Sanitization PATIENT in identifying head lice 

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Sanitization PATIENT in identifying head lice


Stage Activitiesinstructor Studentactivities Time Theobjectiveofphase
Organizingtime Welcome, attendance control, checking the appearance and willingness to engage the audience. Students are prepared, according to the duty. min Foster accuracy, punctuality. Mobilize account.
Update of the support of knowledge Conductsurveys listen, respond, complement each other min identify the level of knowledge
The motivation and the formation of a new theme "Features of work ethics and deontology nurse admissions office.Anthropometry. definition of the objectives classes. Motivates, formulates new topic. It offers students to justify the importance and necessity of studying. Listen to write in a notebook that should know and be able student. min Showtheendresult.
Analysis of theoretical material and demonstration of practical skills to care. Trialstage. gradually sets theoretical material: - Especially ethics and deontology front desk; spendanthropometry Listen, observe, respond.   carry out a test phase   min To acquire new theoretical material and practical skills.
Independentwork Monitors, adjusts, corrects. Specifies the leading questions and directs the reasoning. Skills practiced: - Measurement of growth; - Weight; - Bosom 45 min developmentofpracticalskills
Analysis of theoretical material and practical demonstration on how to fill medical records     Trialstage gradually sets theoretical material to fill: nurse-function front desk - Receipt and journal failure hospitalization; - Stationary card of patient Listen, observe, respond.   carry out a test stage. min To acquire new theoretical material and practical skills
Independentwork Monitors, adjusts, corrects. Specifies the leading questions and directs the reasoning. fill the magazine receiving and failure hospitalization, stationary card of patient min developmentofpracticalskills
Securingnewmaterial Spend a role-playing games, tests. tasks, crosswords Performtasksperformedpopulations min Identify the level of assimilation of themes and gaps in knowledge
Summarizing Summing up, he says the best answers, exposes evaluation of their comments. Listen, askquestions min Stimulatingactivities
Homework Itprovidesjob record 5 min understandingofthetask




When a patient in the emergency department, as mentioned above, conduct a thorough inspection for lice. Human parasites in such cases may be headache, wardrobes and pubic lice.

Head lice affects the scalp, laying their eggs (nits) to the hair shaft, causing the latter often stick together. Body lice, causing lesions of the skin of the body, most commonly found in the folds of the linen (mainly along the inner seams). The pubic louse (ploschitsa) parasitic on the hairy surface of the pubic area, sometimes affecting also his mustache, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair armpits.

Lice (mainly wardrobes) are carriers of typhus and relapsing fever lousy, pathogens which penetrate through the damaged skin crush lice and subsequent scratching. Particularly widespread lice observed under unfavorable hygienic conditions (usually in times of war and natural disasters), and shows in the first place on a bad setting bath and laundry business.

If you find lice (as well as in a number of other infectious diseases) is carried out sanitization, which may be complete (washing the patient with soap and a washcloth in the bath or shower, the destruction of microorganisms and insects in underwear, clothes, shoes, bedding and accommodations, ie, disinfection and disinfestation) or partial, which implies only people washing and disinfection (disinfestation) underwear, clothes and shoes.


CHART OF hygienic shower

Purpose: prevention of nosocomial infections and personal hygiene

Indications: contaminated skin

Contraindications: severe the patient's condition, bleeding,fever, trauma, myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident.

Prepare: oilcloth apron, rubber gloves, brush, bath detergent, disinfectant, water thermometer, soap, washcloth, towel, clean undergarment, rubber mat.

Algorithm steps:

1. Put oilcloth apron and gloves.

2.Turn vents, wash the floor in the shower and brush cleaner, disinfectant treat, put on the floor in the shower rubber mat.

3. Turn on the water (T ° - 35 ° -38 ° C).

4. Help the patient undress and seat him on a stool in the shower, keeping the elbows.

5. If the patient can not wash yourself, wash it with soap and a washcloth in the following sequence: a head - body - hands - groin - the perineum - the legs.

6. Help the patient get out of the shower, wipe it in the same manner.

7. Put on clean clothes patient.

8. Thoroughly rinse the floor in the shower and brush cleaner, disinfectant treat.


Objective: To carry out hygienic patient treatment.

