Найдите в диалогах английские эквиваленты следующим русским предложениям. 

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Найдите в диалогах английские эквиваленты следующим русским предложениям.

  1. Кстати, чем Вы занимаетесь?
  2. В какой сфере бизнеса Вы работаете?
  3. Приятно познакомиться.
  4. Вы не будете возражать, если я к Вам присоединюсь?
  5. Было приятно с Вами пообщаться.
  6. Где Вы остановились?
  7. Как Вам нравится конференция?
  8. Я думаю, Вы ошиблись. Я не работаю в сфере нефтяной промышленности.
  9. Извините, мне нужно отойти на минуту. Я скоро вернусь.
  10. Я первый раз на подобной конференции.


10. Составьте вопросы, используя слова и выражения, приведенные ниже.


  1. So, who/work for?
  2. Where/your company/based?
  3. What/ do here?
  4. Where/staying?
  5. Giving/ presentation?
  6. How/enjoying/conference?
  7. Where/come from?
  8. Interested in/football?
  9. First time/Berlin?
  10. Know/many people here?
  11. What/line of business?

11. Соотнесите вопросы из упражнения 10 с приведенными ниже ответами.


1. ______________________ - Actually, not very many. This is the first time I’ve been to such


2. ______________________ - Paris. Our offices are in the city centre.

3. ______________________ - Iberica Electric. It’s a large international company.

4. ______________________ - To be honest, not very much. But my husband is. He doesn’t miss a

single match.

5. ______________________ - No, me not. My colleague is. I’m here just to help him.

6. ______________________ - Russia. I was born in St. Petersburg.

7. ______________________ - I’m in marketing.

8. ______________________ - No, I have been there twice before. One is on a business trip, the other is on holiday. I like this city very much.

9. ______________________ - Well, it’s rather good. This year there are more speakers with inter-

esting presentations.

10.______________________ - In the Sheraton. It’s a great hotel with all modern conveniences.

11______________________ - I’m giving a presentation.



Прочитайте отрывки из диалогов. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола. Сформулируйте на русском языке правило употребления глаголов в простом прошедшем времени (Past Simple Tense) и настоящем совершенном времени (Present Perfect Tense).



  1. A: Did you try/Have you tried sushi before, Mr. Winter?

B: Yes, I did/I have. I had/have had it last time I was/have been here. I like it very much.

  1. A: I’d like to introduce you all to Dt. Sterling, who came/has come over from our Sydney

office to spend a few days at our research centre. Welcome to Washington, Dr. Sterling.

B: Thank you very much. It was/has been kind of you to invite me.

  1. A: …And then Manchester scored/has scored the winner. It was/has been an incredible goal! Did you see/Have you seen the game last night?

B: Yes, I did/have. Wasn’t it/Hasn’t it been a great match? One of the best I ever saw/have ever seen.

  1. A: Rain stopped/has stopped the game again yesterday?

B: Sorry?

A: The cricket. They cancelled/have cancelled the match.

B: Oh, they didn’t/haven’t! Well, we certainly didn’t see/haven’t seen much cricket this


  1. A: I think this is your first visit to Holland, isn’t it Tanya? Or were you/have you been here before?

B: Actually, I came/have come here on holiday once, but that was/has been a long time ago.

  1. A: That’s a terrible joke, Mike.

B: No, you see, he copied/has copied her test, right?

A: Mike, we heard/have heard the joke before. It’s ancient. Let’s get down to business.

B: I thought/have thought it was/has been funny.

  1. A: What I do worry about is what is going on between our vice-president and our head of finance.

B: What happened/has happened?

A: Didn’t you hear/Haven’t you heard? I thought/ have thought everybody knew/has known.

B: No, nobody told/has told me anything.

Работа в парах. Прочитайте ситуацию, составьте и разыграйте диалог.


Situation: You are sitting at the conference in a city you both know very well. There have been a number of long and boring presentations. You haven’t been introduced. Before you start a conversation, decide on the following:

  • Where the conference is being held
  • What the conference topic is
  • Why you are here (to give a presentation, to make contacts, to do deals, etc).



