Olaf and Pedro Discuss their plans 

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Olaf and Pedro Discuss their plans

P e d r o: How much longer are you staying in England, Olaf? 01a f: Well, I don't quite know, but I shall be here for ano­

ther year at any rate, probably two years.

P e d r o: That's good. I shall be here for at least another year.

01a f: What are you going to do when you leave Mr. Priest­ ley's?

P e d r o: I want to go to Cambridge. I discussed all this with my father before I left home and he said that he wanted me to spend a year in Paris and a year in Germany so that I could get a really good knowledge of French and German. Then he wanted me to spend two or three years with Mr. Priestley and try for an English degree at Cambridge.

01a f: Have you enjoyed your stay in England?

P e d r o: Oh yes, very much. If knew it would be pleasant but I didn't think I should meet such interesting people. But what arg you going to do when you leave England?

01a f: I am going into my father's business, a shipping com­ pany.

P e d r o: That will be very interesting.

01a f: Yes, I think so. At first I didn't think it would and I wanted something quite different. I thought life in an office was very dull.

P e d r o: What did you want to do?

01a f: I wanted to be an artist and paint pictures. I said that nothing would ever make me go into an office. "The only life for me", I said, "is a life of art. In a few years I shall earn fame and fortune by my pictures". Of course I was only fifteen or sixteen and hadn't much sense.

H o b: I painted a picture once. I showed it to an artist, Miguel Macasso, who had sold a picture to Uncle Albert, and do you know what he said about it? He said that my picture would hang in the British Museum long after Rubens and Rem­ brandt were forgotten.

01a f: Did he really?

H o b: Yes. But he added, "But not until they are forgot­ ten". Macasso was a funny fellow. I remember one time I was at his house and, as he looked through the window, he saw an old fisherman going by. Macasso thought the old man would

make a good subject for a picture so he told me to go out and tell the fisherman that Mr. Macasso wanted to paint him. I went. The man thought about it for a minute or so and said, "What will he pay me?" I said that he would give him two pounds. The man still hesitated, so I said, "It's an easy way to earn two pounds". "Oh! I know that", said the man, "but I am wonder­ ing how I shall get the paint off afterwards".

P e d r o: To come back to your story, Olaf, what did your father say?

01a f: Oh, he was very good about it. He said I could go to the best art teacher in Stockholm and have some lessons. Well, after a week or two the teacher told me that it was a waste of time for him to go on teaching me. "You will never be a painter", he said, "not if you live to be a hundred. Don't come for any more lessons. Go back to your office".

P e d r o: Well, that was honest enough, but rather hard on you.

01a f: Oh, I didn't mind. I told him that I knew he was right.

P e d r o: So you went to your father's office then?

01a f: Yes. My father was very pleased and said he wanted me to spend a year there to get a good knowledge of the organ­ ization of the business. "At the end of a year", he said, "you can go to my friend, Mr. Priestley, to learn English well". You see, we do a lot of business with England. He added that when I knew English well, he would arrange for me to go into an English firm to learn English business methods.

P e d r o: So I suppose that some day you will be managing a shipping business in Stockholm.

01a f: Well, my father said that in nine or ten years' time he wanted to retire, and he hoped that by that time I should be able to run the business.

P e d r o: That sounds fine.

01a f: Yes, I shall be very proud when I can write to you on paper headed:

Gustav Petersen & Son, Shipping Agents,


and say, "Come and spend a holiday with me in Sweden".

H o b: I must tell you another story about Miguel Macasso. One day a very wealthy American, Hiram Boost, came to Macasso - you may have heard of Boost, he's in films - and he said he had bought, secretly, a valuable 16th century "old

master". He said, "I know that the English Government won't let me take it out of England, but Ihave a plan to get round that. Iwant you to paint a picture - it doesn't matter what it is - on top of the 'old master"'. Hiram then explained that he could quite easily get Macasso's picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without damaging the painting un­ derneath. Well, Macasso painted a picture of a London gas­ works on it, and old Boost got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Macasso's painting removed. About a week later he got a telegram from the firm. It said: "We have removed the picture of London gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. When do you want us to stop?"

