Определите, какого класса пожар изображен на рисунке. 

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Определите, какого класса пожар изображен на рисунке.


a) пожар класса «А».

b) пожар класса «B».

c) пожар класса «C».

d) пожар класса «D».                                                 



Unit VI

Lesson 1.

Sources of Fire

Supplemental Home Heating

Прочитайте и переведите текст.


We usually use   supplemental room heaters at our places. The use of these heaters, such as wood and coal burning stoves, kerosene heaters, gas space heaters and electrical heaters, has decreased, along with the number of residential fires.

Even though there has been a decrease in fires associated with supplemental heaters, it is important to remember that about 120,000 residential fires still occur annually with the use of these heaters, or about 22 percent of all residential fires. These fires kill more than 600 people.

Annually there are thousands of contact burn injuries and hundreds of carbon monoxide poisonings.

                                                             Text 1


Wood Stoves

Прочитайте, переведите и выберите правильный ответ.

1. The wood stove or fireplace has been                   Yes / No

installed according to existing building

codes and manufacturer’s instructions.        

2. The chimney and stovepipe are checked               Yes / No

frequently during the heating season for

creosote buildup and are cleaned when


3. The stove sits on a non-combustible or                 Yes / No

on a code-specified or listed floor


4. Combustibles such as curtains, chairs,                  Yes / No

firewood, etc., are at least three feet away

from the stove.                         

5. Only proper fuel is used in the stove.                    Yes/ No

6. A metal container with a tight-fitting lid is           Yes / No

used for ash removal.



v Do not use wood burning stoves and fireplaces unless they are properly installed and meet building codes.

v Follow the label instructions on the stove which recommends an inspection twice monthly. Have chimneys inspected and cleaned by a professional chimney sweep. Creosote is an unavoidable product of wood burning stoves. Creosote builds up in chimney flues and can cause a chimney fire. To cut down on creosote buildup, avoid smoldering fires.

v Use a code-specified or listed floor protector. It should extend 18 inches beyond the stove on all sides. This will reduce the possibility of the floor being ignited.

v Follow the instructions on the stove label for proper location of the stove from combustible walls.

v Never burn trash in a stove because this could over heat the stove. Gasoline and other flammable liquids should never be used to start wood stove fires. Gasoline will ignite and explode. Use coal only if designated as appropriate by the manufacturer.

Words and word combinations:


existing building codes – существующие строительные нормативы

 chimney -   труба

 stovepipe - дымоход

non-combustible – негорючее

combustibles – воспламеняемые (вещи)

a tight-fitting lid – плотно закрытая крышка

heating season – отопительный сезон

ash - зола, пепел

unavoidable product – неизбежный, неминуемый

smoldering - тлеющий, раскаленный под пеплом



1. Составьте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям:

1. Only proper fuel is used in the stove.

2. Creosote builds up in chimney flues and can cause a chimney fire.

3. Gasoline will ignite and explode.

Text 2.

Kerosene Heaters



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