Put the words in order to make sentences. 

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Put the words in order to make sentences.

a. more \ notebooks \ than \ desktop \ computers \ are \ expensive \ a bit

Notebooks are a bit more expensive than desktop computers.

b. aren’t \ as \ expensive \ nearly \ as \ youth hostels \ hotels

Youth hostels

c. a \ easier \ to learn \ Chinese \ English \ is \ lot \ than


d. a \ more \ for long \ trains are \ bit \ comfortable \ journeys than buses

Trains are

e. think \ is \ quite \ as physics \ I don’t \ chemistry \ as \ difficult

I don’t

f. planes \ much \ safer \ according \ to statistics \ are \ than cars


g. is warming up \ lot \ than \ the climate \ a faster \ people think


3. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

1. Each note should be "pronouced"... the tongue.

2. Drop your finger... the hole like a hammer.

3. The letter was written...a pencil.

4. I asked them to put... a song of their choice.

5. I was impressed... the way the students were able to understand meter's role.

6. He is performing a piece of music... a musical instrument.

7. I could hear a violin playing a waltz... the background.

8. We could feel the floor vibrating... the beat of the music.

9. The frequency of vibration depends... the size and material of the resonator.

What are the names of Kazakh poets:

1. When he was four, he started to learn oriental languages and literature. Magzhan’s early poems were not preserved. He continued mastering the Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages in Begishev madrasah in Kzyl-Orda having obtained there secondary Moslem education.

2. He was buried in Alma-Ata in a garden which he cultivated with his own hands. Many patriotic, pro-revolution and pro-Stalin poems and songs were attributed to Jambyl in the 1930s and were widely circulated in the Soviet Union.

3. Creator kobyz bard, storyteller, patron of poets and musicians. Legends about Korkyt found in Kipchak Turkic peoples (Kazakhs, Karakalpaks), and especially the southern Oguz branch: Turkmen, Azeris and Turks.

4. He was translated into Kazakh Russian classics, foreign literature, including Walt Whitman, "The Divine Comedy" by Dante. His name is put in front of them, Abay Auezova and other classics of Kazakh literature. He was a laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan.

Практикалық сабақ 19

Сабақтың тақырыбы: How to write Acticles

Сабақтың мазмұны:

1. How to Write Newspaper Articles

2. Modal verbs. Can and Could

How to write Newspaper Artclies?

1. Research your topic. To begin writing a news article you need to research the topic you will be writing about extensively. In order to have a credible, well written, well structured article, you have to know the topic intimately.

If you’ve ever a research paper you understand the work that goes into learning about your topic. The first phase of writing a news article or editorial is pretty similar.

Begin by asking yourself the “5W’s” (sometimes “6W’s”).[1]

’’Who’’-who was involved?

’’What’’-what happened?

’’Where’’-where did it happen?

’’Why’’-why did it happen?

’’When’’-when did it happen?

’’How’’-how did it happen?


2. Compile all your facts. Once you can clearly answer the “5W’s”, jot down a list of all the pertinent facts and information that needs to be included in the article. This fact list will help prevent you from leaving out any relevant information about the topic or story, and will also help you write a clean, succinct article.

Be as specific as possible when writing down all of these facts. You can always trim down unnecessary information later, but it’s easier to cut down then it is to have to beef up an article.

Now that you have your facts, decide what kind of article you’re writing. Ask yourself if this is an opinion article, an unbiased and straightforward relaying of information, or something in between.

Create an article outline.

Your outline, and subsequently your article, should be structured for like an inverted triangle. The inverted triangle allows you to build your story so that the most important information is at the top.

Whatever forum you’re writing for, be it print or for the web, a lot of readers don’t make it to the end of the article. When writing a news article you should focus on giving your readers what they want as soon as possible.

Write above the fold. The fold comes from newspapers where there’s a crease because the page gets folded in half. If you look at a newspaper all the top stories are placed above the fold. The same goes for writing online. The virtual fold is the bottom of your screen before you have to scroll down. Put the best information at the top to engage your readers and encourage them to keep reading.

4. Know your audience. In order to write a great news article you need to know exactly who you are writing for. Your audience will dictate the voice and tone of your article and help you to know what you should include.

Ask yourself the “5W’s” again, but this time in relation to your audience.

Questions like what is the average age you are writing for, where is this audience, local or national, why is this audience reading your article, and what does your audience want out of your article will inform you on how to write.

Once you know who you are writing for you can format an outline that will get the best information to the right audience as quickly as possible.

5. Find an angle. Why is this article unique to you? What is your voice? These questions will help you to make your news article unique and something that only you could write.

Even if you are covering a popular story or topic that others are writing about, look for an angle that will make this one yours.

Do you have a personal experience that relates to your topic? Maybe you know someone who is an expert that you can interview.

6. Interview people. When writing a news article, interviewing people and getting a first hand source on your topic can be invaluable. And while reaching out to people and asking for an interview may seem daunting, it can greatly affect the credibility and authority of your article.[4]

People usually like to talk about personal experiences, especially if it will be featured somewhere, like your news article. Reach out through a phone call, email, or even social media and ask someone if you can interview them.

When you do interview people you need to follow a few rules: identify yourself as a reporter. Keep an open mind. Stay objective. While you are encouraged to ask questions and listen to anecdotes, you are not there to judge.

Record and write down important information from the interview, and be transparent with what you are doing and why you are doing this interview.




Modal verbs. Can and could.


Can and could are modal verbs. The form is the same for I, you, he, we, they, etc.

Affirmative Negative


You can swim. You can’t (cannot) swim

He \ She \ It could go. He | She | It couldn’t (could not) go.

We We

They They

Questions Short answers

I Yes, I can. \ No I can’t.

Can you run? Yes, you can. \ No, you can’t.

Could he\she\it swim? Yes, he \ she \ it can. No, he \ she \ it can’t.

We Yes, we can. \ No, we can’t.

They Yes, they can. \ No, they can’t.



We use can to express the idea of ability (to be able to) or permission (to be allowed to). In this conrext, the past of can is could.


Present: Our cat is amaizing – it can sing! (It is able to sing.)

I’m afraid of the water beacause I can’t swim. (I’m not able to swim.)

Can he play a musical instrument? (Is he able …?)

Past Our cat was amaizing – it could sing! (It was able to sing.)

I was afraid of the water beacause I couldn’t swim. (I wasn’t able to swim.)

Could he play a musical instrument when he was a child? (Was he able …?)


Present: We can use the computers in the library. (We are allowed to use them.)

You can’t talk during the exam. (You are not allowed to talk.)

Can we look words up in a dictionary? (Are we allowed to...?)

Past: We could use the computers in the library. (We were allowed to use them.)

You couldn’t talk during the exam. (You were not allowed to talk.)

Could you look words up in a dictionary? (Were we allowed to …?)

Polite requests

We also use could to sound more polite when we are asking for permission.

Could I open the window, please?

Could we leave early today, sir?




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