Ex.22. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex.22. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) Лекция начнется в 8 часов, не опаздывай. 2) Все абитуриенты были разделены на три группы. 3) В какой аудитории вы обычно занимаетесь? 4) В следующем году количество студентов нашей академии будет увеличено. 5) Петр не сдал экзамен по иностранному языку, так как пропустил много занятий. 6) Новая станция метро была пущена в эксплуатацию в прошлом году. 7) Сколько студентов вашей группы получают стипендию? 8) Когда ты поступил в институт? 9) Двух первокурсников пригласили принять участие в научной конференции. 10) Я буду учиться на заочном факультете, так как не хочу бросать [to give up]работу. 11) В нашем институте есть несколько компьютерных классов, которые оборудованы самыми современными электронными устройствами [a device]. 12) Этот поезд останавливается только на крупных железнодорожных станциях.


Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.



The Samara State Railway Academy is one of the youngest state higher schools in the Samara Region. It trains qualified railway specialists for the Central European part of Russia. The Academy has a number of branches in such towns as Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Orenburg, Orsk, and Rusayevka.

In 2003 our higher school celebrated its 30th anniversary. In 1973 the first day-time applicants took entrance examinations. At that time there was only one faculty with 75 students. In 1975 it was divided into two faculties: Railway Construction and Railway Operation. With the railway transport development and modernization more and more qualified engineers of various specialities were required, that is why the number of students was increased.

At present about 10,000 students get higher education at day-time and extra-mural departments. Training is provided on 14 specializations such as: Railway Operation; Railway Construction, Track and Track Facilities; Automation, Telemechanics and Communication; Diesel and Electric Locomotives; Railway Cars; Accountancy and Audit; Power Supply; Railway Economics; Track Construction and Maintenance Machines; Information Systems; Tunnels and Bridges; and Electric Public Transport. Students of the extra-mural department have the opportunity to get higher education combining their work with study. They are provided with paid annual leaves of 30 to 40 days for attending lectures, taking tests and exams; as well as a 4 month leave for preparing their graduation projects.

Entrance to the Railway Academy is by competitive examinations, which can be taken by anyone between the ages of 17 to 35 who has finished the secondary, vocational or technical school. Applicants are required to take 3 entrance exams such as Russian Language and Literature (composition), Physics, Mathematics. Some applicants are admitted on the basis of their results in the unified state examinations for the secondary school.

The complete course of studies at our higher school lasts 5 or 6 years for the day-time and extra-mural students respectively. The academic year is divided into 2 terms: from September to January and from February to July. Tests and exams are taken at the end of each term. During the period of learning every student must pass 35-40 term exams, not counting written and oral tests. If the results of the examinations are good, students receive grants which are given by the state or the enterprise which has sent him or her to study. Those students who progress successfully and combine studies with scientific-technical activities are paid 25% more. Twice a year there are vacations – two weeks in winter and two months in summer. Once a year every student can get a free railway ticket for traveling to any part of the country. Comfortable hostels are provided for those students who come for studying from other places.

The work-load of a student, including his individual out-of-classes work, is planned to take up approximately 50-55 hours a week. The first- and second-year students study such general engineering subjects as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, and a number of others. The study of foreign languages is also included in the program. Moreover the students of our Academy have a good chance to receive deep knowledge of English or German at language courses. In the third year students begin to study specialized subjects and special attention is paid to the development of students' abilities and skills in their chosen speciality. In the course of training, practical work occupies an exceptionally important place. Students have practical training in specially equipped labs and workshops and on the railway. The final year is devoted to working on a graduation project which is submitted to the State Examination Commission.

After the graduation from our Academy every student receives a diploma which gives him/her the right to work as an engineer, an economist or a book-keeper. For those students who want to continue their education this higher school has a post-graduate course.