Indications: As a physician.

Contraindications: any bleeding, a serious condition of the patient, fever, trauma, skin diseases in the acute phase, acute infectious diseases, myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident.


• Marked containers for clean and dirty sponges

• Clean linen for patient

• Towel

• Water Thermometer

• Soap and shampoo

• CMC, 1% chloramine solution

• Bags - 2 (x / b, oilcloth)

• Footrest

• Temperature sheet

• Apron oilskin

• Gloves - 2 pair

Algorithm steps:

1. Explain to the patient the course of the procedure and get his consent.

2. Place oilcloth apron and gloves.

3. Close the vents, put on the floor in the bath rubber mat (wooden floor), wash bath brush and detergent, disinfectant bath treat.

4. Fill the bath first with cold and then hot water to half of its volume, the water temperature - 35 ° 37 ° C.

5. Help the patient to undress.

6. Seat the patient in the bath, keeping it behind the elbows so that his feet rested on a stand, and the water level reached the xiphoid process of the sternum of the patient (full bath).

7. Wash the patient in the following order, if he can not do it alone: ​​head, trunk, upper limbs, abdomen, lower back, lower limbs, groin, perineum, using a loofah.
8. Cover the shoulders with a towel patient and help him get out of the bath (to provide assistance together if necessary).
9. Wipe the patient in the same sequence. Make sure that the skin in the natural folds and between the toes dry.
10. trimmed nails patient on the hands and feet (see. Standard).
11. Help the patient to brush the hair, to wear clothes and shoes.
12. Drain water from the bath and treat it with disinfectant solution, rinse under running water.
13. Disinfect used care items, bath.
14. Remove gloves, wash and dry your hands.



Нome Setting:
1. To study and learn the algorithms of the sanitary-giginicheskoy processing.
2. Create crossword puzzles.

Control questions

1. How to conduct sanitary-hygienic processing in detecting lice.

2. How to conduct hygienic shower, bath

3. What documents are filled with sanitary events


Main literature:

1. Мухина С.А.,Тарновская И.И. Прак. Руковод. к предмету «Основы сестринского дела». Уч.пособие для мед.училищ и колледжей, 2 издание, изд «ГЭОТАР – Медиа», 2012 г.

2. Мухина С.А.,Тарновская И.И. Теоретические ОСД: - 2 издание М.,ГЭОТАР – Медиа, 2010 г.

3. КулешоваЛ.И. «ОСД»: курс лекций, сестринские технологии (издание 2 - ое), Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс, 2011г.

4. Обуховец Т. П. «ОСД» Практикум. Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2010г (издание 10-ое, стереотипное) под редакцией К.М.Н Б.В. Кабарухина.

5. ШироковаН.В. и др. «ОСД»:Алгоритмы манипуляций:уч.пособие М. ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2009 г.

6. Яромич И.В. «Сестринское дело и манипуляционная техника», Минск, 2010г.

7. Сборник стандартов сестринских технологий по дисциплине «ОСД». Нурманова М.Ш., Матакова Ж.Т., Бейскулова Э.Т., г.Алматы «Sunnur»ТОО, 2011г.

8. Мейірбикелік іс негіздері. С Қ. Муратбекова – Астана, 2007г.

9. Мейірбике ісі негіздері пәні бойынша мейірбикелік технологиялар стандарттарының жинағы М. Ш. Нурманова, Ж.Т. Матакова, Э.Т. Бейскулова, Қарағанды: ЖК «Ақ Нұр баспасы», 2012ж.

Additional literature:

1. Осипова В.Л. «ВБИ»: уч.пособие М. ГЭОТАР – Медиа, 2012 г.

2. ОСД, Ситуационные задачи: практикум Морозова Г.И. – М., 2009г.

3. Мейiрбике манипуляциясы алгоритмдерi. Д.А.Даулетбаев, М.А.Абабкова, Г.К.Ердесова.-Алматы, 2010.

4. «Медбикелік іс негіздері» жағдаяттық тапсырмалар. А.М. Садыкова, К.О. Даурбаева, Ә.А. Наурзбаев

Дополните правильный ответ

1. Одна из функциональных обязанностей сестры приемника: определение__________________ показателей (роста, веса, окружности живота).

