II. Образуйте предложения по модели. Обратите внимание на наименование различных национальностей. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


II. Образуйте предложения по модели. Обратите внимание на наименование различных национальностей.

Образец: He comes from England (1).

Really? He doesn`t look English (2).

(1) (2)

France French

Sweden Swedish

Germany German

The United States American

Japan Japanese

Greece Greek

Italy Italian

Denmark Danish

III. Заполните анкету.

Surname________________ First name_______________

Nationality______________ Date of birth_____________

Occupation______________ Place of birth_____________

Date of arrival in London___ Address_________________

Length of stay____________

IV. Поставьте 10 вопросов, начинающихся с what…? When…? How long…? Who…? Have you…?

V. Translate into English

Меня зовут Михаил, коротко Миша. Мое полное имя Михаил Иванович Федоров. Я живу в России. Мне почти 20 лет. Я студент второго курса медицинского института. Я хочу стать врачом и работать в городской больнице. Мне нравятся занятия в институте, и я стараюсь не пропускать их.Я родился в Челябинске в семье врача. Мой отец – детский врач, а мать – медсестра. После окончания Оренбургского медицинского института они приехали работать в Челябинск и живут там уже 16 лет. Я закончил школу №5. Я не женат, но у меня есть девушка. Она тоже студентка мединститута.

About my family

Now let me tell about my family. Our family is not very big. There are 5 of us: my father, my mother, my sister, our Granny and I.

My father`s name is Mikhail Alexandrovich. He is 45; he is communicative, merry and very clever. He is a mathematician by education but works at a bank now. He likes to read in the evening. His hobby is cooking in week-ends.

My mother`s name is Svetlana Nikolaevna. She is a chief accountant by profession. She is 42. She is very beautiful and easy to go along. She is a very interesting person to talk with. She works in an industrial firm. She likes to knit and to rest outside. She also has much work about the house after she gets home after work.

Let me introduce my younger sister. She is still a pupil. Her name is Tanya and she is in the 5th form. She is very pretty and a great dancer. We are good friends with my sister. She is talkative, rather smart and fun to be with.

Our grandmother, my mother`s mother lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.

Also I would like to tell you about our pet. It is a cat, his name is Max. He is white, fat and very lazy. But he is very smart and funny and can do interesting things.

Our family is very friendly. We love, help and support each other. We like to spend time in our family circle, to rest outside with our friends and relatives, to go to the cinema. We keep our family traditions.

I am proud of my family. I love my near and dear very much and they love me too.

Vocabulary 1

family, n семья husband, n муж

parents, n родители wife, n жена

father, n отец son, n сын

mother, n мать daughter, n дочь

sister, n сестра cousin, n двоюродный брат(сестра)

brother, n брат mother-in-law, n свекровь,теща

aunt, n тетя father-in-law, n свекор, тесть

uncle, n дядя daughter-in-law, n невестка

niece, n племянница son-in-law, n зять

nephew, n племянник relatives, n (сlose, distant)

grandparents, n бабушка и дедушка родственники (близкие, дальние)

grandfather, n дедушка twins, n близнецы

grandmother, n бабушка child, n ребенок

granddaughter, n внучка baby, n грудной ребенок

grandson, n внук consist of, v состоять из

Vocabulary 2

to tell рассказывать

by education по образованию

by profession по профессии

to work работать

hobby хобби

chief accountant главный бухгалтер

firm фирма

beautiful красивый

merry веселый

lazy ленивый

funny смешной

kind добрый

interesting to talk интересный в общении

to knit вязать

to cook готовить (варить)

to rest отдыхать

to work about the house работать по дому

to help помогать

pet любимец, домашнее животное

friendly дружный

to support поддерживать

relatives родственники

near and dear родные и близкие

family circle семейный круг

to keep хранить, почитать

to be proud of гордиться


I. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How old are you?

2. Are you married?

3. Have you a family of your own?

4. Do you live together with your parents?

5. Is your family large or small?

6. What are your parents?

7. Are you the only child in the family?

8. Is your sister (brother) elder or younger than you?

9. What is your sister`s (brother`s) occupation?

10. Do you help your mother to keep the house?

11. Have you grandparents?

12. Where do they live?

13. Have you any other close relatives?

14. Do you often see them?

15. What do you usually do in the evenings?

16. Do you spend your week-ends together with your parents?

II. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

1. How old are you?

2. I am 17 years old.

3. I haven`t got a family of my own.

4. My family consists of four persons.

5. My father works as an engineer.

III. Переведите текст на английский язык. У моего брата большая семья. Он живет вместе с тестем и тещей. Кроме того, у него трое детей. Его жена Ирина не работает. Она заботится о детях и о своих родителях. Ее родители – пенсионеры по старости. Им обоим по 75 лет и у них плохое здоровье. Старший сын брата - школьник. Он ученик второго класса. Две младшие дочери - близнецы. Им по пять лет. Они ходят в детский сад. Я люблю проводить время с ними, потому что они очень забавные. Девочки помогают маме по дому. Вечерами вся семья собирается в гостиной, и становится очень шумно. Однако все они живут очень дружно.

