Summarize the story of King Arthur. 

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Summarize the story of King Arthur.


1. Born Free

2. The Lion King

3. The Parent Trap

4. My Best Friend’s Wedding

5. Madagascar



1. The Sword in the Stone

2. First Knight

3. Robin Hood

4. Groundhog Day




  1. Before you start watching the film, find Kenya and its capital – Nairobi – on the atlas. Find out some geographical and historical facts about Kenya, its political status.
  2. While watching the film, write down the names of all wild animals you come across. Choose one species, define it and give a detailed description of it (in writing).
  3. Summarize the plot of the film in 150-200 words. The following proper names, words and expressions from the film will help you.
  1. Joy and George Adamsons
  2. John, the boss
  3. northern province of Kenya
  4. Patty
  5. Elsa
  6. the Indian Ocean
  7. lion-lioness
  8. cub
  9. malaria
  10. temptation
  11. watchdog
  12. inferiority complex
  13. inability to feed oneself
  14. cage
  15. to be sick
  16. to cope with smth
  17. to exhibit talent for smth
  18. to shoot
  19. to cause considerable damage
  20. to set free
  21. to kill to eat
  22. to be miserable in the Zoo
  23. to reduce meals
  24. to feel guilty


  1. Characterize each of the cubs. Give exact words from the film.
  2. Why does Joy call one of the cubs Elsa? Give the exact words from the film.
  3. Why does John insist on sending the lions to the Zoo? Why don’t Joy and George want to do this? Comment on the following dialogue:

- My lions are perfectly angels!

- Yes, but they will be very large angels soon…

  1. What does Elsa mean for the Adamsons? Why doesn’t Joy want to send the lioness to the Zoo? Comment on the following dialogue:

- What’s wrong with the Zoo, anyway?

- Nothing, except that she won’t be free.

- And is freedom so important?

- Yes! Yes! She was born free and she has the right to be free!

- But she’ll be safe in the Zoo!

- Yes! Safe, and fat, and lazy, and stupid like some cow in a milky machine…

  1. Describe the way in which Joy and George teach Elsa to hunt and to survive in the wildlife. What is their plan? What does Joy mean when saying, “That evening we suffered the agony of parents whose teenage daughter is out on her first date”?
  2. What is Elsa’s “most dangerous and final test”?
  3. What problems does the film arouse? What is your impression of the film? (do this task in writing)



  1. What do you know about Walt Disney and his cartoons? Find some information in Children’s Britannica or any other source.
  2. Read, translate and learn the following words and expressions:


ü To take in

ü Impeccable timing

ü To pounce, pouncing lesson

ü Humiliating

ü To despise

ü Weird

ü Elephant graveyard

ü Savanna(h)

ü To be betrothed

ü To check out

ü Trespasser

ü Navigational error

ü Precisely

ü Naughty

ü Stampede

ü Gorge

ü Dawning of the new era

ü To look blue

ü To be stuffed

ü Firefly

ü To be doomed

ü Responsibility

ü To challenge

ü Deliberately


Reproduce the context these words and expressions were used.


  1. What animals are mentioned in the cartoon?
  2. What does the phrase “Hakuna matata” mean? What is the essence of this life philosophy? Is it justified?
  3. What was the life like in the Pride Land when Mufasa was the king? How did it changed since Scar came to power?
  4. Describe Simba’s character. Does he take after his father?
  5. Who do these phrases belong to? Comment on them:
    • “We are connected in a great circle of life”.
    • “Being brave doesn’t mean go looking for trouble”.
    • “I shall practice my curtsey”.
    • -“Will I like the surprise”?

-“Yes, it’s to die for it”.

§ “I just can’t wait to be the king”.

§ “Why don’t you pick out somebody of your own size?”