2. Перечень документации приемного отделения: медицинская карта, журнал_______ приема больных и ___________ в госпитализации, __________ _______ об инфекционном пациенте, ______________________ выбывшего стационара.

3. В медицинской карте сестра заполняет ____________ часть.

4. К частичной санобработке относят: _____________, протирание.

5. Медсестра приемного отделения осматривает волосистую часть головы на _________________.

6. Полная санобработка пациента включает: гигиеническую _______________, гигиенический _____.

7. Последовательность мытья тела пациента в ванне: голова, туловище, конечности, ________________.

8. Температура воды гигиенического душа, ванны ______________ ⁰С.

9. Продолжительность гигиенической ванны пациента _____ - _____ минут.

10.При проведении гигиенической ванны сестра следит за: внешним видом, состоянием, показателями ______, ______, _________.

11. Осмотр на педикулез пациента проводят в _______ ___________________ отделения.

12. Санобработку пациента проводит _____________.

13. Щадящую транспортировку тяжелобольных проводят на _____________________.

14. Способ транспортировки пациента определяет __________________.

15. Пациентов госпитализируют: плавно, __________, ___________________.

16. Регистратура предназначена для оформления ________________.

17. После гигиенической ванны санитарка обязана провести ___________ мероприятия.

18. В случае ____________ на титульном листе медицинской карты ставят обозначение «Р».

19. _________________ - это препараты для борьбы с головными вшами.

20. Обработка педикулицидами запрещена __________, кормящим женщинам, людям с поврежденной кожей и детям до 5 лет.


Укажите верный ответ

Правильный ответ означьте «да», неправильный «нет».

1. Приемник – обязательное подразделение любого стационара.

2. В приемном отделении оформляют всех пациентов независимо от тяжести состояния.

3. Плановый пациент, поступающий в ЛПУ из дома, может отказаться от осмотра в приемном отделении.

4. Изолятор приемника используют для пациентов с педикулезом и неясным диагнозом.

5. Медсестра самостоятельно проводит осмотр волосистой части головы и санобработку пациентов в санпропускнике.

6. Вид транспортировки пациентов определяет сестра по тяжести состояния.

7. Вид санитарной обработки назначает врач.

8. Антропометрия включает осмотр пациента и измерение температуры тела.

9. Режим двигательной активности зависит от тяжести общего состояния пациента.

10. Титульный лист карты стационарного пациента оформляет врач.

11. Вынужденное положение пациента облегчает его общее состояние.

12. Пассивное положение пациента в постели обусловлено всегда отсутствием сознания.

13. Функциональная кровать – последовательное ложе и средство транспортировки пациента.

14. Определение пульса, АД, ЧДД – антропометрические методы измерения.

15. Палатный режим двигательной активности позволяет самостоятельное посещение пациентом диагностических кабинетов.

16. Частичную санитарную обработку проводят под душем.

17. Во время проведения гигиенической ванны присутствие медсестры обязательно.

18. Головные вши опасны эпидемическим распространением инфекционных заболеваний.

19. Педикулициды применяют для дезинсекции.

20. Повторную обработку пациента в случае педикулеза проводят через 10 дней.

Задание в тестовой форме

Выберите один неправильный ответ – четвертый лишний.

1. Лечебные отделения стационара

А. Терапевтическое

Б. Морфологическое

В. Хирургическое

Г. Педиатрическое


2. Подразделения приемного отделения

А. Регистратура

Б. Клизменная

В. Санпропускник

Г. Смотровая


3. В квартиру стационарного пациента вкладывают

А. Порционник

Б. Температурный лист

В. Лист врачебных назначений

Г. Статистическую карту выбывшего из стационара


4. В приемное отделение пациент поступает

А. По направлению поликлиники

Б. Самостоятельно

В. По скорой помощи

Г. Из дома престарелых


5. Санобработку пациенту проводит сестра с помощью

А. Врача

Б. Младшей сестры

В. Санитарки

Г. Родственников


6. К антропометрии относятся

А. Измерение роста и определение массы тела

Б. Подсчет пульса, ЧДД, определение АД

В. Постановка банок, горчичников, компрессов

Г. Измерение температуры тела


7. Различаю вши

А. Головные

Б. Бытовые

В. Платяные

Г. Лобковые


8. Противопедикулезные мероприятия по обработке волосистой части головы пациента включают

