Упр. 8. Дополните предложения. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Упр. 8. Дополните предложения.

1. In this country there.... 2. In Asia there.... 2. In our library there.... 4. In the street there.... 5. In the sun there.... 6. In the University there.... 7. In the room there.... 8. Under the window there.... 9. On the table there.... 10. On the wall there.... 11. In the picture there.... 12. In the exercise there.... 13. On the page there.... 14. In the kitchen there.... 15. In the fridge there.... 16. On the left there....



Упр. 9. Выберите местоимение.


1. Kate and (I, me) work together. 2. We spent our holiday together with (them, they). 3. My sister and (I, me) are good friends. 4. It's (he, him). 5. (She, her) writes to (he, him) every day. 6. (We, us) enjoy playing tennis. 7. Will you give (her, she) and (I, me) some help? 8. Helen and (they, them) are next-door neighbours.


1. (My, me) aunt Susan is (my, me) mother's sister. 2. (Our, us) relatives are coming to see (our, us) today. 3. Tell (them, their) about it. 4. Is this (you, your) dog? There is something wrong with (it, its) ear. 5. Ask (him, his) if it's (him, his) car. 6. George and Carol are having (them, their) lunch. 7. He gave (me, my) (him, his) photograph in which I couldn't recognize (him, his). 8. We were surprised to see (them, their) on the platform, they also came to meet (our, us).


Упр. 10. Употребите личные или притяжательные местоимения в нужной форме.

1. The girls are here,... came early. 2. When Roger saw Ann... spoke to.... 3. The boss left an hour ago. I didn't see.... 4. Sam met Ann at the entrance,... showed... the pictures. 5. The Browns have moved into a new flat.... gave new address, so I can visit.... 6. Jane is... sister.... is older than... am. 7. Thank... for the book... gave...,... is very interesting. 8.... flat is on the third floor,... windows face the sea. 9. I invite... to a party at... place....hope... will bring... husband with.... 10.... like to visit... friends who live not far from... house. 11. Mary and... cousin are spending... holidays in Brighton.... have both visited before. 12. Bill takes.., guitar lesson on Monday.... is the only day... is free after college. 13. I am happy that... cat found... kitten.


Упр. 11. Запишите предложения согласно модели:

Model: I his is her book. — This book is hers.

1. This is my house. 2. These are my dogs. 3. This is his car. 4. These are his sons. 5. This is your room. 6. These are your moms. 7. This is our office. 8. These are our cups. 9. This is their garden. 10. These are their flowerbeds.


Упр. 12. Поставьте возвратные местоимения в нужной форме.

1. It is easy to translate this text. I can do it.... 2. My brother is only three years old. But he can wash and dress.... 3.Who made such a beautiful dress? — I have made it.... 4. He... can't believe that he took the first place. 5. You can make a cup of coffee for.... 6. Don't worry about us. We can take care of.... 7. Who told you they got married? — Helen.... 8. The taxi didn't come and we had to carry our heavy luggage.... 9. She looked at... in the mirror and was satisfied. 10. She learnt English.... 11. The knife is very sharp. Don't cut.... 12. The play... was interesting but the acting was poor.


Упр. 13. Употребите возвратные или личные местоимения.

1. He is very selfish. He only thinks of.... 2. Look be­hind...! You've dropped something. 3. When she came to... she found... on the hospital bed. 4. It was so dark that we could hardly see anything in front of.... 5. Take care of...! I don't work too hard. 6.1 don't like anybody to do my work instead of.... 7. It's cold. Close the door behind.... 8.I always keep this dictionary in front of... on my desk.


Имя существительное

Множественное число существительных

Упр. 14. Запишите существительные во множественном числе.

A. family, woman, duck, lake, photo, quiz, tomato, play, sheep, uncle, pony, leaf, belief, face, postman, toy, tooth, kerchief, mouse, child, umbrella, curriculum, magazine, knife, life, path, class, roof, grass, cup, city, phenomenon.

