Speak on sports

7. Speak about your present and former habits

8. If you win a prize in the lottery what will you do with money

9. Speak about a daily trip: a trip on a river, and a walking trip around the city

10. Speak about relationship and marriages

11. Speak about the five senses and your likes and dislikes concerning them

12. Describe recent changes in your life. Think about home, work, family, sport, hobbies, personal appearance.

13. Imagine being alone for 100 days on a single -handed yacht race or on a desert land. How would you feel? What 5 luxuries would you take with you?

14. Talk about the food you like cooking and eating.

15. Speak about travel and airports. Describe the airport you have ever been to.

16. Fame and success. Give your opinion about the problem whether a star is born or made.

17. Your opinion about the future of toys and games, cars and transport clothes.

18. Describe the rules or professional behaviour

19. Describe your achievements and projects

20. Talk about likely and unlikely situations. What will you do if, what would you do if

21. Report what you heard or read about the weather forecast

22. Talk about the important moment in your life. It could be about one of the following things: work, family, travel, relationship, studies.

23. Speak about things you do and have done for you

24. Make predictions about your life. Think about education, jobs, family, sports, hobbies, travel.

25. Describe symptoms of illness.

26. Speak about what you think life was 2500 years ago. Use these entertainments: families, farming, houses, illness, religion, culture, transport, food.

27. Describe friendship

28. Talk about past regrets (огорчения)


1. My daily routine.

I’m a student of a daily form of studying, so I have to be an early-riser. I get up at 7 o’clock and go to bathroom. I wash my face and clean my teeth, and then I have a breakfast and go to the institute. It takes me 20 minutes to get. Usually I have 3 of 4 lessons, for example, math, physics and English. Two or three times a week I go to a physical culture. And then I return home for dinner and sometimes I sleep for two hours if I’m very tired. In the evening I do my homework or go for a walk with my friends or watch film. Then I have a supper or a cup of tea. Then I usually read a book or listen to music. Then I go to bed. I need to have an early night if I don’t want to oversleep next morning. But at weekends I can stay up late and fall asleep when I want.



Comparing of two careers.

Let’s compare careers of 2 men, Alexander and Roman. First of them founded his own commercial firm at 80’s and second of them graduated from technical institute, but he was offered a job in a factory in the most prestige laboratory, and firstly he was more satisfied with his work later. Alexander was more exhausted because some time after his firm was closed according to new decrees. He had to dodge and sometimes to lie to get a license. Roman had more free time and his job looked safer than Alexander’s one. But later the factory became less successful then before and his salary became much lower than of Alexander’s. On the other hand, Roman was less tired of his work because Alexander had to work long hours and even do overwork, but later he became a very successful businessman. So, finally, Alexander is richer and happier than Roman. We can see that sometimes good fortune is more important than education.


Advantages and disadvantages of being “right-handed”, “left-handed” and ambidextrous.

Is it comfortable to be a “left-handed” person? On the other hand, it is not, because many of domestic things are oriented on right-handed people. Usually, all switches and handles are disposed on the right side of domestic devices and it’s uncomfortable to operate them by left hand. It’s impossible to cut with scissors by left hand. Some details of clothes are also oriented on the “right-handed”, for example, zippers or inside pockets. And it’s difficult to write with left hand because we do this from left to the write. It’s uncomfortable to enter the metro because of disposition of turnstiles. But on the other hand, sometimes it’s good to be “left-handed’. For example, it’s more comfortable to open the washing machine with left hand. It’s very advantageous to be “left-handed” in some kinds of sports, for example, in boxing or in baseball. And as for me, I would like to be an “ambidextrous”. It’s very comfortable, for example, if you need to write a lot: when right hand is tired, you can write with left one.


4. My work experience (or experience in applying for a job).

I would like to tell you about my first job experience. This happened after I finished the 9-th form. I decided to work at the post office for 3 weeks. I hoped to earn some money to buy what I liked. All I needed to get this job were carefulness and politeness and well-knowing of my town layout (план) so I didn’t have any problem with it. The first crucial step to get a job was actually (по сути) talking to my familiar (знакомый) who had an experience already.

I was assigned an interview with a manager of the post office, during which I passed through a short test on required knowledge and my character. That wasn’t something difficult but I should keep myself.

My responsibilities were delivering mail to residents (жители). I got envelopes and a log book (журнал учёта) and left for task (задание). Work began at 9 o’clock and finished at 15 o’clock with a 1-hour break for dinner. As a hole, job got interesting and didn’t cause inconvenience (доставлять неудобство) so I also could spent the rest of the day on meeting with my friends or playing games at sports ground. I helped people to learn (узнавать) about their relatives or official notifications from different town services. Sometimes I needed to contact with people, just when it was a registered article (заказное отправление).

It was rather unusual to be not a student, but a worker and it appeared to be even fun.

