I. Заполни пропуски в предложениях формами глагола “to be”. 

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I. Заполни пропуски в предложениях формами глагола “to be”.

1. This… my sister. She … my best friend.

2. I … from Perm. Where … you from?

3. … you British or Russian?

4. Where … their books? – They … in their bags.

5. Who … in the room? – Peter ….

6. We … on holidays. This … our address.


II. Замени подлежащее личным местоимением: I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

1. My mother, father and I are a small family.

2. My friend’s father and mother are engineers.

3. My uncle works in a hospital.

4. This kitten is nice.

5. My aunt is a teacher.

6. Nick and you are friends.


III. Выбери подходящее притяжательное местоимение: my, your, his, her, our, their, its.

1. (Твой)…brother is a schoolboy.

2. This is (его)… sister.

3. (Его) …father is a cook.

4. (Их)… mother is an actress.

5. This is (наш)… father.

6. (Моя)… sister is a student.

7. This is (ваша)…mother.

8. This is (её)… son.

IV. Расставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке.

1. is, ten, she.

2. not, we, are, happy.

3. home, are, at, you?

4. Tom, where, is?

5. are, who, you?

V. Задайте вопрос к предложению. Начни со слова, данного в скобках.

1. The Bolshoi Theatre is in Moscow. (Where…?)

2. The capital of Russia is Moscow. (Is…?)

3. My mother is a doctor. (What…?)

4. My friends are in Minsk. (Are…?)

5. You are my friend. (Who…?)

Самостоятельная работа №2

1. Listen to three dialogues and answer the questions:

4. What can Jane wear?

5. What can Kim wear?

6. What can Ingrid wear?


— Hi, my name is Jane. I'm 14. Today is my birth­day. I'm having a party. What can I wear?

— Hi, Jane. Happy Birthday! You can wear your favourite dress or a skirt with a funny T-shirt.

— Hi, I'm Kim. I must get ready for travelling in Africa. What can I wear?

— Hi, Kim. Take a lot of T-shirts and shorts and don't forget a hat or a cap. The African sun is very hot.

— Hi, I'm Ingrid. I'm a school teacher. Tomorrow is my first day in a new school. What can I wear?

— Hi, Ingrid. Be very careful! Tomorrow is a very important day. Wear a blue dress or a black skirt and a white blouse. Good luck!


Are these sentences true or false about you? Correct the false statements.

1. You can speak Russian.

2. You needn't write letters to your best friends.

3. You can play tennis.

4. Pupils in your school must wear shorts.

5. You must do your homework every day.

6. You mustn't help your mother at home.

7. Your teacher can't speak English.

8. Your dad can drive a car.

9. You mustn't drive a car.

10. You can go home now.

11. You needn't go to school tomorrow.

Answer the questions.

1. How many hours before a flight must a passenger be at the airport?

2. What must a passenger do at the check-in desk?

3. Where must a passenger show his / her passport?

4. What mustn't a passenger have in his hand baggage?

5. What is London's biggest airport?


Complete the sentences.

1. Passengers can... at the information desk.

2. Passengers can... at the ticket office.

3. Passengers can... at the currency exchange.

4. Passengers can... in the duty-free shop.

5. Passengers can... in the restaurant.


Act out the short dialogues. Write down your dialogues.

1.А: Попросите разрешения открыть дверь.
В: Ответьте отказом. Объясните, что вам нельзя открывать дверь. Она сломана.

2.А: Спросите, есть ли необходимость закрыть окно.

В: Скажите, что такой необходимости нет. Ваш друг может сделать это для вас.

3.А: Попросите разрешения сесть. В: Дайте согласие.