  1. What did you like most in the cartoon?





  1. Characterize the film in a couple of words. Speak about its genre.
  2. Make up a summary for the film.
  3. Describe the very first scenes of the film and the accompanied music. What do the letters l, o, v, e stand for?
  4. Present the detailed description of two girls (speak about their names, appearance, character, their families, their parents’ occupations, places they live)
  5. How, when and where did the girls meet each other for the first time?
  6. Dwell upon manners of the girls. What list to fulfill was left for Annie by her mother?
  7. Describe the girls’ days in the summer camp? Were they really mischievous? Were they together in their pastimes? Did they get on? Did they have something in common?
  8. What was the turning point in their relations? What kind of secret was revealed during one of the nights? How did they come to that conclusion?
  9. What did girls decide to do after? What things did Annie have to undertake?
  10. Describe the days of sisters’ “new lives”. Was their plan successful? Did they have any obstacles?
  11. Who are Martin and Jessie and what is their role in the film?
  12. Who were the first people to find out the truth about girls? What was decided to do next?
  13. Describe the meeting at the hotel. What kind of event was supposed to take place there? Was this event spoilt by any circumstances and misunderstanding? If yes, give examples.
  14. Describe the end of the story and speak why it happened. Did you have any doubts about the possible happy end?
  15. Translate the following words; and reproduce the context they were used:


§ Butler

§ To be allergic to something

§ Fencing

§ Challenger

§ Resembles

§ The isolation cabin

§ Peanut butter

§ To evaporate

§ Locket

§ Goosebumps

§ To sail through time

§ Queen Elizabeth

§ Camping trip

§ Trout


16. Speak about your favourite part in the film. Why did you like it?


My Best Friend’s Wedding

1. Present a summary of the film

2. Describe the main characters (speak about their names, profession, relations with each other, particular character sketches, place they lived, their dreams)

3. What kind of pact was made by Michael and Jules? Did they accomplish it? If yes, say in what way; if no, speak about the reasons.

4. What was the stunning news Michael told Jules? What did she decide to do?

5. Describe the meeting at the airport.

6. Dwell upon things undertaken by Julianne to steal Michael back. And describe the reactions of Michael and other relatives-to-be to those things.

7. Did Jules succeed in her strivings? Or did she seem to? Was she always disappointed in her failures? How does that describe the girl?

8. Work with the following words:


a) inventive

b) reckless

c) moving

d) a friend of honor / best friend

e) distinctive

f) conventional

g) toast (“She’s toast”)

h) groom

i) dazzling

j) to humiliate

k) hilarious

l) detriment

m) sleek


9. Present a detailed description of the wedding day. What happened there and why? Was it easy to foresee this reaction?

10. Where was Kim finally found after she had run away? Was there anything peculiar about that place? Why did she come to that exact place?

11. Speak about the end of the film and your favourite episodes.

12. Focus on the following comments:


a) Julianne never knew what she wanted until she saw it walking out of her life

b) As in any romantic comedy, the two most important elements are in place: the couples and the complications.

c) Although My Best Friend's Wedding is intended to be relatively light entertainment, it briefly addresses some interesting, serious issues regarding the nature of friendship, jealousy, and love (real and idealized)






  1. Find geographical information and some other prominent facts about Madagascar. Does it have anything in common with San Diego and Connecticut?
  2. Present the summary for the cartoon.
  3. Give names of the main characters. Present a good description of them. Do you feel sympathy for any of them? Why?
  4. What other animals can be met in the cartoon?
  5. Where did the action take place? Describe the animals’ way of life? Were they quite satisfied with it? Did they want any changes?
  6. What was the turning point in their decision to see “the new world”? How did they see that way to the wild? How did their journey start?
  7. How did friends get to Madagascar? Who did they meet there?
  8. Who were the Foosa? What was the king’s plan concerning the Foosa and the new-comers? Was it successful?
  9. Speak about the split between animals.
  10. How was the problem settled?
  11. Describe the end of the cartoon. Can you imagine the happy life of the four on the island or will some of them still wish to return to the Zoo?
  12. Find the English equivalents in the cartoon for the following words:

§ Быть в астрале

§ Вражеский заговор

§ Высококачественная еда

§ Шницель

§ Судовой журнал

§ Ящик

§ Заповедник

  1. Find the translation of the following words in the Russian-English dictionary (or, if possible, present the exact variants used in the cartoon):

ü Круглая дата

ü Делать подкоп

ü Невезуха

ü Шницель

ü Предел совершенства

ü Полуночник

ü Загон

ü Пустить корни

ü Проворный

ü Прапорщик

ü Кондратий хватил

  1. Translate the words and reproduce the context they were used in:

§ Tedious

§ To break out of the boring routine

§ Shovel

§ Smut

§ No soliciting!