Ex.23. Agree or disagree with the statements given below and add something to develop the situation. Use the following introductory phrases:

That's right I can't agree with you You are partly right To my mind

That's true Nothing of the kind Not quite As far as I know

1 quite agree with you You’re wrong In fact

It goes without saying I think that's nonsense I don’t know exactly

1)You can get higher education at vocational schools, technical schools and Universities. 2) You like to take exams. 3) It was easy for you to enter the Institute. 4) You took three entrance exams. 5) Our Academy is headed by Rector. 6) There is only a day-time department at this Academy. 7) Our Academy has a large network of branches in the USA and Great Britain. 8) Students of our higher school are required to attend lectures and to miss seminars. 9) The students are provided with all the necessary books free of charge. 10) Such subjects as Technical Drawing, Physics, Literature and Music are included in the program of freshmen. 11) All the students of our higher school study two foreign languages: English and German. 12) English is your favorite subject. 13) The academic year is divided into two terms and at the end of each term students submit their graduation projects. 14) The laboratories of our Institute are equipped with out-of-date broken computers. 15) The course of studies lasts ten years. 15) You must combine work with study because you are an extra-mural student.

Ex.24. Using the questions given below, make up stories on the following topics:

A) The school I went to

1) What school did you go to? [secondary school; gymnasium; vocational school; technical school; lyceum; specialized English school] 2) In what age did you begin to attend it? 3) Where is it situated? 4) What compulsory and optional subjects did you study at your school? 5) What were your favorite subjects? 6) How many times a week did you have your English lessons? 7) What did you do during your English lessons? 8) What was your mark in English? 9) Who was your favorite teacher? 10) What do you think are the characteristics of an ideal /bad teacher? 11) What exams did you pass at school? 12) What did you like and dislike about your school?

B) Entering the Academy

1) When did you first start thinking about entering a higher educational school? 2) Did anybody advise you or was it your own choice? 3) What made you choose the Railway Academy rather than some other higher school? Give your reasons. 4) Do your parents approve your choice? 5) How many entrance exams did you pass? 6) What marks did you get in Physics and Mathematics? 7) How did you prepare for the exams? [You attended the fitting school – подготовительные курсы; your teacher helped you; you read a lot of books yourself or you didn't prepare for your exams at all] 8) What was the most difficult subject for you to take? 9) Was the competition intense? 10) Were you afraid of taking exams? 11) How does it feel to be a student?

C) You are a freshman now

1) Do you like being a student? 2) Was it difficult for you to get accustomed [привыкать] to the system of lectures and seminars after the school system of classes? 3) What do you find more useful: lectures of seminars? 4) Do yon always take notes of lectures? 5) Is it difficult or easy for you to follow the lectures? 6) Some lectures are certainly more interesting than others. What is interest dependent on? [It depends on the subject of the lecture or the personality of the lecturer] 7) Why are some lectures boring (скучный)? [Some lectures are boring because: the subject is boring; the subject is of no importance to you; the subject is too difficult for you to master; you find it hard to concentrate; you are not interested in the subject; you are not yet accustomed to listening to lectures every day; you get tired easily; the lecturer's manner of speech is monotonous; the lecturer speaks too fast for you to make notes; the lecturer gives no original information; the lecturer's arguments are too complicated for you]. 8) What subjects are included in the first-year program at your faculty? 9) What subject is the most interesting; the least interesting; the one you think the most important; the one you find the most difficult? 10) What must you do to pass your winter exams successfully? 11) What marks do you expect to get? 12) How much time do you spend to prepare your homework? 13) Do you have a lot of spare time? 14) What do you usually do during your spare time?

Ex.25. Retell the text about the Samara Railway Academy according to the plan given below:

▪ the name of your Academy ▪ the subjects you study

▪ its location ▪ the equipment the Academy is provided with

▪ some facts about its history ▪ the exams you take and the grants you receive

▪ the departments and specializations ▪ the students' hostels

▪ how long the complete course lasts ▪ your future speciality

▪ the number of students ▪ what you like and dislike about your Academy.


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