Fire Departments in the United States and other countries 

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Fire Departments in the United States and other countries


In the modern sense, fire departments constitute a comparatively recent development.

Their personnel are either volunteer (non-salaried) or career (salaried). Typically, volunteer fire fighters are found mainly in smaller communities, career

fire fighters in cities. The modern department with salaried personnel and standardized

equipment became an integral part of municipal administration only late in

the 19th century.

        In all industrial countries, fire fighters undergo training, beginning with probationary fire fighters school and continuing throughout a fire fighter’s career. Great Britain has several fire training centers. In Russia, fire schools are in Moscow and Saint Petersburg; Sweden and Denmark have similar schools. In some European countries fire protection and fire fighting are among the courses included in teaching safety engineering.


Words and word combinations:


emperor  - император

to credit -  ставить в заслугу, приписывать

corps -  корпус, служба

watchman (vigil) -  сторож, вахтер

to check -  контролировать, останавливать, сдерживать, препятствовать

to sound  - исследовать, испытывать, звонить

alarm - тревога, сигнал опасности

sign (n, v)  - знак, свидетельство, ставить знак

equipment  - оборудование, оснащение, снаряжение

ancient -  древний

bucket  - ведро

to deliver - передавать, отдавать, вручать

another (adj, pr) -  еще один, другой

ax -  топор

to remove -  перемещать, сносить, уничтожать

to escape -  избегать

conflagration -  большой пожар

hook  - крюк

rope  - веревка

path -  дорожка, линия действия

approaching  - приближение

to create  - создавать

firebreak  - противопожарная полоса

explosive -  взрывное устройство

available -  пригодный, доступный, имеющийся, используемый

insurance company  - страховая компания

to involve  - включать, вовлекать

to establish  - создавать, учреждать, предполагать

regulation -  инструкция

warden -  уполномоченный по охране (чего-либо)

to appoint  - назначать

thereby -  тем самым

sense -  смысл

volunteer (non-salaried)  - волонтер

career (salaried) -  штатный работник

municipal  - муниципальный, городской



Переведите  следующие слова и словосочетания.

Горящее здание, Великий Лондонский пожар, современная часть, правительство не привлекалось до 1965 года, в древнем Риме, ведро, предотвратить распространение огня, волонтер, три основные элемента процесса горения, в конце 19 века, оборудование, длинные крюки с веревками, передавалось из рук в руки.

2. Заполните пропуски словами, опираясь на содержание текста.

1. A firefighter fights these fires ……………………………….of life, property

and the environment.

2. Fire fighting …………of removing one or more of the three elements essential to combustion-fuel, heat, and oxygen-or of interrupting the ……………………………..

3. Another important fire-fighting tool was the ax, used to ……….the fuel and

 ………….. the spread of fire.

4. Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, ………………….. ……..were formed

by    insurance companies.

5. Firefighting is a highly………………. that requires professionals.

6. The modern department with salaried personnel and standardized …………….

became an integral part of municipal administration only late in the………………..


Phrasal verb: set

set about (doing) smth.приняться за что-то, начать что-то


         They set about their work at 9.

          I don’t know how to set about it.

set smth./to do smth. – заставить кого-либо приняться за


             Mother set John to work.

              Who(m) did you set to do this?

set out/off – 1) помещать, выставлять

            They set out vegetables for sale.

                2)отправляться (в путешествие, экспедицию и т.д.)

             They set out/off on their journey late in the afternoon.

              He set out early the next morning.

                  Turn off the light.

set up – основывать, учреждать, открывать (магазин)

                   They have already set up a new shop.


Составьте свои собственные предложения с фразовым глаголом: set


Lesson 2

Firefighting History

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In some cities a fire commissioner administers the department, other cities have

a board of fire commissioners with a fire chief as executive officer and head of

the uniformed force; in still other cities a safety director may be in charge of both

police and fire departments. The basic operating unit of the department is the company, commanded by a captain. A captain may be on duty on each shift, although

in some fire departments lieutenants and sergeants command companies when

the captain is off duty. Fire companies are usually organized by types of apparatus:

engine companies, ladder companies, and squad  or rescue companies.


Fire Alarms

Fire-alarm systems came into existence with the invention of the telegraph.

Today many communities are served either with the telegraph-alarm system or

with telephone call boxes. Most fires, however, are reported from private telephones.

Many large cities have removed all or many of their street alarm boxes

because of problems associated with maintenance and with false alarm transmissions.

Some boxes have been replaced with telephones. All alarms are then

transmitted to the fire stations. In large cities, alarms are received at a central

dispatch office and then transmitted to fire stations, frequently with the use of

mobile teleprinters and computers. Apparatus is dispatched according to the nature

of the alarm and location of the fire. Many modern departments are now

equipped with computer-aided dispatch systems that can track the status of all

units and provide vital information about the buildings where fires occur.

Typically, on a first alarm, more apparatus is sent to industrial sections,

schools, institutions, and theaters than to neighborhoods of one-family dwellings.

Additional personnel, volunteer or off duty, is called as needed. Fires that cannot

be brought under control by the apparatus responding to the first alarm are called

multiple-alarm fires, with each additional alarm bringing more fire fighters and apparatus to the scene. Special calls are sent for specific types of equipment. Mutual

aid and regional mobilization plans are in effect among adjacent fire departments

for assisting each other in fighting fires.

Fire Prevention

Perhaps more important than fire fighting itself in many modern industrial

countries is fire prevention. In Russia and Japan, for example, fire prevention is

treated as a responsibility of citizenship. Fire fighters in the U.S. are trained in basic

fire-prevention methods, and fire companies are assigned inspection districts in

which they attempt to prevent or correct unsafe conditions. Fire departments are

charged with enforcement of the local fire-prevention code and of state fire laws

and regulations.

Words and word combinations:


fire commissioner - комиссар-пожарник, специальный уполномоченный по

                           борьбе с пожарами

board  - правление, совет

executive - исполнительный орган

a fire chief  - начальник пожарной охраны

executive officer  - руководитель, старший офицер

uniformed  - одетый в форму

to be in charge of -  руководить

lieutenant - лейтенант

 sergeant - сержант (= warrant officer)

basic operating unit – основной действующий модуль (единица)

a captain – капитан

engine company - личный состав, обеспечивающий непосредственное

                        тушение пожара

squard – отделение, расчет, группа, команда

rescue (v, n)  - спасать, спасение

apparatus – 1)аппаратура, оборудование, прибор, инструмент

                2) органы

fire-alarm systems – системы пожарной сигнализации

replace - замещать

dispatch – сообщение

to dispatch (to send off) – отправлять. отправить

 a central dispatch office – центральный пункт оповещения

                                       (центральный диспетчерский пункт

frequently –  свободно

maintenance – техническое обслуживание, поддержание, содержание

vital  (concerned with life) - жизненный

responsibility – ответственность

citizen - гражданин

to treat – зд. относится (имеет место)

prevention - предупреждение, предотвращение, профилактика

to attempt- пытаться



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