1. Speaker A Start the conversation: “I think this is the most boring presentation I’ve ever heard. I’m … (name), by the way. I don’t think we’ve met before. ‘ 2. Speaker B “Pleased to meet you. I’m … (name).’ Continue the conversation by asking about one of the following:
  • what your partner thinks of the conference
  • talks your partner has participated
3. Speaker A Continue the conversation by asking about one of the following:
  • your partner’s company (location, main activities)
  • your partner’s job (how long he/she has had it)
  • where your partner is staying (service, comfort, conveniences)
4. Speaker B Continue the conversation by talking about one or more of the following:
  • the city (the architecture, prices, sights)
  • the weather (typical for this time of the year)
  • shopping (the best places you have found to buy presents)
5. Speaker A Continue the conversation by talking about one or more of the following:
  • sightseeing (the places of interest you’ve already visited)
  • the nightlife (a restaurant, a bar you’ve visited)
  • a recent item of news (politics, sport, etc.)
6. Speaker B Break off the conversation, making an excuse.


Прочитайте словосочетания со словом “meeting”. Подберите к ним русские эквиваленты.

to arrange/to set up     a meeting посетить собрание, совещание
to postpone/put off пропустить встречу, совещание
to cancel отменить встречу, совещание
to run/chair отложить встречу
to attend договориться о встрече
to miss быть председателем собрания, совещания


Выберите подходящие по смыслу глаголы и заполните пропуски.


  1. Can we ___________ up a meeting for Monday next week? (arrange/agree/set)
  2. Something came up so they had to ___________ Monday’s meeting till Friday. (postpone/cancel/fix)
  3. Monica is off sick so Michael will have to ____________ the staff meeting. (charge/chief/chair)
  4. He has to ___________ the meeting in Berlin because his boss is in Spain. (go/attend/visit)
  5. It’s a very important meeting so make sure you don’t ___________ it. (miss/lose/avoid)
  6. She decided to ___________ the meeting because there was nothing to talk about. (cancel/arrange/fix)
  7. I asked Jane to _____________ the meeting next week, but there were no rooms available. (run/cancel/arrange)
  8. They ___________ the meeting, but they didn’t hear anything interesting. (postponed/missed/attended)


Заполните пропуски словами из рамки. С какими утверждениями Вы согласны?


waste, find, make, chat, discuss, criticize, exchange  


Meetings are…

a. an ideal opportunity to _____________ points of view

b. the best place to ____________ key decisions

c. a safe environment in which to ______________ important issues

d. a rare chance to _____________ with other people

e. the only way to _____________ out what’s really going on

f. an open invitation to _____________ each other

g. the perfect excuse to _____________ some time.


4. Прочитайте мнения людей о совещаниях, в которых они участвовали. Чем вызвано их недовольство? Составьте список возможных проблем, которые могут возникнуть при организации и проведении совещаний. Обсудите возможные варианты решения этих проблем.



  1. Well, nothing interesting was ever discussed in a boardroom. That’s why it’s called a boardroom – people go there to be bored. Moreover, most offices are unsuitable for long meetings.
  2. The same two or three people seem to dominate. The rest of us seem to switch off – daydream, count the minutes. I sometimes play games on my laptop with the sound off.
  3. I try to stop them over-running. We sometimes hold meetings without chairs. That speeds things up a lot. I’ve even tried showing a red card to people, who can’t stop talking in time, like in football.
  4. They are usually badly organized. Nobody sticks to the point. People digress all the time. It takes ages to get down to business. As they say: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
  5. You often get several people all talking at the same time. So no one is really listening to anyone else. They are just planning what they are going to say next. It’s survival of the loudest.
  6. Nobody seems to come to the meeting properly prepared. If you want a copy of the report, they don’t have it with them. If you need to see the figures, they will get them back to you.
  7. You often leave a meeting not really knowing what you are supposed to do next, what the action plan is. I usually end up phoning people afterwards to find out what we actually agreed.
  8. It’s a joke that everyone’s opinion is valued. I mean how much you can disagree with the boss? After all, he is the boss!


5. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте список рекомендаций для проведения продуктивного совещания.



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