А. Стрижку волос у женщин

Б. Нанесение педикулицида

В. Мытье головы шампунем

Г. Ополаскивание волос раствором уксуса


9. При выявлении педикулезного пациента следует

А. Зафиксировать на титульном листе карты стационарного больного

Б. Поместить пациента в изолятор

В. Позвонить на работу

Г. Послать экстренное извещение в санэпиднадзор


10. В санпропускнике медсестры выполняет

А. Осмотр на педикулез

Б. Антропометрические измерения

В. Санобработку при необходимости

Г. Врачебные назначения

Эталоны ответов

Дополните правильный ответ

1 - антропометрических 11 – приемном
2 – учета отказов, экстренное извещение, статистическая карта. 12 – медсестра
3 – паспортную 13 – катале
4 – обмывание 14 – врач
5 – педикулез 15 – экстренно, самостоятельно
6 – ванну, душ 16 - документации
7 – промежность 17 – дезинфекционные
8 - 36-37⁰С 18 – педикулеза
9 – 20 -25 19 – педикулициды
10 – пульса, АД, ЧДД 20 - беременным

Укажите ответ

Правильный ответ обозначьте «да», неправильный «нет».

Да Нет Нет Да Да Нет Да Нет Да Нет
Да Нет Да Да Нет Нет Да Да Да Нет

Задание в тестовой форме

Выберите один неправильный ответ – «четвертый лишний».




Stage Activitiesinstructor Studentactivities Time Theobjectiveofphase
Organizingtime Welcome, attendance control, checking the appearance and willingness to engage the audience. Students are prepared, according to the duty. min Foster accuracy, punctuality. Mobilize account.
Update of the support of knowledge Conductsurveys listen, respond, complement each other min identify the level of knowledge
The motivation and the formation of a new theme "Features of work ethics and deontology nurse admissions office.Anthropometry. definition of the objectives classes. Motivates, formulates new topic. It offers students to justify the importance and necessity of studying. Listen to write in a notebook that should know and be able student. min Showtheendresult.
Analysis of theoretical material and demonstration of practical skills to care. Trialstage. gradually sets theoretical material: - Especially ethics and deontology front desk; spendanthropometry Listen, observe, respond.   carry out a test phase   min To acquire new theoretical material and practical skills.
Independentwork Monitors, adjusts, corrects. Specifies the leading questions and directs the reasoning. Skills practiced: - Measurement of growth; - Weight; - Bosom 45 min developmentofpracticalskills
Analysis of theoretical material and practical demonstration on how to fill medical records     Trialstage gradually sets theoretical material to fill: nurse-function front desk - Receipt and journal failure hospitalization; - Stationary card of patient Listen, observe, respond.   carry out a test stage. min To acquire new theoretical material and practical skills
Independentwork Monitors, adjusts, corrects. Specifies the leading questions and directs the reasoning. fill the magazine receiving and failure hospitalization, stationary card of patient min developmentofpracticalskills
Securingnewmaterial Spend a role-playing games, tests. tasks, crosswords Performtasksperformedpopulations min Identify the level of assimilation of themes and gaps in knowledge
Summarizing Summing up, he says the best answers, exposes evaluation of their comments. Listen, askquestions min Stimulatingactivities
Homework Itprovidesjob record 5 min understandingofthetask




When a patient in the emergency department, as mentioned above, conduct a thorough inspection for lice. Human parasites in such cases may be headache, wardrobes and pubic lice.

Head lice affects the scalp, laying their eggs (nits) to the hair shaft, causing the latter often stick together. Body lice, causing lesions of the skin of the body, most commonly found in the folds of the linen (mainly along the inner seams). The pubic louse (ploschitsa) parasitic on the hairy surface of the pubic area, sometimes affecting also his mustache, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair armpits.

Lice (mainly wardrobes) are carriers of typhus and relapsing fever lousy, pathogens which penetrate through the damaged skin crush lice and subsequent scratching. Particularly widespread lice observed under unfavorable hygienic conditions (usually in times of war and natural disasters), and shows in the first place on a bad setting bath and laundry business.

