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Комунальний заклад «тернівська загальноосвітня школа і-ііі ступенів №7 тернівської міської ради дніпропетровської області»






Збірник текстів та завдань для аудіювання

в 2-5 класах

зі сторінками для копіювання



З досвіду роботи

Вчителя англійської мови

Яковлєвої Тетяни Володимирівни





Збірник текстів та завдань для аудіювання розрахований для учнів 2-5 класів. Він містить підбірку різноманітних текстів та цікавих завдань. Дуже зручна форма контролю аудіювання.

Збірник складається з двох частин. Перша містить тексти, друга- сторінки для копіювання із завданнями для учнів.

Призначений для вчителів англійської мови.



Texts for Listening

Form 2


Task 1. My Family

Hello! My name is Mary. My family is big. I have got a mother, a father and a brother. My mother’s name is Svetlana. My father’s name is Denis. My brother’s name is Max. I am seven. Max is a baby. He is 1. My grandma and grandpa live with us too. We are happy family.


Task 2. Ihor

Ihor is a small boy. He is four. He has got many toys. He has got three cars – brown, green and blue. His toy puppy is black and white. His toy kitten is grey. He likes to play with them very much. His favourite toy is a teddy – bear. It is big and brown.


Task 3. The Friends


Mary has a cat. Nick has a dog. Mary’s cat is big and white. Nick’s dog is little and black. The cat’s name is Pussy. The dog’s name is Jessy.

Mary and Nick are friends. Pussy and Jessy are good friends, too. Mary and her cat, Nick and his dog are in the street. They run and jump and play. The children are happy and Pussy and Jessy are happy, too.


Task 4 My Toys


Olya is a small girl. She is five. She has got many toys. She has got a doll. Her name is Betty. It is big and nice. Olya often plays with it. She has got a large green ball too. Her toy kitten is white. Its name is Pussy. Her toy puppy is black. She likes it very much. Her favourite toy is Simba, a lion. It is big, yellow and funny.


Task 5. Clothes


I have got two friends. Their names are Olenka and Ihor.

Olenka is a very nice girl. She is a pupil. Look at her clothes. This is her coat. It is brown. Her dress is red. This is her hat. It is red too. These are her shoes. They are black.

Ihor is a good boy. He is a pupil too. Look at his clothes. These are his white T-shirt and blue jeans. His cap is yellow. His boots are grey.


Task 6. Pam’s Friend


Pam is a little girl. She is five. She has got a friend. Her name is Betty. She is seven. She is a pupil. They are good friends. Pam likes to play with Betty. Look at Betty’s clothes. She is wears a blue dress and white shoes. Pam wears a yellow T-shirt, blue jeans and brown shoes.

Task 7. Kate’s Bag


Kate has a very big bag. Her bag is red and thick. Kate has five books, three exercise-books, a pencil-box and a big apple in her bag. A toy puppy is in Kate’s big bag too.

The apple is big and green. Two pens and pencils are in the pencil-box. The pencil-box is white. Kate’s puppy is grey. It is very funny.


Task 8. Animals


A goose, a duck and a rabbit are domestic animals. The goose is white, the duck is black,the rabbit is grey. The goose and duck can fly. The rabbit can run fast and jump.A zebra, a crocodile and a giraffe are wild animals. Thezebra has got black and white stripes. It likes grass. The zebra can run and jump. A crocodile has got a short neck and a long tail. It lives in the water. The giraffe is very tall. It has got a long neck and a short tail. It likes leaves. It can run very fast.


Texts for Listening

Form 3


Task 1. Sashko


My name is Sashko. I am seven. I am a pupil. I go to school five days a week: onMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayandFriday. I have got four or five lessons every day. My classroom is not big. You can see some desks and chairs in the classroom. There is a blackboard on the wall. I have got a big school bag. There is a pencil-box with many pens and pencils. There are a rubber and a ruler too. You can see many textbooks and copybooks in my school bag. I like to study at school very much.


