The small boy brought round a small thin volume and a great greasy-backed one, laying them out together beneath the hanging lamp. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


The small boy brought round a small thin volume and a great greasy-backed one, laying them out together beneath the hanging lamp.

"Now then, Mr. Cocksure," said the salesman, "I thought that I was out of geese, but before I finish you'll find that there is still one left in my shop. You see this little book?"



"That's the list of the folk (список людей) from whom I buy (от = у кого я покупаю). D'you see? Well, then, here on this page (на этой странице) are the country folk (сельские жители = деревенские поставщики), and the numbers after their names (цифры после их имен) are where their accounts are in the big ledger (/обозначают/ где их счета /ведутся/ в большом журнале). Now, then! You see this other page in red ink (исписанную красными чернилами: «в красных чернилах»)? Well, that is a list of my town suppliers (это список моих городских поставщиков). Now, look at that third name (на третье имя). Just read it out to me (просто прочитайте вслух мне)."

folk [fquk] ledger [`leGq] page [peIG]


"That's the list of the folk from whom I buy. D'you see? Well, then, here on this page are the country folk, and the numbers after their names are where their accounts are in the big ledger. Now, then! You see this other page in red ink? Well, that is a list of my town suppliers. Now, look at that third name. Just read it out to me."


"Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road-249," read Holmes.

"Quite so (именно так). Now turn that up in the ledger (посмотрите в журнале; to turn up — загибать вверх)."

Holmes turned to the page indicated (открыл указанную страницу; to turn — обращаться). "Here you are, 'Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road, egg and poultry supplier (поставщик яиц и домашней птицы)."

"Now, then, what's the last entry (какая последняя запись)?"


"Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road-249," read Holmes.

"Quite so. Now turn that up in the ledger."

Holmes turned to the page indicated. "Here you are, 'Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road, egg and poultry supplier."

"Now, then, what's the last entry?"


"'December 2Twenty-four geese at 7s. 6d (двадцать четыре гуся по семь шиллингов шесть пенсов).'"

"Quite so. There you are (вот вам = получите). And underneath (а внизу)?"

"'Sold (продано) to Mr. Windigate of the Alpha, at 12s (по двенадцать шиллингов).'"

"What have you to say now (что имеете вы сказать теперь = ну и что вы теперь скажете)?"

Sherlock Holmes looked deeply chagrined (выглядел = казалось, был глубоко огорчен). He drew a sovereign from his pocket (вынул соверен из своего кармана) and threw it down upon the slab (швырнул на прилавок), turning away with the air of a man (отворачиваясь с видом человека) whose disgust is too deep for words (чье отвращение слишком глубоко для слов). A few yards off (несколько ярдов в стороне) he stopped under a lamp-post (остановился под столбом фонаря) and laughed (рассмеялся) in the hearty, noiseless fashion (в веселой и беззвучной манере; noise — шум) which was peculiar to him (которая была характерна для него).

chagrined [`SxgrInd] hearty [`hRtI] noiseless [`nOIzlIs]


"'December 2Twenty-four geese at 7s. 6d.'"

"Quite so. There you are. And underneath?"

"'Sold to Mr. Windigate of the Alpha, at 12s.'"

"What have you to say now?"

Sherlock Holmes looked deeply chagrined. He drew a sovereign from his pocket and threw it down upon the slab, turning away with the air of a man whose disgust is too deep for words. A few yards off he stopped under a lamp-post and laughed in the hearty, noiseless fashion which was peculiar to him.