If you find lice (as well as in a number of other infectious diseases) is carried out sanitization, which may be complete (washing the patient with soap and a washcloth in the bath or shower, the destruction of microorganisms and insects in underwear, clothes, shoes, bedding and accommodations, ie, disinfection and disinfestation) or partial, which implies only people washing and disinfection (disinfestation) underwear, clothes and shoes.


Sanitization PATIENT in identifying head lice

(Order Ministry of Health RK №236 from 11.03.2004g.)


Objective: To prevent the spread of nosocomial infections, destruction of the eggs, larvae and lice in the hairy parts of the body.

Indications: the presence of lice and nits.

Contraindications: prohibited in skin diseases, children under 5 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

Resources: Protivopedikulezny packing: medical gown, scarves (poly ethylene, cloth), 6% solution of acetic acid, tooth comb, one of pedikulitsidov (lotions "Nittifor", "antibiotic" shampoo "Pedilin"), gauze pads, magnifying glass, shaving set to send the laundry bag in the disinfection chamber, oil cloth, rubber gloves, galvanized bucket and stand, a medical card of the inpatient, emergency notification of infectious disease (p. 8 №05 / y), register of infectious diseases (f- 060 / y).

Algorithm steps:

1. Establish a trust relationship with the patient confidential.

2. Explain the purpose and course of the procedure.

3. Put on an extra coat, scarf, gloves.

4. Seat of the patient (if his condition allows) on the couch, covered with oilcloth or chair. Cover shoulders with a towel.

5. Treat (richly moisturize) the patient's hair swab moistened with one of the pedikulitsidov sequentially from the edge of the scalp.

6. Tie a plastic head scarf, top cloth scarf, holding time depends on the type of pedikulitsida.

7. Rinse the hair with warm running water, then shampoo or soap, dry towel.

8. Treat the hair with warm 6% solution of acetic acid, again tie plastic head scarf, top cloth scarf for 20 minutes.

9. Rinse your hair with warm running water, pat dry with a towel.

10. Tilt the patient's head over the white paper, carefully schesyvayte hair for 10-15 minutes fine-toothed comb through missing teeth which thread, abundantly soaked with vinegar.

11. Relieve gauze pads, paper in the bin for incineration.

12. Fold the bags in the patient's clothing and apparel nurse and send in the disinfection chamber, a comb, scissors, place in a container of disinfectant solution.

13. Take on the title "P" sheet Medical card of the inpatient mark about the detected lice, date, time of processing and signature nurse that conducted it.

14. Register the patient with head lice at the receiving hospital ward in the register of infectious diseases f-060 / y.

15. Apply emergency notification lice on the phone to the district SES, followed by filling in the direction of F-058 / y.

16. Inspect a patient in a medical office on a daily basis and in the case of lice detection spend repeated sanitization.

Note: haircut and shaving of the hair is carried out in case of need.


For the destruction of pubic lice shave the affected hair, then usually sufficient to re-body wash with hot soapy water. Underwear and clothes disinfected in appropriate pest chambers (steam-air, hot air, etc.). Medical staff performing treatment of patients with head lice is to use a special long garment made of rubberized fabric or heavy canvas. The main measure of lice prevention is regular body wash, timely change of underwear and bed linen.

On admission to the hospital, where necessary, patients take a bath or shower hygienic.

CHART OF hygienic shower

Purpose: prevention of nosocomial infections and personal hygiene

Indications: contaminated skin

Contraindications: severe the patient's condition, bleeding,fever, trauma, myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident.

Prepare: oilcloth apron, rubber gloves, brush, bath detergent, disinfectant, water thermometer, soap, washcloth, towel, clean undergarment, rubber mat.

Algorithm steps:

1. Put oilcloth apron and gloves.

2.Turn vents, wash the floor in the shower and brush cleaner, disinfectant treat, put on the floor in the shower rubber mat.

3. Turn on the water (T ° - 35 ° -38 ° C).

4. Help the patient undress and seat him on a stool in the shower, keeping the elbows.

5. If the patient can not wash yourself, wash it with soap and a washcloth in the following sequence: a head - body - hands - groin - the perineum - the legs.