Task 2. Seasons


There are 12 months in a year. March, April and May are spring months. June, July and August are summer months. September, October and November are autumn months. December, January and February are winter months.

Children like winter because they have great fun. Children like spring because everything is joyful and gay. Children like autumn because it is beautiful. All trees have leaves of red, yellow and brown colours. Children like summer because they don’t go school.



Task 3. Nelly’s Cat

Nelly has a grey cat. The cat’s name is Carry. Carry is a big cat. She has three little kittens – a black kitten, a white kitten and a grey kitten. Nelly’s cat Carry and her kittens do not sleep in Nelly’s room. They sleep in the kitchen in a box. The box is on the floor near the table. Nelly likes to take the ct to her room. She likes to play with her cat Carry, but Carry doesn’t like to play with Nelly, she likes to sleep in Nelly’s bed. The kittens like to play with Nelly. They like to run in Nelly’s room. Nelly has a little toy mouse. She gives the toy mouse to the kittens. The kittens like to play with Nelly’s toy mouse.


Task 4. My Family


My name is Svitlana. I am ten years old. I am a third-year pupil. My family is not very big. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a grandmother. My father’s name is OlehIvanovich, he is thirty – eight. My mother’s name is Oksana Petrivna, she is thirty. My father is an engineer; my mother is a Ukrainian teacher. They are very good and kind parents. My sister’s name is Olenka. She is five years old. She is not a schoolgirl. She is very little. My grandmother is not very old. She is fifty – three. She works at the hospital. She is a doctor. I like my family very much.


Task 5. Clever Fluffy


Fluffy is a nice little kitten. It’s sunny. She wants to go for a walk. Fluffy puts on her pink skirt, a white blouse, red shoes, a red hat and goes to the park.

Suddenly it starts to rain. Fluffy hasn’t got an umbrella. She is wet.

Fluffy sees a tree, runs there and sits under it. “I am cold and hungry. I want to get home but I haven’t got an umbrella. But how? Oh, I’ve got an idea!”

Fluffy makes an umbrella of the leaves and runs home.


Task 6. A Little Sister


Pete and Jane have a little sister. Her name is Nelly. Their sister doesn’t go to school. She cannot read, she cannot write; she is only four years old.

In the morning Pete and Jane take their bags with books and exercise-books and go to school. Little Nelly says, “Oh, Pete, givemeyourbag! I wanttogotoschoolwithyou. I do not want to stay at home. I don’t want to play with my toys. I want to read books. I want to look at the pictures in Jane’s book. Take me with you”.

But the children say, “Youareverylittle, Nelly! We come back after school, and we read books for you and play with you”.



Task 7. Nice Animals

This is a goose and that is a duck. The goose is white, the duck is black. The goose can fly. The duck can fly, too. They can fly in the sky.

Look at the kitten! It’s grey. It’s very cute. It can play with a green ball. It likes milk.

This is zebra. It’s got black and white stripes. It likes grass. Zebras can run and jump.

This is a giraffe. It’s very tall. It’s got a very long heck. It likes leaves. Giraffes can run very fast.


Task 8. Home, Sweet Home

This is our house. It is big. We have seven rooms in the house: a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a children’s room, a dining-room and a kitchen.

We watch TV and read in the living room. In our kitchen we cook and we eat in the dining-room. We read and sleep in the bedrooms. Children play and do their homework in the children’s room.




Texts for Listening

Form 4

Task 1. Nelly’s Birthday


Today is Nelly’s birthday. Mother makes a big cake for Nelly and puts five candles in the middle of the cake. Many little girls and boys come to see Nelly. They give her pictures, many books with pictures, red, blue, green, yellow, black, rosy, orange, brown and grey pencils. Some children give her balls, big balls and little balls, and many toys. Father and Mother give Nelly a very bid nice doll. Nelly is very happy.

In the evening the children have tea.

Mother asks, “Nelly, where do you want to sit?”

“I want to sit near Jane”.

“Why do you want to sit near Jane?” asks Mother.“She sits near the birthday cake!”answers little Nelly.


