Ключи к упражнениям по переводу с русского языка на английский 

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Ключи к упражнениям по переводу с русского языка на английский

С. 37. Упражнение 3

1. Cheek the program(me). 2. Cheek programs. 3. Let us cheek the programs. 4. Let him check the program. S. Help me (to) lift the block. 6. Let her help him. 7. Let them help us. 8. Let us check the text. 9. Let him check it. 10. Let me help you.

C. 48. Упражнение 3

1. The process takes place very seldom. 2. The changes proceed slowly. 3. I mean the plans. 4. He means the liquids. S. We use the method too. 6. She uses the unique equipment. 7. I have time to check the plan. 8. He has time to change the plan. 9. They have time to do the work. 10. He does the work well.

C. 63. Упражнение 1

1. Our points of view were different. 2. He is in his study. 3. To do it is to change his plans. 4. I shall be at home tomorrow. 5. Her task is to keep the secret. 6. He is my only friend. 7. It will be his only chance to help her. 8. We were glad to see her. 9. It is cold. 10. It was dark. 11. It will be hot. 12. Their schemes are good too.

C. 97. Упражнение 2

1. I shall agree with him. 2. He will answer very briefly. 3. He will answer the question. 4. I shall send the letter tomorrow. 5. I shall send letters every day. 6. It will take me five minutes to read the text. 7. We shall play a joke on him. 8. He will be a scientist. 9. We shall be in the room. 10. They will begin their work in two hours. 11. We shall begin our lessons at 3 o'clock. 12. We shall solve the problem easily. 13. They will solve the problem in two years. 14. We shall use their information.

C. 113. Упражнение 1

1. They will decide it themselves. 2. The design itself is very bad. 3. We shall build ourselves a new house. 4. We shall build the house ourselves. 5. He concerned himself with many difficult problems. 6. A new idea suggests itself. 7. We made up the plan ourselves. 8. They will do the work themselves. 9. The idea itself is correct.

C. 143. Упражнение 3

1. He knows much about it but I know much more than he does. 2. This method is more effective than the others. 3. His new book is far (much) more interesting than his latest book. 4. The more we read, the more we know. 5. The more we know, the more we want to know. 6. This thought is less interesting. 7. He drove the car much more slowly than yesterday. 8. She did the work as well as I did. 9. He made up the plan not so carefully as we did. 10. I have as many books as she has. 11. They have not so many devices as we have. 12. I am happier than all my friends.

C. 149. Упражнение 2

1. The book is interesting. 2. His latest book is more interesting than the others. 3. It is his most interesting book. 4. The more interesting a book is the easier it is to read. 5. This problem is not so easy as it seems. 6. Most probably he knows how to do it. 7. I do the work as well as he does. 8. We know both advantages and disadvantages of this approach. 9. This task is far more complicated. 10. To-day I have much less time to cheek the program. 11. The more you know, the more you want to know.

С. 173. Упражнение 3

1. I do not know the rule. 2. He did not know his name. 3. I shall not do it. 4. He did not do the work. 5. She does not love him, she likes him. 6. They did not like his decisions. 7. I shall not think of him. 8. They did not think about it. 9. We do not use these methods. 10. They will not use these data. 11. We did not use his information.

C. 181. Задание 2

1. These values may change. 2. We can do this work on time. 3. They must help us. 4. We need their help. 5. You ought to cheek the data. 6. They can solve the problem. 7. We may take these books. 8. He could do the work well. 9. She may answer the question. 10. You need not come here. 11. You need not go so early. 12. You ought to read the book.

C. 184. Задание 3

1. We shall be able to do the work. 2. We are to correct the mistake. 3. We had to change the reaction rate. 4. They will have to check the facts. 5. They were able to choose correct examples. 6. He will have to make a decision. 7. We shall be able to learn English. 8. They were to change the plan. 9. I shall be able to come on time. 10. We shall have to go earlier.