e::i Y nP A >K HE HHSI

I. IlpH,ZQ'MailTe npe,!UlolKeHHB co cJie;zyrorn;uMu cJioBaMu u cJioBoco'le­ TauHBMH:

1. at any rate

2. discuss

3. knowledge

4. degree

5. company

6. artist

7. fame

8. office

9. organization

10. method

11. manage

12. firm

13. plan

14. damage

15. get round

16. remove

17. down to

18. portrait

19. arrange

20. fisherman

II. CocTaBbTe Bonpocw, OTBeTbIua KOTOpbie co;:J;eplKaJIHCb Obi 3;:J;ecb:

1. I shall be here for another year.

2. I'm going to Cambridge.

3. Yes, I spent a year in Paris and a year in Germany.

4. So that I could get a good knowledge of the language and the people.

5. Oh, yes, I enjoyed very much.

6. He has a shipping office.

7. Because I thought it would be a terribly dull business.

8. He asked the servant what the artist would pay him.

9. Because he was wondering how he would get the paint off afterwards.

10. Oh, they were very nice about it, and let me take lessons.

11. He thought I should never be a painter.

12. Because we do a lot of trade with England.

13. He says in nine or ten years.

14. Because he knew the Government wouldn't let him take it out of England.

15. It doesn't matter what the picture is.

III. IlocTaBLTe cJioBa B npaBHJihHOM nopB,!J;Ke:

1. You in England are staying how much longer?

2. I here for another year shall be at any rate.

3. When you leave here to do what are you going?

4. Your stay here you have enjoyed?

5. With my father all this before I left home I discussed.

6. Pleasant it would be I knew, but such interesting people I should meet I didn't think.

7. How the paint I shall get off afterwards am I wondering.

8. A picture on top of the "old master" you to paint I want what is it it doesn't matter.

9. A telegram about a week later from the firm he got.

10. That my picture in the British Museum would hang he said after long were forgotten Rubens and Rembrandt.

IV. 3aMenuTe 0,11,uuM CJIOBOM cJie,11,yro"-ue cJioeocoqeTaum1. Bee ueo6xo,ll,HMbie CJioea eCTh B ypoKe. B CK06Kax,11,aua nepeaH 6YKBa CJIOBa H KOJinqecTBO 6YKB.

1. trade and the getting of money (b - - - - - - -).

2. not interesting (d - - -).

3. a lot of money: wealth (f - - - - - -).

4. to make up one's mind (d - - - - -).

5. to be unable to make up one's mind (h ------ -).

6. house or room used as a place of business (o ---- -).

7. to give up one's work when one is old (r- - - - -).

8. to get pleasure from (e - - - -).

9. to have in mind, not to forget (r - - - - - - -).

10. arrangement so that all parts work together well (o- -

- - - - - - - - -).


1. PaccKIDKUTe (nucbMemw ll.llU ycmno) a) o pb16aKe, KOTOph H ue xo­ TeJI no3upoeaTL, 6) o KapTHue XaupeMa BycTa.

2. IlepecKIDKHTe paccKa3 OJialf>a, npuee,11,euuL1ii B 3TOM ypoKe.


0TBeThTe ua BOnpOCbl K KapTHHKaM, HCDOJib3YH CJie,ll,ylO"-"e CJIOBa:

bag, bottle, fence, fall, empty, beak, milkman.

I Picture I. What is the woman carrying in her right hand? Where do you think she is

going? Do you think she will be away from

· home for an hour or two or a day or two?


What makes you think that? What is she hold­ ing in her left hand? What can you see near the door-step? Is that milk bottle full or empty?

Picture 2. Who are watching her? Where are the birds? Where is she putting the note? What do you think she has written on it? What has she done with her bag?



Picture 3. What is one of the birds doing? What is the other one doing?


Picture 4. What is the bird doing now? What is it carrying in its beak? How do you know that bottle is empty? Has the artist made it clear to you?


Picture 5. What is this man? What is he carrying? How many bottles of milk has he left on the door-step? Is it a full bottle or an empty one? What has he done with the empty bottle? Where are the birds? What are they doing?



Picture 6. Where are the birds now?

What are they doing? Why did they take

away the note? ... ·: 0

... I


A Teneph COCTaBhTe (yCTHO HJIH DHChMeHHO) paccKa3:




MbI MO)KeM rrepe,n:aTh qhe-m160 BhICKa3hIBami:e.il:BYMH crro­ co6aMH. MbI MO)KeM rrpHBeCTH ero Herrocpe,n:cTBeHHO. Ha­ rrpHMep: Pedro said, "I want to go to Cambridge".

3TO rrp5IMa5I pe% (Direct Speech). C,n:pyroli cTopoHhI, BMeCTO Toro, qT06hI rrpHBO)l;HTb BhICKa3hIBaHHe Ile,n:po, Mbl MO)KeM rrepe,n:aTh ero cne,n:yro111HM o6pa3oM:

Pedro said that he wanted to go to Cambridge.

