B. З’єднайте пари речень, починаючи зі слів, що дані 

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B. З’єднайте пари речень, починаючи зі слів, що дані

3paзок: He should finish the work. It's necessary. → It's necessary for him to finish his work.

1. І really want to see you It's important

2. She worked out the answer. It was clever of her

3. You needn't tell me all the details. It isn't necessary

4. He should work systematically. It's important

5. He wants to see you at the conference. Would it be possible?

6. Charles Darwin have called a man "the wonder and the glory of the universe". It is known

7. ** filling of this task requires time. It is known

8. Mechanization and automation are being introduced on a very large scale. It is important

9. Pertile is an excellent building material. It is believed

10. You should give me all calculations. It's necessary

Замініть складні речення простими, вживаючи інфінітив замість підрядних речень.

А. 3paзок: Yuri Gagarin was the first who flew into space. → Yuri Gagarin was the first to flow into space.

1) Thomson was the first who discovered the electron

2) A.Lodygin was the first who invented the electric lamp

3) Russia was the first country that started the cosmic era

4) James Chadwick was the first who discovered the neutron

5) K. Tsiolkovsky was the first who put forward the theory of space flights

6) D. Mendeleyev was the first who proved the periodicity of the properties of elements

7) He was the second who wished me happy birthday

8) You will be the last who will answer at the exam

9) There was nobody who could help me

10) Our country was the first which used atomic energy for peaceful purposes

B. 3paзок: The houses which will be built here will be 16 stories high. → The houses to be built here will be 16 stories high

1. This report includes all the data which must be discussed

2. The problem which must be discussed at the meeting requires careful consideration

3. The meeting which will be held tomorrow will be devoted to the solution of that problem

4. The machine parts which are to be repaired will be brought next week

5. The hydropower station which will be erected in this region will be one of the most powerful stations in the world

6. The particles which are to be accelerated pass through strong magnetic field

7. Lectures which are delivered at our club are always attended by hundreds of students and teachers

8. Most of the beautiful buildings which can be seen in this street have been built in the past 20 years


Замініть складні речення простими, вживаючи суб’єктний інфінітивний зворот за поданим зразком


1. it is known that he is a great book-lover. → He is known to be а great book-lover.

2. It was said that many houses had been damaged by the fire. → Many houses were said to have been damaged by the fire.

1. It can be expected, that the weather will improve soon.

2. We know that he is very good skater.

3. It is reported, that he has been working on this problem for many years.

4. It was believed, that they were on their way to the seaside.

5. It was supposed, that he would arrive in the evening.

6. It is expected, that the conference will attract a lot of people.

7. It is known that San Francisco is called the City of the Golden Gate.

8. In Spain it is said, that the great Cervantes died or hunger.

9. They say, that every Englishman is a countryman at heart.

10. It is considered, that the British people are the world's greatest tea-drinkers.


Зразок: It happened so, that I got up early that day. → I happened to get up early that day.

1) It seems that she got angry.

2) It proved that he was a very experienced worker.

3) It happened there was a doctor there at that time.

4) It seemed that she had forgotten to take the key.

5) It appears that he knows French very well.

6) It happens so that I know when the contract was signed.

7) It proved that the plan was a great success.

8) It seems that the house has been built by a foreign architect.

9) It seemed that he had no opinion about it.

Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи герундій або інфінітив.

1. There is no point (worry) about these things.

2. They regret (fail) to understand the importance of your proposal.

3. They succeeded in (raise) the accuracy of their measurements by means of introducing another variable.

4. It's worth (arrange) the things properly.

5. Would you mind (look up) his telephone number.

6. I'd like you (arrange) everything by the time I come back.

7. We insist on the problem (solve) at once.

8. І regret (inform) you that your application has been rejected.

9. If you stop (do) something, you interrupt one action in order to do something else.

10. They stopped (produce) refrigerators because of their workers' strike.

11. (Use) radioactive isotopes opens up new possibilities for medicine and agriculture.

12. The engineer wants (carry out)some experiments.

13. As one knows the idea (create) a multistage rocket belongs to Tsiolkovsky.

14. (Work) I must have all the necessary equipment.

15. (Overcome) this difficulty various means were tried.

16. Without (subject) to special treatment rubber cannot be extensively used.

17. People began (study) higher mathematics in the 17th century.

18. He insists on (do) the work properly.

19. The idea of (create) the method of coordinates belongs to Descartes.

20. It is important that all precautions be taken (avoid) any leakage of oxygen.

21. With this provision the system can be exacted (give) a good base-line stability.

Test „Перевір себе”

1. Визначте частину мови виділених неособових форм дієслова:

A — Gerund;

B — Participle I Active;

C — Participle I Passive;

D — Perfect Participle Activ e;

E - Perfect Participle Passive.

1. The falling leaves make me sad.

2. Some boys dream of becoming sailors.

3. Having read the rule she tried to understand and remember it.

4. The boy broke his leg playing football.

5. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn't reach him.

6. Being asked he answered all the questions well.

7. Knowing English well we easily translated that difficult text.

8. Having been taught by a good teacher he knew the English language well.

9. When going home we met our friends.

10. Being told of his arrival we went to meet him.

2. Виберіть потрібну за змістом форму дієприкметника із запропонованих:

1. On the tower of Westminster Palace there is a big clock (A — calling; B — called) Big Ben and (A — knowing; B - known) all over the world.

2. Glasgow has the Art Gallery (A — containing; B — contained) fine collections of paintings.

3. Twenty bridges (A — crossing; B — crossed) the Thames connect the two parts of London.

4. The legendary Liverpool musicians (A — knowing; B — known) as «the Beatles» were a great success in Great Britain.

5. The Tower of London (A — building; B — built) nine centuries ago was used as a strong fortress.

6. The national flag of Great Britain (A — knowing; B— known) as the Union Jack is made of three flags (A — representing; S — represented) England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

7. Camera Obscura (A — housing; B — housed) at the Outlook Tower in Edinburgh gives a (A — moving; B —: moved) panorama of the (A — surrounding; B — surrounded) city.

8. The laboratory (A - founding; B — founded) by Maxwell in 1871 made Cambridge (A — well-knowing; B — well-known) in the field of experimental physics.

9. The leader of the party (A — winning; B — won) the election becomes Prime Minister.

10. When (A — appointing; B — appointed) ministers Prime Minister forms the Cabinet.

3. Назвіть конструкції, що містяться в поданих реченнях:

А – Об’єктний відмінок з дієприкметником;

Б – Самостійний дієприкметниковий зворот;

В – Герундіальний зворот;

Г – Зворот “for +ім./ займенник + інфінітив”;

Д – Об’єктний інфінітив;

Е – Суб’єктивний інфінітив.

1. The work finished, we went to have dinner.

2. І must have my luggage sent to the station.

3. He is likely to know some foreign languages.

4. He was expected to arrive in the evening.

5. She wants to have the walls of this room painted.

6. І saw the child run in the park. Later I saw him running along the street.

7. The weather being fine, we went for a walk.

8. І heard his name mentioned several times.

9. There was no hope of our getting the tickets to the theatre.

10. We know of Newton's having developed the principles of mechanics.

A p p e n d i c e s



1. Утворіть іменники за допомогою суфіксів -er, -or:

to work, to invent, to compose, to operate, to cool, to calculate, to act, to react, to transport, to transmit, to use, to combine, to read, to compute, to translate.



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