C. 211. Упражнение 4

1. What is (there) on the table? My book is. 2. What do you do after work? I go home. 3. Did you like the film? Yes, I did. 4. Did he like the girl? No, he did not (didn't). 5. Why are you always late? 6. Who will help him to do the work? I don't know. 7. Where shall we go tomorrow? We shall go to the Institute. 8. How much money do you have? I have little money. 9. How many books did you read last year? I read one book only. 10. Which of the books will you take? I shall take both (books). 11. Who made a mistake in this word? I did. 12. Who is (there) in the room? My friends are.

C. 219. Упражнение 2

1. They presented some articles on this problem. 2. Did they present any articles on this problem? 3. They did not present any article on this problem. 4. Now we shall take any article on this problem. 5. I know some girls in this group. 6. Some three hundred people attended the meeting. 7. No representatives of our organisation were present at the meeting. 8. Did you face any problems in your work? 9. We faced no problems in our work. 10. Yes, we faced some problems. 11. He may ask any question. 12. They asked some questions.

C. 224. Задание 1

1. He knew nothing about it. He did not know anything about it. 2. Nobody noticed the mistake. 3. He did not insist on anything. He insisted on nothing. 4. We shall not change anything. We shall change nothing. 5. I have no idea about it. I do not have any idea about it. 6. We shall not go anywhere to-day. We shall go nowhere to-day. 7. They could not understand anything. They could understand nothing. 8. Nobody attended the conference. 9. I did not see him anywhere. I saw him nowhere. 10. No one of them asked a question.

C. 228. Задание 3

1. There is only one way to solve the problem. 2. There will be many variants of the plan. 3. There is time to think. 4. There were many problems in our work. 5. There will follow change of the reaction rate. 6. There must be some points of view. 7. There appeared three different plans. 8. There was only one way out of the situation. 9. There took place a tremendous battle there. 10. There entered four men. 11. There remained only one man in the room.

C. 232. Упражнение 2

1. There were many people in the room. 2. There are some mistakes in the program. 3. There is only one plan at our disposal. 4. There must be a way out. 5. There will be many people at the meeting. 6. Is there anybody in the room? 7. There is nobody in the room. 8. There are no interesting ideas in this work. 9. There will be many young scientists there. 10. Will there be any attempts to correct the plan? 11. What is there on the table? 12. Who is there in the hall?

С. 252. Упражнение 2

l. We shall consider some problems dealing with this phenomenon. 2. We considered all determining factors. 3. He mentioned one of the factors determining the reaction rate. 4. The film following the lecture was not interesting. 5. The events following the conference were not of importance. 6. The resulting data are of some interest. 7. The data resulting from these changes will not be correct. 8. We considered factors resulting in these changes.

C. 256. Упражнение 4

1. Making the experiment we used two different methods. 2. Correcting their plan they made many mistakes. 3. Reading our report, he will check all the data. 4. We made a wrong decision, resulting in many mistakes. 5. We solved the problem, using all available data. 6. Considering the problems we deal with very complex systems.

C. 270. Упражнение 2

1. The work carried out last year in our laboratory is of great interest. 2. The method used is very reliable. 3. The data received from their laboratory proved incorrect. 4. The question followed by many other questions proved very difficult. 5. The paper referred to by the scientist consisted of two parts. 6. The information relied upon by these scientists proved incomplete.

C. 272. Упражнение 4

1. Unless corrected the document will prove useless. 2. When checked the data proved incorrect. 3. If done properly the work will be of some interest. 4. Once changed the plan was useless. 5. Good advice is useful if given in due time. 6. If used properly the information may be useful.

C. 274. Упражнение 5

1. I am interested in practical aspects of this problem. 2. He is concerned with the same problem. 3. My article will be devoted to a new aspects of this problem. 4. Such a method is not suited in this case. 5. The idea is recognised by everybody. 6. They are connected with many other laboratories. 7. He is concerned with some related problem.

