Ситуація 2. Людина, яка повідомляє наступну інформацію, часом, не може згадати деякі англійські слова. Допоможіть їй/йому знайти їх. (оцінюється в 3 бали) 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ситуація 2. Людина, яка повідомляє наступну інформацію, часом, не може згадати деякі англійські слова. Допоможіть їй/йому знайти їх. (оцінюється в 3 бали)

Debt and debtor relationship existing between two persons in which one, the (боржник)……………., can be compelled to furnish services, money, or goods to the other, the (кредитор)…………….. This relationship may be created by the failure of the debtor to pay damages to the (потерпіла сторона)……………… or to pay a fine to the (суспільство)……………..; however, the relationship usually implies that the debtor has received something from the creditor, (в обмін на)………….. which the debtor has promised to make repayment at a later time.

If the debtor (неспроможний)…………….. to make repayment by the deadline or within a commercially feasible time limit and if routine (зусилля)…………… at debt collection prove fruitless, then the attorney may commence a (офіційний)…………… collection process. Sometimes it is possible (надавати)…………. the debtor’s property, wages, or bank account as a means of forcing payments garnishment. It is also possible to secure a lien against the debtor’s property, which will (дозволить)……………. a local official or law-enforcement officer (забрати власність)…………, sell it at public (аукціон)………………, and use the (надходження від продажу)…………. to discharge the debt, it is known as liquidation.

The proceeds of debt collection (може бути ускладнений)………… by exemption laws, which (забезпечують)………… that certain property of the debtor may not be seized and sold in order (звільнити від боргу)……………….


Ситуація 3. Перекладіть на англійську мову наступні речення. (Оцінюється в 3,5 бали)

1. Чому їй довелося піти?

2. Коли я повинен прийти, щоб не запізнитися?

3. Що нам потрібно зробити, щоб отримати посвідчення водія?

4. Скільки необхідно заробляти, щоб купити «Мерседес»?

5. На який автобус я повинен сісти, щоб дістатися до музею?

6. Я повинен зараз заплатити?

7. Ми повинні носити форму?

8. Чому життя повинне бути таким складним?

9. Я забув ім’я їхньої доньки. Що вони мають думати про мене?


Рекомендована література

[1, 2, 3, 5]


Тема 10. Кредити

План вивчення теми


1. Кредити.

2. Модальне дієслово should.

Навчальні цілі

Засвоїти лексичні одиниці та оволодіти комунікативними компетенціями, які забезпечують адекватну мовленнєву поведінку в ситуаціях, пов’язаних з розумінням і наданням інформації стосовно кредитів у бізнесі, сформувати поняття про модальні дієслова, навчитись вживати модальне дієслово should.


Завдання та методичні рекомендації до вивчення теми


1.1. Прочитайте текст 1, намагаючись зрозуміти його якомога точніше та повніше.




Credit transaction between two parties in which one (the creditor or lender) supplies money, goods, services, or securities in return for a promised future payment by the other (the debtor or borrower). Such transactions normally include the payment of interest to the lender. Credit may be extended by public or private institutions to finance business activities, agricultural operations, consumer expenditures, or government projects.

Most modern credit is extended through specialized financial institutions, of which commercial banks are the oldest and most important. In present-day industrial economies, the banks are able to extend and increase the supply of credit by the creation of new deposits for their loan customers.

The lender must judge each loan he makes on the basis of the character of the borrower (his intention to repay), his capacity to repay (based on his potential for earning income), and his collateral (property pledged in case of default on the loan). The terms of credit transactions may be publicly regulated to prevent abuses by customers and lenders as well as to channel credit into particular sectors of the economy.

In fields for which adequate private financing is not available, governments may extend credit. Public lending programs, often combined with public systems of savings collection, provide a large portion of housing finance in many European and Asian countries. In the U. S., public credit is frequently extended for housing, small business, and agriculture.

Commercial banks in both industrialized and less developed countries are often reluctant to extend agricultural credit because of the high risk involved; such loans are usually made only to very large farms. In addition to government credit, cooperative credit systems have been particularly important in less developed countries, where they are often the only source of funds available to small farmers at reasonable rates of interests.