IV. Составьте ситуации, подобные заданным. Коротко расскажите о своей семье, о семье своего друга, семьях родственников, знакомых.

1) My family consists of my mother and myself. I have a flat by myself in Orenburg and my mother came to live with me. For the week-end we sometimes go to the village where my mother has a house. I`m single. I have an aunt who lives in Orsk but I haven`t seen her for years.

2) My friend`s family is his wife, Jane, who is doctor, and his daughter Ann, who`s ten. His parents are still alive but they live in Germany and he doesn`t see them very often. My friend`s family lives in a private house in Buzuluk.

V. Прочитайте диалог. Скажите, знакома ли вам описываемая ситуация.

Nick: Mum, I want to tell you something important.

Mother: What is it, dear?

Nick: I`m going to get married.

Mother: Get married?! You must be joking.

Nick: Nothing of the kind. It`s my final decision. I`m not a child any more.

Mother: Good heavens! But you are only 18. I hope you are not serious.

Nick: Absolutely serious.

Mother: But who is that poor thing?

Nick: It`s Helen, you know her. Helen is a dream of a girl, the sweetest girl I`ve ever met! I can`t see my life without her.

Mother: Oh, no! Helen is out of the question. She is too young. She can`t even cook, likes good clothes and doesn`t work yet. Your marriage is sure to fall on my shoulders.

Nick: Don`t worry. It is not as bad as that we are going to live with her family.

VI. Прочитайте диалог. Расскажите, что вы узнали о семье Анны.

The family album

Nick: There are many photos in your family album, Ann. Could you tell me what relations you have with the people in the pictures?

Ann: All right. Look here. This is our family photo on the first page. This is my father, mother, my younger sister and I.

Nick: Oh, your parents look very young. How old are they?

Ann: My father is 40 and my mother is 36. She is a shop assistant.

Nick: And your father? He wears the uniform. Is he a military man or a militiaman?

Ann: He is a military man and serves in the Far East. We are going to his place next year after I finish school.

Nick: It`s a pity. I thought we could study together at the Institute.

Ann: I`m afraid not. But my sister who is two years my senior may stay here together with our grandparents as there`s no secondary school at the place where my father serves.

Nick: Is this the picture of your grandparents?

Ann: You are right. Here it is.

Nick: And whose photo is this?

Ann: My friend`s. Her name is Kate. She is pretty, isn`t she?

Nick: She is very beautiful. Is she your class-mate?

Ann: Oh, no. Kate is a student. She lives next door to me. I have many girl-friends at school. We are all taken photo in this picture.

Nick: I see. And who is this smiling woman?

Ann: This is my father`s elder sister. She is still young in the photo. Aunt Olga is fifty already. She has a grown-up daughter Helen. Helen is my cousin. She is married and has children of her own. They are my nephews. Look here! This is Helen`s wedding photo. Isn`t it nice?

Nick: Very beautiful! The couple is very kind and loving.

Ann: And can you recognize me in this baby?

Nick: It`s hardly possible. You are crying bitterly but your mother is happy.


Our University

Every year young people from all parts of our big region come to Orenburg to enter its educational establishments. There are many higher educational establishments in Orenburg. One of the biggest is the Agrarian University.

The University was established in 1930. It has 7 faculties and 3 institutes. Half of the students are fulltime students, the other are external students. The University has 11 buildings which contain a great amount of study rooms, laboratories and 2 museums. The University City has 2 student hostels and a conference-hall. The course of study runs for 4 years. Every year more than 1000 students graduate from the University.

I’ve entered the University in 2012. Now I am a first-year student of the economical faculty. The faculty trains accountants and economists. I am a full-time student and study in the day time. I do not work. I get a scholarship. Our lectures begin at 8 o’clock. Every day we have about 2 lectures and seminars. The break between the lectures lasts 25 minutes. I attend all the lectures and classes.

The students of our University attend laboratories, library and a reading hall. The laboratories are provided with the most up-to-date equipment. A lot of students do their research work there.


Active Vocabulary

educational establishment – учебное заведение

fulltime student – студент – очник

faculty – факультет

external student – студент – заочник

to attend lectures and classes – посещать лекции и практические занятия

course of study– учебный курс

first year student– студент первокурсник

to pass an examination – сдать, выдержать экзамен

to fail at an examination – провалиться на экзамене

to fail in English – провалиться по английскому

to take an examination – сдавать экзамен

to graduate from the University– закончить университет

academic year – учебный год

to take a test – сдавать зачёт

to do a test paper – выполнять контрольную работу

scholarship – стипендия

research work – научная работа

Vocabulary Exercises

I. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами и сочетаниями слов:

1. Petrov is a second-year student. He is an … student. 1.break

2. Petrov studies in the day-time. He is a … student. 2.academic year.

3. He … lectures regularly. 3.full-time

4. Is there a … between the lectures? 4.externel

5. The … in all the institutes of our country lasts 5.attends

from the first of September to the first of July. 6.pass the

6.Did your friend … in English successfully? examination

II. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

1. Chemistry, are, lectures, on, university, delivered, at, Professor, Smirnov, our, by.

2. Language, you, what, the, university, study, do, at?

3. In, the, students, experiments, make, yesterday, did, laboratory, the?


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