C. 284. Упражнение 2

1. On changing the plan we shall make a decision. 2. We shall use the information in checking our program. 3. They carried out the process by using the new method. 4. We were for discussing the problem. 5. They will be against establishing the committee. 6. We obtained good result without beginning a new series of experiments.

С. 288. Упражнение 4

1. Our decision depends on changing the requirements. 2. I insisted on including the information in our program. 3. She will object to going abroad. 4. They were responsible for organising the meeting. 5. They succeeded in doing the work on time. 6. It resulted in considering the problem, 7. It resulted from considering the problem. 8. We began experimenting. 9. They continued listening attentively. 10. They stopped discussing the question. 11. I am fond of skating.

C. 289. Упражнение 5

1. The film is worth(while) seeing. 2. It is worthwhile seeing the film. 3. They could not help using the information. 4. It is no use using this information. 5. The book is worth reading. 6. The information is worthwhile including in the program. 7. We cannot help including the information in our program. 8. It is worthwhile considering his proposition. 9. They could not help considering this proposition. 10. It is no use considering the proposition.

C. 298. Задание 4

1. The problem was discussed by many scientists. 2. The investigation will be divided into two stages. 3. Their idea is supported by many. 4. Such course of events is determined by many factors. 5. Their task was specified long ago. 6. The phenomenon was investigated in our laboratory. 7. The work was done properly. 8. I was informed about the changes in our plan. 9. He was given the book to read. 10. They will be invited to the conference. 11. Our results will be applied by the authors of this article.

C. 300. Задание 6

I. The plan must be changed. 2. The investigation had to be divided into two stages. 3. His idea should be supported. 4. The work could not be finished. S. Their result cannot be applied in our work. 6. He could not be invited to the conference. 7. This test is to be conducted repeatedly. 8. The requirements must be met. 9. The plan cannot be changed. 10. Laws may not be observed.

C. 311. Упражнение 2

1. We have tried a number of methods. 2. An attempt has been made to correct the mistake. 3. They have used a numerical method to solve the problem. 4. The approach has been used since 1990. 5. They have presented two ways of solving the problem. 6. All the necessary data have been presented. 7. The phenomenon has been discussed many times. 8. Recently a new scheme has been developed. 9. The question has been understood by all. 10. Many mistakes have been corrected.

C. 312. Упражнение 3

1. They have left for London. 2. They left for London yesterday.

3. The information has been presented in his article. 4. The information was presented last year. 5. They designed the device years ago, 6. The device has been designed in our laboratory.

C. 320. Упражнение 2

1. They carry out many interesting experiments. 2. They are carrying out an interesting experiment. 3. The problems will be considered at the next meeting. 4. They will be considering the problem from 2 till 3 o'clock. 5. The work was done properly. 6. The work is being done properly. 7. It takes place often. 8. It is taking place-in the big hall. 9. I phoned when he arrived. 10. I was phoning when he arrived.

C. 326. Упражнение 2

1. We have designed some versions of the device. 2. The device was designed last year. 3. They have been working at the design of the device for some years. 4. They have learned three foreign languages. 5. He learned English in childhood. 6. I have been learning French since childhood. 7. He learned about it only yesterday. 8. We have made a decision on this problem. 9. We made the decision on this problem at the last meeting. 10. The program has been corrected. 11. The work was presented three years ago.

C. 345. Упражнение 2

1. He was a student of the Moscow University. 2. At that time he was in some other town. 3. It was due to the lack of information.

4. Our task is to maintain the conditions. 5. To do it is to solve our problem. 6, After due consideration the document is to be sent to the author. 7. It is better to give than to take. To give is better than to take. 8. They are solving problems of practical importance. 9. Our only aim is to maintain the proper level of understanding the situation.

С 359. Упражнение 3

1. To do it is to help him. 2. To do the work on time he is to begin it now. 3. The problem is too complicated to be solved at once. 4. We had to reconsider the program. 5. Our task is to meet the requirements. 6. We must understand each other. 7. To begin with, let us consider their proposition. 8. In order to understand the problem under consideration you must read the article.