Task 2. Sally’s House


Salle lives in a big house near London. It has two floors. On the ground floor there is a living – room and a kitchen. Two bedrooms and a children’s room are on the first floor. Sally’s two little brothers play in the children’s room.

Sally’s bedroom is next to the boys’ room. It is not very big, but light. The girl has got a computer and a piano in her room. When she comes after school, Sally works on the computer. In the evening she plays the piano and her family listen to music and sings songs.


Task 3. Apples


Little Ann likes apples. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them and she likes to eat them. Her mother gives her apples every day. But today the little girl’s mother has no apples. She cannot give Ann an apple. But Ann wants to have an apple. She comes up to her mother and says:

“Mummy, I wantanapple. Give me an apple, please”.

“Itiseveningnow, mygirl. All apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too”, answershermother.

“Oh, no Mummy. Only little apples sleep. Big apples do not sleep. Give me a big apple, please, Mummy!”


Task 6. At the Zoo

Last week Mr. Brown and his son Sam went to the Zoo. They saw many animals there: tigers and lions, crocodiles and snakes, giraffes and bears, elephants and monkeys, wolves and foxes, zebras and hares, birds and fish.

Sam watched the monkeys. They were so funny. They jumped, ran, played and made funny faces. Then he watched the lions and the tigers. They didn’t run. They slept.

Sam wanted to feed the animals but the zookeeper said:

«Don’t do it, please! They are not hungry now.»

«Oh, I’m sorry,» said Sam.

Then the zookeeper invited Sam and his father to have a look at a tiger cub.


Task 7. Veronica’s Birthday

Veronica Summer was ten years old last week. Rolf, Veronica’s friend, wanted to buy present for her. He went to the flower shop, bought very nice flowers and brought them to Veronica on her Birthday.

Veronica invited her best friends to the birthday party. Her mother and her younger sister Beth made some nice and tasty things. When the girl’s friends came to the party they kissed Veronica, gave her their presents and sat together round the long table. Then Veronica’s

mother brought a big nice cake with ten candles in it from the kitchen.

All the guests sang a song «Happy birthday to you». Veronica was very happy on her birthday.


Texts for Listening

Form 5


Task 2. A Cat and Mice


When the cat was strong and young, he caught many mice. The mice were afraid of him then. But in time he grew old and could not catch mice any more.

One day he decided to play a trick on the mice. He lay on his back and did not move at all. A mouse saw him and thought he was dead. She ran to her friends and told about it. And the mice began to dance and play. They were very happy. They danced and danced round the cat, and the cat didn’t move. Then one of the mice jumped on the cat’s head.

«Look at me! Come nearer, all of you! The cat is dead! Let us dance on his head!»

But suddenly the cat jumped up and caught the silly mouse. The other mice ran away as quickly as they could.


Task 3. My Native Village

I am a village boy. My village is big and beautiful. It is not far from a big town. The houses in my village are not high, but they are nice. There are gardens round the houses. The streets in my village are green with fruit-trees and flowers. My school is not far from my house. We have a museum at school.

In the centre of the village you can see a hospital, shops, a church and a new village club. Near the village you can see a forest, fields and meadows. There is a cattle – farm, a pig – farm and a poultry–farm in our village too. The poultry-farm stands on a little river. My mother works on this farm. I like to help her. I love little ducklings and goslings. They are very nice and funny.




Task 6. Two Kittens


Two little kittens didn’t have a mother and a father. They lived in s big house with their aunt. She didn’t like kittens. They were very kind and friendly but their aunt was arrogant and selfish. She met her friends every evening and they ate, played games and sang songs. Poor kittens were often hungry and cold. Nobody took care of them. One day their aunt told the kittens to go away.

They cried, took their clothes and left their home.

It was winter. It was cold and windy. Poor kittens found a small house and lived there. Their aunt didn’t remember about the kittens. She lived in the big warm house.