"When you see a man with whiskers of that cut (с бакенбардами такого фасона) and the 'Pink 'un' protruding out of his pocket (и розовым платком, торчащим из его кармана), you can always draw him by a bet (можете всегда узнать у него все что угодно с помощью пари; to draw — вытащить, почерпнуть)," said he. "I dare say (осмелюсь сказать) that if I had put 100 pounds down in front of him (если бы я положил сто фунтов перед ним), that man would not have given me such complete information (не дал бы мне такой полной информации) as was drawn from him (какая была вытянута из него) by the idea that he was doing me on a wager (идеей, что он обыграет меня, побившись со мной об заклад; wager — пари, ставка). Well, Watson, we are, I fancy (воображаю, кажется мне), nearing the end of our quest (приближаясь к концу наших поисков), and the only point which remains to be determined (единственный вопрос: «момент», который остается быть решенным = который нужно решить) is whether we should go on to this Mrs. Oakshott tonight (следует ли нам отправиться к этой миссис Окшот сегодня вечером), or whether we should reserve it for tomorrow (или отложить это на завтра). It is clear (ясно) from what that surly fellow said (из /того/, что тот грубый парень сказал) that there are others besides ourselves (что есть другие, кроме нас самих) who are anxious about the matter (озабочены этим делом), and I should — "

complete [kqm`plJt] wager [`weIGq] surly [`sE:lI] anxious [`xNkSqs]


"When you see a man with whiskers of that cut and the 'Pink 'un' protruding out of his pocket, you can always draw him by a bet," said he. "I dare say that if I had put 100 pounds down in front of him, that man would not have given me such complete information as was drawn from him by the idea that he was doing me on a wager. Well, Watson, we are, I fancy, nearing the end of our quest, and the only point which remains to be determined is whether we should go on to this Mrs. Oakshott tonight, or whether we should reserve it for tomorrow. It is clear from what that surly fellow said that there are others besides ourselves who are anxious about the matter, and I should — "


His remarks (замечания) were suddenly cut short (внезапно оборваны: «срезаны коротко») by a loud hubbub (громким шумом) which broke out (разразился) from the stall which we had just left (оставили, покинули). Turning round (обернувшись) we saw a little rat-faced fellow (хитролицего: «крысолицего» парня) standing in the centre of the circle of yellow light (стоявшего в центре круга желтого света) which was thrown (был отбрасываем = шел от) by the swinging lamp (от качающейся лампы), while Breckinridge, the salesman, framed in the door of his stall (стоя в дверях), was shaking his fists fiercely (тряс кулаки яростно = потрясал кулаками) at the cringing figure (перед съеживающейся фигурой).

framed [`freImd] fiercely [`fIqslI] cringing [`krInGIN]


His remarks were suddenly cut short by a loud hubbub which broke out from the stall which we had just left. Turning round we saw a little rat-faced fellow standing in the centre of the circle of yellow light which was thrown by the swinging lamp, while Breckinridge, the salesman, framed in the door of his stall, was shaking his fists fiercely at the cringing figure.


"I've had enough (имел довольно = хватит с меня) of you and your geese," he shouted (крикнул). "I wish you were all at the devil together (желаю, чтобы вы были все у дьявола вместе = провалитесь вы все к черту). If you come pestering me any more (если снова будете надоедать мне) with your silly talk (со своим глупым разговором) I'll set the dog at you (спущу собаку на вас). You bring (приведите) Mrs. Oakshott here and I'll answer her (отвечу ей), but what have you to do with it (что имеете вы сделать с этим = вы тут при чем)? Did I buy the geese off you (разве я у вас купил гусей)?"

enough [I`nAf] answer [`Rnsq]

"No; but one of them was mine all the same (но один из них был моим все равно)," whined the little man (хныкал).

"Well, then, ask Mrs. Oakshott for it (спросите миссис Окшот об этом)."


"I've had enough of you and your geese," he shouted. "I wish you were all at the devil together. If you come pestering me any more with your silly talk I'll set the dog at you. You bring Mrs. Oakshott here and I'll answer her, but what have you to do with it? Did I buy the geese off you?"

"No; but one of them was mine all the same," whined the little man.

"Well, then, ask Mrs. Oakshott for it."


"She told me to ask you."

"Well, you can ask the King of Proosia (можете спросить /хоть/ короля Пруссии), for all I care (мне все равно). I've had enough of it (с меня хватит). Get out of this (убирайтесь отсюда)!" He rushed fiercely forward (бросился яростно вперед), and the inquirer flitted away into the darkness (и спрашивающий исчез в темноте; to flit — юркнуть).

