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Перепишите слова в тетрадь с переводом на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы для самоконтроля в письменном виде.


1. One of the cornerstones of modern chemical theory is the Periodic Law. It can simply be stated as follows: The proper­ties of the elements are a periodic function of the nuclear charges of their atoms.

2. In 1869 the great Russian scientist D. Mendelyeev arrived at the conclusion that by the arrangement of the elements in order of increasing atomic weight the similarity and pe­riodicity of properties of various valence groups of the ele­ments were -clearly seen.

3. There were several vacant spaces in Mendelyeev's period­ic table. This allowed him to predict the existence of six undiscovered elements (scandium, gallium, germanium, po­lonium, etc). His confidence in the new classification was clearly expressed in the predictions which he made of the chemical properties of these missing elements. And within fifteen years, gallium, scandium and germanium were dis­covered.

4. The periodic table has been modified hundreds of times. Many new discoveries, isotopes, rare gases, atomic numbers, and electron configurations have strengthened the idea of the periodicity of the properties of the elements.


Periodic Law - периодический закон

cornerstone - крае­угольный камень

to state - формулировать

as follows - следую­щим образом

function - функция

nuclear - ядерный

charge - заряд

to arrive at a - рас­положение

in order of increasing atomic weight - в порядке возрастания атомного веса

similarity - сход­ство, подобие

periodicity - перио­дичность

various - различный

valence group - валентная группа

clearly - четко, отчетливо

vacant - свободный

space - место

to predict - предсказы­вать

existence - существо­вание

scandium - скандий

confidence - уверен­ность

to express - выражать

prediction - предсказа­ние

missing - отсутствующий

within - в течение

to modify - видоизме­нять

discovery - открытие

isotope - изотоп

rare - редкие га­зы

electron configuration - электронная конфигурация

to strengthen - укреп­лять

Ответьте на вопрос: How can the Periodic Law be simply stated?



Вариант 2

1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

  1. She has … daughters. Her … daughters are students.
  2. My friend has … car. … car is broken.
  3. … butter is made of … milk.

2. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе:

  1. There is a boy in the room.
  2. This is my brother.
  3. That is a bush.

3. Вставьте some, any, no и переведите:

  1. Have you got … money?.
  2. I have got … interesting book.
  3. We have … English lesson today.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного:

  1. The Volga is (long) river in Europe.
  2. Health is (good) than wealth.
  3. Which is (big) city in Russia?

5. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите второй, третий и четвёртый абзацы текста. Ответьте на вопросы для самоконтроля


1. A fertilizer is a chemical substance which contains plant food. Plants take many different foods from the soil. Вut they often need more nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium than it supplies. So these substances are given in fertilizers.

2. Some fertilizers are prepared from natural substances found in the Earth's surface and mined for this purpose. Some are made in fertilizer factories and some are the waste products, or by-products, of the manufacture of other articles.

3. Although plants need nitrogen, they do not take it from the soil as pure nitrogen. They take nitrogen compounds that is, nitrogen combined with other substances. Therefore all nitrogenous fertilizers are compounds, such as calcium nitrate, nitrate of soda, etc. Nitrate of soda comes from great mines in Chile, South America, and other countries. Sulphate of ammonia is the most widely used of these fertilizers. Different amounts of these nitrogenous fertilizers are applied to different crops.

4. Phosphorus is also taken in as a compound. The most common phosphatic fertilizer is superphosphat. It is prepared from the calcium phosphate that is mined in the USSR North Africa and the United States.

5. Another phosphatic fertilizer comes from the manufacture of steel. It is called basic slag.

6. Potassium, the third important material for fertilizer, is mined in many parts of the Soviet Union.


1. lo supply - доставлять,поставлять

2. surface - поверхность

3. mine - добывать (руду и т. п.)

4. purpose - цель

5. waste products - отходы

6. by-products - побоч­ные продукты

7. article - продукт, веще­ство

8. nitrogenous - азотный

9. such as - как например

10. calcium nitrate – азотнокислый кальций

11. nitrate of soda - азотно­кислый натрий

12. sulphate of ammonia - сульфат аммония

13. to apply - применять

14. crop - с.-х. культура

15. superphosphate - суперфосфат

16. calcium phosphate - фосфат кальция

17. basic slag - томас- шлак (фосфорное удобрение)

Ответить на вопрос: Which is the third most important material for fertilizer?