I can’t say I got a lot of money eventually, but I really enjoyed it.


Describing a place I travelled to.

Not so long ago I went to Ilmensky reserve, situated in the Urals, among the finest of the Ural Mountains. Ilmensky reserve is world famous for its flora and fauna. Also it’s famous for its huge variety of minerals and colored stones.

In Il'men Reserve there are over 5000 species of plants, 1500 of animals and 700 different mineral and precious stones. There is the perfect lake, called the same, with very clean water.

The air in these places an unusually fresh and pleasant, and most importantly very useful to human nature organism. Harmony nothing breaks, namely, in Il'men preserve banned all the good of civilization. There is no electricity in the most distant and wild areas is prohibited riding mashine. And that's right!

Ilmensky Reserve has a century history. The first decree on the construction of the reserve has signed yet tsar Alexander the First. Most number of foreigners consider it necessary to visit this wonderful place. For more than a hundred years in the reserve had been created all conditions for the reception of thousands of tourists. Rock climbing, hiking, fishing, fire is only a small part of what may try the tourists.

Currently, reserve protected by the government and UNESCO. Most of the plants and animals listed as endangered. I really liked this wonderful place and I hope in the future again to visit it.


A day trip.

Once I had a trip to village Konstantinovo, a motherland of great Russian poet Sergey Yesenin. It was a wonderful and really beautiful place. Konstantinovo is situated on a high picturesque bank, where a magnificent sight appears from. There were very nice cottages and streets, a lot of beaches and bushes [bu:] (кустарник). And I also liked that there were a lot of wattle (плетёных) fences. I visited a house of Sergey Yesenin. It was very interesting to look how his family lived. The manor (особняк) was a log house (бревенчатый) and situated in the centre of village. I also visited a house of Lidiya Kashina, who was the prototype of the main heroine [hәrәuin] of Yesenin's poem "Anna Snegina". There was an interesting planning of a building. There was one central room with stair and other rooms were displaced around it. In the village there is a museum exposion devoted to work of a poet.

And, of course, there was a wonderful countryside. Oka river has a very beautiful bank there. There were also hills from which I could see unbounded spaces of fields and meadows. I was admired of the Konstantinovo and I thought that if I lived there I would write poems too.


Five senses.

All people have five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing. Let’s see what possibilities we have due to (благодаря) them.

Sight is the sense that gives us much more information than other four. It helps us to orientate ourselves in space, to discern (различать) different objects, to watch what is happening around us. Sight allows us to read, to write, to work on a computer and many other things which are very important for us. Taste is a less informative sense. It allows us to enjoy taste of food or to determine whether it is tasty or fresh. Smell allows us to determine a freshness of provisions. It helps us not to poison ourselves by something bad. It also allows to enjoy pleasant smells and to determine unpleasant harmful substances like gas. Touch allows us to feel warm and cold, to discern hard and soft and so on. With its help we can feel discomfort and pain that keeps off danger. Hearing allows us to hear what is happening around us, to communicate with other people by conversation, to listen to music and so on.

Of course, this is only a small part of possibilities that our senses give us, so they are very important for us. And it’s a pity that some people are devoid of (лишены) any of them.


Recent changes in my life.

The main recent change in my life is my entering the university. It caused many other less global changes. Of course, the first of them is a change in my way of living. I had to move into a hostel. Firstly it was a bit difficult to be completely independent, but later it became easier, more pleasant and even fun. But it is a little strange for me that now I’m a guest when I arrive home, but I can’t say it’s unpleasant.

Secondly, I’ve got many new friends. I’ve never had such a broad sphere of communication although I’m not too sociable person.

Thirdly, I have acquired some duties like cooking and washing and I need to be more responsible to people. In the nearest (ближайшее) future I'm planning to earn on the side (подрабатывать). Most likely as tutor.

And, of course, the main thing, for which I entered the university, is study. It changed too: now there are no so many boring and unnecessary lessons which I didn’t like at school. I can’t say that all the subjects now are very interesting for me, but in some measure I’m interested in all of them. I like my study and all my university life at a whole. I think I’ve made right choice.


Being alone for 100 days.

If I had to be alone for 100 days I think I would be depressed. I hardly can be alone for a long time, I almost always need dear people next to me. So I would never start such a trip by myself. But if I had to do it, on being sad and crying I would have a time to think about my feelings. I would take some things with me which would help me to go through this horror.

Firstly, I would take my mp3-player. I can't live without music. I would also take a photo album with photos of my loved people.

At third, I would take with me books which I wanted to read for a long time but did not have enough time or possibility for it. I would take a paper, pens and pencils to write down my reflections (размышления): who knows, maybe I would to be a founder of a new direction in philosophy after being alone for 100 days.

And, of course, I would take some items for maintenance (поддержание) of hygiene ['haid3i:n] and some clothes. That's all. But I hope that I will never have such a voyage.