But one day the house burnt and she didn’t have a place to live in. Her friends didn’t want to help her. The aunt-cat went to the kittens and asked them for help. The kittens were happy to help and let their aunt to live in their small cold house. They were real friends!

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Task 7. We Go to Australia


The Wilmots were an English family. They lived in London. The father, Mr.Wilmot, worked in an office and the mother, Mrs. Wilmot, looked after the house and the children. There were three children in the family: a son, Aidan, who was thirteen years old, and two daughters, Harriet, she was twelve, and Rose, who was ten.

One day their father got a letter from Australia. The letter said that Mr. Wilmot’s uncle was dead, and that his house and farm in Australia were now Mr. Wilmot’s house and farm. Mr. Wilmot decided to go to Australia and take his family with him.

So one day in January they got on a big ship to go to Australia. They were on the ship for three weeks. They got to Australia after six weeks on the ship. It was summer because January, February, March and April are summer months there.


Task 8. The Parrot

I am a nice green parrot. My name is Poll. I live in Kyiv with Borys, his father and mother. I am their friend.

I like to talk. I speak Ukrainian. But I can speak English, too. I like to speak English. When I hear the knock at the door, I ask, «Who is there?»

When Borys gets up in the morning, I say, «Good morning, Borya!»Then I say, «Borya, wash your face, wash your hands!»

When Borys comes home from school, I say, «Do your homework, Borya, do your homework!»

When I see Borys with a ball in his hands, I say, «Football, football!».

I like Borya’s friends, and they like me. When they come to see us, they say, «Hello, Poll!» And I say, «Hello, friends!»When Borys does his English, he teaches me to speak English. I can say, «My name is Poll. I live in Kyiv, I like English!»




Tests for Listening

Form 2


Test1. My family

Допиши речення.

1. My name is ______________________________.


2. I have got ________________________________.


3. My brother is a ____________________________.


4. My family is ______________________________.


Test 2. Ihor


1.Дай відповідь на запитання.

1. What colour is his toy kitten?

2. What colour is teddy-bear?

3. How many toys has he got?

4. What colour are his cars?


Допиши речення.

1. He is_____________________________________.


2. He has got ________________________________.


3. His toy kitten is ____________________________.


4. His toy puppy is ___________________________.





Test 3. The Friends

Доповни речення.


1. Mary has _____________________________.

2. The cat’s name is _______________________.

3. Nick has______________________________.

4. The dog’s name is ______________________.


Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Mary has a ___.

a) dog b) cat

2. The cat’s name is ___.

a) Fluffy b) Pussy

3. Nick has a ___.

a) dog b) cat

4. The children are ___.

a) sad b) happy





Test 4. My Toys


Допиши речення.


1. Olya is a _____________________________ girl.


2. She has got many _________________________.


3. Olya has got a ____________________________.


4. Her doll’s name is _________________________.



Test 5. Clothes


Встав пропущені букви.


dre_ _ bo_ts

je _n _ h _t

sh_ _s cl_t_es

c_p co_t


Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Olenka has a ___.

a) coat b) raincoat

2. Her dress is ___.

a) black b) red

3. The shoes are ___.

a) green b) black

4. His cap is ___.

a) yellow b) violet



Test 6. Pam’s Friend


Допиши речення.


1. Pam is a _____________________________ girl.

2. She has got a _____________________________.

3. Her friend’s name is _______________________.

4. Betty _________ a blue dress and white ________.

5. Pam wears a yellow ________ and ________ jeans.

6. Betty wears ____ shoes and Pam wears ____ shoes.


2. Прочитай запитання та підкресли правильну відповідь.


1. Is Pam a little girl?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

2. Is she five?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

3. Is Betty a little girl?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

4. Is Betty a pupil?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

5. Are Betty and Pam good friends?

Yes, they are. No, they are not.

6. Does Pam like to play with Mary?

Yes, she does. No, she does not.




Test 7. Kate’s Bag


Допиши речення.


