Word List and Word-Combinations 

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Word List and Word-Combinations

on the subject "My Friend"

бездельник бесстрашный бестактный верный веселый взволнованный внимательный внутренне присущие свойства волевой волевые качества в плохом настроении в приподнятом настроении враждебный вспыльчивый встревоженный в хорошем настроении высокомерный, тщеславный глупый грубый, резкий грустный достоинство, сильная черта жадный, алчный жертвующий собственными интересами жестокий живой заурядный злодей, негодяй искренний легкомысленный лживый ленивый мудрый мужественный мягкий, учтивый начитанный нечуткий надежный, заслуживающий доверия неверный небрежный неблагоразумный, безрассудный надменный надменный, самонадеянный недостаток недостаток (характера человека) независимый (не)образованный нерешительный непреклонный, твердый несчастный несправедливый неуверенный неуклюжий, неловкий одаренный остроумный отношение (позиция) оценивать подавленный подлый покорный, смиренный посредственный презрительный разочарованный расстроенный ревнивый решительный скучный смелый "соня" сообразительный справедливый спокойный страстный тактичный толковый трудолюбивый трусливый тупой упрямый уравновешенный утонченный характер храбрый человеческая природа черта характера честолюбивый честный чувствительный чуткий, нежный щедрый, великодушный эгоистичный, себялюбивый эмоциональные состояния idle fearless tactless faithful cheerful (merry) excited attentive, considerate innate qualities strong-willed volitional powers in low spirits elated hostile hot/quick/short-tempered upset in high spirits conceited silly harsh sad merit (strength) greedy self-denying cruel vivacious ordinary villain frank /sincere easy-going false lazy wise courageous gentle well-read callous trustworthy disloyal casual, neglectful unreasonable haughty arrogant fault weakness independent (un)educated irresolute firm miserable unfair hesitant awkward gifted witty attitude estimate distressed mean submissive mediocre scornful disappointed nervous jealous resolute bore bold (unafraid) sleepyhead bright fair calm, quiet passionate tactful smart hard-working, industrious coward dull (dummy) obstinate composed sophisticated character brave human nature trait, characteristic feature ambitious honest sensitive, tender generous selfish emotional states


I. Постарайтесь ответить на вопросы.

1. Where did the girls become friends?

2. Why did the girl miss her parents?

3. Is Olga thin or stout?
4. How old is Olga?

5. Is she fond of sports?

6. What colour is her hair?

7. What colour are her eyes?

8. Is Olga sociable or reserved?

9. Did she enter the University?

10. What department of the University is she going to enter this year?

11. How do the girls like to spend their free time?

II. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

Foreign languages department; to take a training course; it's her first time there; to enter the University; to work as a secretary; to study computers; since then; to have fun; to enjoy jazz; to like pop-music; never feel tired; beautiful; slim girl; to miss her parents; to be sure; to have a sense of humour; to speaks little but not to talk at random; funny stories; tastes differ; it doesn't matter; to spend free time; fashion journals.


III. Напомните, как эти словосочетания звучат по-английски.

Это не имеет значения; ей нравится джаз; иметь чувство юмора; у нас вкусы разные; факультет иностранных языков; работать секре­тарем; мало говорит, и не бросает слов на ветер; провалилась на экзаменах; близкие друзья; никогда не уставать; развлечься; скучать по родителям; дружить несколько лет.


IV. Спросите своего друга по-английски

1. Сколько лет девочки дружат?

2. Где они познакомились?

3. Как девочки познакомились?

4. Сколько лет Оле?                          ,

5. Ольга общительная девочка, не правда ли?

6. Куда она поступала?

7. Чем увлекается Оля?

8. Что девочки делают в свободное время?

9. Кто имеет чувство юмора?

10.Какую музыку любят подружки?


V. Предлоги потерялись, помогите восстановить предложения.

1.... the very beginning of my stay there I missed my Mum and Dad

2. We have much... common.

3. A beautiful, slim girl came... me.

4. She finished school... last year and tried to enter the University.

5. She is fond...sports.

6. She has been studying English... a year.

7.... the evening we go for a walk.

8. We have been friends... some years.

9. We are very friendly.... now.

10. I am keen... pop-music.


VI. Расскажите о своем друге.

VII. Выполните следующие задания.

1. Compare Olga with your friend. Tell about your friend's character, appearance, spare time hobby, greatest dislike, favourite activity and ambitions.

2. Describe the way you spend free time with your friends.

3. Which traits of your friend's character appeal to you?

Text 3


I want to describe you my daily actions which I did, more or less regularly, on weekdays during my final year at school. There was little variation in my life then, all days except weekends looked very much the same.

On weekdays my working day began early in the morning. As a matter of fact, I am not an early-riser, that's why I hate getting up early, but I got used to it, I usually got up at about 7 o'clock. Then I did my morning exercises and went to the bathroom to wash my face and hands with a soap and clean my teeth with a toothpaste. I didn't take a shower in the morning; I generally did it late in the evening before going to bed. At a quarter past seven I was ready to have my breakfast. As a rule, I had a quick light breakfast which consisted of a cup of coffee or tea, a boiled egg or an omelette and a cheese or sausage sandwich. After breakfast I put on my coat, took my bag and left for school.

As my school is not far from my house, it took me 10 minutes to get there. I never took a bus or a trolley-bus on my way to school, I usually walked there.

Six or seven lessons a day was the ordinary timetable. I seldom had lunch in the canteen, because I usually had packed one in my bag (an apple and a sandwich).

The classes at school were over at about three o'clock. Twice a week I stayed at school later to play table-tennis or was busy with the English language club.

When I came home my mother always had dinner ready just in time. Then I changed my school uniform and had a rest. While resting, I listened to the music or looked through the newspapers or magazines. Then I started doing my home assignments. It took me about five hours to cope with my homework properly. I normally finished doing my homework at 10 o'clock in the evening. So I hadn't much time for television and friends, because I had to work hard at all the subjects during my final year at school. But sometimes I managed to see an interesting film.

I did well in most school subjects without any effort. Besides I managed to help my mother about the house and do our shopping, go to the library and have private lessons in English in order to improve it.

And I must admit, that school life was a very interesting page of my life. I had good friends at school and some lessons were interesting.

After supper I usually relaxed for some time and then went on with my homework.

As a rule, I went to bed at about 11 o'clock or even later.


daily actions — ежедневные действия; more or less — более или менее; final  — заключительный, последний; variation — изменение, отступление; regularly — регулярно;

weekdays — рабочие дни, будни; weekend / days off -  выходные дни; as a matter of fact — дело в том, что; фактически, собственно говоря;   to get used (to) — привыкать;   to take ashower — принимать душ;   to consist of — состоять из; boiled egg — вареное яйцо; on one ' s way (to) — no дороге в; ordinary  — обычный; timetable — расписание (уроков); canteen — столовая; packed lunch — завтрак (упакованный);   twice — дважды; to listen to — слушать; to look through — просматривать;   home assignment — домашнее задание;   to cope with — справляться;   properly  — должным образом;   normally — обыкновенно, нормально;   to do well — хорошо учиться; without any effort — без какого-либо усилия; to improve — улучшать;   I mustadmit — я должен отметить, признать; to go to bed — ложиться спать


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