1.2. Для перевірки правильності розуміння прочитаного тексту виконайте наступні ситуаційні вправи:


Ситуація 1. Розгляньте наступні фрагменти. Спробуйте перефразувати їх як офіційні і лаконічні висловлювання стисліше:

debtor, had extended, collateral, lender, has channeled, supplies, loan, reasonable, institutions, transactions


1. Investors feel the company begins too many risky business deals.

2. The company provides products and services for the energy industry.

3. Putting a person who owes money into jail is an absolute practice of debts garnishment.

4. L arge important organizations of some Eastern countries are steadily increasing their presence in Europe.

5. This was the first time that banks made credit available to a Mexican government agency.

6. Several organizations that give money to people on condition that they pay it back become the reality of our life.

7. I had to withdraw some money from the bank to buy the car.

8. Her house became a security for a loan.

9. The company has directed $1,2 million into new production.

10. I’ve got a fairly large amount of money in savings.


Ситуація 2. Деяким людям до вподоби точні формулювання, у такому разі вони наступні вислови замінять на інші:


судити, депозит, бути задіяним, процентна ставка, платіж, заставляти, цінні папери, сторона

1. The people or group of people involved in a legal case, argument, agreement is called …………….

2. Stocks or shares in a company are known as ……………..

3. …………….is an amount of money that must be or has been paid.

4. An amount of money paid into a bank account or held in a bank account, especially when it is earning interest is………………

5. ……………. is to form, give or have as an opinion, or to decide about something or someone, especially after thinking carefully.

6. To offer something you own as security that lenders have a right to take and sell if you do not repay is …………

7. To take part in an activity or event, or be connected with it in some way is known as ……………

8. The percentage rate used for calculating interest over a particular period of time, usually one year is……………………


2.1. Для ознайомлення з поняттям про систему часів англійських дієслів вивчіть Units 33-34 підручника R. Murphy “English Grammar in Use”


2.2. Щоб навчитись вживати модальне дієслово can, виконайте наступну ситуаційну вправу:


Ситуація 3. Прочитайте ситуації і напишіть речення з should/shouldn’t. Деякі з них вжиті у минулому часі, а деякі – в теперішньому.

1. I am feeling sick. I have eaten too much.I shouldn’t have eaten two helpings.

2. The man on the motorbike isn’t wearing a helmet. That’s dangerous.He should be wearing a helmet.

3. When we got to the restaurant, there were no vacant tables. We hadn’t reserved any. We ……………………………………………………………

4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. It is 9 o’clock now but the shop isn’t open yet. …………………………………………………

5. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour, but Catherine is doing 50. She…………………………………………………………………………….

6. I went to Paris last summer. A friend of mine lives in Paris but I didn’t go to see him while I was there. On the phone, he said: You ……………………………

7. I was driving behind another car. Suddenly, the driver in front stopped without warning and I drove into the back of his car. It wasn’t my fault. ……………………………………………………………………………

8. I drove into a wall. I could not see where I was going in that fog. ………………………………………………………………………………….


Питання для самоконтролю

1. What do credit transactions normally include?

2. Who could expect the credit?

3. What is the purpose of credit?

4. What is the role of commercial banks?

5. How should the lender consider each loan?

6. What is the need of public regulation credit transaction?

7. What do public lending programs provide?

8. What industrialized and less developed countries’ banks extend agricultural credit?

9. Why have cooperative credit systems been particularly important in less developed countries?

Завдання до самостійної роботи


Роботу над завданнями самостійної роботи з теми 10 слід здійснювати паралельно, виконуючи всі завдання, надані в методичних рекомендаціях. Завдання самостійної роботи необхідно виконувати в спеціальному зошиті. Загальна сума балів за виконання ситуаційних вправ самостійної роботи – 9,5.

Ситуація 1. Текст із наступними висловлюваннями пошкоджений і вам необхідно його відтворити. Здогадайтесь, якого слова не вистачає. Уявіть, що матеріал в рамочці є ніби вашим пошуком варіантів. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)

extend, public, funds, housing, reluctant, reasonable, financing cooperative, involved, frequently

1. In fields for which adequate private……………. is not available, governments may ………… credit.

2. Public lending programs, often combined with …………….. systems of savings collection, provide a large portion of ………………. finance in many European and Asian countries.

3. In the U.S., public credit is …………… extended for housing, small business, and for agriculture.

4. Commercial banks in both industrialized and less developed countries are often ………………..to extend agricultural credit because of the high risk ……………; such loans are usually made only to very large farms.

5. In addition to government credit, ………….. credit systems have been particularly important in less developed countries, where they are often the only source of …………. available to small farmers at ……………….. rates of interest.



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