"Ha! this may save us a visit (это может сэкономить нам = избавить от необходимости поездки) to Brixton Road," whispered Holmes (прошептал). "Come with me, and we will see what is to be made of this fellow (что может быть сделано из = не пригодится ли нам этот субъект)." Striding through the scattered knots of people (шагая через разрозненные кучки людей) who lounged round the flaring stalls (которые лениво бродили вокруг освещенных ларьков; flaring — ослепительный, горящий), my companion speedily overtook (поспешно догнал) the little man and touched him upon the shoulder (тронул его за плечо). He sprang round (порывисто обернулся; to spring — прыгать), and I could see in the gaslight (в газовом свете) that every vestige of color (всякий признак цвета) had been driven from his face (был согнан с его лица).

whispered [`wIspqd] lounged [launGd] flaring [`fleqrIN] touched [tAtSt] vestige [`vestIG]


"She told me to ask you."

"Well, you can ask the King of Proosia, for all I care. I've had enough of it. Get out of this!" He rushed fiercely forward, and the inquirer flitted away into the darkness.

"Ha! this may save us a visit to Brixton Road," whispered Holmes. "Come with me, and we will see what is to be made of this fellow." Striding through the scattered knots of people who lounged round the flaring stalls, my companion speedily overtook the little man and touched him upon the shoulder. He sprang round, and I could see in the gaslight that every vestige of color had been driven from his face.


"Who are you (кто вы), then? What do you want (чего хотите)?" he asked in a quavering voice (дрожащим голосом).

"You will excuse me (/вы/ извините меня)," said Holmes blandly (вежливо/мягко), "but I could not help overhearing (не мог не услышать случайно) the questions which you put (ставили = задавали) to the salesman just now. I think that I could be of assistance to you (могу быть вам полезен; assistance — помощь)."

"You? Who are you? How could you know anything of the matter (как вы могли знать = как вы узнали что-то об этом)?"

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know (моя профессия — знать /то/ чего другие люди не знают)."

"But you can know nothing of this (но вы ничего не можете знать об этом)?"


"Who are you, then? What do you want?" he asked in a quavering voice.

"You will excuse me," said Holmes blandly, "but I could not help overhearing the questions which you put to the salesman just now. I think that I could be of assistance to you."

"You? Who are you? How could you know anything of the matter?"

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know."

"But you can know nothing of this?"


"Excuse me, I know everything of it (я знаю все об этом). You are endeavoring to trace (пытаетесь отследить) some geese which were sold by Mrs. Oakshott, of Brixton Road, to a salesman named Breckinridge, by him in turn (а им, в свою очередь) to Mr. Windigate, of the Alpha, and by him to his club, of which Mr. Henry Baker is a member (член)."

"Oh, sir, you are the very man (тот самый человек) whom I have longed to meet (кого я страстно желал встретить)," cried the little fellow with outstretched hands (с распростертыми руками) and quivering fingers (и дрожащими пальцами). "I can hardly explain (едва могу объяснить) to you how interested I am in this matter (насколько я заинтересован в этом деле)."

outstretched [`autstrqtSt] quivering [`kwIvqrIN]


"Excuse me, I know everything of it. You are endeavoring to trace some geese which were sold by Mrs. Oakshott, of Brixton Road, to a salesman named Breckinridge, by him in turn to Mr. Windigate, of the Alpha, and by him to his club, of which Mr. Henry Baker is a member."

"Oh, sir, you are the very man whom I have longed to meet," cried the little fellow with outstretched hands and quivering fingers. "I can hardly explain to you how interested I am in this matter."