  1. Dwell upon your favourite part of the story. Why did you like it?



The Sword in the Stone

The Walt Disney animation cartoon The Sword in the Stone tells us the story of King Arthur, a semi-legendary hero of English history and folklore. In the 5th century the Germanic tribes of Jutes, Saxons and Angles began to migrate to Britain. At first they came to plunder, but after some time they returned in larger numbers and began to conquer the country. The natives fought fiercely but they were no longer assisted by the Romans, they fell into the pre-Roman pattern of warring tribes, and were desperately in need of a unifying leader. About 500 the resistance achieved a major victory under a warrior leader called Artorius. Thus, one of the most enduring, inspiring and romantic legends was born… Read the tasks then watch the cartoon and do them.

1. Match a line in A with a line in B to define the words. Use a bilingual dictionary if necessary.

sword a woman who has magic powers especially to do bad things
wizard a weapon with a long pointed blade and a handle
knight to change by magic from one thing into another, or make something do this
squire someone who teaches one pupil
witch a young man in the Middle Ages who learned how to be a knight by serving one
to turn into the person who has the legal right to become king or queen
heir a competition to show courage and fighting skill between knights in the Middle Ages
ward a child who is under somebody’s legal protection
tournament a man who has magic powers
tutor a man in the Middle Ages who was trained to fight on horseback


2. Translate the following sentences into English.

- ‘Тот, кто сумеет вынуть этот меч из камня, тот настоящий король Англии.’

- ‘Победителю турнира – королевская корона.’

- ‘Если бы человек мог летать, он бы родился с крыльями.’

3. Answer the questions.

- Who brought Arthur up? Who were Sir Ector and Sir Kay? What was Arthur’s life in the castle like?

- Describe Merlin. Was his magic black or white? What things could he do? What future inventions could he predict? What was his favourite phrase?

- What did Merlin mean by “decent education”? How did he teach the boy? Were his lessons interesting or boring? What things did the wizard teach Arthur?

- Why was Arthur chosen to be the King?





First Knight


Arthur became the great king of Camelot, and he devoted his life to building a land of peace and justice. In the film First Knight we see Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table, and Guinevere, Arthur’s queen. Read the tasks then watch the film and do them.

Answer these questions.

- Whom did Arthur make his wife?

- How did Arthur rule his kingdom? What was his ‘Great Dream’?

- What was the heart of Camelot? Why was the Table round? What was written on the Round Table?

- Who was Lancelot? Why was he knighted?

- Who were King Arthur’s other knights?


Answer the questions.

- What did Robin of Locksley and his companions do in Jerusalem in 1194 AD? What do you know about the famous crusades to the Holy Land?

- What do we learn from the film about Robin’s family?

- ‘Hospitality in this country is as warm as the weather.’ Whose words are these? Speak about the oppression of feudal lords and the peasants’ struggle against them. Why did Robin decide to fight against the rich?

- Give a character sketch of Azeem. What did he stay with Robin for? Reproduce his words. What is his role in the film?

- ‘You’re nothing like us!’ said Will Scarlett to Robin. However, Robin made the poor trust, obey and admire him. How did he do it? Reproduce his speech addressed to the woodsmen.

- Speak about the life of the ‘free people’ (the town they built in the Sherwood Forest, the rule of the town, the way they earned their living, their everyday activities).


- Speak about the final battle between the peasants and the Nottingham soldiers. Did the ‘free people’ achieve their goal?

- How is King Richard presented in the film?


Comprehension Check

Fill in the gaps.

1. The action of the film takes place in the _____ century.

2. Wars fought in the Early Middle Ages by Christian armies trying to take Palestine away from the Muslims are called _______.