1. Kate has a very big________________________.


2. Kate has five _________, three ______________.


3. The apple is big and _______________________.


4. The pencil-box is _________________________.




Test 8. Animals


Tests for Listening

Form 3


Test 1. Sashko


Встав пропущені букви.


pu_ _l scho_ _

d_s_ r_b_ _r

les_ _n clas_ro_m

p_n r_ll_r


3. Прочитай запитання та підкресли правильну відповідь.


1. What is a pupil’s name?

His name is Serhiy. His name is Sashko.

2. How old is he?

He is seven. He is eight.

3. Is his classroom big?

Yes, it is. No. it is not.

4. Does Sashko like to study at school?

Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.


Test 2. Seasons


Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Ther eare months in a year.

a) 12 b) 24

2. March, April, May are months.

a) summer b) spring

3. June, July, August are months.

a) summer b) winter

4. December, January, February are months.

a) autumn b) winter


Test 3. Nelly’s Cat


Доповни речення.


1. My name is _______________________________.


2. I am _____________________________ years old.


3. My family is not very _______________________.


4. My father is an ____________________________.


5. My mother is a ____________________________.


6. My sister’s name is_________________________.


Test 5. Clever Fluffy


Познач правильну відповідь.

1. Peter and Jane have______________________.

a) a little sister b) a big sister

2. Nelly_________________________________.

a) doesn’t go to school b) goes to school

3. Nelly_________________________________.

a) can read and write b) cannot read and write

4. Nelly is _______________________ years old.

a) four b) six

5. In the morning Peter and Jane go to _________.

a) school b) the park

6. Peter and Jane take ______________ to school.

a) toys b) bags

7. Nelly wants to go to _____with her brother and sister.

a) school b) the garden

8. Peter and Jane don’t take Nelly to school because_.

a) she is very little b) she is a bad girl

9. After school the brother and sister want to ___for Nelly.

a) read books b) do the homework

Склади речення і запиши їх.


1. our / is / This / house.


2. in / seven / have / We / rooms / house / the.


3. living-room / We / TV / read / the / watch / in / and.


4. eat / the / We / dining-room / in.


5. sleep / read / and / the / bedroom / in / We.


6. do / play / in / Children / the / room / homework / children’s / their / and.


Tests for Listening

Form 4

Test 1. Nelly’s Birthday


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Who has a birthday party today?


2. How old is Nelly?


3. Who comes to see Nelly?


4. What presents do the children give Nelly?


5. What do the father and mother give Nelly?


6. What do the children have in the evening?


7. Where does Nelly want to sit at the table?


8. Where does Jane sit at the table?


Запиши речення правильно.


1. Sally lives in a house on London.


2. Sally’s house is not very big.


3. Sally plays on the computer in the children’s room.


Запиши речення правильно.


1. Mrs. Nelson is working now.


2. Mrs. Nelson is buying fish now.


3. Mrs. Nelson wants to make a cake.


Зроби речення за зразком.

Зразок: The giraffe has got a long neck.


1. The elephant______________________________.


2. The fox__________________________________.


3. The dog__________________________________.


4. The cat__________________________________.


5. The bear_________________________________.


6. The monkey______________________________.


7. The wolf_________________________________.

Test 7. Veronica’s Birthday


Запиши речення правильно.


1. Veronica was ten last summer.


2. Her mother gave her some nice flowers.


3. The guests sat down on a sofa in the room.


Допиши речення за текстом.


1. We have _____ or ___ lessons every day.


2. After each lesson we have a__________.


3. We study a lot of __________________.


4. My favourite subject is ______________.


5. I also like ________________________.


6. I like my ________ and my__________.


Texts for Listening

Form 5


Test 1. The Fox and the Cock (a fable)


Познач правильну відповідь.


1. I am a village _____________________________.

a) girl b) boy

2. My village is _____________________________.

a) big and beautiful b) small and narrow

3. There are ___________________ round the house.

a) fields b) gardens

4. My school is _________________ from my house.

a) far b) not far

5. My mother works on the _____________________.

a) farm b) forest

6. In the centre of the village there is _____________.

a) a new village club b) cinema


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Is his village big or small?


