Переведите предложения и определите формы инфинитива: Perfect Active Infinitive , Perfect Passive Infinitive : 

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Переведите предложения и определите формы инфинитива: Perfect Active Infinitive , Perfect Passive Infinitive :


1. The onset of the infection was after 3 months of age, and the delay may have been related to the low infecting dose of the drug.

2. The doctor says that his patient could have lived without the muscle graft but that it has improved her quality of life.

3. One such event may have been the development of methods for the safe surgical removal of lung tissue.

4. The conflicting results might have resulted from the use of different enzymic methods.

5. These infants develop brain damage which may have passed unnoticed within the first months of life.

6. The substance found in the urine might have been derived from injured tissue.

7. It is a general principle that drugs should not be taken during pregnancy.

8. People with obesity could have been at risk from gallstones.

9. Changes in insulin receptors may have affected ageing.

10.Attention should have been given to the detection of growth regulators.

11. The recent publication could have been recommended to all students and research workers in the biological sciences.

12. There is a new group of drugs which might have affected the immune processes.


Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках.

He must might can’t know your sister be busy be ill be tired be hungry


He must might can’t be sleeping working hard watching TV having dinner playing football


He must might can’t have forgotten your address lost your book              missed the train caught a cold fallen ill left the country sold his computer bought a car

87. * Переведите предложения и определите формы инфинитива: Indefinite Active Infinitive, Perfect Active Infinitive, Perfect Continuous Active Infinitive, Perfect Passive Infinitive:

1. Some biological defect might reside in hypothalamus.

2. The defect may have been found.

3. A nerve-regulating chemical might have influenced appetite regulation.

4. Some injections must have caused reduced food intake.

5. Injections of some drugs could have elicited satiety-like behaviour.

6. Overweight people should have known what to eat.

7. The percentage might have been larger.

8. Some patients have associated lesions which could have been the cause of haemorrhage.

9. One may suppose in early stage of hypertension that blood flow must have been increased.

10.Indeed, we could have compared the maximum concentrations.      

11. Increased intake of milk could have provided more calcium and phosphate for absorption.

12.We know that thousands of people in some countries must have been suffering from AIDS for some years.



PAST PARTICIPLE Причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle) имеет только одну форму, например:   - у правильных глаголов: ask ed спрошенный, спрашиваемый                                connect ed соединенный, соединяемый - у неправильных глаголов: written написанный                                     made сделанный                                              lost потерянный


Синтаксические функции

Причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle)

Определение The operated on patient is asleep now. The patient operated on looked happy.
Часть определительного причастного оборота The patient operated on by Professor Brown  yesterday will be discharged tomorrow.
Обстоятельство времени When operated on the patient felt better.
Обстоятельство условия If operated on immediately the patient’s life may be saved.


88. Определите, от каких глаголов образованы следующие причастия, и дайте все возможные варианты их перевода.














89. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Past Participle в различных функциях:


1. The techniques demonstrated in the lab are new.

2. A variety of problems presented in the journal gives readers insight in the field of medicine.

3. The reviews included covered new trends in science.

4. The aim of the research presented was to explore the subject in depth.

5. Each journal contains papers translated into Russian.

6. Elected corresponding member in 1958 he became full member of the Academy in 1962.

7. When organized the laboratory studied nucleic acids.

9. The knowledge of functions and properties of cells summarized took place in the last two decades.

10. The problem discussed is of interest.

11. This problem, when discussed, attracted much attention.

12. The problem discussed attracted much attention.

13. If undetected and untreated mild hearing loss may give rise in some children to psychological, medical and educational problems.

14. Chloraseptic is not used for children under three unless directed by his physician.

15. When tested as a treatment for osteoporosis, the drug produced severe side-effects like stomach-bleeding.



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