6. Help the patient get out of the shower, wipe it in the same manner.

7. Put on clean clothes patient.

8. Thoroughly rinse the floor in the shower and brush cleaner, disinfectant treat.


Objective: To carry out hygienic patient treatment.

Indications: As a physician.

Contraindications: any bleeding, a serious condition of the patient, fever, trauma, skin diseases in the acute phase, acute infectious diseases, myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident.


• Marked containers for clean and dirty sponges

• Clean linen for patient

• Towel

• Water Thermometer

• Soap and shampoo

• CMC, 1% chloramine solution

• Bags - 2 (x / b, oilcloth)

• Footrest

• Temperature sheet

• Apron oilskin

• Gloves - 2 pair

Algorithm steps:

1. Explain to the patient the course of the procedure and get his consent.

2. Place oilcloth apron and gloves.

3. Close the vents, put on the floor in the bath rubber mat (wooden floor), wash bath brush and detergent, disinfectant bath treat.

4. Fill the bath first with cold and then hot water to half of its volume, the water temperature - 35 ° 37 ° C.

5. Help the patient to undress.

6. Seat the patient in the bath, keeping it behind the elbows so that his feet rested on a stand, and the water level reached the xiphoid process of the sternum of the patient (full bath).

7. Wash the patient in the following order, if he can not do it alone: ​​head, trunk, upper limbs, abdomen, lower back, lower limbs, groin, perineum, using a loofah.
8. Cover the shoulders with a towel patient and help him get out of the bath (to provide assistance together if necessary).
9. Wipe the patient in the same sequence. Make sure that the skin in the natural folds and between the toes dry.
10. trimmed nails patient on the hands and feet (see. Standard).
11. Help the patient to brush the hair, to wear clothes and shoes.
12. Drain water from the bath and treat it with disinfectant solution, rinse under running water.
13. Disinfect used care items, bath.
14. Remove gloves, wash and dry your hands.



Нome Setting:
1. To study and learn the algorithms of the sanitary-giginicheskoy processing.
2. Create crossword puzzles.

Control questions

1. How to conduct sanitary-hygienic processing in detecting lice.

2. How to conduct hygienic shower, bath

3. What documents are filled with sanitary events


Main literature:

1. Мухина С.А.,Тарновская И.И. Прак. Руковод. к предмету «Основы сестринского дела». Уч.пособие для мед.училищ и колледжей, 2 издание, изд «ГЭОТАР – Медиа», 2012 г.

2. Мухина С.А.,Тарновская И.И. Теоретические ОСД: - 2 издание М.,ГЭОТАР – Медиа, 2010 г.

3. КулешоваЛ.И. «ОСД»: курс лекций, сестринские технологии (издание 2 - ое), Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс, 2011г.

4. Обуховец Т. П. «ОСД» Практикум. Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2010г (издание 10-ое, стереотипное) под редакцией К.М.Н Б.В. Кабарухина.

5. ШироковаН.В. и др. «ОСД»:Алгоритмы манипуляций:уч.пособие М. ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2009 г.

6. Яромич И.В. «Сестринское дело и манипуляционная техника», Минск, 2010г.

7. Сборник стандартов сестринских технологий по дисциплине «ОСД». Нурманова М.Ш., Матакова Ж.Т., Бейскулова Э.Т., г.Алматы «Sunnur»ТОО, 2011г.

8. Мейірбикелік іс негіздері. С Қ. Муратбекова – Астана, 2007г.

9. Мейірбике ісі негіздері пәні бойынша мейірбикелік технологиялар стандарттарының жинағы М. Ш. Нурманова, Ж.Т. Матакова, Э.Т. Бейскулова, Қарағанды: ЖК «Ақ Нұр баспасы», 2012ж.

Additional literature:

1. Осипова В.Л. «ВБИ»: уч.пособие М. ГЭОТАР – Медиа, 2012 г.

2. ОСД, Ситуационные задачи: практикум Морозова Г.И. – М., 2009г.

3. Мейiрбике манипуляциясы алгоритмдерi. Д.А.Даулетбаев, М.А.Абабкова, Г.К.Ердесова.-Алматы, 2010.

4. «Медбикелік іс негіздері» жағдаяттық тапсырмалар. А.М. Садыкова, К.О. Даурбаева, Ә.А. Наурзбаев


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