Sherlock Holmes hailed a four-wheeler (остановил извозчичью карету; wheel — колесо) which was passing (проезжала /мимо/). "In that case we had better discuss it (нам лучше /бы/ обсудить это) in a cosy room (в уютной комнате) rather than in this wind-swept market-place (чем на этой незащищенной от ветра рыночной площади; to sweep — мести)," said he. "But pray tell me (но, пожалуйста: «прошу», скажите мне), before we go farther (прежде чем мы пойдем дальше), who it is that I have the pleasure of assisting (/кто это/, кому я имею удовольствие помогать)."

cosy [`kquzI] wind [wind] farther [`fRDq] pleasure [`pleZq]

The man hesitated for an instant (заколебался на мгновение). "My name is John Robinson," he answered with a sidelong glance (с косым взглядом = бросив косой взгляд).


Sherlock Holmes hailed a four-wheeler which was passing. "In that case we had better discuss it in a cosy room rather than in this wind-swept market-place," said he. "But pray tell me, before we go farther, who it is that I have the pleasure of assisting."

The man hesitated for an instant. "My name is John Robinson," he answered with a sidelong glance.


"No, no; the real name (настоящее имя)," said Holmes sweetly (сладко). "It is always awkward doing business with an alias (неудобно вести дела с псевдонимами)."

A flush sprang to the white cheeks of the stranger (румянец вспыхнул на бледных: «белых» щеках незнакомца; to spring — броситься, приливать). "Well then (итак)," said he, "my real name is James Ryder."

"Precisely so (вот именно). Head attendant (главный слуга) at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Pray step into the cab (пожалуйста, садитесь в кэб), and I shall soon be able to tell (смогу рассказать) you everything which you would wish to know (что вы пожелали бы знать)."


"No, no; the real name," said Holmes sweetly. "It is always awkward doing business with an alias."

A flush sprang to the white cheeks of the stranger. "Well then," said he, "my real name is James Ryder."

"Precisely so. Head attendant at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Pray step into the cab, and I shall soon be able to tell you everything which you would wish to know."


The little man stood glancing from one to the other of us (стоял, глядя = переводя глаза с одного на другого из нас) with half-frightened (/с/ полунапуганным), half-hopeful eyes (полунадеющимся взором: «глазами»), as one (как человек: «один») who is not sure (не уверен) whether he is on the verge of a windfall or of a catastrophe (на грани ли он неожиданного счастья или катастрофы, беды; windfall — падалица; плод, сбитый ветром; неожиданная удача, неожиданный доход). Then he stepped into the cab (сел: «шагнул» в кэб), and in half an hour (через полчаса) we were back in the sitting-room at Baker Street (вернулись в гостиную). Nothing had been said (ничего было сказано) during our drive (во время нашей поездки), but the high, thin breathing (но сильное, сбивчивое дыхание) of our new companion, and the claspings and unclaspings of his hands (сжимания и разжимания его рук), spoke of the nervous tension within him (говорили о нервном напряжении внутри него).

frightened [`fraItnd] verge [vE:G] breathing [`brJDIN] nervous [`nE:vqs]


The little man stood glancing from one to the other of us with half-frightened, half-hopeful eyes, as one who is not sure whether he is on the verge of a windfall or of a catastrophe. Then he stepped into the cab, and in half an hour we were back in the sitting-room at Baker Street. Nothing had been said during our drive, but the high, thin breathing of our new companion, and the claspings and unclaspings of his hands, spoke of the nervous tension within him.


"Here we are (вот мы и дома)!" said Holmes cheerily (весело) as we filed into the room (вошли шеренгой в комнату). "The fire looks very seasonable (огонь /в камине/ выглядит очень по сезону, подходяще) in this weather (в эту погоду). You look cold (выглядите озябшим), Mr. Ryder. Pray take the basket-chair (плетеное кресло; basket — корзина). I will just put on my slippers (я только надену мои комнатные туфли) before we settle (прежде чем мы уладим) this little matter of yours. Now, then! You want to know what became of those geese (что стало с эими гусями)?"

cheerily [`tSIqlI] seasonable [`sJzqnqbl] weather [`weDq]

"Yes, sir."

"Or rather (вернее), I fancy, of that goose (с тем гусем). It was one bird, I imagine (мне кажется), in which you were interested — white, with a black bar across the tail (белый, с черной полоской на хвосте)."


