Text B. Teaching English Online 

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Text B. Teaching English Online

I work for an online school that has provided English language instruction to more than one million students worldwide. All the course material can be studied without the help of a teacher, and some students choose to do just that. But a teacher is on hand at all times to answer any questions about the course or about English in general, give grammar or vocabulary quizzes, correct sentences, and just give the students an opportunity to practice their speaking and listening skills by discussing general topics of interest.

I teach online, from my office at home, for about 16 hours per week. It's the ideal job for a young mother like me, or for those teachers unable to work in a physical classroom. Typically, my mornings are free to spend with my baby, and my working day begins at around 3 pm when I enter the voice chatroom. The chatroom is an online community where people go to talk to each other, or type messages, in real-time. Nowadays, more and more online schools are offering these services to students. In the school where I work, the teachers come from the UK, the US, Australia and Canada, and live all around the world.

At 3 pm I open the chatroom, and wait for my students to arrive. Students can come and go as they please. This also means, of course, that the teacher never knows who will be present, what questions will be asked, and what topics will be discussed.

A student enters, and I greet him. Just like in the physical classroom, the online teacher is responsible for creating a relaxed, informal atmosphere where students feel at ease. This student is from China, and he works for a foreign company. He needs English to communicate with his foreign colleagues. He learned English for several years at school, but he has a very strong accent. He is highly motivated, and he comes to the chatroom every day to practice his English.

Another Chinese student enters - this time is especially popular for Chinese learners. I explain the topic to her, and she tells us about herself. We all listen to her story, and I pass the mic (microphone) from student to student as they ask her for all the details.

Three hours have passed. I have one hour to go (у мене залишається одна година), and have not yet moved from my seat. I work four hours straight, usually, and do not get a break. When I first started teaching online, my eyes would be heavy by the end of this shift, my fingers sore and my throat dry. But I'm used to it now, and I always have refreshments at hand.

The four hours are up (мої чотири години закінчилися). We say our goodbyes, I close the room, and my working day is over. I'm tired after spending four hours in front of the computer, but, oh, I feel so lucky to have this job.

Unit 5


Text A. In a West London Hospital--------

It is Thursday afternoon in West London and Diana is starting work in the hospital. Rebecca, another nurse is talking to her.

"Today you've got three patients. Mr Miles is no problem. He is very independent. The two problems are Mr Knight and Mr Blythe. Mr Blythe likes to read quietly, but Mr Knight has a lot of visitors. One of the visitors is his wife. She likes to talk. She talks all the time and Mr Blythe is becoming very angry!"

"Is the doctor coming round today?" asks Diana.

"Yes," says Rebecca. "She's coming at about five o'clock. Could you ask her to look at Mr Blythe's left foot? It's giving him a lot of pain. Here's a list of jobs for this evening. I'm going home now. I'm very tired. Good luck!"

"Goodbye, Rebecca! See you on Monday!" Diana says.

Diana is also tired, but she is happy. Thursday is the end of her week. But Mr Blythe is not happy. Mrs Knight is still talking to her husband.

"You have three pairs of socks and two clean shirts in this bag. Tomorrow, I'm going to wash your green pullover. Do you want your red pyjamas and your small alarm clock?" She asks him.

Mr Knight does not answer his wife. She talks all the time, but he sleeps nearly all the time. He is sleeping now.

Diana feels sorry for Mr Blythe and plans to help him.

"Mr Blythe," she says. "There's an empty bed near the window and the view from the window is very nice. Would you like to move there?"

"That's very kind of you, nurse!" Mr Blythe answers.

Diana asks Fiona (вимовляється [‘fi∂n∂]), another nurse, to help her. Together, they move Mr Blythe's bed. He can now read in peace.


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the patients’ problems; b) the reason Diana is happy; c) the reason Mr Blythe is not happy.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write the names of things you can see in the doctor’s office.

b) Make a list of things you need in a hospital.

c) Write the names of things you need to look after a child.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

Are you quiet or talkative?

Do you prefer to read a book or watch TV?

Do you prefer to live alone or with other people?

Are you independent or do you need other people to look after you?

Would you like to be a nurse?

What do you do when you don’t feel well?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

It is not easy to look after sick people.

Talkative people are boring.


Basic Patterns

Could I use your phone? Yes, of course you can. Чи можна скористатися вашим телефоном? Звичайно, можна.

Could you help me with this letter? Чи не допоможете ви мені написати цього листа?


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

Could you give me a few examples?

Could I ask you for something, if you’re not too busy?

Could you switch the projector on behind you?

· Translate into English:

Чи можна скористатися (borrow) вашою автомашиною?

Чи не могли б ви зробити мені послугу?

Ви не скажете, котра година?

· Ask other students:

Could you lend (позичити) me two hundred dollars till tomorrow?

Text B. At the Doctor's Office With a Child

The doctor’s office can look like an unfriendly place to a child. Talk with your child about the people who work there and the things you see there. That will make the doctor’s office seem more familiar. Many doctors’ offices also have children’s books and magazines in the waiting room. Reading to your child is a great way to help him relax.

