Тест по теме 7 Дружественное письмо 

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Тест по теме 7 Дружественное письмо

Выберите правильное расположение частей дружественного письма:

a) Heading, Salutation, Body, Closing, Signature

b) Salutation, Closing, Heading, Body, Signature

c) Salutation, Body, Closing, Heading, Signature

d) Salutation, Body, Closing, Heading, Signature

Next month he … to the Crimea.

  1. will go
  2. go
  3. going
  4. went

Soon we … soccer with our main competitor.

1. shall play

2. will

3. playing

4. shall playing

Helen … new graduate trainees next few months. Her company doesn’t have enough orders.

  1. won’t recruit
  2. will be recruit
  3. is recruit
  4. are recruited


Freddy and his colleagues will organize a new department, … they?

  1. won’t
  2. will
  3. are’t
  4. isn’t



Тема 8. Устройство на работу


1. Твоя профессия.

2. Приглашение новых работников.

3. Фразеологические единицы.

4. Количественные и порядковые числительные.

5. Глагол have, have got.

6. Союзы.


Твоя профессия.

Read the new words, wrote out the transcription out of the dictionary and learn them by heart.

guided tour - экскурсия

induction (programme) – ознакомительная программа

graduate- выпускник учебного заведения; имеющий ученую степень

to introduce – представдять кого – либо, знакомить

information pack - информационный пакет

recruit- новичок


Complete the sentences using new words.

1 An………………..is a book or some papers about the company.

2 To…………………is to tell someone your name for the first time.

3 A………………….is when someone shows you where everything is.

4 An…………………is when new workers listen to some presentations to learn more about the company.

5 A…………………..is a new worker who has just finished at university.

6 A new worker is called a……………………….


Translate the names of professions.

1. sportsman

2. gardener

3. driver

4. pub owner

5. artist

6. shop owner

7. teacher

8. nurse

9. traveller

10. vet

Write out ten more names of professions.

Read the text and tell what is the most popular profession in Great Britain.

British people dream of careers where they can care for other people, says Britishlife Research. If they don't need to think about money, then the top dream job for the United Kingdom men and women is charity work.

There is a saying, 'Never work with children or animals', but working with animals is the second favourite dream job for women. They also chose nursing and teaching in the top ten.

But British men, too, chose working with animals in their top ten. They also included being an artist. The research also shows that TV affects people's dreams. As gardening is very popular on British TV, it is in the top ten for both men and women. It is perhaps because of the children's TV character, Bob the Builder that being a builder is the third most popular job for men.


Приглашение новых работников.

Before you listen to Dialogue No 1 use Glossary to match the words below with their definitions.

1. interview 2. advertisement 3. experience 4. appointment 5. qualification 6. application a. a public notice, usually printed in a newspaper, of goods for sale or ser­ vices offered; or of goods or services wanted. b. a letter of an employer asking for em­ployment. с an office for which a person has been chosen. d. something such as a degree or a dip­loma that you get when you success­ fully finish a course of study. e. a formal meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out if you are suitable for a job, course of study, etc. f. knowledge and skill gained through time spent doing a job or activity.

Listen to Dialogue No 1 between two speakers and answer the questions below. Then listen again and check your answers.

1. How do most companies recruit new staff?

2. What kind of information is usually given in job adver­tisements?

3. Do the employers try to attract as many people as possible by job advertisements?


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