С. 382. Упражнение 1

1. The man making (his decision was wrong. 2. The decision achieved at (he last meeting was approved. 3. Making this decision he referred to his article. 4. The discussion following his report was very interesting. 5. The report followed by the discussion was of no interest. 6. Reading my paper I mentioned his article. 7. The man reading the paper mentioned my article. 8. The paper presented at the conference was of great interest. 9. Taking into consideration the requirement we changed our terms. 10. The requirement taken into account by all the participants was met.

C. 387. Упражнение2

1. My friend being late, we did not go there. 2. The plan being changed, we could not fulfil it. 3. The plan having been changed, we could fulfil it. 4. We heard nine papers, all of them being devoted to the same problem. S. We used many samples, all of them having been tested repeatedly. 6. The weather being fine, we shall go for a walk. 7. We have invited two lecturers, both being the authors of interesting books.

C. 394. Упражнение 2

I. We are interested in being invited to take part in the discussion. 2. We are interested in his being invited to take part in the discussion. 3. This resulted in their changing the scheme. 4. This resulted in changing all the plans. S. I insist on the sample being tested repeatedly. 6. I rely on his assisting me. 7. 1 rely on getting reliable information. 8. I know of not being right in this case. 9. I know of his not being right in this case.

C. 412. Упражнение 2

1. We must take into consideration all his corrections. 2. They must have taken into consideration all his corrections. 3. It may have an unfavourable effect on their decision. 4. It may have had an unfavourable effect on their decision. 5. The requirement must be met. 6. The requirement must have been met. 7. The work need not be done. 8. The work need not have been done. 9. He should ask the question. 10. He should have asked the question.

C. 448. Упражнение 2

1. I could do the work tomorrow. 2. He expects that I (should) help him. 3. I would like to give him good advice. 4. It is necessary that we come to an agreement. 5. It is important that they (should) achieve their aim. 6. It is desirable that they (should) provide us necessary information. 7. He could have helped me. 8. They required that we (should) examine these data once more. 9. Read the text once more so that you could understand it.

C. 458. Упражнение 2

1. We want him to take part in the discussion. 2. We know him to have taken part in the discussion. 3. They take the value to be constant. 4. We considered the work to have been done well. 5. We expect programmers to write more local programs. 6. I consider the plan to have been made up correctly. 7. They proved the decision to have been made long ago. 8. He believed her to be loved by everybody.

C. 459. Упражнение 3

1. We allowed him to go. 2. It allowed the plan to be changed. 3. It led him to change his plans. 4. We shall make them consider our proposition. 5. We know how to get them to take part in the discussion of the problem. 6. This method permits our system to be used.

C. 478. Упражнение 2

1. The work is expected to be done in two weeks. 2. They are considered to have made a wrong decision. 3. He is likely not to have been invited to the conference. 4. The work was found to have many mistakes. 5. This work was planned to be included in the plan. 6. They may be assumed not have any other alternative. 7. They appear to have corrected the mistake. 8. They are sure to come. 9. They are likely to have left for London. 10. The above fact may be seen not to be of any interest.

C. 502. Упражнение 2

1. If 1 had money I should buy some books. 2. If they needed our assistance we should help them. 3. If we learned all about the plan we should adopt it. 4. They could understand her ideas if she could express them clearly. 5. If it were possible we should change some terms. 6. These data might be included in the table if they were valid. 7. If he did not come I would be free.

C. 503. Упражнение 3

1. If I had had money I should have bought some books. 2. Had they needed our assistance we should have helped them. 3. If we had learned all about the plan we should have adopted it. 4. They could have understood her ideas had she expressed them clearly. 5. Had it been possible we should have changed some terms. 6. These data might have been included in the table had they been valid. 7. If he had not come I would have been free.


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