Sitting and waiting in the doctor’s waiting room can be difficult. Luckily, there are lots of things to talk about. Explain to your child what is going to happen when he goes into the exam room. If your child is sick, you might say “First the nurse will come in to ask you what hurts. She will want to know if you feel hot. She will take your temperature to see if you have a fever.” If your child feels well enough, play a pretend game. Say to your child “Good morning sir! Oh, you look like you don’t feel well today. Do you have a fever?”

Inside the exam room, there is interesting equipment to see and talk about. Play a game with your child. Look at each piece of equipment and try to guess what it is used for. When the doctor comes in, invite her to join in: “Doctor, we want to know about that piece of equipment “What is it used for and what is it called?”

As you leave the doctor’s office, talk with your child about the exam and each of the things that happened in order (по черзі). “First the nurse weighed you on the scale and measured you. Then the doctor came in and listened to your heart. After that, the doctor examined your eyes and ears.” This is also a good time to practice any new words that your child learned today: “Every time you visit the doctor, the nurse measures your height and weight. What did the doctor use to listen to your heart? Oh yes, a stethoscope!”

Talk with your child about the people who work at the doctor’s office, and what they are doing. “That lady is answering the phone. I wonder (цікаво) if she is the receptionist? Do you think someone is calling her to make an appointment with the doctor?” You can encourage him to politely ask people about their jobs. If they aren’t too busy, they will be happy to talk with your child about what they do.

Unit 6


Text A. Sightseeing & Shopping in London (1)

A young lady is waiting on the steps of the British Museum. She is looking at her watch. It’s twenty to three in the afternoon. A young man arrives. He is ten minutes late.

"Do your girl-friends in Spain always wait for you?" Rosa asks him.

"Only the old and ugly ones!" answers Arturo.

Rosa is not happy with him.

"Well, this is my afternoon and I’m going to do what I want. First, I want to look at the Egyptian mummies in the museum. They’re very old and ugly and they’re waiting for you!"

The two young students spend an hour in the museum and then buy picture postcards to send to their friends.

"We needat least a week to visit such a big museum. One hour isn’t enough!" says Arturo.

"You can stay here a week," answers Rosa, "but I’m going to two bookshops. One is near London University just north of the museum and the other is a little way south in Charing Cross Road. Are you coming with me?"

"Yes," says Arturo, "but later I’d like to go to the big music stores in Oxford Street to look for CDs."

"If you are patient for the next hour, we can go there later."

Arturo is not very patient. He also wants to look at the computer shops in Tottenham Court Road. He arranges to meet Rosa in the Psychology Department of the first bookshop at five o’clock.

Rosa likes the bookshop near the university, but she is looking for a particular book about Piaget (Пьяжé), the Swiss psychologist. She cannot find it in the first shop. Arturo returns ten minutes early. The new super-computers are interesting, but much too expensive.

Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the two students’ visit to the British Museum; b) Rosa’s and Arturo’s preferences in shopping; c) the location of the two bookshops Rosa wants to visit.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write the names of things you would like to buy in London.

b) Write a list of things you would like to buy at a big music store.

c) Write the names of things you need to go sightseeing in a big unfamiliar (незнайомий) city.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

Are you very angry when your friend is 10 minutes late?

Do Rosa and Arturo have a sense of humour?

What do people do in Oxford Street?

What do you know about the British Museum? Would you like to visit it?

Which other places would you like to visit in London?

Would you like to buy a new super-computer?

What’s time now?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

Books are not so popular nowadays as music CDs.

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.


Basic Patterns

Do your girl-friends in Spain always wait for you? – Only the old and ugly ones! Твої подружки в Іспанії завжди чекають на тебе? – Тільки старі та страшні (подружки).

After scanning the list of questions, choose the ones you know most about. Переглянувши список запитань, виберіть ті, з якими ви краще обізнані.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

I haven’t got a pen. Can you lend (позичити) me one?

The students who do best in examinations are not always the ones with the best brains.

Your plan is a good one on paper.

The new design is much better than the old one.

· Ask other students:

Is your room a comfortable one?

Text B. Sightseeing in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is perfect for sightseeing as it is compact, and easy to walk around. The best way for visitors to get a real feel for the city is a canal tour.

Most of the main attractions are located within the historical centre, usually within walking distance of each other, although there are efficient tram and busnetworks.

Amsterdam is a city like Venice (вимовляється [‘venis]) focused around water and waterways. However, unlike Venice, Holland's largest city is not just a museum piece. Amsterdam is a real, living metropolis (столиця, велике місто).

Amsterdam has a lot of recreational and cultural sights like the Oude Kerk [‘aud∂ ‘kerk] (Old Church).

Museums are the main tourist attraction in Amsterdam. Everyone knows the Rijksmuseum ([‘reiks…]) and Van Gogh Museum, but there is much, much more. Amsterdam has over fifty museums which attract many millions of visitors every year.

