Examination Card (#25 по сборн) 

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Examination Card (#25 по сборн)

I. Reading

Read the text given below. For questions (1-4), choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But a long time ago, it wasn’t easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of skating didn’t exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlin’s work was making musical instruments. In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer.

One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.

Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates. Merlin was very proud of his invention as dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.

On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlin’s grand entrance for a long time!


Examination Card (#25по сборн)

I. Reading

Read the text given below. For questions (1-4), choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text

Сегодня, катание на роликах- это легко и весело. Но много лет назад, это было вообще не легко. До 1750, не существовало понятия катание на роликах. Это изменилось благодаря работе мужчины по имени Джозеф Mэрлин,который делал музыкальные инструменты. В своё свободное время он любил играть на скрипке. Джозеф Mэрлин был человеком мечтателем полным идей. Люди называли его мечтателем.

Однажды Мерлин получил приглашение посетить бал в фантастических маскарадных костюмах.. Он был очень доволен и немного возбуждён. Так как бал-маскарад приближался, Мерлин начал думать, как сделать грандиозное появление на бал.. У него не было идей.. Он подумал, что на него обратят большое внимание если, он сможет появиться на коньках в комнате.

Мерлин испробовал различные способы чтобы ездить на коньках. Наконец, он решил разместить по два колеса под каждым ботинком. Это были первые роликовые коньки. Мерлин был очень горд своим изобретением,так как мечтал въехать в зал на колесах, играя на скрипке.

В ночь бала Мерлин катался на роликах по комнате, играя на своей скрипке. удивлены

Все были удивлены, видеть его. Была только одна проблема. Мерлин не мог остановиться.. Он ездил и ездил.. Внезапно, он натолкнулся на огромное зеркало, которое висело на стене. Зеркало упало разбившись на мелкие куски.. Долгое время никто не мог забыть грандиозный вход Мерлина


Examination Card (#39 по сборн)

^ I. Reading

Read the text and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D) for the sentences (1-4).


Spain looks pretty small on a world map, but this country has produced an extraordinary culture. All over the world, people have no problem recognizing the music, art, dance, or food that comes from Spain. Spanish culture is unmistakable.

When a person thinks of Spain, the first thing that comes to one’s mind might be flamenco dancing. Passionate and lively, usually performed to the accompaniment of fast guitars, flamenco dancing originated in southern Spain, and it has strong gypsy roots. Bullfighting is another of Spain’s most famous attractions, and it is not just for tourists; bullfighting is enormously popular with the Spanish themselves. Thrilling and artistic, a bullfight is a match between a toreador, or bullfighter, and a bull. Bullfighting is one of Spain’s long-standing traditions that might seem quite different from the ways of the modern world.

Spain is known as a country of romance, and for good reason. The history of Spain had its starting point not in a war over territory or the discovery of a new continent, but in a marriage. In 1469, Queen Isabella of the Kingdom of Castile married King Ferdinand of the Kingdom of Aragon, joining two of the most powerful Christian kingdoms in what is known as the unification of Spain. This unification began the period of Spanish history that saw three centuries of global exploration, trade, and conquest, carrying the Spanish language and culture all over the world.

No longer being one of the world’s strongest empires, Spain’s political power has declined over the years, but its culture is as inspiring and well known now as ever. The spirit of Spain continues to inspire the world.

Which of the following is true about Spain?

A Spain is an extremely large country.

B Spain has become a global power in the last fifty years.

□ C Spain spread its power around the world for about 300 years.

□ D Spain does not have much influence anymore.

Based on the article, which of the following can be inferred about Spain?

□ A Its culture has changed fundamentally over the past three centuries.

B Its cultural attractions are diverse.

□ C It has outlawed the controversial activity of bullfighting.

□ D Flamenco is performed before or during bullfights.

Flamenco dancing

A is a slow dance performed by gypsies

B is only performed in the south of Spain

□ C was discovered by the Spanish during their global explorations

□ D is an energetic form of dance

Which aspect of Spanish culture is NOT mentioned in the article?

A Cuisine □ C Music

B Architecture □ D Religion



Examination Card (#39 ПО СБОРН)

^ I. Reading

Read the text and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D) for the sentences (1-4).


Испания выглядит довольно маленькой на карте мира, но эта страна создала экстраординарную культуру. По всему миру,у людей нет никакой проблемы, признающей музыку, искусство, танцы, или пищу, которая пришла из Испании. Испанская культура безошибочна.

Когда кто-то думает об Испании, первое, что приходит в голову, возможно, был бы танец фламенко. Страстный и живой, обычно выполнялся в сопровождении быстрых гитар, танец фламенко появился в южной Испании, и он имеет сильные гипсовые корни. Бой быков - другой из Испанских самых знаменитых аттракционов, и он не только для туристов; бой быков чрезвычайно популярен среди самих испанцев. Захватывающий и артистичный, бой быков - это что-то между тореадором, или матадор, и быком. Бой быков - одна из испанских давнишних традиций, которые, возможно, кажутся довольно отличительной чертой современного мира.

Испания известна как страна романса, и по уважительной причине. История Испании имела свою отправную точку не в войне над территорией или открытии нового континента, но в браке. В 1469, Королева Изабелла Королевства Кастилии выщла замуж за Короля Фердинанда Королевства Арагона, присоединив два из наиболее мощных Христианских королевств, которое известно как объединение Испании. Это объединение начало период Испанской истории, который видел три столетия глобального исследования, торговли, и завоевания, неся Испанский язык и культуру по всему миру.

Больше не, будучи одной из самых сильных империй мира, испанская политическая власть уменьшилась за эти годы, но её культура,как хорошо известно сейчас вселяет надежду.. Дух Испании продолжает вдохновлять мир.


Examination Card(#45 по сборн)

► I. Reading

Read the text and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D) for the sentences (1-4).

When we go and watch a movie in the cinema, we see real people moving and talking on a big screen in front of us. But how are movies filmed and shown to us? In actual fact, movies do not really ‘move’ like we think they do. It is our eyes that play tricks on us and make the movies look as if they are moving.

A movie is filmed using a camera which takes pictures at a very fast speed. The camera can take 24 pictures in one second! If it is taking pictures of somebody walking, the pictures will show the different movements of the person in that one second. Since the pictures are taken so quickly, the difference between each picture is very slight.

The pictures are developed into long strips of film which are then shown, using a film projector. As we watch, 24 pictures flash before our eyes every second. The pictures go by so fast that we cannot see each one by itself. What we see is just one picture that seems to move. Our eyes play a part by blending the pictures with each other.

The same method applies to cartoons. In a cartoon, instead of taking pictures of real people, the camera takes pictures of drawings. Many drawings have to be made just to show a simple action. Each drawing is again made only slightly different from the others. The drawings are then photographed orderly. When everything is complete and the cartoon is shown, it also looks as though the characters are really moving.


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