Weather forecast.

Weather plays a very important role in our life. It influences our plans: what we can do tomorrow or later. I’m interested in weather state, usually when it changes sharply. Then I visit a web site providing forecasts for the nearest week. Here I can learn about values of temperature, cloudiness, pressure and speed of wind. As for today, it’s predicted to be a fair (ясная) weather, sometimes “partly clouded”.

Unfortunately, forecasts are not accurate enough every time. They contain some mistakes. Nobody likes mistakes. Imagine that you and your friends are going to a picnic and suddenly a rain begins. You will get a lot of negative emotions and will have some risk of falling ill. Do you remember last summer? That 2 months we will hardly forget when we were waiting for rain for a lot of time. And when the weather forecasts said: “There will be rainy” – we were very happy. Recently I heard this summer won’t be so dry and it makes me a bit happy.


Important moment in my life

There are a lot of moments in our life: important and not. The former ones we remember all our life. As for me, it’s very important to remember my younger brother’s birthday. I was so happy when I saw him first time: so little and so nice baby. He was looked after by our heat & love. During the years I remembered his 1st day at our home. To my mind, that was the happiest moment in my life. On that day I felt some responsibilities for his future life. Now I understand that over these 13 years I’ve influenced my brother only in a good ways. He repeated everything after me and some things he does better. And because of this I’m proud of him.


Things do and have done.

Everybody knows such words: “treat people in such way as you want them to treat you”. If you do only good things, as a rule, you will have only good relations with other people. Does it need anything for a good life? T think, no. you need to have reliable people around yourself. But actually this is rather difficult. What can I say about myself? I don’t remember that I’ve done anything bad for other people. The most of them are my friends and they’ve made only good things for me. They can joke at me sometimes, but I react to this just with laughing. We need to make laugh on ourselves.


Predictions about my life.

Most of us want to know what awaits us in the future. Somebody will be very successful, somebody – not so. I don’t like to look into the future, but I can make some predictions. I’m a second-year student and I have faced with necessity of determining my future occupation and a place for living.

First of all, I should pay attention to my study, because my future wealth directly depends on it. There is one more possibility to continue the education. I mean second education on some scholarship (гуманитарное) as I am interested in history of my region of Urals. And, of course, I’ll try to find a good job with friendly team and attractive prospects.

Secondly, I was asked a lot of questions about what kind of life I want to lead. I’ve made my mind to be an engineer. My choice for this position didn’t come as a sudden flash. I think this profession is of great need nowadays in our country. To be a well-prepared engineer I should have great capability persistence, knowledge of science and foreign language.

Thirdly, I’ll try to make my friendly happy and we will spend a lot of time together.

And in conclusion, I’m planning to visit some countries, to see the corrida in Spain, the Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysees in France and to have a rest in the Mediterranean. And in addition I want to have a strong family where I will belong and which will support me.

So, you’ve seen my future plans.



Life 2500 years ago.

Imagine, you are in ancient Greece or Rome. How can you describe their life? We should remember that these are vey hot countries. Everyone wears very free clothes. The main business of that time is trade. You can sell or buy some food, clothes from other countries or even other men called slaves. People of this age were heathens (язычники). They believed in a large number of Gods. For, Zeus – the god of lightning in Greece, Apollo – god of vine etc. Food in Greece was very various. You could eat different fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.

And what can we say about culture of that time? Their creatures of art are so beautiful and solid that we can enjoy them in the present time. I think people of that time lived not so bad as some of present people. At least, they lived under twelve-month sun.


Describing friendship.

Friendship is something that cannot be bought or sold. It happens naturally between people having something in common or being close to each other. There are some factors which influence the quality, nature or depth of friendship. Having some kind of thing that you can laugh about really keeps people together.

Every summer I attend a large gathering. I’m sure to see many of me friends each year as we find this to be very useful. Among them I think of the good times we have spent together. I still have feelings of love and warmth towards my friends.

A lot of people think that in order to keep friendship strong it’s important to live in close intimacy with each other to be able to meet regularly. There is something about old friends, maybe over a long time trust builds up. Even if a person does wrong or selfish you can forgive him because you know his temper and habits.

I must say that it’s rather difficult to make friends with some people even if we have similar interests. Although people mostly find friends of around their own age it’s not important how old they are. The real are equal relations and possibility to talk about feelings, problems and hopes.

To sum up, I must say that friend is a man who will understand you and tell you everything and he doesn’t have any secrets from you.