2. Are there gardens round the houses?


3. What can you see in the centre of the village?


4. Where is his school?


5. What can you see near the village?


6. What farms are in the village?

Test 4. Sashko goes to School


Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Is Sashko a Ukrainian boy?


2. Where does Sashko live?


3. How old is Sashko?


4. Is he a good pupil?


5. What time do his lessons at school begin?


6. When does the boy get up on Monday morning?


7. What does he do in the morning?


8. What doesn’t he do in the morning?


9. Where does he find his books and exercise-books?


10. Why does Sashko run to school quickly?


11. Is the boy’s school far from his house?


12. Is Sashko late for his lessons?



Test 5. The Story of Two Sisters


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What were the sisters’ names?


2. Who was hard-working?


3. Who was lazy?


4. What did Susan do?


5. What did Sally do?


6. Who came to the sisters one day?


7. What did the sisters do to help the old woman?


8. How did the woman thank sisters?


Susan Sally

hard-working lazy

___________ ___________

___________ ___________

___________ ___________



Test 6. Two Kittens


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Have you got friends?


2. Do your friends help you when you are in need?


3. Do your friends think you are a good friend?


2. Підкресли правильний варіант.


1. Two little kittens _________ a mother and a father.

a) had b) didn’t have

2. They lived in a _________ house.

a) small b) big

3. They lived with their _____________.

a) aunt b) uncle

4. She ___________ the kittens.

a) liked b) didn’t like

5. One day their aunt told the kittens ____________.

a)to go away b) to come in

6. It was _______________.

a) summer b) winter

7. The kittens found a _____________ house.

a) small b) big

8. One day the aunt’s house _____________.

a) burnt b) broken

9. A friend in need is a friend__________.

a) indid b) indeed

Test 7. We Go to Australia


Texts For Listening Form 2 1. My Family 3 2. Ihor 3 3. The Friends 3 4. My Toys 4 5. Clothes 4 6. Pam’s Friend 4 7. Kate’s Bag 5 8. Animals 5 Form 3 1. Sashko 6 2. Seasons 6 3. Nelly’s Cat 7 4. My Family 7 5. Clever Fluffy 8 6. A Little Sister 8 7. Nice Animals 9 8. Home, Sweet Home 9 Form 4 1. Nelly’s Birthday 10 2. Sall’y House 10 3. Apples 11 4. My Pen-Friend’s Family 11 5. Mrs. Nelson Goes Shopping 12 6. At the Zoo 12 7. Veronica’s Birthday 13 8. My Favourite Subject 13 Tests For Listening Form 2 1. My Family 21 2. Ihor 22 3. The Friends 23 4. My Toys 24 5. Clothes 25 6. Pam’s Friend 26 7. Kate’s Bag 27 8. Animals 28 Form 3 1. Sashko 29 2. Seasons 30 3. Nelly’s Cat 31 4. My Family 32 5. Clever Fluffy 33 6. A Little Sister 34 7. Nice Animals 35 8. Home, Sweet Home 36 Form 4 1. Nelly’s Birthday 37 2. Sall’y House 38 3. Apples 39 4. My Pen-Friend’s Family 40 5. Mrs. Nelson Goes Shopping 41 6. At the Zoo 42 7. Veronica’s Birthday 43 8. My Favourite Subject 44
Texts For Listening Form 5 1. The Fox and a Cock (a fable) 15 2. A Cat and Mice 15 3. My Native Village 16 4. Sashko Goes to School 17 5. The Story of Two Sisters 17 6. Two Kittens 18 7. We Go to Australia 19 8. The Parrot 19   Tests For Listening Form 5 1. The Fox and a Cock (a fable) 45 2. A Cat and Mice 46 3. My Native Village 47 4. Sashko Goes to School 48 5. The Story of Two Sisters 49 6. Two Kittens 50 7. We Go to Australia 51 8. The Parrot 52  







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З досвіду роботи

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