3TO Herrp5IMM, HJIH KOCBeHHM, peqh (Indirect or Reported Speech). B ypoKe 2 HaM BCTPeTHJIHCh o6a crroco6a. BoT 3TH rrpHMepb1:


1. "The only life for me is a life of art".

2. "It's an easy way to earn two pounds".

3."I know that, but I am wondering how I shall get the paint off afterwards."


4. Pedro's father said, "I want you to spend a year in Paris and a year in Ger­ many so that you can get a really good knowledge of French and German".

5. He said, "Your picture will hang in the British Muse­ um long after Rubens and Rembrandt are forgotten".

6. He said, "In nine or ten years' time I want to retire, and by that time you will be able to run the business."


1. Olaf said that the only life for him was a life of art.

2. Hob said that it was an

easy way to earn two pounds.

3. The man said that he knew that, but he was won­ dering how he would get the paint off afterwards.

4. He said that he wanted me to spend a year in Paris and a year in Germany so that I could get a really good know­ ledge of French and German.


5. He said that my picture would hang in the British Mu­ seum long after Rubens and Rembrandt were forgotten.

6. He said that in nine or ten years' time he wanted to retire, and by that time I should

be able to run the business.

BhI, HaBepHoe, o6paTHJIH BHHMaHHe, qTo Bee rnaroJihI, KOTOpbie B rrp5IMOH pe CT05IJIH B HaCT05II11eM BpeMeHH, B KOC­

BeHHOH peqH yrroTPe6JI5IIOTC5I B rrporne,n:rneM.

The only life is a cmauoBumca The only life was

life of art a life of art

You can get a good cmauo«umca I could get good knowledge of English knowledge of Engl sh Your picture will hang cmauo«umca My picture would hang

I want to retire cmauo«umca He wanted to retire

M 3TO He y,r:i;1rn1neJihHO, IIOCKOJihKY MhlC006II1aeM 0 TOM, o qeM roBOPIDIOCh B rrpoIIIJIOM.

fJiaroJlhI will 11 shall MMeIOT <l>OPMY rrporne,ll;IIIero BpeMeHM would M should coorneTcTBeHHO. Ha rrepBh H B3rJIH,!l; KIDKeTcJI a6cyp,r:i;HhIM o6pa30BhIBaTh <l>OPMY rrporne,r:i;rnero BpeMeHM rna­ roJIOB, yqaCTBYJOIIIMX B o6pa30BaHMM 6y,ll;Ylllero BpeMeHM..IJ:eil:­ CTBMTeJihHO, Kor,r:i;a OJia<t> roBopMT "Iknow it will be pleasant in England'', OH rro,r:i;pa3YMeBaeT 6y,ll;Ylllee BpeMJI 11 rroJin3yeTcJI

rnaroJIOM will. Ho Kor,r:i;a OH roBopMTIle,r:i;po: "Iknew it would be

pleasant in England", OH Mh CJieHHO B03BpaII1aeTCJI B rrpoIIIJioe M roBOpMT 0 TOM, o 6nmo, BKJia)l;hIBaJI B CBOM CJIOBa IIOHJITMe

6y,ll;YIIIHOCTM. TaKoe 11crroJib30BaHMe rnaroJioB should 11 would

Ha3nrnaeTCJI «6y,ll;Ylllee B rrporne,r:i;rneM» (Futurein the Past).

Mn1)')Ke roBopIDIM, qTo rrporne,r:i;rnee BpeMJI (T. e. «6y,ll;Ylllee B rrporne,r:i;rneM») OT will - would, a OT shall - should. CJie,r:i;y­ IOII1Me rrpMMeph, Ha rrepBh H B3fJI5I,!l;, rrpoTMBOpeqaT 3TOMY:

Direct Indirect

"I am wondering how I shall He was wondering how he get the paint off'. would get the paint off.

"You will be able to run the He said that I should be able business". to run the business.

Ho should 11 would 11crroJih3yIDTCJI TOqHo TaK)Ke, KaK shall

u will.

BblIIOMHMTe <t>opMhlrnaroJIOB shall M will:

Ishall We shall

You will They will

He, she, t will

A BOT <t>opMhI should 11 would:

Ishou d We shou d

You wou d You wou d

He, she, t wou d They wou d

11o3TOMY B rrp11Be,r:i;eHHhIX rrp11Mepax I shall (1JI.) CTaHOBMT­ CJI he would, (3 JI.); you will (2 JI.) cTaHOBMTCJI I should (1 JI.). 06paTMTe BHMMaHMe, qTo rrpM rrepeBo,r:i;e 113 rrpJIMOH peq11


CJI. Harrp11Mep:


Pedro said, "I want to go to Cambridge".