3. Robin Hood was an heir to _______ Castle.

4. He spent _______ years at war.

5. Robin swore to _______ (name) to protect his sister Marian for him.

6. Robin didn’t want to give his gold medallion to John Little because it was _______to him.

7. Marian gave Robin a _______ which helped him to win _______.

8. Robin and Marian were married by _______.



1. Born Free

2. The Lion King

3. The Parent Trap

4. My Best Friend’s Wedding

5. Madagascar



1. The Sword in the Stone

2. First Knight

3. Robin Hood

4. Groundhog Day




  1. Before you start watching the film, find Kenya and its capital – Nairobi – on the atlas. Find out some geographical and historical facts about Kenya, its political status.
  2. While watching the film, write down the names of all wild animals you come across. Choose one species, define it and give a detailed description of it (in writing).
  3. Summarize the plot of the film in 150-200 words. The following proper names, words and expressions from the film will help you.
  1. Joy and George Adamsons
  2. John, the boss
  3. northern province of Kenya
  4. Patty
  5. Elsa
  6. the Indian Ocean
  7. lion-lioness
  8. cub
  9. malaria
  10. temptation
  11. watchdog
  12. inferiority complex
  13. inability to feed oneself
  14. cage
  15. to be sick
  16. to cope with smth
  17. to exhibit talent for smth
  18. to shoot
  19. to cause considerable damage
  20. to set free
  21. to kill to eat
  22. to be miserable in the Zoo
  23. to reduce meals
  24. to feel guilty


  1. Characterize each of the cubs. Give exact words from the film.
  2. Why does Joy call one of the cubs Elsa? Give the exact words from the film.
  3. Why does John insist on sending the lions to the Zoo? Why don’t Joy and George want to do this? Comment on the following dialogue:

- My lions are perfectly angels!

- Yes, but they will be very large angels soon…

  1. What does Elsa mean for the Adamsons? Why doesn’t Joy want to send the lioness to the Zoo? Comment on the following dialogue:

- What’s wrong with the Zoo, anyway?

- Nothing, except that she won’t be free.

- And is freedom so important?

- Yes! Yes! She was born free and she has the right to be free!

- But she’ll be safe in the Zoo!

- Yes! Safe, and fat, and lazy, and stupid like some cow in a milky machine…

  1. Describe the way in which Joy and George teach Elsa to hunt and to survive in the wildlife. What is their plan? What does Joy mean when saying, “That evening we suffered the agony of parents whose teenage daughter is out on her first date”?
  2. What is Elsa’s “most dangerous and final test”?
  3. What problems does the film arouse? What is your impression of the film? (do this task in writing)



  1. What do you know about Walt Disney and his cartoons? Find some information in Children’s Britannica or any other source.
  2. Read, translate and learn the following words and expressions:


ü To take in

ü Impeccable timing

ü To pounce, pouncing lesson

ü Humiliating

ü To despise

ü Weird

ü Elephant graveyard

ü Savanna(h)

ü To be betrothed

ü To check out

ü Trespasser

ü Navigational error

ü Precisely

ü Naughty

ü Stampede

ü Gorge

ü Dawning of the new era

ü To look blue

ü To be stuffed

ü Firefly

ü To be doomed

ü Responsibility

ü To challenge

ü Deliberately


Reproduce the context these words and expressions were used.


  1. What animals are mentioned in the cartoon?
  2. What does the phrase “Hakuna matata” mean? What is the essence of this life philosophy? Is it justified?
  3. What was the life like in the Pride Land when Mufasa was the king? How did it changed since Scar came to power?
  4. Describe Simba’s character. Does he take after his father?
  5. Who do these phrases belong to? Comment on them:
    • “We are connected in a great circle of life”.
    • “Being brave doesn’t mean go looking for trouble”.
    • “I shall practice my curtsey”.
    • -“Will I like the surprise”?

-“Yes, it’s to die for it”.

§ “I just can’t wait to be the king”.

§ “Why don’t you pick out somebody of your own size?”