Самостоятельная работа №3

1. Choose the right answers. 1. The Stone of Destiny is d) in London. e) in Washington. f) in Edinburgh. 2. Edinburgh is the capital of d) Scotland. e) England. f) Great Britain. 3. The Royal Mile d) connects a castle and a palace. e) is underground. f) is the name of the King's castle. 4. The poorest people in Robin's time live d) underground. e) in the streets. f) in the fields. 5.The English and the Scots in Robin's time are d) enemies. e) good neighbours. f) one nation. 6. In the Edinburgh of 1599 d) there is a wall round the city. e) there is an underground castle. f) an English king lives in the Palace of Holyroodhouse. 2. Listen to the speaker and answer the questions. 1. What's the name of the boy's town? 2. Is the town old or young? 3. Is it far from London? 4. Where do a lot of the people from this town work? 5. What is interesting for tourists in this town? 6. Who can you see in the streets of the town? Script I live in a very nice town called Colchester. It is not big, but it is the oldest town in England. Colchester is not far from London: it's just an hour by train. So a lot of people live in Colchester and work in London. Tourists like to visit our town. It has got a lot of green parks, an old castle, a museum, a theatre and a lot of shops and restaurants. A big university, the University of Essex, is very near our town so you can always see a lot of students in the streets. All in all, our town is a very quiet place, but it's never boring here.   3. Put the words in brackets in the right form. Kate: Hi! How are you? Tom: I'm OK, thanks. Kate: Why don't you come to our cafe anymore? Tom: I've got a new flat! Kate: Wow! That's great. Tell me all about it. Tom: It's (big) than my old flat and it's (comfortable)_______. That part of the city is (quiet) _____ than this one. Kate: Is the flat expensive? Tom: No, it's not. In fact, it's (cheap) _______than my old flat. Kate: Good. So you're happy then. Tom: No, I'm not. Kate: Oh, no. But why not? Your new flat is (good) than your old flat. Tom: It's (cheap), not (good). My new flat is in the (dirty) part of the city and very far away from the city centre. And my neighbours are the (noisy) _______ people in the world! Kate: I'm so sorry. This is really (bad) _______ news. 4. Write three questions about the conversation in Ex. 3. Самостоятельная работа №4
1. Fill in gaps. Use at, in, on or – (nothing) 1. ___ every evening Kate studies with her brother. 2. ____we usually wash up____ the evening. 3. I don’t go to school ___ Saturdays and Sundays. 4. My friends usually visit their granny _____Fridays. 5. ____10 o’clock I’m always at school. 6. We can talk about it___the morning. 7. This film begins ___Monday ____7 o’clock.   2. Agent Cute is in hospital and Boss is phoning him. Complete Boss's questions. - Hi, Cute,...? — I’m fine, Boss! ….? — I'm lying in bed. I must stay in bed for a week. —...? — I'm in hospital. — In hospital? Why? Is it serious? — No, Boss. I'm OK. —...? — Oh, yes. It's a very nice hospital. —....? —... Yes, I do. I really like my room and I've got two very nice neighbours. 3. Answer the questions about yourself. 1. Where are you sitting? 2. What are you doing? 3. Are you dancing? 4. Where do you live? 5. Who is writing a test? 6. Do you like English? 7. What do you do after school?  


Самостоятельная работа №1

Fill in the gaps. (Заполните пропуски в предложениях)

7. Den _______________ speak English, can he?

8. I _________ a doctor, aren’t I?

9. He can’t play basketball, _________ he?

10. The boys are in London now, aren’t _________?

11. Alice is a nice girl, _________ she?

12. He _____________ open this door, can _______?


2) Ask tag questions about the statement. (Задайте разделительные вопросы к утверждениям).

Образец: Mary can play the piano. – Mary can play the piano, can’t she?


  1. Dogs can’t fly, _____________________________?
  2. Ben isn’t writing a letter, ____________________________?
  3. We aren’t going to eat it, _____________________________?
  4. She can help you with your test, ____________________?
  5. Jane and Kate are going to visit the Tower of London, _______________________?


Translate the sentences into Russian. (Переведите предложения на русский язык)

  1. Tom is from London, isn’t he?
  2. Misha and Robin aren’t in Russian, are they?
  3. She can drive a car, can’t she?
  4. I am your friend, aren’t I?
  5. You mustn’t translate the text, must you?



Translate the sentences into English. (Переведите предложения на английский язык)

  1. Ты мой брат, не так ли?
  2. Я не читаю книгу, не так ли?
  3. Вы можете писать письмо, не так ли?
  4. Он не должен лететь в Лондон, не так ли?



Самостоятельная работа №2


1) Fill in the gaps with some or any

1. They have …. milk.

2. Do you have …. questions?

3. We need … eggs and …. milk.

4. I don’t know …. songs.


Fill in the gaps. Use much, many, a lot of.

1. We don’t have … water.

2. There aren’t …. shops in this street.

3. Do you have … books about animals?

4. I read … books.


3) Ask the questions. Start with How much or How many.

1. … books about animals do you have?

2. … salt do you like in your soup?

3. …. Pens are there in your bag?

4. …. Sugar do you wan in your tea?


4) Fill in he gaps. Use very few or very little.

1. We have … butter.

2. There are … animals in the zoo.

3. There are … hotels in this town.

4. We have … juice.


Самостоятельная работа №3

Write questions for the underlined words.

1. We saw him yesterday.

2. He read the book last month.

3. His sister lived in Yekaterinburg ten years ago.

4. He sent a telegram two hours ago.

5. I got to school by bus.

6. My mother didn’t hear you, because the music was very loud.



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