B. mother-in-law, butterfly, reading room, standard lamp, inkpot, tape recorder, son-in-law, exercise book, suitcase, blackbird, passer-by, ex-president.

Упр. 15. Заполните таблицу.

Существительные в единственном числе Существительные во множественном числе
















































Упр. 16. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. The plate was on the table. 4. This town is very large. 5. Is this girl your sister? 6. I shall give you my book. 7. This story is good. 8. Is this a good match? 9. The boy put his book on the desk. 10. That house is new. 11. The pupil put his book into the bag. 12. Is this a good student?



Притяжательный падеж существительных

Упр. 17. Употребите притяжательный падеж существительных.

Образец: The poems of Lermontov – Lermontov’s poems

1. The toy of their children. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The wife of my brother. 4. The table of our teach­er. 5. The life of animals. 6. The voice of this girl. 7. The new book of the pupils. 8. The letter of Peter. 9. The car of my parents. 10 The room of my friend. 11. The hand­bags of these women. 12. The flat of my sister is large. 13. The children of my brother are at home. 14. The room of the boys is large.


Имя числительное

Упр. 18. Образуйте порядковые числительные.









one hundred

nine hundred and nine

two thousand



Упр. 19. Напишите цифрами следующие даты.

a) The first of March nineteen seventy-six.

b) The fifth of December two thousand.

c) The sixteenth of May nineteen five.

d) The third of July nineteen hundred.

e) in (the year) nineteen ninety-seven

f) in (the year) nineteen hundred eighty-one

g) in (the year) two thousand five.


Упр. 20. Напишите по-английски:

1)7 марта 1999 года; 2)1 сентября 1974 года; 3) 22 ап­реля 1911 года; 4) 11 марта 1951 года; 5) 12 декабря 2024 года.

Упр. 21. Напишите цифрами дробные числа:


1) A (one) half 2) two thirds 3) a (one) quarter 4) three fourths 5) two and a (one) half 6) five and one sixth 7) a (one) fifth.


1) Zero (nought/ou) point two 2) two point four five 3) four point five 4) three four (thirty four) point one zero two 5) nought point nought one 6) six point three five 7) fifty eight point three nought five.



Количественные местоимения

Упр. 22. Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little, a few.

1. Have you got... time before the lesson? 2. She gave him... water to wash his hands and face. 3. He had... English books at home, so he went to the library. 4. Af­ter the lesson everybody felt... tired. 5.1 like it here. Let's stay here... longer. 6. There were... new words in the text and Peter spent... time learning them. 7. There was... sugar in the bowl, and we put... sugar there. 8.1 know French... and I can help you with the translation of this text. 9. When we walked... farther down the road we met another group of pupils. 10. I want to say... words about my travelling.


Упр. 23. Переведите на английский язык сле­дующие пары слов.

Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много сахара, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учи­телей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, мно­го машин.


Безличные предложения

Упр. 24. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Сегодня холодно. 2. Идет снег целый день. 3. Сейчас утро. 4. Было приятно познакомиться с вашим другом. 5. Поздно. Пора спать. 6. Сейчас уже 10 часов утра. 7. На улице холодно? 8. Сейчас ранняя весна, но уже тепло. 9. Это далеко отсюда?



Упр. 25. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. This book is not so interesting as that one. 2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea. 3. The more you read, the more you know. 4. My brother is not as tall as you are. 5. The earlier you get up, the more you can do. 6. Today the wind is as strong as it was yesterday. 7. Your room is as light as mine. 8. John knows Russian as well as English. 9. Mary is not so lazy as her brother. 10. The longer the night is, the shorter the day. 11. The less people think, the more they talk.

Упр. 26. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень прилагательного (наречия).

1. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 2. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 3. Which is (long) day of the year? 4. The Alps are (high) mountains in Europe. 5. Even (long) day has an end. 6. It is one of (important) ques­tions of our conference. 7. Your English is (good) now. 8. Who knows him (well) than you? 9. We have (little) interest in this work than you. 10. Health is (good) than wealth. 11. Your son worked (well) of all. 12. Today you worked (slowly) than usually.


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