  1. What did you like most in the cartoon?





  1. Characterize the film in a couple of words. Speak about its genre.
  2. Make up a summary for the film.
  3. Describe the very first scenes of the film and the accompanied music. What do the letters l, o, v, e stand for?
  4. Present the detailed description of two girls (speak about their names, appearance, character, their families, their parents’ occupations, places they live)
  5. How, when and where did the girls meet each other for the first time?
  6. Dwell upon manners of the girls. What list to fulfill was left for Annie by her mother?
  7. Describe the girls’ days in the summer camp? Were they really mischievous? Were they together in their pastimes? Did they get on? Did they have something in common?
  8. What was the turning point in their relations? What kind of secret was revealed during one of the nights? How did they come to that conclusion?
  9. What did girls decide to do after? What things did Annie have to undertake?
  10. Describe the days of sisters’ “new lives”. Was their plan successful? Did they have any obstacles?
  11. Who are Martin and Jessie and what is their role in the film?
  12. Who were the first people to find out the truth about girls? What was decided to do next?
  13. Describe the meeting at the hotel. What kind of event was supposed to take place there? Was this event spoilt by any circumstances and misunderstanding? If yes, give examples.
  14. Describe the end of the story and speak why it happened. Did you have any doubts about the possible happy end?
  15. Translate the following words; and reproduce the context they were used:


§ Butler

§ To be allergic to something

§ Fencing

§ Challenger

§ Resembles

§ The isolation cabin

§ Peanut butter

§ To evaporate

§ Locket

§ Goosebumps

§ To sail through time

§ Queen Elizabeth

§ Camping trip

§ Trout


16. Speak about your favourite part in the film. Why did you like it?


My Best Friend’s Wedding

1. Present a summary of the film

2. Describe the main characters (speak about their names, profession, relations with each other, particular character sketches, place they lived, their dreams)

3. What kind of pact was made by Michael and Jules? Did they accomplish it? If yes, say in what way; if no, speak about the reasons.

4. What was the stunning news Michael told Jules? What did she decide to do?

5. Describe the meeting at the airport.

6. Dwell upon things undertaken by Julianne to steal Michael back. And describe the reactions of Michael and other relatives-to-be to those things.

7. Did Jules succeed in her strivings? Or did she seem to? Was she always disappointed in her failures? How does that describe the girl?

8. Work with the following words:


a) inventive

b) reckless

c) moving

d) a friend of honor / best friend

e) distinctive

f) conventional

g) toast (“She’s toast”)

h) groom

i) dazzling

j) to humiliate

k) hilarious

l) detriment

m) sleek


9. Present a detailed description of the wedding day. What happened there and why? Was it easy to foresee this reaction?

10. Where was Kim finally found after she had run away? Was there anything peculiar about that place? Why did she come to that exact place?

11. Speak about the end of the film and your favourite episodes.

12. Focus on the following comments:


a) Julianne never knew what she wanted until she saw it walking out of her life

b) As in any romantic comedy, the two most important elements are in place: the couples and the complications.

c) Although My Best Friend's Wedding is intended to be relatively light entertainment, it briefly addresses some interesting, serious issues regarding the nature of friendship, jealousy, and love (real and idealized)






  1. Find geographical information and some other prominent facts about Madagascar. Does it have anything in common with San Diego and Connecticut?
  2. Present the summary for the cartoon.
  3. Give names of the main characters. Present a good description of them. Do you feel sympathy for any of them? Why?
  4. What other animals can be met in the cartoon?
  5. Where did the action take place? Describe the animals’ way of life? Were they quite satisfied with it? Did they want any changes?
  6. What was the turning point in their decision to see “the new world”? How did they see that way to the wild? How did their journey start?
  7. How did friends get to Madagascar? Who did they meet there?
  8. Who were the Foosa? What was the king’s plan concerning the Foosa and the new-comers? Was it successful?
  9. Speak about the split between animals.
  10. How was the problem settled?
  11. Describe the end of the cartoon. Can you imagine the happy life of the four on the island or will some of them still wish to return to the Zoo?
  12. Find the English equivalents in the cartoon for the following words:

§ Быть в астрале

§ Вражеский заговор

§ Высококачественная еда

§ Шницель

§ Судовой журнал

§ Ящик

§ Заповедник

  1. Find the translation of the following words in the Russian-English dictionary (or, if possible, present the exact variants used in the cartoon):

ü Круглая дата

ü Делать подкоп

ü Невезуха

ü Шницель

ü Предел совершенства

ü Полуночник

ü Загон

ü Пустить корни

ü Проворный

ü Прапорщик

ü Кондратий хватил

  1. Translate the words and reproduce the context they were used in:

§ Tedious

§ To break out of the boring routine

§ Shovel

§ Smut

§ No soliciting!

  1. Dwell upon your favourite part of the story. Why did you like it?



The Sword in the Stone

The Walt Disney animation cartoon The Sword in the Stone tells us the story of King Arthur, a semi-legendary hero of English history and folklore. In the 5th century the Germanic tribes of Jutes, Saxons and Angles began to migrate to Britain. At first they came to plunder, but after some time they returned in larger numbers and began to conquer the country. The natives fought fiercely but they were no longer assisted by the Romans, they fell into the pre-Roman pattern of warring tribes, and were desperately in need of a unifying leader. About 500 the resistance achieved a major victory under a warrior leader called Artorius. Thus, one of the most enduring, inspiring and romantic legends was born… Read the tasks then watch the cartoon and do them.

1. Match a line in A with a line in B to define the words. Use a bilingual dictionary if necessary.

sword a woman who has magic powers especially to do bad things
wizard a weapon with a long pointed blade and a handle
knight to change by magic from one thing into another, or make something do this
squire someone who teaches one pupil
witch a young man in the Middle Ages who learned how to be a knight by serving one
to turn into the person who has the legal right to become king or queen
heir a competition to show courage and fighting skill between knights in the Middle Ages
ward a child who is under somebody’s legal protection
tournament a man who has magic powers
tutor a man in the Middle Ages who was trained to fight on horseback


2. Translate the following sentences into English.

- ‘Тот, кто сумеет вынуть этот меч из камня, тот настоящий король Англии.’

- ‘Победителю турнира – королевская корона.’

- ‘Если бы человек мог летать, он бы родился с крыльями.’

3. Answer the questions.

- Who brought Arthur up? Who were Sir Ector and Sir Kay? What was Arthur’s life in the castle like?

- Describe Merlin. Was his magic black or white? What things could he do? What future inventions could he predict? What was his favourite phrase?

- What did Merlin mean by “decent education”? How did he teach the boy? Were his lessons interesting or boring? What things did the wizard teach Arthur?

- Why was Arthur chosen to be the King?





First Knight


Arthur became the great king of Camelot, and he devoted his life to building a land of peace and justice. In the film First Knight we see Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table, and Guinevere, Arthur’s queen. Read the tasks then watch the film and do them.

Answer these questions.

- Whom did Arthur make his wife?

- How did Arthur rule his kingdom? What was his ‘Great Dream’?

- What was the heart of Camelot? Why was the Table round? What was written on the Round Table?

- Who was Lancelot? Why was he knighted?

- Who were King Arthur’s other knights?


Summarize the story of King Arthur.


3. Although it is believed that Arthur lived in about 500 AD, interest in the legendary king grew in the Late Middle Ages when many books about him were written and knightly values became popular again. Study the articles about chivalry and answer the questions.

- What is ‘the Code of Chivalry’?

- What should a perfect knight do according to the Code of Chivalry?

- Describe the ceremony of knighting.

- Are there knights and orders in Britain today?

- What do you know about the Order of the Garter?


1. Arthur, King. Children’s Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1995. V. 2, pp. 42-45.

2. The Legend of Camelot. N. Blundell, K. Farrington. Ancient England. Sunburst Books, 1996. Pp. 40-42.

3. The Age of Chivalry. King Arthur. К.И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман. Страницы британской истории. Обнинск, 1998. С. 41-47.

4. Knighthood.

5. The Code of Chivalry.


Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves


For the good of all men,

and the love of one woman,

he fought to uphold justice

by breaking the law.



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