"Here we are!" said Holmes cheerily as we filed into the room. "The fire looks very seasonable in this weather. You look cold, Mr. Ryder. Pray take the basket-chair. I will just put on my slippers before we settle this little matter of yours. Now, then! You want to know what became of those geese?"

"Yes, sir."

"Or rather, I fancy, of that goose. It was one bird, I imagine, in which you were interested — white, with a black bar across the tail."


Ryder quivered with emotion (задрожал от волнения: «с чувством»). "Oh, sir," he cried, "can you tell me where it went to (куда он был продан)?"

"It came here (он попал сюда)."


"Yes, and a most remarkable bird it proved (и совершенно необыкновенной птицей он оказался; to prove — доказывать; демонстрировать). I don't wonder (не удивляюсь) that you should take an interest in it (что вы проявляте интерес к нему). It laid an egg (снес яйцо) after it was dead (после /того, как/ он был мертв = после смерти) — the bonniest, brightest little blue egg (самое красивое, ярчайшее маленькое голубое яйцо) that ever was seen (которое когда-либо было видено). I have it here in my museum (музее)."

wonder [`wAndq] bright [`braIt] museum [mju`zIqm]


Ryder quivered with emotion. "Oh, sir," he cried, "can you tell me where it went to?"

"It came here."


"Yes, and a most remarkable bird it proved. I don't wonder that you should take an interest in it. It laid an egg after it was dead — the bonniest, brightest little blue egg that ever was seen. I have it here in my museum."


Our visitor staggered to his feet (встал, шатаясь) and clutched the mantelpiece (схватился за каминную доску) with his right hand (правой рукой). Holmes unlocked his strong-box (открыл сейф) and held up (показал = достал) the blue carbuncle, which shone out like a star (который сверкнул, как звезда; to shine out), with a cold brilliant, many-pointed radiance (холодным ярким многонаправленным = переливчатым сиянием). Ryder stood glaring with a drawn face (стоял, пристально глядя, с искаженным лицом), uncertain whether to claim or to disown it (неуверенный, требовать ли /камень/, или отказаться от него /не признать его своим/; to own — иметь; to disown — не признавать своим, отрекаться).

Radiance [`reIdIqns] glaring [`gleqrIN] disown [dIs`qun]


Our visitor staggered to his feet and clutched the mantelpiece with his right hand. Holmes unlocked his strong-box and held up the blue carbuncle, which shone out like a star, with a cold brilliant, many-pointed radiance. Ryder stood glaring with a drawn face, uncertain whether to claim or to disown it.


"The game's up (игра окончена), Ryder," said Holmes quietly (спокойно). "Hold up (держитесь), man, or you'll be into the fire (или вы попадете в огонь)! Give him an arm back into his chair (помогите ему сесть обратно в кресло; to give an arm to somebody — предложить взять кого-то под руку), Watson. He's not got blood enough to go in for felony with impunity (он не получил крови достаточно = не так силен, чтобы идти на тяжкие преступления безнаказанно = хладнокровно; to go in for — выбирать, разрешать себе). Give him a dash of brandy (дайте ему немного бренди). So! Now he looks a little more human (выглядит немного более человеком = похож на человека). What a shrimp (что за козявка, ничтожный человек: «креветка») it is, to be sure (конечно)!"

blood [blAd] felony [`felqnI] impunity [Im`pjHnItI] human [`hjHmqn]

For a moment he had staggered and nearly fallen (зашатался и почти упал), but the brandy brought a tinge of color into his cheeks (вызвал слабый румянец: «оттенок цвета» в его щеках), and he sat staring with frightened eyes at his accuser (сел, глядя испуганно: «с испуганными глазами» на своего обличителя).

tinge [tinG] accuser [q`kjHzq]


"The game's up, Ryder," said Holmes quietly. "Hold up, man, or you'll be into the fire! Give him an arm back into his chair, Watson. He's not got blood enough to go in for felony with impunity. Give him a dash of brandy. So! Now he looks a little more human. What a shrimp it is, to be sure!"


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