Pedro said that he wanted to go to Cambridge.

Olaf said: "I am going into Olaf said that he was going my father's office". into his father's office.

The firm said, "We have The firm said that they had removed your picture of removed his picture of the the gas-works" gas-works.

11 e:w;e O,IJ;HO: KaBbPIKM B KOCBeHHOM peqM He yrrOTpe6JUI­




I.I lepeBe)J,uTe H3 KOCBeuuoii pequ B npBMYJO. He 3aoy)J,hTe nocTaBHTh K3Bbl'IKH:

1. Olaf said that he was staying in England for another year.

2. Hob said that his friend was a painter.

3. My father said that I could go to England for a year or


4. Olaf said that his father did a lot of business with England.

5. Olaf said that he could run that part of the business.

6. Hob said that he knew a man who was a painter.

7. The painter said that he wanted to paint the old man.

8. The painter said that he would pay him two pounds.

9. The teacher said that Olaf would never paint well.

10. Hiram Boost said that he knew the English Government wouldn't let him take the picture out of England.

11. Hob said his first impressions of England were connected with food.

12. Lucille said he didn't need to tell them that.

13. Pedro said that he wanted to go to Cambridge.

14. John said that he was up at Oxford.

15. Hob said that he would do the exercises later.

16. Mr. Priestley said that he would be surprised if they were done at all.

17. Mr. Wiggins said that he would never take Grandma out for a picnic again.

18. Jan said he had enjoyed his holiday in Switzerland.

19. Frieda said that he must come again.

20. Mr. Wiggins said that he was going to paint the sitting- room.

21. Timothy said that he wanted to help.

22. Hob said that exercise had a lot of sentences.

23. Olaf said that there were only thirty.

24. Hob said that he called thirty a lot.

25. Olaf said that he could do them in a quarter of an hour.

26. The schoolmaster said that I should be able to win the race easily.

27. I said that I would try my best.

28. Lucille said she was going to drive her friend's car.

29. Hob said that none of his friends had a car.

30. Olaf said he enjoyed travelling by train.

II.I IlepeBe;:uue H3 npHMOH pequ B KOCBeuuyro:

1. Hob said, "My friend is a painter".

2. Olaf said, "I am staying in England for a year or two".

3. Olaf said, "When you get to know the work of a shipping office it is most interesting".

4. Olaf: "My father does a lot of business with England".

5. Olaf: "Nothing will make me go into an office".

6. Hob: "I know a man who is a painter".

7. The firm said, "We have removed the picture of London gas-works".

8. Olaf: "I don't think office will be interesting".

9. The painter said, "I will pay you two pounds".

10. Hob said, "I want more breakfast".

11. The waiter said to Hob, "I will fetch some for you".

12. Hob said, "I have never eaten a bigger meal in my life".

13. Mrs. Priestley said, "I must go to the butcher's".

14. She said to Lilian, " You can come with me".

15. Lilian said, "I will go and fetch your basket".

16. Mr. Priestley said, "Sally needs some more fish".

17. Olaf: "There is no life like a painter's".

18. Hob: "I am good at painting".

19. Olaf said to him, "I never knew that you could paint".

20. Hob: "I paint only doors and walls and windows".

21. Lucille: "I want to go to Germany, so that I can get a really good knowledge of German".

22. Frieda: "My sister and I spent six months in Frankfurt, and we enjoyed it very much".

23. She added, "I will go back there some day, if I ever have enough money".

24. Olaf: "A knowledge of German is very useful in my father's business".

25. Mr. Priestley to his students: "I am going to give you an exercise on Indirect Speech. It will not be easy, but if you are thoughtful you can do it, as I have given you all the information that you need. You can look in your book if you wish, but I don't want you to ask anyone to help you".

III. Bb16epuTe npaBHJibHYJO lfiopMy rJiarOJia:

1. I said that I didn't (understand, understood) this sentence.

2. The porter knew that the train (would, will, had) be late.

3. The waiter said that there (was, is, had, are) no more bacon.

4. He said that I (should, can, could) be able to get some later.

5. Mr. Priestley told me that I was (speak, speaking, spoken) very well.

6. He added that it was hard to tell I (was, has, am) not an Englishman.

7. I said that he had (teach, taught, learned) me very well.

8. Pedro said that a man who (dressed, clothed, dresses) well, always got on well in business.

9. Mr. Priestley said that it always rained when he (forgets, forgot, forgotten) his umbrella.

10. Hob said he (knows, knew, had known) a funny story about that.



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