Breaking off Hand-to-Hand Combat 

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Breaking off Hand-to-Hand Combat


Models wishing to escape HtH combat must do so during the HtH phase of the main turn, not during the Movement Phase. Carry out a standard HtH fight between the escaping model and any models which are engaged in HtH with him — except that the escaping model‘s WS counts as zero. If he survives, the escaping model moves 2D6” directly



away from the enemy. The retreating model(s) and the squad are immediately (46) without need for a Leadership  test (47). Broken troops may not attempt to Rally (46) in the same turn in which they disengaged from HtH. Dreadnoughts, Greater Daemons, and Chaos Champions may ignore these rules and simply move away in the Movement Phase as normal, shooting in the same turn if they desire or charging (23) another opponent.


Critical Hits


When rolling two or more Attack Dice, multiple rolls of 6 represent Critical Hits. Add + n to your Combat Score, where n is the number of 6 ‘s you rolled minus one.




Any Attack Die roll of a 1 represents a Fumble. The opposing player adds +1 to his own Combat Score for each Fumble.


Follow-Up Move


Models who slay their HtH opponents may make a 2” follow-up move anywhere they want, with no penalties for terrain. This applies only to the slaying model, and not to other friendly models engaging the same slain model in HtH. If you use the follow-up move to engage another enemy in HtH, you may participate in HtH with that enemy next turn, and you don‘t count as Charging (23).


Multiple Combatants


When two or more models are fighting a single enemy, each model past the first gains bonuses in HtH. The player whose models outnumber the lone fighter may select the order in which his own models‘ fighting is resolved. If the outnumbered model survives the first combatant, he fights the next attacker chosen by the opposing player — but this time, the enemy model gains +1 Attack Dice and +1 to his Combat Score. Each further opponent adds a further

+1 Attack Dice and +1 Combat Score.




Any fighting model equipped with a sword (230) of some kind gets one Parry for each sword he uses in combat. If both combatants are using swords, parries cancel out one for one — e.g., Model A with two swords still gets one parry if she is fighting Model B with one sword. For each Parry, you may force your opponent to re-roll one of the Attack Dice he has rolled.


Versus Vehicles


A model attacking a vehicle must obviously be in base-to-base contact with it as normal. The model automatically hits the vehicle once for each Attack characteristic on its profile; no bonuses are granted for multiple Close Combat weapons. The attacker may choose the location struck — with certain logical restrictions; the choice must be accessible to the model from its location. If the attacker is armed with a grenade or any ranged weapon which isn‘t a Move or Fire weapon, he may use this in HtH combat against a vehicle. Any area affect of the weapon is ignored, and weapons with sustained fire (30) may not use it. For computing armour penetration (31), use the value of the chosen weapon, and add a bonus as follows:


Attacker’s Strength 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-10
Bonus Penetration Value None +1D6 +1D12 +1D20


Against stationary vehicles, a further +1D6 is added. See the It‘s Go n na B lo w (31) rule for more info on models and vehicles.



Dreadnoughts & Robots in Hand-to-Hand Combat

Any vehicle with WS listed on its Datafax may participate in hand-to-hand combat. Vehicles doing so roll Attack Dice as normal, and if hit, armour penetration is assessed in the same manner as shooting damage. Vehicles may

also escape from HtH (32) without normal penalty if its opponent(s) are smaller than it.


Exposed Vehicle Crew In Hand-to-Hand Combat

If a model moves into hand-to-hand combat with a vehicle with exposed crew (13) it must fight the crew rather than  attacking the vehicle (33). With vehicles with more than one exposed crew member, the enemy engages the closest one. Work out hits as normal. If the driver is killed, the vehicle will go out of control (26) next turn.


Hand-to-Hand Combat Versus Buildings

This is treated the same way as hand-to-hand combat versus vehicles (33); note in particular that the bonuses for high Strength and stationary targets both apply. Models successfully penetrating the armour value of a building will make a hole in the wall the size of their base.




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