Устные темы к экзамену

1. Your daily routine

2. Compare the careers of two people: one is successful, the other - less successful

3. Speak on advantages and disadvantages of being right-, left-handed, ambidextrous.

4. Your work experience or applying for job

5. Describe the place you travelling to / in your country/ foreign one

6. Speak on sports

7. Speak about your present and former habits

8. If you win a prize in the lottery what will you do with money

9. Speak about a daily trip: a trip on a river, and a walking trip around the city

10. Speak about relationship and marriages

11. Speak about the five senses and your likes and dislikes concerning them

12. Describe recent changes in your life. Think about home, work, family, sport, hobbies, personal appearance.

13. Imagine being alone for 100 days on a single -handed yacht race or on a desert land. How would you feel? What 5 luxuries would you take with you?

14. Talk about the food you like cooking and eating.

15. Speak about travel and airports. Describe the airport you have ever been to.

16. Fame and success. Give your opinion about the problem whether a star is born or made.

17. Your opinion about the future of toys and games, cars and transport clothes.

18. Describe the rules or professional behaviour

19. Describe your achievements and projects

20. Talk about likely and unlikely situations. What will you do if, what would you do if

21. Report what you heard or read about the weather forecast

22. Talk about the important moment in your life. It could be about one of the following things: work, family, travel, relationship, studies.

23. Speak about things you do and have done for you

24. Make predictions about your life. Think about education, jobs, family, sports, hobbies, travel.

25. Describe symptoms of illness.

26. Speak about what you think life was 2500 years ago. Use these entertainments: families, farming, houses, illness, religion, culture, transport, food.

27. Describe friendship

28. Talk about past regrets (огорчения)


1. My daily routine.

I’m a student of a daily form of studying, so I have to be an early-riser. I get up at 7 o’clock and go to bathroom. I wash my face and clean my teeth, and then I have a breakfast and go to the institute. It takes me 20 minutes to get. Usually I have 3 of 4 lessons, for example, math, physics and English. Two or three times a week I go to a physical culture. And then I return home for dinner and sometimes I sleep for two hours if I’m very tired. In the evening I do my homework or go for a walk with my friends or watch film. Then I have a supper or a cup of tea. Then I usually read a book or listen to music. Then I go to bed. I need to have an early night if I don’t want to oversleep next morning. But at weekends I can stay up late and fall asleep when I want.



Comparing of two careers.

Let’s compare careers of 2 men, Alexander and Roman. First of them founded his own commercial firm at 80’s and second of them graduated from technical institute, but he was offered a job in a factory in the most prestige laboratory, and firstly he was more satisfied with his work later. Alexander was more exhausted because some time after his firm was closed according to new decrees. He had to dodge and sometimes to lie to get a license. Roman had more free time and his job looked safer than Alexander’s one. But later the factory became less successful then before and his salary became much lower than of Alexander’s. On the other hand, Roman was less tired of his work because Alexander had to work long hours and even do overwork, but later he became a very successful businessman. So, finally, Alexander is richer and happier than Roman. We can see that sometimes good fortune is more important than education.


Advantages and disadvantages of being “right-handed”, “left-handed” and ambidextrous.

Is it comfortable to be a “left-handed” person? On the other hand, it is not, because many of domestic things are oriented on right-handed people. Usually, all switches and handles are disposed on the right side of domestic devices and it’s uncomfortable to operate them by left hand. It’s impossible to cut with scissors by left hand. Some details of clothes are also oriented on the “right-handed”, for example, zippers or inside pockets. And it’s difficult to write with left hand because we do this from left to the write. It’s uncomfortable to enter the metro because of disposition of turnstiles. But on the other hand, sometimes it’s good to be “left-handed’. For example, it’s more comfortable to open the washing machine with left hand. It’s very advantageous to be “left-handed” in some kinds of sports, for example, in boxing or in baseball. And as for me, I would like to be an “ambidextrous”. It’s very comfortable, for example, if you need to write a lot: when right hand is tired, you can write with left one.


4. My work experience (or experience in applying for a job).

I would like to tell you about my first job experience. This happened after I finished the 9-th form. I decided to work at the post office for 3 weeks. I hoped to earn some money to buy what I liked. All I needed to get this job were carefulness and politeness and well-knowing of my town layout (план) so I didn’t have any problem with it. The first crucial step to get a job was actually (по сути) talking to my familiar (знакомый) who had an experience already.

I was assigned an interview with a manager of the post office, during which I passed through a short test on required knowledge and my character. That wasn’t something difficult but I should keep myself.

My responsibilities were delivering mail to residents (жители). I got envelopes and a log book (журнал учёта) and left for task (задание). Work began at 9 o’clock and finished at 15 o’clock with a 1-hour break for dinner. As a hole, job got interesting and didn’t cause inconvenience (доставлять неудобство) so I also could spent the rest of the day on meeting with my friends or playing games at sports ground. I helped people to learn (узнавать) about their relatives or official notifications from different town services. Sometimes I needed to contact with people, just when it was a registered article (заказное отправление).

It was rather unusual to be not a student, but a worker and it appeared to be even fun.

I can’t say I got a lot of money eventually, but I really enjoyed it.



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