The Dam square is the centre and heart of Amsterdam, although there are prettier sights in the city. As an historical site however, it is fascinating and worth visiting. The impressive history of the square is well documented in the Amsterdam Historical Museum. The Royal Palace dominates the square. In contrast to its turbulent history, the square is now a peaceful place and is home to hundreds of tourists.

Rembrandt square has a lot of pubs, restaurants, cafes and hotels. A popular centre for nightlife, it also includes traditional Dutch pubs which play real Dutch music. In summer, it is packed with people enjoying a drink and watching the world go by. In the centre of the square is a small but pleasant park where you can relax in front of the statue of Rembrandt. On warm summer evenings, tourists and locals use the pubs’ outdoor seating for a long, lazy drinks with friends.

Amsterdam has a number of beautiful, quiet parks where you can relax during the busy day in town. The largest of them – Vondelpark is located in the centre of the city. With 10 million visitors a year, the Vondelpark is the most famous park in the Netherlands.

A trip to Holland isn’t complete without a visit to a windmill. Believe it or not, there are 8 windmills in the heart of the city! Don’t forget to take your camera.


Unit 7

Text A. -Sightseeing & Shopping in London (2)-

------ "Can we go to Oxford Street now?" he asks her.

"You’re ten minutes early," she answers, "and I need to go to the second bookshop in Charing Cross Road. It’s just for one book. It won’t take long!"

"O.K., but please hurry!" says Arturo. "British shops close very early! Many of them close at half past five!"

They go to the second bookshop. Rosa is very lucky. The shop assistant is Spanish and studies Psychology. He finds the book very quickly. But Arturo isn’t so lucky. Rosa has to wait in a long queue to pay for the book.

It is nearly half past five and Arturo is becoming very impatient.

"Don’t worry!" says Rosa. "London is an international city. I’m sure the big music stores close later than other shops!"

Rosa is right. When they arrive in Oxford Street, the large music stores are still open. Arturo finds what he wants and pays for it very quickly. He is happy now and tells Rosa about his new CD.

"It’s a collection of songs by the American folk-singer Peggy Seeger ([‘si:g∂])!" he explains. "The CD is an American import. I can’t find it in Spain."

"What does she sing about?" Rosa asks.

"That’s a good question," answers Arturo, "because the words of her songs make you think. Some of them are about the social situation of women. Others are about green politics (політика, спрямована на збереження довкілля) and the world we live in. I’m sure you’ll like them!"

"When can I hear them?"

"Not now," answers Arturo, "because now we’re going to visit a very interesting London pub in Holborn. The pub was the home of Britain’s oldest folk club. Peggy Seeger was one of the resident singers. Her husband and singing partner was Ewan MacColl ([ju∂n m∂k’koul]). He’s dead now, but he was the father of British folk music and writer of many great songs."

"When can I hear these songs?" Rosa asks again.

"Well, my CD player is at home in my flat. I don’t want to take my CDs to school, so perhaps I could invite you home one day next week. Now, I’m going to invite you to drink the best beer in London!"

"That’s very kind of you, but I think I’ll have an orange juice!" Rosa answers with a smile on her face.


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

b) Rosa’s luck in shopping; b) the two friends’ favourite drinks; c) Arturo’s tastes in music.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write a list of special things to do in a pub.

b) Write the names of three great pop singers.

c) Write the names of things you need to do shopping in London.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

How many CDs do you have?

What is your favourite type of music?

Who is your favourite singer? Why do you like him (her)?

Are you going to look for any new compact disks in British music stores?

Which do you prefer - British music, American music or music from your own country?

Do you enjoy waiting in a long queue?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

London is an international city.

Tastes differ.

Basic Patterns

The words of her songs make you think. Слова її пісень змушують вас замислитися.

He made her cry. Він довів її до сліз.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

I can’t make the TV work.

The police made her repeat the whole story.

Can you make this old engine (двигун) start?

· Ask other students:

What can make you laugh?

Text B. Music in Our Life

Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.

But what is music? Music is beauty in sounds. There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago, but it is still alive. Folk songs are very pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. However, we can also speak of modern classical music. Great Britain has produced more popular music stars than any other country. The Beatles, with their unique style of singing is still one of the most popular groups. My favourite style of music is pop music, because it is full of energy. When I listen to pop music it makes me forget the problems of everyday life. It helps me to relax when I'm tired, and entertains me 11 when I'd like to have fun. My favourite group is Abba. Abba's cheerful tunes made them international pop stars and one of the most successful groups. Their most famous songs often topped European charts. Though the group doesn't exist any more, it is still popular with people of all ages. I find their style of singing fascinating. When I have free time I listen to their records.

It's a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. Classical music is always a complex of emotions. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. Some pieces of classical music are really wonderful.

The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and aggressive. When I listen to this style of music it presents to my mind pictures of dark days. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone's taste.

I like listening to jazz. Improvisation is an important part of this style, that's why a jazz song may sound a little different each time it is played. But I think that jazz is a little complicated.

Tastes differ, and we can agree that each generation has its own tastes.

Unit 8



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