Вариант 3

1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

  1. We shall go to … cinema tomorrow.
  2. My granny often tells us... long... interesting … stories.
  3. … cheese is made of … milk.

2. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе

1. My friend is single.

  1. This is a girl.
  2. That is my picture.

3. Вставьте some, any, no или оставьте пропуски незаполненными и переведите.

  1. You may take … of my pens.
  2. Are there... any new students in your group?
  3. There is … ink in my pen: I can’t write.


4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму прилагательного.

  1. The (long) is the night; the (short) is the day.
  2. Which season is (cold)?
  3. Oil is (light) than water.

5. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите первый и второй абзацы текста. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1. Ceramics is an applied science dealing with the prepara­tion and application of a great number of organic chemicals. Until recently, ceramic materials were primarily silicate- bearing compounds. Now they include oxides, graphite, car­bides, borides, silicides, nitrides, and systems compounded of these groups. Typical ceramic products are pottery, porce­lain, enamels, refractories, glass, insulators, cement, bricks and building materials, and abrasives. Clay is still the basis of most commercial ceramic products, despite recent devel­opments of new types of ceramic materials.

2. Ceramic products are usually man-made, although a num­ber of ceramic products exist in a natural state, e.g. diamond, graphite, mica, and marble. Ceramic products can be classi­fied by the method of preparation into two groups: sintered and fused.

Silica (Si02) is the main ingredient of most ceramic prod­ucts. Its most common form is quartz. Kaolin or clay miner­als are" compounds of silica and other metal oxides, particu­larly aluminium and magnesium, and are used in pottery manufacture. Mica minerals also consist of complex silicates. Mica is used as an insulator in electrical and electronic equip­ment.

3. An extensive technology is now developing around newer ceramics. Oxides have great potential because of their resist­ance to high temperatures and their electrical (insulation) properties. Graphite, because of its high melting point and liigh temperature strength, is finding wide-spread use in rocket building.

4. Ferrites (mixed oxides of iron and other metals) have magnetic properties which are of interest for computer com­ponents. Titanates, sapphire, ruby, and garnets are finding application in advanced communication equipment and ener­gy- and power-conversion equipment.

Cermets (combination of metals and ceramics) are becom­ing important ceramic systems.


1. applied science - прикладная наука

2. chemicals - химикаты

3. primarily - главным образом

4. silicate-bearing compounds - соеди­нения, содержащие силикаты

5. graphite - графит

6. boride - борид (соедине­ние бора с металлом)

7. s11 icicle - силицид (сое­динение кремния с металлом)

8. nitride - нитрид (сое динение азота с металлом)

9. pottery - глиняные изде­лия

10. porcelain - фарфор

11. enamel - эмаль; глазурь

12. refractory - огнеупор­ный материал

13. abrasive - абразивный или шлифовальный материал

14. despite - несмотря на

15. mini-made - искус­ственный

16. mica - слюда

17. marble - мрамор

18. wintered products - металлокерамические изделия

19. fused products - плавленые изделия

20. ingredient -состав­ная часть

21. kaolin - каолин (глина для выделки фарфоровых и фа­янсовых изделий)

22. newer ceramics - но­вые виды керамики

23. potential - зд. возмож­ности

24. rocket building - ракетостроение

25. ferrite - феррит (одна из структурных составляющих стали)

26. computer components - узлы электрон­но-решающих устройств

27. titanate - титанат (соль титановой кислоты)

28. sapphire - сапфир (дра­гоценный камень)

29. ruby - рубин (драгоценный камень)

30. garnet - гранат (драго­ценный камень)

31. advanced communication equip­ment - современное оборудова­ние по связи

32. energy- and power-conversion equipment - оборудование по преобразованию энергии

33. cermet - металлокерами­ка

Ответить на вопрос: Which are the typical ceramic products?


Вариант 4



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